
Wednesday 31 October 2018

my Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, it wasn't quite as cold yesterday thank goodness, still a bit of a nip in the air, I didn't hear Paul scraping the car windows this morning so I knew it was warmer.  That saves him at least 10 minutes, after all the sooner he gets there, the sooner he is home!

Today's card is my Challenge card for this week, I have used the Dashing Deer die set from Stampin'Up! and a background stamp to create the gold dots. I have to say I was a little disappointed with the card, when I dug out my 'Flitter Glue' it had set solid, it looked like a Crème Brulee!
So I had to use this stuff I have had for years called 'Mica Boss' which is like embossing powder but looks more like granulated sugar, so it doesn't work great, you use Versamark or Perfect Medium to stamp with then add the powder and heat set, the actual bits are too big to stick to the versamark, frustratingly!  I had gone so far with my card that I didn't want to give up though.  I actually forgot to say that I was using Gilding Flakes (which is why I needed the 'Flitter' glue, believe me, by the time I had banged my head twice and almost got stuck half way in the under stair cupboard trying to get the Gilding Flakes I was not, not going to use them!  I have more Flake and Glitter Glue on order!!
But you get the idea I was aiming for, I looks better in your hand, I just couldn't get a great angle to photograph it so that all of the detail showed up.

Sue is coming over today, we are going to be doing some crafting, we may make our ATC's, Sue is also bringing something new for us to try which I am very excited about, most of all I am just looking forward to crafting with a friend.

It's been nice having the girls home since school had finished for them both, Lucy is looking for a job, something that she enjoys, it's a struggle logistically though as there is no public transport to or from anywhere near here, so they will rely on Paul to take them.  It's looking like Lucy might not be able to drive either because of the ongoing issues with her eyes, we are just awaiting another appointment, she has moved on to the Adult Eye clinic now and been referred to a new Consultant.

Sophie is going to start her own little business doing something that she can continue when she goes to Coventry University next year, her business will be Portraits, she is hoping to do portraits of loved ones, pets and at the moment she is doing a portrait of her boyfriend Lewis's new Mini Cooper, I can tell you its amazing already.  I am going to have to replace a good few of the lovely Derwent Coloursoft Pencils that I treated myself to though as she has worn a few of them down to a stump, as they aren't cheap I think I will get her some for Christmas, maybe just a set of the basic colours to top up the worn down ones, which were the black, white etc, I really don't mind, I am glad that they are getting used, I certainly would never be able to get the results that she does. I will leave links to her page etc when she gets set up so that you can see for yourself how amazing her work.  She worked very hard to get that A* A level Qualification, it would be good seeing it reward her back.

Having them home all day is costing a fortune though, the kettle/coffee maker is on constantly and they seem to always have their head in the pantry.  I am thinking of making them do a packed lunch the same as when they were at school, it's easy to lose track of how much you are eating when you just graze!  They don't tend to eat rubbish though, they are either making smoothies, using lots of fruit, both fresh and frozen, which I don't mind,  buying 5 mangoes a week is expensive though!  Sophie loves Avocado's too, so she has one of those most days.  I did put my foot down yesterday though, when they have their boyfriends to stay over they always want to cook some fancy breakfast for them in the mornings, I tried to explain that if we have sausages in the fridge they are usually for a meal during the week, so I don't want them used for a non necessary breakfast.  I suggested that if they want to do something like that they could all go together the night before and buy the ingredients, I mean I don't mind them using eggs, we always have eggs in, there is also ingredients for pancakes etc that they also like to make and waffles. We'll see if they listened I guess.

I hope that you all have a lovely day, will you be crafting ????

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card looks great. Such a shame shame when a card doesn’t end up how you’ve imagined it will.
    Good idea mentioning the food in the fridge to the Girls-fingers crossed they plan their breakfast ideas now.

    Managed some time in my craft room yesterday evening, didn’t achieve much though.


  2. Morning Everyone
    It is still very cold but no frost this morning so it must be a little warmer not that I can tell though.

    SANDRA- a lovely card today.Whether it's as we imagine before we start really doesn't matter just as long as we're happy with the end result.

    I must get my CC and ATCs finished/started today.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so pop in when you want/can. Hot breakfast (porridge) along with toast etc is already and waiting. Have a good day. HUGE HUGS -warm and snuggly- are on their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet hope you manage to get your CC & ATC's finished today
      Have fun 🤗 Xx

  3. Morning everyone,

    Another frosty morning here, both our car windows are so white it looks like someone has painted a delicate snowflake design on them.

    COPD check today then a quick visit to Milly-May to give her the Halloween items she picked out when we last went to the Range together before she goes to nursery.

    Then back to drawer clearing in my bedroom. Tiegan and Joseph had one drawer for their clothes when they used to stay over in their younger days. I looked in there yesterday to find Tiegan's watch and looked at the age labels. They are never going to fit them now so in the charity bag they will go. Then I will have all afternoon to craft and one empty what can I fill it I wonder? Hmmm?

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl ooo a empty draw. Now what will you fill it with I'm thinking something crafty maybe 😂😂
      🤗 Xx

  4. Hi everyone.
    Pretty card Sandra.
    Up to my eyes in inserts and cello bags for shop at the moment.
    Hugs to all especially Pat Pete and Lilian and anyone else not feeling so good.x
    Maria lovely news about finding a relative.x
    Love Valx

    1. Good luck with your inserts Val that's one job I don't like doing.
      Hug's xx

  5. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Wow Sandra I love your card such a beautiful raindear & background.
    Talking of glue the sizzix glue gun I bought well I wouldn't recommend it the glue doesn't give you a chance to get the embelisment in place before it's sets so they seem to fall off the glue sticks don't last you just put one in & blink & it's gone.I'm not at all happy with it,also the stand I bought that goes with it at same time it's very flimsy. It will have to do. I might have a look to see how much the Tonic one is that I had for 6 years before it blew up.
    CU is out today so I can get in craft room & put my Challange card together.& my second ATC's finished.
    Going for my shower now so Sending Hug's extra for Lilian Pat Pete & Maria.
    Love Lynda xx

  6. Morning all.
    Nice card Sandra. Have a fun day together with Sue.
    Don't know what happened to my comment yesterday but gone it is. Great fancy fold cards ladies. Wish I could get my head around to make something like it.
    Very cold morning, heating is staying on and blankets at ready. Hoping to do some crafting today but we will have to see. Didn't sleep well so a nap first before anything else.
    Have a nice day everyone, many hugs Maria xxx

  7. I love your card SANDRA. I have some Flake and Flitter glue that has probably gone solid I've had it that long! And some mica boss from Ali Reeve. I don't know if it would work in this instance but I have used a Quickie glue pen in the past with gilding flakes.
    Enjoy your crafting time with SUE - something new? How exciting!
    I meant to say yesterday that I loved the fancy fold cards you showed. Some of them looked very complicated - a bit beyond my means I think
    Out dancing again tonight but I hope to craft this afternoon. I struggle to make cards in the evening, especially now that it gets dark earlier and I have a daylight light!
    Sorry to hear about the hot glue gun LYNDA I'd be interested to see if you replace the Sizzix one with a Tonic one - a hot glue gun is on my Christmas list. Can you return the Sizzix one?
    Big hugs to everyone Take care xxx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely card, I hope to get my card done today. Have a good day with Sue & new venture. Good luck to the girls with their new ventures, I feel for Lucy & Sophie as I know what it was like living out in country & not having transport on
    Slightly warmer today thank goodness.
    Cheryl hope your hip is feeling
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love your card Sandra. You really have made the most of a very taxing situation, well done for sticking with it, great results.
    Hope you and Sue had a great day and the new venture was a success.xx
    Maybe you should put stickers on food in the fridge i,e Monday’s dinner OR hands off. Best of luck!!!
    Hugs Brenda xxx
