
Friday 5 October 2018

Something Floral for Friday

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and ready for a lovely relaxed weekend.

The blog has been really quiet this week with a few ladies away,  I hope you have managed to put your feet up Janet 😜

Today I am sharing two more of my lovely birthday cards :

The first is the original birthday card that Lilian sent me, I was lucky like the queen and got two, only because the original one came a little early.  
It has a beautifully hand stamped background in shades of blue, the corners have pretty filigree foil die cuts, the gorgeous focal element is a beautifully coloured floral vine, it looks a bit like a periwinkle we have in the garden. Finished with a pretty little butterfly. 
Thank you so much Lilian, I loved this card very much xxx

The second card today is a gorgeous card from our lovely Val, this card has a lovely backing paper in my favourite colour, the paper has a delicate script design running through it too. Now I have to say I have never seen Sue's 'Intertwining Circles' striplet used when die cut in decorative paper, it really makes it blend with the background giving more of a delicate design, rather than being at the front of a card as the main focus.  I love how you have designed this card Val, so much thought has gone into it, I also love sentiments on Vellum, I think that just look so subtle, not taking away from the decorative elements of the card.
Thank you so much Val, as with all of my birthday cards it will be treasured forever. xxx

We have a busy weekend planned, we are off to my mum's on Saturday, which will pretty much write off the whole weekend.  It will be lovely to catch up with my family though.  It will be good to see how mum is getting on since fracturing her spine, she has sounded ok on the phone, but we'll see when we get there.

Oh before I forget Stampin Up! Is celebrating World Card Making day, which I think was yesterday, so up until the 7th October they have some reduced basic card making items, so it's well worth popping over to my shop and having a look.  There are some fantastic goodies in the Sale Rack too,
let me know if you want anything, or you can order direct from the site, links are in the 'Contact me' section, scroll to top and click it.

Have a lovely Friday

Love and hugs to all of you



  1. Good morning all I am up a little earlier than norma as OH we’ds to leave early WOW! What a difference! It is so dark!
    Safe trip JANET
    My crafting friend NICKI is coming over to play tomorrow So thins afternoon I will be tidying my room a knot after the marathon from last Saturday
    Take care all xx

    1. Can I come too?? I hope you and Nicki have a lovely time tomorrow xxx

  2. Hi everyone,

    Back from my lovely week away and rearing to go ha ha.

    First of all a happy belated birthday to both Margaret and Lilian. Hope you both had a wonderful day ladies. XXX

    Quite a surprise seeing my card this morning as well as Lilians pretty one. I must admit the Striplet die I've used is my favourite one.

    I'm off to Craft Club today. We're making Christmas tags which should be fun so after my coffee I'm off upstairs to sort out my bag. Lynn and Paul are dog sitting for a week so I have the week to myself and have to sort out my own Christmas cards to take back to UK in two weeks. Will try my best to make a cc this week

    PAT hope everything goes well for PETE this week. Sending hugs to you both.

    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Love Valx

  3. Morning Everyone
    Two beautiful birthday cards Sandra.

    Well you can just imagine what today is going to be like in this house. It's the last day Jim is on duty this afternoon and so the car has to be packed this morning and last one or two little things to be picked up from the shops. I'll still be packing the overnight bag etc this afternoon and then both of us will be more than ready for bedtime and an early start tomorrow morning (06.00). I'll be absent for the next couple of days but hopefully in touch Monday. Fingers crossed that the power/internet is working. It's getting round to the time of year when power failure is very touchy lol.

    Have a good week-end everyone whatever you all have planned. I'm sure MARGARET will keep you all stocked up with goodies and necessities.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. I'll see you soon.xxxx

    1. Hope all the prep goes well Janet and have a safe journey.x

    2. have a lovely relaxing break Janet, you both need the rest, safe journey and I look forward to hearing your tales from paradise xxxx

    3. Have a safe journey Janet. Take care xx

    4. Happy journey, and have a relaxing time when you get there.

    5. Janet hope you a safe & trouble free journey & can soon relax in your

  4. Good morning Sandra &everyone
    SANDRA Two fabulous cards from Lilian & Val I love them both.
    Well home alone today so hopefully get CC done. I have a decorated a perfume box for mixed up Saturday so hope to photograph it & send it to Sandra.
    House work done washing out so the rest of the day is spent in craft room.
    PAT-hope all went well for Pete at hospital Big Hug's for you both xx
    VAL glad your week away was good & looking forward to next one soon. Enjoy your time to yourself while Lyn & Paul are dog 🐾 sitting.xx
    JANET hope you can relax for few hours today ready for your journey. Safe traveling hope you both enjoy sending Hug's xx
    MICHELE I hope your having a fabulous time Big Hug's for you both.xx
    SANDRA. Hope you find your mum well & on the mend. Safe journey for you & Paul. Hope you don't suffer too much with both journey's Sandra.xx
    SENDING big Hug's all round have a lovely day everyone.
    Hope this stay's put today as yesterday's comment vanished.
    Love Lynda xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Two Beautiful cards Sandra. Have a safe trip to your mum's and hope she is better.
    Good to hear you are feeling better Sue. Still nice weather but apparently it is rain forecast for tomorrow :(
    Karen, have a fun weekend crafting. Could you see what I sent you on Facebook ?
    Val, nice to see you back. Have fun at Craft club today.
    Margaret, I hope you are ok. Take it easy and rest when you can. hugs
    Pat- sending my daily hugs for you and Pete x
    Lilian, hope your cough is getting better. A lot of people around have sniffles and coughs, my husband included.
    I hope you all have a nice day and can enjoy whatever you do.
    I didn't make a cake Sandra but I went out this morning with a friend to Frost garden center for tea ,scone and cake :) Then back home for packing the suit cases up for our holiday. I will try to pop in but not sure at all how the wi-fi will be. Sometimes I can look in but not comment when abroad so we have to wait and see.
    I wish you all some wonderful Autumn days and hope colds and other bugs stays away incl. aches and migraines .
    Many,many hugs to you all, Maria xoxx

  6. Hello All, dull here today, but quite warm.
    Thank you for showing my card, as Sandra will tell you I sent it a month early.
    Val glad you had a good holiday and loved your card.
    I woke up feeling better so this afternoon, thought I’d tidy the garage, not a good idea, sore back and knees now.
    Hope to get my c card done tomorrow .
    Better go and get dinner, so I’ll see you all tomorrow.

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Late again have been having trouble with the internet today, yesterday it was google playing up. Think I have sorted all the internet problems 🤞.

    Beautiful birthday cards from Lillian and Val, I just love seeing everyone’s inspiring creations. Thank you Sandra for sharing. xx

    Have a safe journey tomorrow, hope Mum is doing well.

    JANET hope you are all organised for your trip to France, we will be with you all the way, well in our thoughts. xx

    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx
