
Saturday 6 October 2018

Mixed Crafts & Michele Tutorial



Good Morning Ladies,

In today's blog you can learn how to make a card like the Brenda and Karen made (above), as our amazing Michele has written a step by step Tutorial, showing you how to make it out of one piece of A4 which is amazing...……….

Michele's Card Tutorial

Take an A4 piece of card & cut I half as shown.

On one half fold in half then remove 1/2 inch strip as shown.

On the second half, score in half the score  again at 1/2 inch from the fold and 1/2 inch from the left hand side. This piece now should have score marks at 1/2 inch, 4 1/8 inch, 4 5/8 inch as shown. On the 1/2 inch piece on the left hand side-remove a tiny strip as shown in Red. This helps create a smoother, neater fold when the card is complete.

Turn the piece with the 3 score marks on it over as shown as cut a panel out-any shape can be used. Probably best to think what you want to use inside the Aperture before you cut into the card.

This is what the card should look like. Add Double Sided tape to the 1/2 inch strip and the 3 5/8 inch panel as shown.

Bring back the first piece of card .

You need to flip this over so the full size pice is the Front if the card and the smaller pice is now the Back of the card.

The smaller piece of card (the one with the 1/2 inch strip removed) is where we’re going to attach the folded/Aperture panel to.

On the 3 5/8 inch piece-add the piece with the 3 strips of D/S tape ensuring it is completely up against the fold in the centre.

If you flip the “unattached “ piece over (don’t fix this down yet) you should have something looking like the picture below.

 The centre panel is where you’re going to decorate. Keep checking that your image or Diecut scene is visible through the Aperture.

Once you’re happy with your Scene then this front panel can now be fixed down.

On the 1/2 strip to the left hand side of the Aperture was a piece of D/S tape-this needs to be fixed to the inside of the front panel of card as shown below.

Once fixed in place your card should look like this when opened.

The great thing about this style of card is that it folds flat to post!!

Happy Crafting,
Love Michele

Thank you so much Michele for going to so much trouble to design the card for this tutorial, so that if can be made with an A4 sheet.  I will definitely be having a go. I can't wait to see everyone else's designs too.  I really do appreciate the trouble you went to my lovely. xxxx


Lynda has been busy creating another one of her 'Altered' projects, this time its a box that Lynda has painted gold and then adorned with flowers, beads, pearl flowers, cameo brooches and some metal embellishments.  What was a plain old box is a centrepiece that has the real 'WoW' factor.
Thank you so much Lynda for sharing your project with us. xxx


I will get Janet's Challenge cards right this week, even has taken 6 days!!! 
Here is Janet's description of her second challenge card...…

''My second CC is a birthday card. The background is made from Creative Expressions texture paste and I used a stencil which I now cannot find!
The birthday sentiment is a die from 'The Works' and the flowers are from my stash. The leaf die is from The Works. The dies cost £3 each.''

This is the Canvas that Janet shared with me last week, it's amazing, I can just imagine hung on the wall twinkling in the light, those fairies are beautiful.
Here is Janet's description...…….

''The third is a mixed media picture which is a board  ready for use when purchased It was a pack of six from The Works..I painted the top half of the board with Crafter's Companion Sparkle Pen. I used Creative Expressions texture paste for the background. I again used the stencils which I cannot find. The horse die I bought from China a couple of years ago. The Fairy die is from The Works and the butterfly is from Dawn Bibby Buddy Crafts.''

Thank you so much Janet for sharing your work with us, that challenge card is stunning. I hope you have a smooth crossing and a safe journey, xxx

I have a couple more things to share but I think I will leave them until next week as this post is already really long.

We are off to Essex today, it's going to be a long day, I am looking forward to catching up with my family though, Sunday will be a very lazy day.

Have a lovely weekend ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning ladies,

    Lovely display of Janet's cards, Michele's tutorial and centrepiece is Linda's gorgeous stunning box this morning. well done to you all.

    We have awoken to a lovely sound earlier, the gentle pit-a-pat of refreshing raindrops, just right for the gardens and pot plants...not so good for the darkness broken by having the lights on so early in the day. Now I know Autumn has finally arrived and my eyes will be comforted by the glorious autumnal hues of tree leaves.

    I am off to a workshop tomorrow morning, I 'met' on Facebook someone I haven't seen for 35 years. Sam is the daughter of my friend Barbara who passed away 25 years ago from liver cancer. Sam now lives in Minehead but does Stampin'Up workshops in Watchett, we got 'chatting' and she has invited me to join her lovely group to learn new techniques.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone...

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I hope you have a good journey to and from your Mum's and that you find her much better now my lovely xx
    Michele, thank you for a great tutorial.I will definitely be having a go at it. I hope you are having a relaxing time X
    Lynda, you really make lovely mixed media pieces, I love the colours you have used too x
    Janet, what a pretty card. Have you found your stencil yet? Wishing you and Jim a safe and trouble free journey X
    Lilian it's good to hear you are feeling better, sorry that your joints didn't agree with you sorting the garage out though! X
    I have a lady's 60th birthday card to make for tonight. I thought her party was next Saturday so that's my day sorted. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  3. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sorry my comment disappeared yesterday. Your birthday cards from Lilian & Val were lovely. Safe journey today to your Mum
    Thank you Michele for tutorial will have a look later.
    Linda you are so clever your mixed media is
    Janet your 2 cards are lovely. Safe
    I am afraid the café may be open a little later while Janet is away, mornings I am a little slow.
    Maria have a lovely
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  4. OMG How brilliant Thank you Michele for the tutorial
    Your mixed media is gorgeous LYNDA I looked on FB .... was it the Craftstash message or have I missed something?
    Your card is gorgeous JANET I hope your trip to Marigney goes smoothly
    Safe trip your mum’s SANDRA and that she’s feeling better
    I meant to say yesterday that I loved LILIAN and VAL’s cards yesterday I love that Striplet too BAL
    NICKI is coming to play later - yippee! I need to make a card for work Sadly it won’t fill the cc brief
    It is miserable weather - perfect for crafting
    Take care all xx

  5. Good afternoon Sandra & everyone
    WOW THANK YOU MICHELE for your brilliant tutorial
    JANET love both your cards Have a safe journey without any hold ups.xx
    BRENDA & KAREN both your cards are stunning
    Thank you all for your lovely comment on my box.
    SANDRA Hope weather isn't to bad safe journey there & back. Hope your mum is ok. Have a lovely day with your family.
    CHERYL enjoy your work shop
    MARIA Have a fabulous holiday & relax it will do you the world of good ( I hope )
    Very dark today just debating wether to put the towels on the line as looks like it's going to rain. We have to go Tesco as soon as CU is ready. Think he will want a sandwich first as I'm waiting for him to say it's lunchtime 😂😂lol
    Sending Hug's for everyone
    Love Lynda xx

  6. Hi everyone,

    MICHELE great tutorial. Will have to try this one. Hope you're having a lovely holiday.x

    JANET your cards are lovely as usual. Hope the journey is going well.x

    LYNDA your mixed media is beautiful. You're so clever.x

    MARIA Have a wonderful holiday.x

    PAT hope you and PETE have a peaceful weekend.x

    SANDRA hope your journey to see your mum wasn't too tiring and you enjoyed the time you spent with her.x

    Just about to have my meal so I'll say bye to everyone. Have a good evening.
    Love Valx
