
Wednesday 10 October 2018

More Gorgeous cards....

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, those of you that have been under the weather I hope that you are on the mend.  

Janet it sounds like you are  properly settled in at Marigny, your undisturbed crafting afternoon sounded perfect.  It looks like the location of your house means you have nothing to listen to but the sounds of nature, no traffic noise etc.  So relaxing, just what the two of you need after all of the decorating you have been doing and J's hospital duties.  Enjoy every moment my lovely friend xxx

Now onto today's lovely cards.....

The first card is from Cheryl, its a stunning Art Deco card, the lady is a vision of elegance in her beautiful green dress, Cheryl has matched the colour of backing papers with the dress, so much attention to detail, down to the Art Deco Font Peel offs that Cheryl has used to personalise my card.
Art Deco cards have remained so popular in card shops, it's one of the few trends that hasn't changed over the years, it's easy to see why when you receive stunning cards like this.
Thank you so much Cheryl for such a beautiful Birthday card. xxx

The second card today was made by the lovely Lorraine, she set herself a challenge at the beginning of the year to send out as many Birthday cards as possible, she asked if she could send me a card and of course I agreed, I felt honoured.  When I opened the card I had a huge smile on my face, what a fantastic card, the whole thing is shimmery, everything you would expect from a Mermaid !!
Lorraine has used beautiful shades of blue for the under water scene, the Mermaid is so beautiful, coloured perfectly too, her hair really looks as though it has movement.  The stamp set that Lorraine has used is Stampin Up! 'Magical Mermaid' and includes the seaweed etc.
Lorraine I absolutely love my Birthday card, thank you so much my lovely xxx

Paul and I went to the Cinema on Monday Evening, it was a last minute decision ad we were going to go tonight but the showing we were going to was really busy and I am obviously restricted to certain seats, there were only 5 people booked into the 21.20 showing on Monday evening so we went for it.
The film we went to see was ''A Star Is Born'' which originally starred Barbara Streisand and Kris Kristopherson.  The new version stars Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper, well, all it was the most amazing film, I was so drawn in from the first moment that I didn't eat one of my sweets!!!  I loved every single moment, I bawled through most of the second half, it started as silent tears, trying my hardest to not let anyone know I was such a softie, there was no holding it back though, I was all but sobbing as the film came to an end. I was sceptical about Lady Gaga's acting but I shouldn't have been, she was incredible, her voice, well when she belted out the first 'big note' I hade shivers, that's how good it was.  

I will tell you all about Tuesday's 'fun' in tomorrow's blog !!

Sending huge warm hugs

Love too,



  1. Two lovely cards ladies
    A friend of mine went to see the film Monday and has the same opinion as you SANDRA She thought it was amazing I saw the Barbara Streisand one and totally fell in love with Kris Kristoffeson! In fact that’s a remake
    Went out dancing last night too I hope to do more crafting todayI need to catch up on some orders I was given on Monday
    Take care all I hope the holidays are going well and the nasty colds have cleared up Big hugs to everyone xx

  2. Morning everyone,
    Two lovely cards Sandra. Thanks for showing them.

    Off to crib today after a few weeks absence. Good my from who slipped and broke her arm won't be joining us. When she fell you banged her left temple and had to have stitches. A few days later she woke up with no sight in that eye. The hospital have said it's an infection in her optic nerve and her blindness is temporary but still pretty frightening.

    Thank you Sandra for letting us know about the film. I must admit I'm usually disappointed with remakes and wasn't going to watch this one but A Star Is Born is such a classic so on your recommendation I'll just have to see it.x

    PAT and PETE hope everything is going ok this week.x

    Gracie has just left to be clipped. She walked quite happily to the car but she won't be when the girl gets the electric shaver out. She's frightened of any electrical noise bless her.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. That's supposed to be ' Gill, my friend' x

    2. Good morning Sandra & ladies
      We have a lovely day but very chilly. Two beautiful birthday cards today Sandra.
      So pleased you & Paul enjoyed the film on Monday night. I hope to go & see it.
      I had a nice play in craft room yesterday trying to make CC two good ones but three ended up in the bin. I'm going round Margaret's this morning so probably won't get to finish my cards till tomorrow.
      Pat I hope Petes hospital appointment is going OK take care Big Hug's on the way. Xx
      Well better get cleared up then get showered. Hope you all have a good day. Hug's for everyone.
      Love Lynda xx

  3. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra 2 beautiful cards from Cheryl, thank you for showing us. I am glad you enjoyed the film.
    Waiting to see what you & Sue got up to
    Janet I didn't play yesterday just joined them to watch, I don't feel steady enough on my feet yet, it was lovely sat in the sun.
    Pat hope Pete is getting on with treatment, thinking of you
    Café open may be able to have door open later as it is supposed to be in low 20s, so come & join us.
    Sending love to all who need them love

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    How lovely you and Paul managed to get to the cinema on Monday evening. The film sounds brilliant, I have seen the original, and yes I seem to remember sobbing at that one too.
    Thank you for sharing two more of your birthday cards, CHERYL your art deco card is lovely, The colours are just perfect. XX LORRAINE Love your mermaid card, I think you are spot-on with this choice, because about this time of her birthday that’s just what Sandra was being, a mermaid in the sea - well she was on holiday and did go swimming in the sea! XX

    It’s beautiful day here was up early as I had a 10 o’clock dental appointment, I arrived early, to be told no your appointment is 10.30. I was positive it was 10am as when I made the appointment I said I won’t forget that it’s 10 on the 10th of the 10th I hadn’t taken my appointment card with me so couldn’t argue. Checked when I came home - Yes I was right! The dentist I saw last time has left and has been replaced by a very lovely lady dentist who I will be more than happy to see you again. I actually said that to her as I left.

    Such a beautiful day here, have loads to do indoors, but really feel I should be out in the sunshine and the fresh air.

    LILLIAN I’ve been doing catch up on the blog, sorry you can’t have your operation due to your AF. I sympathise with you. I have a frozen left shoulder with pains that go down to my hand. Due to my AF and medication all the doctor could prescribe is paracetamol and exercises. I think that’s why they have a pie landed on the kitchen floor two weeks ago.

    PAT hope Petes treatment is going well and he staying strong and positive, Sending hugs to both of you XX

    Hope everyone is having a lovely sunny day, sending caring hugs to those not feeling too well or under the weather, love Brenda XXX

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I was having such trouble trying to publish my comment, when it did eventually publish I saw it had manage to do it twice - Don’t ask..... technology is a wonderful thing isn’t it!

  6. Hello All, lovely and sunny here, but a chilly wind, might go and do a bit in the garden this afternoon. I have to get used of pacing myself.

    Been doing a load of ironing this morning, so I am caught up with all jobs for this week. So might get into my craft room later.

    Two lovely cards today, love the Art Deco , the mermaid is super.
    Sandra so glad you “enjoyed “ the film, think this the third remake.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian
