
Thursday 11 October 2018

If Hugs were Snowflakes......

❤Happy Birthday Danielle❤

Good Morning Ladies,

Today is Danielle's Birthday, please join me in wishing her a Very Happy Birthday, I hope you have a lovely day in the sun Danielle xxx

Today's card features Stampin' Up! ' Beautiful Blizzard' stamp set,  I just love the sentiments in this set.
To make this card I took a piece of Whisper White card and masked off a panel towards the top of the card using low tac tape and took some Night of Navy ink and blended it off the edge of the masked off area, I then took the stamps from this stamp set and randomly stamped them, using the same ink,  changing position of the stamp every time I stamped it.  
I dried the stamped area off with my heat tool and then stamped some smaller snowflakes in Versamark and added Silver Embossing Powder and heat set.  The silver just adds a touch of sparkle.
Next I stamped my sentiment in Versamark and added Silver Powder and heat set, I die cut this with the Layering Ovals dies, adding a Scalloped mat of Night of Navy card.  
Before I added the sentiment I put a strip of Night of Navy Ribbon and topped that with a piece of the Silver foil edged ribbon.  I put foam pads on the back of my sentiment and placed it over the ribbon.
I mounted my white card onto Navy, then placed that on a Night of Navy card base that had a mat of silver mirror card on it.
Now my fingers were itching to add a bow or something else at the bottom but my thinking for this card was 'Clean & Simple', so I settled for a few little sparkle gems!
What do you think ??

Frog or Toad.....

Tuesday morning started off calmy, I got up and pottered about, tidying some space in my craft room ready for Sue come and do 'messy play'.  I made a cup of tea and sat down for a bit to add some photos of my cards to Facebook, I opened out bedroom window as Milo and Bello were fussing to go out, they can't go through back door as Harley stays in the Utility room and lets just say the two or three of them don't mix.  They both went out and I went for a shower.  As I came back through the kitchen I heard Sophie scream, I went cold, my heart started racing as I rushed to see what had happened, all I could make out was her crying out 'I stood on it' oh god I stood on it'', I thought she had really hurt herself.  Then I saw she wasn't crying in pain, it was mostly laughter, I was about to go into my bedroom but she yelled out for me not to open the door, so I was stood in the hall dripping from the shower, wearing nothing but a towel round my body and another on my hair.  I had to go in, so I opened the door slowly and there it was.... a HUGE toad, sat just where I place my feet when I get out of bed!! Sophie had been going in my bedroom to use my deodorant, as usual (most of the time) she was distracted by music on her phone, walked in and placed her foot on the toad, she was rolling about on my bed holding her foot saying how slimey it was!   I tried to calm her down so that she could assist me in evicting our visitor, we had removed Milo from the scene as he was totally intrigued by him, giving him the odd poke to get him to hop!  How he managed to get it in without harming it is beyond me.  The toad was laid with its from 'hands/feet' over it's eyes, which tickled me slightly.  I went and fetched the dustpan and brush and gave it to Soph, who's first instinct was to call her twin! She went to go near it and it jumped, so dustpan and brush wasn't going to work, so I fetched a box, Soph was all but useless by now, I placed the flap of the box right up to the toad told Soph to touch its back to get it to hop in the box.  I will add that this whole time my heart was racing so hard that my hands were shaking, she couldn't concentrate and the next second the toad hopped over the box and.....under my flippin bed, which is a Divan bed ! There was no way that either of us were going to be able to do anything but wait for Paul or Matt.  By this time I needed another shower and a headache pill!  I have never been on such high alert while blow drying my hair, drying myself and getting dressed, all the time I was waiting for Mr Toad to poke out its head.  I was glad when I was done and could close the door.

Sue arrived which was a welcome distraction, she was as always my Knight In Shining Armour, after Matt got home he lifted the bed and Sue trapped the Toad in a box and gave it to Matt to release into the wilderness that is our back garden, luckily it hopped off into the undergrowth, seemingly unharmed.  
Thankfully this left the afternoon for Sue and I to play with alcohol and ink!  Sue bought some Sharpie Markers and the glossy paper and we started to play, I started off using Stampin' Blends, I then moved on to using the Re-inkers I use for the Baby Wipe Technique, we both got mixed results, we tried putting the colour onto Cling film, plastic food bags and the most successful was a piece of acetate as it didn't have any creases and folds.  I thought I would try adding some dots of my Gold and Silver metallic markers, they worked brilliantly, gives swirls of gold and silver in the blended colour.  It was a really fun technique, we both had a good quantity of successful backgrounds that we can make into cards at some point.  
I was glad it was a sunny afternoon though as I needed to throw the craft room window open to get rid of some of the fumes from the Rubbing Alcohol, I wasn't expecting that!  So always do it in a ventilated area ladies.
Thank you so much Karen for inspiring us to try the technique and Thank you to Sue to for bringing the glossy paper and the Sharpie pens for us to play with and for making the whole experience fun!
 So that was Tuesdays fun ! Wednesday was very dull in comparison, but I needed the rest! hahaha.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthday Danielle, hope you have a great day.

    Sandra-live today’s card-it’s beautiful. Your tale of the Toad is funny , glad you got it outside and could have some crafty fun with Sue.

    We got home late last night-would have been slightly earlier but we had a massive detour due to an accident on the motorway just at our turn off coming out of Manchester Airport. Had an amazing time, very relaxing which was just what we both needed.

    I’m looking forward to getting into my craft room though!


  2. Morning Everyone
    Yehhhh I've managed to visit early doors today.
    SANDRA a beautiful card and a wonderful thought of snowflakes being hugs soft and gentle and loads of them.

    You have certainly started my day with laughter as I can just see the antics with Mr Toad of Toad

    I completely forgot to comment yesterday so sorry but that's how Marigny gets to you. So peaceful and calm.

    I'm hoping to have another full day crafting as I've started to make a 'Memory Book' using the Tonic Dies which are so easy to use as all the hard work making the spine is made easy. Anyway when I've finished it and back in the UK I'll send you a picture.

    PAT I hope Pete is coping with his treatment and that you're doing well too.

    HUGS flying to all of you. Have a good day whatever you all have planned. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I’m glad to hear your enjoying your little bit of paradise.
      Pete seems to be coping well with his treatment. But apparently you normally feel ill when the treatment has finished. Fingers crossed this isn’t the case with Pete.

  3. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Danni Happy Birthday to you hope you have a lovely day.
    Sandra lovely card with the snowflakes. Sounds as if you had fun on Tuesday what with the frog & messy play. You can tell Sue is a country girl, nothing bothers her, well done
    LorraineI am sorry I did not mention you yesterday, your card was stunning. I was sorry to hear your news, hugs on
    I am early this morning have emergency visit to dentist I have broken another tooth.
    Café is open ready for you to visit.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  4. Hi everyone.
    Lovely snowflake card Sandra.
    Wishing you a very happy Birthday DANIELLE. Have a lovely day.x
    Sandra you did make me smile with your toad tale.
    Well done Sue and Paul coming to the rescue.

    Off out to lunch later but now I'm going to my craft room to make my cc for this week.

    Hope things are going ok for PETE, PAT. Sending hugs.x

    MICHELE. Welcome home. Glad you had a good week away.x

    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you enjoyed your lunch.
      Pete’s treatment finished today. But according to the letter they sent to our Dr re his treatment they might give him chemo next.

  5. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANNII 🎁🎉🎂🎈🎈🍸Have a fantastic day
    HAHA SANDRA you made me chuckle with your antics with Mr toad on Tuesday glad Matt & Sue got him out.
    Your messy play sounded fun can we see the results please
    SANDRA your card is lovely.
    We have Sun again but not sure if it rained in the night as the garden path is very wet.
    I'm on my own again after CU goes off to do a few jobs. So going to finish CC. Had nice day round Margaret's yesterday & she asked me if I would go with her to NEC said I would but haven't got a lot of spare money but would be a nice day out. She has just text to say she's bought the tickets from Hochanda.
    So looking forward to that.
    MICHELE glad you both enjoyed your holiday.
    Pat hope Pete is doing well with his treatment sending Big Hug's for you both xx
    Hug's for everyone
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Thanks for the hugs. They’re very much appreciated. I’m hoping you don’t have ant more problems and that your feeling better than you were. Give CU a hug from me as I missed one in Sept.
      Pete finishes his treatment today. However, we now need to go up to the JR to make sure his pacemaker is working properly.
      He’ll have to have scans to see what’s what but looks like they’re thinking of giving him chemo as well.

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card Sandra today. Love the snowflake stamp.
    Happy Birthday Danielle. I hope you have a lovely day with your family.
    Pete’s treatment finished today, so he bought his mask home.
    However we need to be at the JR by 9.00 in the morning to have his pacemaker checked over. I’m hoping this will replace his appointment in Nov.
    My Dr rang me yesterday re my hand and she’s referring me back to the Churchill with it. She also asked if I’d had my flu jab. I said not yet. So she said as Pete had had his I’d better go down on Sat morning to have mine done. Didn’t want me getting flu and passing in on to Pete.
    I do hope this treatment helps with his memory. It’s a bit disconcerting for him when he can’t remember where things are in the house, what people say and how to find his way somewhere when we’re out. Nor does he remember instructions when we’re at the hospital. He got lost in the hospital when I asked him to wait at the front entrance while I went to fetch the car.

    1. I am glad Pete’s treatment is finished but he’s obviously got other things that need doing I hope the pacemaker check goes well
      I hope you get your hand sorted quickly too
      An extra hug is on its way

    2. Thanks for the extra hug Karen. I was supposed to have an appointment within a two week period, seeing as my hand had already been treated for cancer. However, when I logged onto the referral site no appointments were available. I left a message for them to contact me. But I will keep trying.

    3. Oh Pat Pete has been through so much with all the treatments he's had. Hope pacemaker is working ok when you go for check up tomorrow.
      You take care as well hope your hand is OK. Love & Hugs Lynda xx

  7. Sound like you had fun ( not ) with your toad. Your cats do bring you lovely presents thought don’t they. Read you comment re Harvey the day before. You know my feeling re Harvey and Matt but needless to say I wouldn’t have been happy either.

  8. You did make me smile SANDRA That is one reason why I wouldn’t have a cat I would not be able to cope with their presents I hope Harvey is ok now too
    Happy birthday DANII
    Your card is beautiful SANDRA It really doesn’t need a bow, the gems are perfect
    My mojo is a bit tired today So I am just going to tidy my craft room a bit You never know I might find a bit of stash that I’d forgotten about to inspire me
    Take care xx

  9. Gorgeous card sandra. Thank you all for your birthday wishes xxxx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I’ve just lost a long comment, so will keep this brief.
    DANIELLE HAPPY BIRTHDAY I hope you have had a lovely day xx

    SANDRA Your snowflake card is beautiful. I hope you haven’t had any ‘gifts’ today.

    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx
