
Monday 1 October 2018

Monday TicTacToe Challenge

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Pinch,Punch first of the month, can anyone actually believe that we are in October!!!!

That weekend just flew by!  We got quite a bit done, which is always a good feeling I think, although I will be paying for it today.
We dropped the girls off at work and then went to the allotment, I took my laptop and was going to sit and do some shopping/research etc, but I just can't sit there and let Paul work, I have to do something even if it is a bit of light weeding.  Paul dug over a plot that we had previously grown potatoes on, we had loads 'self seed' this year so we decided to see what they were like, Paul dug and I sorted through and pulled them out, it's quite satisfying when you gather your own crops I think, anyway we ended up with a huge crop of potatoes, we don't quite remember what variety they were though so we will have to test them out this week.
We came home and Paul gave the front lawn its last cut and we pruned back some bushes, he managed to totally fill his new composter!
The time just flew by, so we ended up having a late dinner, Sophie had requested that we had Roast Beef and Yorkshire puddings, so that Lewis could try it, apparently he has always thought he didn't like it!!  I will let you know the verdict later.

I went for a TicTacToe for this weeks challenge as we have had some quite different challenges lately. I think that this is quite a good TicTacToe grid, as it has something for birthdays and Christmas cards, meaning that you can do the two card Challenge too. I will let you your imagination for the 'Shine' option, it could be anything from Mirror card to Gilding Flakes!
My mind is already buzzing with ideas, I hope that yours is too.
I can't wait to see what you all come up with.

I am going to be doing a bit of re-arranging in my Craft Room today, it just isn't working as it is.
I will then be having a go at some of the background techniques that you lovely ladies inspired me with in last weeks challenge.
I have prepared Sue to come ready to get messy on Wednesday too, so watch this space!!
(That's if I can actually get out of bed this morning)! haha

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Great Tic Tac Toe challenge for us this week Sandra. It has lots to choose from so there should be something for everyone.

    Lovely lazy day yesterday-it was our 24th wedding anniversary. We celebrated with a Chinese takeaway! I phoned my dad last night & he didn’t bother to ask about the wedding or comment on our anniversary which I was quite upset about.
    Today we’re off to get our holiday money then we’re going to see my Father in Law then we’ll get the suitcases out.


    1. Happy Anniversary for yesterday
      Shame your dad didn’t mention it but isn’t that a “man” thing They forget

    2. Happy belated Wedding Anniversary yesterday Michele
      Sorry your dad didn't mention it. As Karen said it's a man thing. I just Xx

    3. Happy Anniversary for yesterday Michele.

    4. Happy Anniversary. Hope you had a lovely day

    5. Happy 24th Wedding Anniversary Michele, Sorry your Dad didn’t remember it was your anniversary. I’m sure he didn’t do it intentionally, some men just don’t think!! Hope FIL was alright when you visited. Have a great holiday. xx

    6. Happy Anniversary Michele. Try not to be too upset with your dad, that's a men thing that they never remember dates. x

  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very Autumn like morning here in Sheffield.

    I useful Challenge SANDRA for this week.

    It's Mr Tesco this morning and Jim is on duty all week so it's going to be busy mornings this week.

    The CAFE is OPEN and the heating is on ready for you all.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Have a good day.xxxx

  3. It’s beautiful and sunny here but probably cold I haven’t been outside yet
    I’ve had a lovely productive weekend too - made six cards in total, a peg bag and finished two Kerry Lord animals
    The challenge looks good I really must get some more Christmas cards done
    Take care all

  4. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    My comment yesterday vanished again Grrr. All the challenge cards were amazing loved them all. Thank you Sandra for all your hard work doing such a long post of all the CC. Great Tic Tac Toe for this week's challenge lots of scope.
    We got our car back Saturday so pleased about that.we have sunshine this morning but very windy & quite chilly too.
    Lazy morning so far I'm home alone CU is going gardening so I'm off to craft room.
    Washing has just Finnished so better put it on the line.
    Hug's all round xx
    Love Lynda xx

  5. Hi Ladies
    Well I’ve had to change my passwords again as blogger wouldn’t let me post any comments. Great challenge Sandra. I do love seeing what the ladies make. It amazes me that no two are the same. Sandra’s just reminded me about Margaret’s and Lilian’s birthdays. I do have them on my calendar ladies but just haven’t been able to concentrate on making and sending cards. Sorry ladies. Hopefully I can remember to sent an e card.

    1. Don’t worry on my behalf, you have more important things on your mind.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra great challenge again this week, it just suited card I needed to make today, I will send photo in a minute. Sounds as if you had a productive weekend, you cannot beat growing your on potatoes or any other veg. xxx
    Pat please do not worry about a card you have enough to think about with Pete, hope the blood did some
    Brenda I feel for you, it seems just lately everything goes on the floor, but luckily not apple pie, & my favourite trick is forgetting to put water in
    Lilian hope your visit to cardiac unit was ok & they were
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hello All, bright day but very cold wind, still dried the washing well.

    My visit to cardiologist today was ok. He said nothing new your heart still races, as I said to him I am fully aware of that. Spent most of the time telling me about his 4months holiday.

    Sandra challenge looks good, maybe I’ll be able to do better cardthis week, still have another two days of antibiotics to go, so hopefully I’ll have more energy when I’ve finished them.

    Have a good, hugs Lilian

    1. Your card yesterday is stunning Lilian, yours always are. Fingers crossed you soon feel better, hugs x

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies, Great choices in this tic-tac-toe I’m sure everyone will be raring to go with this one.

    Your weekend sounded busy. Hope the roast beef went down well, we also had beef and all of the trimmings, it was lovely.

    Time to get the dinner on, it won’t take long as we have left overs from yesterday, I really don’t mind having the same again but always have fresh vegetables.

    Right dear friends time to move, enjoy your evening, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. I felt for you dropping the apple pie on the floor. He is a saint your John :>) We also had left overs today, some food do taste better the next day xx

  9. Hi ladies,
    You did have a busy weekend Sandra , hope you not in too much pain today. How did the roast beef go down ?
    Good CC for this week,need to make some more x-mas cards asap. I do not want the stress as last year Lol
    Busy day moving things around and nearly finished also with putting the stamps and new dies away in right folders, phu.
    Sending love and hugs to you all, Maria xxx
