
Tuesday 2 October 2018

Janet's Challenge Card and Happy Birthday Margaret

Happy Birthday Margaret ❤

Good Morning Ladies,

First of all today I would like you all to join me in wishing our Lovely Margaret a Very Happy Birthday. I hope you have a lovely day celebrating your birthday and year of good health and happiness to follow.  Love and hugs on your special day xx

Now onto Janet's cards that were meant to be posted on Sunday's Background Challenge post.  Janet created two very different cards that both have the 'WOW' factor!
I will add Janet's descriptions for her cards below:

My first CC is a letter 'C'  decorated with patterned paper which is enhanced with glitter on the snowflakes. The snowman is a stamp I have had for years."

My second CC is a birthday card. The background is made from Creative Expressions texture paste and I used a stencil which I now cannot find!
The birthday sentiment is a die from 'The Works' and the flowers are from my stash. The leaf die is from The Works. The dies cost £3 each."

Thank you so much Janet for creating two very special projects for this weeks challenge, those dies were a complete bargain at £3 each. Maybe you took your stencil to the kitchen or bathroom to wash the paste off and you have left it in there.  There is nothing more frustrating that finding something that you have misplaced.  I spend half my life doing just that, Paul says it's because I don't return things to their 'rightful place' when I have used them, (and yes he is right)!
Thanks again Janet and I apologise for missing them on Saturday, I will explain the reason they got missed below.

Ladies from now on can I ask you to send your cards and messages to this new email address:

We have had a Virgin (ntlworld) email address for more than 10 years but because when we moved earlier this year Virgin could no longer provide our TV/Broadband package (as they don't cover our area). We are no longer entitled to use their email service, despite the fact that we have 5 telephone contracts with them, costing about £150 in total, which we thought meant we could still use their email service.  While we were on holiday we started having problems signing into the email account, although I can still use it on my phone, which is where I have been downloading your cards and then transferring them across to my laptop via messenger, which means downloading and uploading everything about three times! 
I think this is why some cards went astray, I will sit later and email you all from the new email account so that you all have it.
We asked Virgin if we could have access to the account for 24 hours to contact all our online banking, bills etc but they said NO!  I can see emails on my phone but it isn't the full email service so I have limited access, its so frustrating! 

Anyway enough moaning, it's Margaret's birthday so let's all smile and enjoy the day!!

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthday Margaret-hope you have a fantastic day.

    Janet-what beautiful cards. I love the first one.

    Sandra-how very frustrating about your emails etc.

    All we need to do is pack the suitcases today plus I need to list a birthday card which we carried round all day yesterday. I can’t promise to call in while we’re away as I’m not sure where we’ll have WiFi plus the time difference will alter our daily routine. See you all next week.


  2. Morning Everyone
    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARGARET. Have a wonderful day with lots of wishes coming your way.

    Thank you for showing my CC.
    As you can see the second explanation doesn't match the second picture but it is for my second

    The second pic is a piece of mixed media which was sent for 'Mixed Sat'. As you can see I did use texture paste and I painted the background with Crafter's Companion Sparkle Pens. The stencils I've had for ages and yes I cannot find these either. The die for the horse is one I bought from China last year and the fairies are from The Works.

    We have a very windy start to the day here but at the moment at least it's dry.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all. HUGS are winging their way and should be arriving shortly.xxxx

  3. Happy Happy Birthday MARGARET Enjoyyour special day
    Hope the packing goes ok MICHELE
    How bloomin’ irritating SANDRA Loyalty to customers has really gone out of the window these days
    Love your cards JANET especially the second one
    Take care all I will pop back later xxxx

  4. Morning ladies,

    Many happy birthday wishes are being sent your way to hope you have a wonderful day Margaret.

    Rosie And I partook of a ramble around our village, we followed the footpaths until we reached the end part of what was once a public footpath through a field, which now contains 'executive' houses. For £450,000 I would want an executive house with a garden! Access to their garages are between two houses, and placed in such a way that their gardens are half the size they could be if some planner had amended his grandiose scheme. Anyhows, needless to say nobody in the village could afford to buy one even if they were desperate for housing.
    We found the end of the public footpath and discovered to our delight that we were closer to the weir than we thought. As we stood on the old narrow iron bridge, which is supported by two concrete columns) and looked out over to the weir, first one then another flash of brilliant turquoise blue flew under us, meant we had seen our resident kingfishers. What a lovely sight to behold! It's the first time either of us had had that experience.
    Now we just have the find the mythical otters that the new houses are collectively called after, Otters Brook. In all of the 41 years that I have been here in Cannington has anyone ever seen an otter. Our brook (apart from the weir) is too shallow for otters to live there, in most parts it is only ankle deep.

    Forgot to post my card for the challenge last week, I had so many days out with friends and family celebrating my birthday.

    This week's is already to be 'sent' to Sandra via messenger.

    Another decluttering day is planned my bedroom as the lovely hot weather we have for a few days has now turned very windy and grey looking.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. It’s a shame who ever named this development didn’t do a little more local research, I think a name that included Kingfisher (Close, Drive, Way, the choices are many) would be much more appropriate.
      Hope the declattering goes well. XX

  5. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARGARET have a lovely day. Are you doing enything special
    Well the rain has stopped & the sun has come out but very chilly.
    JANET both your cards are gorgeous love them.
    MICHELE good luck with your packing do you always take too many cloths or are you a sensible packer.x
    CHERYL glad you enjoyed your walk. It's a shame they have to build houses taking over the country side.
    Just got to pop up to Tesco as forgot a few things & to pick up our prescriptions.
    So better get a move on as being nagged 😬
    Hug's all round xx
    Love Lynda xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARGARET I hope you have a lovely day. Have you got anything planed? However you spend it I just hope it will be a very special day. XX

    JANET love your card, the big C is great, It did make me smile though, our oldest grandson used to say that when he was younger, you can’t use the C word until after my birthday, which is the 25th November!! It was a bit of a pain when trying to get ideas for Christmas presents.

    Sandra we changed from AOL to BT a few years back, I couldn’t face notifying everyone with the changing email address, BT said we could keep the old email address which saved me a lot of time and trouble.

    I hope everyone is having a good day, hugs Brenda XXX

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Margaret ! Hope you have a lovely day. Did you get any crafting "stuff"? many hugs for you and Pop.

    Michele- have a wonderful holiday ! We have spent the day in town for haircuts and bits we need for ours. Hope your packing goes fine. Are you following a list ?
    Cheryl- nice walk again. Never seen a Kingfisher live, how wonderful.
    Janet- lovely cards. That C look great. Take care.
    Hope you all have a nice day.
    Lorraine- hope you ok ? Liked your cc on Sunday. Take care.
    We have been in town since 9am this morning, quick visit to Ikea and then Asda for my flu jab this afternoon. Cat and Bunny to feed with a neighbour, always staying a little while to have a chat with Poppy the Cat. She is a old lady now with hardly any teeth,bless her.
    Hugs to everyone from a tired me xxx

  8. Hello All, wet and cold here.

    Many Happy Returns of the day Margaret hope it’s a lovely one, sorry forgot to say on email.

    Went for our flu jab this morning, but not allowed as still suffering from this virus, so have to wait until November.

    Janet lovely cards, mixed media piece.

    Not much else to say, hugs to all Lilian

  9. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra & all thank you for your birthday wishes, & all your cards which I have received. It has been a day of phone calls & visitors, now is the first chance I have had to comment. xxx
    Janet your CC are
    Sue has just left & hopes to comment later if not she says Hi.
    We are waiting for Chinese meal to be delivered.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love
