
Sunday 2 September 2018

Your Challenge Cards

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Another amazing Challenge from Michele, I think that this was a fantastic TicTacToe Challenge.
So without further ado here are your cards


OMG, Brenda was inspired by Karen's incredible card that I featured on yesterday's blog, the card has a fairly plain front and then you open it up to find a real WOW card.  Brenda has used the Stampin Up! 'Hearts Come Home' die set to create the 'Scene' in this card.
Categories used are: Blue/Die Cut/Patterned paper.

I absolutely love this card Brenda, can I share it on the SU facebook groups please?
Thank you so much for taking part my lovely.


Janet has made 4 amazing Challenge cards this week, two everyday and two 'Seasonal', I will add Janet's description below:



3. Seasonal Card I used DIE CUT/GLITTER/RIBBON


Thank you so much Janet for FOUR gorgeous Challenge cards.

Karen has made two lovely challenge cards for this week's TIcTacToe  …….

"Blue-Punch or die cut-ribbon
Both backgrounds printed from Serif The snowflake is an old Martha Stewart punchThe sentiment is from Ultimate Creations
For the second I was inspired by the mag Simply Cards & Papercraft and their free die I know LYNDA and a few others have this I think this is one of the few cards I have made that uses two separate colours if you see what I mean"

Thanks so much Karen, I love both of your cards, that Merry Christmas font is stunning!


Lilian has used the Categories Blue/Patterned Paper/Die cut for her challenge card this week, I know you made your own background which is stunning, how did you get that 'Shimmery effect' Lilian, it looks like a Mermaids Tail.
As always I love your card, thank you so much for taking part.


Lynda has made two stunning challenge cards this week for the TicTacToe Challenge.....

" My first CC  using pattern paper/snowflake /glitter

 My Second CC Snowflake /diecut/blue.

 Background I made using yupo paper & Blue Distress inks"

Two stunning cards Lynda, I love them both but that background you have created for the second card is stunning, I must try some Yupo Paper.
Thank you so much for taking part my lovely,


Margaret has also made two beautiful cards, the firs one I love everything about, Margaret has used some of  a 12 x 12 Laser Cut decorative Sheet that Stampin Up supply, its do delicate and beautiful against a plain background.
Margaret's second card was made using the Daisy Delight SU papers and matching Daisy Punch, which Margaret used to cut that amazing flower.
Thank you so much for sharing your cards with all of us.


Val has designed a stunning card for this weeks Challenge, using categories :  Dry Embossing/Patterned paper/ribbon,
Val I absolutely love that 'pop' of bright green, it absolutely lift that card, so beautiful Val, thank you so much for taking part .

Michele I hope you are as thrilled as I was with an amazing response once again to your challenge, thank you so much for setting the challenge and inspiring the ladies with your cards.
One more to go!! 

Ladies thank you once again for supporting the weekly challenges, I hope that you are building up a nice stash of 'Seasonal Cards'.  It's September now so no doubt selection boxes will be appearing on the Supermarket shelves very soon, then it will be listening to the Christmas carols as we shop!

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend, we had a lovely sunny afternoon yesterday, it has been overcast for a couple of days so we were all excited when it came out, we layed by the pool until about 4pm then decided to go onto the beach, they all got in the water then the three of them went back to the Mobile home while Paul and I stayed on the beach and watched the sun go down, it was lovely.  We rounded the night off by going to the Live Music Show, they had a fantastic band that sand everything from Van Morrison to Robbie Williams, so many people were up dancing, such a lovely atmosphere.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    Well we've had a good start to the morning - I had just finished looking at all the amazing CCs when the power went and so I'm now surrounded by house alarms going off. Definitely not what I want this morning.

    Thank you MICHELE for a wonderful CC this week and I'm looking forward to see what you have planned for tomorrow.

    The display boards look beautiful with all the cards displayed and again so many different themes. I'm so pleased that we don't have to choose a favourite.

    I was really lucky with my Seasonal CC in that I've already started my cards and am using blue/glitter/ribbon/silver etc for this year.

    The CAFE is OPEN waiting for you all to pop in and on the lunch menu today is Roast Beef so place your orders asap.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a really good Sunday. xxxx

    1. Hope your power stays on Janet.
      I'd love Roast Beef lunch please. I'll be there about two.x

    2. I’d like to have roast beef please with horseradish sauce and two Yorkshire puddings I’ll come along with VAL and I’ll bring a bottle of wine

  2. Morning Ladies

    WOW-what an amazing selection of challenge cards today, they’re all stunning. Thesbk you to everyone who joined in this weeks challenge . Fingers crossed you’ll all like the new challenge tomorrow.

    Had a lovely catch up with my friend yesterday morning then I spent some time in my craft room after lunch.
    Hopefully we’re going to do some weeding today but hubby is full of cold so we’ll see how he feels after lunch.


    1. It was a brilliant challenge and I’m looking forward to next week’s

  3. Hi everyone.
    Beautiful array of cards lades, all so different
    BRENDA love your scene card. Amazing that it folds flat.x

    Well I look like I've been 3 rounds with Mike Tyson and he won. My eyelid is so swollen and sore.

    Ladies I've added rats, spiders and woodlice to the list of unnecessary creatures. I'm sure there's a few more out there.

    Im in Lynn's shop at the moment as I'm helping Lynn clean yet another apartment shortly. Algorfa is still heaving with holiday makers. Good for business but I'll be glad when it's back to cleepy village life again.

    SANDRA it sounds like you're having a lovely relaxing holiday.x

    Hugs to all and poorly friends.
    Love Valx

    1. Thank you Val, I hope your eye is not feeling too uncomfortable. XX

  4. Lots of lovely cards and well done BRENDA in making a JM shadow box card No offence BRENDA but aren’t they easy to do I’ll definitely be making more of them
    Oscar stayed until about 3pm yesterday He was an absolute joy to look after We tried finger painting At first he wasn’t sure of the texture and it felt quite cold to touch but then really went for it!
    We went to a beautiful wedding reception last night and today we’re off to a picnic in a park near Palmers Green Lots of activities including a Salsa stage We’ll be meeting up with people we haven’t seen since last September!
    I hope you continue to have a lovely holiday and the days are filled with sunshine SANDRA It feels quite warm here at the mo
    I hope everyone with a few health problems are feeling better day by day Take care xx

    1. Hi Karen - None taken! Yes this card is just so easy to make. Like you this is my first attempt. My brain is now working overtime planning future cards.
      THANK YOU for introducing me to Jenny McGuire on YouTube xxx

  5. Morning ladies Gorgeous cards. xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra so pleased the sun appeared again & the Live Music Show sounded a perfect way to end the
    Michele thank you for a great challenge, some lovely cards, I particularly love Brenda's. Looking forward to this
    Val you have sympathy I always react badly to mosquitoes, in fact last time I had a bite it stopped me from going to France with a group from Petanque. hope you feel better soon hugs on
    Janet please hope I am not too late for roast beef & Yorkshire puddings, will join Val &
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Thank you Margaret. Look on YouTube, Jenny McGuire has some great videos. My card (and Karen ‘s) has the title of ‘shadow box card’ It really is so easy. It has to be if I can do it!
      Love Brenda XX

  7. Hi Everyone from a sunny and lovely day.
    Oh what a joy to look at all the fabulous cards, well done everyone. I have them saved so can go back and look at them often.
    VAL- hope your eye soon get better, bless you. Big hug
    LYNDA- hope your feet feel better and you manage to walk out with four paws and 2 paws CU :>)
    JANET- hopefully by now you got the power back and the house alarms have stopped. Beautiful cards.
    KAREN- have a lovely picnic and maybe some dancing. Loved to seen you and Oscar finger painting, it must been fun.
    BRENDA- love your card. Have a nice Sunday. Hope John and you are ok ?
    LILIAN- hope you have a better day and the weather down South is as nice as here in MK. Always love your cards !
    SUE- hope you ok and enjoying some of the nicer days.
    MARGARET- hopefully you got on well with the physio and you soon strong enough to be driving the car again. Many hugs for you and Pop.
    PAT- Thinking of you and wish Doreen and Pete are better xx
    I'm having another very lazy day and saving some energy for tomorrows Challenge for the week Lol. I do have some cards I must finish and send off so no more excuses whatever they are. Why do I feel so stressed about it when I do enjoy making cards, aarg!
    Have a wonderful day and many hugs winging it's way to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria make the most of your lazy day, hope you’re sitting in the garden enjoying the Sun. Hugs Brenda XX

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a fantastic display of challenge cards,, Michele I think this weeks tic-tac-toe challenge seemed to please everyone. Can’t wait to see what you set for us tomorrow. Thank you for stepping in and helping Sandra, I hope you have enjoyed the role of choosing the challenge of the week. xx

    It’s a beautiful day here sun is shining ant lovely and warm outside, I hope wherever you are you’re enjoying some lovely weather.

    Enjoy the rest of your day ladies, love Brenda XXX

    1. SORRY Sandra I didn’t answer your question. Of course you can use my card on you FB page. xx

  9. Hello again

    I have a question for Karen & Brenda...did you use the measurements in the video as it take 2 sheets if card or did you change them so the Shadow box card could be made out of one sheet of A4 card?


    1. Hi Michele, I used two sheets of A4 card, I cut them down to measure
      8 1/2” x 5 1/2” then scored them both at 4 1/4”
      I then cut 1/2” off the side of one piece.
      The second piece I scored at 1/2” then 4 1/4 and again at 4 3/4” ( this piece wraps around the first piece and forms the box. On the side you scored at 1/2” remove a tiny slither, it helps the box section lay down when folded) all you have to do then is cut your chosen aperture and decorate.
      Have fun, I’m sure you will come up with some great designs. xx

    2. I used the same measurements so it dies need two A4 sheets You could make the finished card taller (than 5 1/2 “) as you need two sheets However if any of you buy the Lidl card - 270gsm you can make whole card out of one sheet I think the 135gsm would work too because in fact the back of the card is two layers

  10. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    Thank you Michele for this week's CC looking forward to seeing next week's challenge. Hope Phil feels a bit better & the garden got done.
    Brenda well done with your card it's gorgeous xx
    MARIA good iuck with naxt weeks challenge I'm sure it will be fine. Hope your feeling better x I'm having a very lazy day still in PJs
    Couldn't be bothered to get dressed
    That's how I feel lazy or not. Well think it's not as I'm having a blitz in craft room getting rid of lots of rubbish I don't use anymore so given it to my neighbour she loves my rubbish well not really rubbish still useful.
    SANDRA Glad your still having a good time sound like yester was fun xx hop today's is too.
    Pat sending you Pete & Doreen some HUG'S XX
    VAL I hate Ants silver fish & earwigs What purpose do they have.
    Well better get back to tidying
    Hug's foe everyone
    Love Lynda xx
    Ps MICHAEL brilliant magazine reviews sorry didn't get in yesterday. Xx
