
Monday 3 September 2018

Monday Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Here we are at the start of another week, Michele has organised us all another Challenge, this weeks challenge is something completely different, you will love it.

Challenge No 3= Use something that Sparkles. Glitter, Gemstones or Gilding Flakes, Mirror card. 
or just about anything you consider sparkly, get out those glass beads you bought when Sue Wilson used them a few years ago or using double sided adhesive and adding glitter to a pretty background paper.  This challenge will be great for getting those Christmas cards started.

As always I can't wait to see what you decide to make, Michele has made you three amazing sample cards to get you inspired.

The first card is a printed image that Michele has added sequins and gems to to give it that super sparkly look, you couldn't fail to smile when you opened this card.

The second card has a die cut top with Gilding Flakes behind, they give such an amazing shiny effect, the photo does not do this card justice. I think you really get what you pay for with Gilding Flakes, just look how many colours are in that background, you can so many colour combinations too, I have one from Indigo with rich chocolate browns in with a lovely gold.

Michele's last card is a simple but really effective card, if my memory hasn't failed me that die was a magazine freebie, what an amazing freebie too. Michele has simply added glitter card behind the die cut front.  I love how it looks, I think it would look really good with those gilding flakes behind too, maybe die cut into Kraft card, oh I am in my 'Virtual' craft room creating it as we speak.

Michele, I am so grateful to you for taking over running the Monday Challenges while I have been away, you have done an amazing job, choosing three very different, interesting challenges.

We are in the last week of our holiday now, we leave here this coming Saturday and begin our journey home.  Sophie and Lucy made a little error, they thought that they were flying home on the day before we left, (so Friday the 7th), so we had planned to go drop them off, have a nice dinner out, enjoying our last day.  They have actually booked to fly home on the actual day we leave, so we will now pack the car, leave here, drop them off at the airport late afternoon and then travel on to our first hotel, which should work out ok, they may have to kill an extra hour or two at the airport, there are plenty of places to eat etc so I am sure they won't get bored.

Right I am off to enjoy these last few days,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning all,

    Michele thank you for this lovely challenge and your pretty cards today. I'm sure we've all got lots of sparkly stuff in our stash. Thinking cap on.x

    We have a terrific thunder storm about 4 this morning. Amazing lightening and torrential rain. It's all cleared this morning but everywhere looks lovely and fresh.

    Off to see the nurse this morning then a couple of hours crafting I hope.

    Sandra enjoy the last week of your holiday. Hope you get plenty of sunshine.x

    Hugs to all.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val, hope the nurse was more gentle than last time. xx

    2. Thanks Brenda I think now my leg is getting a bit better her poking and squeezing doesn't hurt as much.x

  2. Morning Ladies

    I hope you can all join in this weeks challenge-lots of occasions need sparkle, Birthday, weddings, Christmas!

    We did manage to get into the garden-Phil cut the grass then went inside as his head was pounding. I stayed out & weeded in the front garden as it was very messy. Pulled the bedding plants out & tidied up do it looks good now.
    I had a play in my craft room after lunch. Phoned my Dad in the evening then I finally figured out his to make the Jenny Maguire shadow box card using just one sheet of A4 card. If you want the measurements just let me know.
    Can’t believe the weekend is over already.
    Sandra-sounds like you’ll have a hectic last day away.


    1. Ooh yes pleaseI’d love the measurements Karenlotty

    2. Yes please Michele. I have been playing with a piece of A4 to see how you managed it. My job this morning is tidying the craft room - so it’s a great distraction!!! xx

    3. Yes please Michele.
      Good challenge this week thank you.xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    Well September has arrived and we had a good week-end to its arrival weather wise. Yesterday was quite warm so all windows/doors etc open all day and into early evening.

    MICHELE- a good challenge this week. Thank you.

    It's Mr Tesco morning and then I want to start clearing the hall/stairs etc in prep for decorating. It's going to be a slow job working just in the mornings. Gone are the days when I started decorating early morning and didn't finish until well into the night.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in for a chat and a cuppa. Have a good day everyone.
    HUGS should be arriving shortly with you all. xxxx

  4. Blogger is really playing me up Would’nt load etc Now I’m having to comment anonymously
    I have had a brilliant weekend Lots of playtime with Oscar ending with a picnic in a park near Palmers Green station with lots of friends
    I’ll be back later when hopefully Blogger will play nicely
    Great challenge MICHELE Yes I have this micro bead and all sorts of bling

  5. Morning ladies.
    Thanks for the challenge Michele, we coming to have glittery dinner every day this week hihi How is your Dad ? hope you had a nice chat.
    Off doing some food shopping this morning and OH standing at the door saying good bye so I get back later for a cuppa Lol
    Have a good day, many hugs to you all. xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra it doesn't seem possible it is your last week, just enjoy
    Michele thank you for another brilliant challenge this week, my brain is thinking about
    Lovely sunny day out today so hope to sit in garden later & do some cross stitch, this time of year is better for me as I do not like the sun when it is too hot. Hope you all have a lovely day.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Another great challenge Michele. I know we all have some or all of the bling, mirror card etc. It will be great to see everyone’s take on this challenge.

    Sandra it sounds as though Saturday is going to be a bit hectic, hope your first over night stop is not to many miles away. xx

    JANET good luck with the decorating, the hall and stairs are the worst part of the house to decorate, (in my opinion) they have a knock on effect on every room. It will be lovely when it’s finished!!! xx

    Better get back to my project..... tidying my craft room. I keep getting interrupted OH is dead heading and tidying the garden, he keeps calling me outside for my opinion, granddaughter had a lie in but has been up for some time now, so we keep chatting, at this rate I’ll never get finished.

    Hope everyone is having a good day, sending love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Good luck with the tidying. It's a never ending jobx

  8. Woo hoo! Blogger seems to be behaving now
    Enjoy your last week of holiday Sandra I have tried to send a link re the shadow box but she is easy to find
    I’m looking forward to working on this week’s challenge
    Double woo hoo! I popped into my local Spar shop on my way home from work and was browsing for the odd craft magazine they sometimes have In this instance they didn’t have any A very nice gent asked if I was OK Explained what I was looking for and to cut a long story short He has ordered the mag I’d like after showing him a photo from MICHELE’s review and if I ever want anything in future to just ask or phone him How nice is that!
    Take care all xx

  9. Hello again Sandra & ladies
    I did a longish post this morning & it wouldn't publish tried to do another no luck after the third I gave up.Grrrrr
    Great. Challenge this week Michele CU was out today gardening So I went in craft room & I have made two CC & one on the go will finish it tomorrow. Then finish tidying craft room started that yesterday. I'm trying to reorganise it. 😧.
    SANDRA enjoy your last week of your holiday sounds like Saturday will be rather hectic for you. Hope you will arrive at your first over night stop without any hold ups & not many miles away..
    Well hoping this will publish
    Hug's for all
    Love Lynda xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Its good to catch up on one beautiful cards. Thank you Michele for such lovely challenges and magazine reviews. I did buy the one with the wild animal stamps, sorry can't remember what it's called and dont know where it is to look! Couldn't resist the stamps they are gorgeous aren't they 😊
    Sandra, I hope you have perfect weather for the last few days, at least the girls and Lewis didn't book their flight for the day AFTER you leave! I bet it will be a bit of a squash in the car until you drop them off though but they are young and flexible, unlike us 😉 Selfishly I can't wait to see you home again though xx
    Val, I hope your eye is starting to go down now. A friend of ours only gets bitten on her face, and particularly on her eyes for some strange reason so she is used to looking like she has gone three rounds in the boxing ring! Her nerve endings don't work very well so luckily she doesn't find it too painful luckily! Anyway sending you healing hugs X
    I hope you are all enjoying the better weather again. It can stay like as long as it wants as far as I'm concerned.
    Re pointless creatures could wasps please go on the list.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx
