
Friday 7 September 2018

Something Floral For Friday

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

I have chosen another one of Pat's stunning Groovi cards for this week's 'Something Floral' feature, those flowers look so pretty in shades of violet/purple and yellow, like little pansies of violas.
Pat has then used her Ball tool and created an absolutely stunning frame around that central floral piece.
Pat's friend Carole designs these frames on her Silhoutte (cutting machine) and then designs the Groovi template to fit the frame, which is a really clever idea, it works beautifully too, as it really highlights every little bit of the detail of the Groovi Frame work.
Pat, thank you so much for making these cards and keeping them for me to share while I was on holiday, I am very grateful my lovely xxxx

Yesterday's adventure was to a nearby Water Park called Aqua Brava, to be honest it isn't something we have been bothered about this past few years as I would have had to pay the full price but not be able to go on any of the rides/slides but this year I emailed them explaining that our Children wanted to attend but I didn't think it was fair to have to pay 30 euros to sit and do nothing.  Surprisingly the emailed me back and said that as I was in a wheelchair they would let me in for free, so re relented,  on previous occasions we have dropped Becca and the girls off and gone and picked them up later but this time Lucy wanted a partner to go on the rides with and Paul enjoys them so we decided to give it a go.  I downloaded a couple of books onto my Kindle so that I had something to do while they were sliding and riding the waves!  We were a bit concerned about the weather but as we got closer to the park the sun came out and it was a glorious day, it was really quiet too as its the end of the season, so they didn't have to queue for more than 5 minutes for any ride.  We had a lovely lunch and I had a couple of trips around the 'Lazy River' or 'Rio Tranquil' to give it it's correct name.
Just as they were finished there were rumbles of thunder and lightning in the distance, the park is in the Bay Of Roses and is super close to the mountains, so I am guessing thunder storms are quite common.  I can honestly say that all four of them were totally wiped out by the time we got back, so it was a very quiet night.
Today will be a chill out day, we will also start to do some packing, as we are supposed to vacate the mobile home by 10am on Saturday, I do remember the chap saying that he has 17 people all leaving on the same day though, so I am hoping he will give us an extra hour.  Depending on the weather we will either spend a few hours by the pool or maybe go into a local town.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Pat-what an absolutely beautiful card, it’s just fantastic. I admire your patience as there’s so much detail on it.

    Well-it’s wet & windy here today, mich cooler. Hopefully work won’t be crazy busy as I need to catch up on a few things.

    I’m off to see a friend tomorrow morning-the one who is giving up card making as she has a couple of bags of stash for me, think it’s mostly patterned paper but it will be nice to see her & chat.

    Sandra-good luck with the packing today.


  2. Hi everyone
    PAT hope you and Pete are ok. Such a lovely card. So much detail, a real work of art.x

    SANDRA it sounds as though you had fun at the Water Park. When I first came over here I used to go on all the water rides and so enjoy them but now I'm quite happy to watch everyone else. I'm please you didn't have to pay to get in, I think these places are quite good at giving concessions to people. Enjoy your last full day.x

    It's Friday and that means it's Craft Club yeh.Dont know what to take with me today. M not organised as usual.

    We had a thunder storm during the night and torrential rain. It's stopped now but it's very overcast. The rain was forecast for the weekend but it's arrived early.

    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Hugs to all.
    Love Valx

  3. Morning ladies.
    Very pretty card Pat, a love of art. Hope all alright with you and Pete. Sending hugs x
    Great you got in for free to the waterpark and could be with the others. Have a lovely day and enjoy yourselfs.
    Michele- hope work is not too much and you can have a nice weekend. Wonder what your friend is bringing for you,nosy me.
    Off out with a neighbour this morning for coffee and I might push for a scone as I looked after their pets for a week,not being cheeky or anything is it ?
    Have a lovely day everyone and happy crafting, oh yes I did try the couhgt in crystal but havent got any wet inks so used mostly pixie powders. It came out alright I think so will make some cards some time.
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Good for you They are fun to do aren’t they Like you I don’t have any alcohol inks but have put coloured card behind the piece eg black or red sometimes That looks effective too

  4. Hello All, lovely sunny day here, if a little breezy.

    Pat , an absolutely beautiful card, you must have the “patience of a saint” would love to be able to do this, bought the basic set, but I think my hands are not up to it now.

    Sandra glad the family had a good time at the water park, hope you have a good journey home.

    Well have to go and tidy, as daughter and her hubby are coming for the weekend.
    Have a good day all, Lilian

  5. A beautiful card PAT That’s a brilliant idea using the Cameo to create a frame Not only does it beautifully enhance the Groovi but can also “hide” the glue-ing of the parchment
    Brilliant sunshine here but quite cold
    Have been at the hospital this morning to have eyes photographed My sight is still a bit blurry and the bright sunlight isn’t helping So I think I’m going to have a snooze
    Take care all

  6. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    PAT WOW beautiful card so pretty. You must have a lot of pacients. I still haven't even used mine yet so I must have a go now.
    Busy morning I did my ironing I have to sit down & do it as I can't stand for hour & half but now I have a back ache.Then I did the housework Terry has just got home. & had lunch. Now he's fell asleep. So I will have to wake him up soon as must go Tesco.not very exciting.
    SANDRA enjoy your last day relaxing for your long journey home Tomorrow & taking the girls & Lewis to the airport . The water park sounded like fun.
    ( not for me ) I think all the fun parks should let you in free if your not going on the rides. Like me I had to pay to get into Thorp park & I don't go on any rides but I still had to pay. Good luck with the packing. Good you haven't got the tent to pack away this time.
    Hope you all had a good day . Hug's for all
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
      Sandra sounds as if the girls, Paul & Lewis had a fun day yesterday, good to hear you were able to join them. Hope everything goes to plan
      Pat another fantastic piece from, how many hours does it take? Well done. Hugs to you &
      I saw the surgeon this morning & he was very pleased, the facture has healed very well & I can do what I am comfortable with & can drive when I feel confident. Sue & I went out for lunch to celebrate my freedom.
      Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret. xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    PAT what a gorgeous card, your Groovi work is beautiful. I really am in awe of your work, I haven’t got my head around mine. I always seem to have another idea I want to try out.
    Sandra your day at the water park sounds fun for the family, good on you asking why should you pay when you are not able to use the facilities. But also why should you be deprived of seeing your family enjoying the venue. Hope the reading was good. XX
    Sorry I’m late, just one of those days, Love and hugs Brenda xxx
