
Saturday 8 September 2018

Mixed Craft Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

Its our last day today so as you are reading this we will be getting packed up and on the road, well hopefully get packed up and have time to chill out for a couple of hours before we leave to take the girls and Lewis to the airport. I think though that once you are in the 'going home' mind set, you just want to get on and go, luckily our first hotel is that lovely place that we stopped at on the way down in Millau, Log Cabin in a lovely setting with views of the mountains.  They had the thickest duvet, with crisp cotton covers that you just want to snuggle down in, although it was really hot when we were there the air con in the room you still felt like you could snuggle down.  Which actually brings to mind another point and one of my travel tips, I always pack a 100% cotton sheet in our overnight bag, (along with pillows but thats just my OCD) mainly because hotels don't often have a top sheet, the first 2 hotels we stayed at didn't and they didn't have air con either, the rooms were stifling hot but I could never sleep with nothing over me, so we just pull back the duvet and put our own sheet on the bed, making it much easier to sleep and feel comfortable.

I will add that I scheduled this post a week or so ago so I haven't included any shopping you have sent me this past week, it will all be added to next weeks though.  Which I am glad to have on standby to make my first week home a little easier.

Any way enough of my waffle here we go with todays crafts/shopping...…


Danielle made this amazing hand bag with Winnie The Pooh themed papers from the Pound Shop. The papers were called the Christopher Robin collection, it unbelievable that they were just a £1 as they are beautifully foiled.
Danielle made everything from the bow on the bag to the display box, made from Every Crafts a pound Acetate sheets. 
The Bag itself is a Tonic Die called the Kensington Bag. 
I think that this is the most gorgeous gift boxed bag I have ever seen. Thank you so much for sharing it with us Danielle. 


Cheryl 'upcycled' this MDF Pizza box and entered it into their Village Fete Craft Competition.
Cheryl has covered the box with a beautiful background paper and then added so beautiful die cuts and a stunning arrangement of both Silk and Resin flowers with beaded sprays across that pretty Octagonal die cut.  A pretty resin bird and coloured Chip board letters add the final touches to this amazing box.  Cheryl received a 'Highly Recommended'' from the judges, which is a huge achievement for a first time at entering.  I bet you can't wait for the next one Cheryl.
Thanks so much for sharing it with all of us.


Maria went to the Stamperama show with Karen and Nicky a couple of weeks ago and she sent me a photo of her shopping.
Firstly Maria, I can't wait to see that Sleigh when you have decorated it, I just know it will stunning!
You have bought a lovely selection of paper roses Maria, have a look at 'Wild Orchid Crafts' they will probably work out cheaper if you buy a few. That lace you bought is beautiful too.
I look forward to seeing all of your craft projects my lovely, thank you so much for sharing your shopping.


Michele's first two shopping photos are of some amazing bargains that she bought as bundles from CraftStash for her Mum-in-Law's Birthday, the great thing about them is you get so much for your money, making an amazing gift.

Michele's third photo is of the incredible collection of craft goodies that she purchased with the £50 voucher that she won recently.  You have got some amazingly versatile stamp and die sets their Michele along with some essential glue and some lovely Sue Wilson dies.  Those Apple Blossom stamps and dies will be perfect for man cards, you can make Phil a Guinness Bottle and have it as a Bottle shaped card with those dies.  I love that embossing folder too.
Thank you so much for sharing your shopping with us my lovely.


Val went to a Bottle Decorating class a couple of weeks ago and this is the Amazing Bottle that she designed and created.  It is decorated with a lovely phrase and Val has added tiny lights inside the bottle which makes it a really lovely piece of home décor.
I absolutely love your bottle Val, you definitely 'ace' any different craft that you turn your hand too, I love seeing your creations.  I am also in love with that frame of cuteness beside your bottle!!
Thank you for sharing my lovely.

Thanks to all of you that featured in todays post for sharing your goodies with us.

Have a lovely weekend ladies,

love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Danielle -your bag plus everything else is beautiful, really gorgeous.

    Cheryl -your project is fantastic , so pretty.

    Maria-love your crafty shopping looks like an interesting selection, lots of lovely goodies.

    Val-your decorated bottle is lovely, what a great project.

    My M in L loved her birthday presents, she said it was so nice to get something that was a surprise.
    The third photo shows what I managed to buy with the £50 voucher I won (to use at Craftstash). The Apple Blossom goodies match up with some of the magazine freebies I already have so now I just need the time to use my new stash.

    I’m off to ses a friend this morning as she’s slowly clearing out her craft room & has 3 bags for me!
    Not sure if we’re going to visit my Father in Law this afternoon as Phil still has a cold so I’d rather we stayed at home.


    1. Thank you Michele, the papers used were ones I had been hoarding for quite a while. They're the ones you take out and stroke then put back and the leaf sprays were from an idea 'I'll see if I can make them too' from a larger spray bought in a craft shop. x

    2. Hi Michele, have a nice time meeting up with your friend. Your MIL is very lucky and so were you winning the £50, I like craft stach. Wishing Phil soon better so he can go and see his dad. xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very dull/grey and cold morning here in Sheffield.

    A lovely array of different crafts and good shopping this morning.

    Off on our usual Saturday shopping this morning and then we definitely need a quiet and restful afternoon. Decorating is taking a back seat this week-end giving us a time to recharge our batteries ready for starting again on Monday.

    The CAFE is OPEN and ready for you all. Fresh scones etc will be waiting for you this afternoon so help yourselves and don't forget all are calorie free lol.
    HUGS should be arriving with you all shortly. xxxx

    1. Have a lovely weekend with plenty of R & R. I'll see you this afternoon for a scone and a weak mug of tea, love them. Stay well xx

  3. Ooh DANIELLE Fabulous bag/gift We doesn’t have a Pound shop We have a Pounstretcher and I don’t think they do craft items
    Your box is gorgeous CHERYL and well done in achieving your award
    Great stash MARIA Very different to my shopping Which is probably a good thing because I just know that you have a “good eye” for things and I’d have bought them too!
    Some lovely items MICHELE Isn’t it lovely when we can buy surprises I love your stash The only thing I’d probably pass on is the SW scenic set as I’m no good at making “scenes” I struggle with “patterned” backgrounds too
    I love the bottle- the shape - the decoration- everything
    Well tomorrow is Harefield Hospital’s Fun Run where Gary’s family and friends meet up and take part as Team Gary It will be very poignant as it is hard to visit the hospital where he passed away but it’ll be lovely to have a catch-up This is the 10th year we’ll take part On our first one we joked with Gary that he’d be taking part the following year Sadly it wasn’t to be We also regret that in the days before internet we always seemed to have an appointment after the event not realising it occurred every year So today I will be checking to see if I have enough T shirt backs that we pin on the new T shirts for everyone
    Take care all xxx

    1. Hi Karen, will be thinking of you extra much tomorrow and sending you all a big hug. I liked your shopping too, oh my I could have spent a fortune that day but just had to bite my tounge because I know I soon was going to AP. Don't think I have an eye tho for much xx

  4. Morning ladies.
    Drive safe Paul and look after your very special cargo.100% cotton sheet and pillows hihihi Have a good journey back to Blighty.
    Lovely makes and shopping on show this morning ladies.
    Danielle- some great papers from poundshop, I never seem to find anything like it here. Love the bags.
    Cheryl- that is gorgeous, lovely made. Hope you ok ? hugs
    Val- love your decorated bottle with the fairy lights in. Pretty farme too, have you made it ? Have a nice day.
    Pat- hope you and Pete are alrigh and this day is a good one for you both, many hugs
    I wish you all a nice Saturday either seeing your family, crafting or just like me sitting in your PJ's and do absoulutely nothing (for a bit longer anyway with another mug of tea)Lol, feels a bit chilly in the house this morning
    Love Maria xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra hope you get girls & Lewis to airport safely & now are on the road to first hotel have a safe journey home. Thank you for showing all the goodies today, look forward to see CC tomorrow, I think it was a super challenge, thank you
    Danni what a lovely bag, & so cheap, I really must have a go at making
    Cheryl well done on "Highly Recommended" it is well
    Michele some lovely buys, no wonder MIL was pleased, & love your prize
    Maria you did very well at the show, look forward to seeing what you
    Val lovely decorated bottle, do you plan to do
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hi everyone,

    Gosh I'm late calling in today. Just one of those days. Had visits to two vets today. One visit to our normal vet and one to the vet hospital to have a small op. She's fine now though.
    Then I was late meeting up with my chatty friend for coffee so everything's just been a rush.

    Anyway fantastic buys and makes today.
    DANNI your bag is amazing. So professional looking. Just love the papers your used.
    CHERYL congratulations on being July recommended.
    MCHELE no wonder your MIL was delighted with her lovely gift and such great buys you got with your prize money.
    MARIA All your purchases are great. Just love the flowers and the lace.
    I do have plans to make more bottles but as usual it's just finding the time.
    Hope everyone has a great evening.
    Have a safe journey home SANDRA. x
    Lots of love Valx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a fantastic display again this week Sandra. Hope your return journey is going well, The traffic should be lighter as the schools have all returned and are into the Autumn term.
    DANIELL , your bag and display box are gorgeous. xx
    CHERYL, love your upcycled pizza box, brilliant idea. xx
    MICHELE what a lovely gift for MIL. You certainly got some great goodies with your win. xx
    VAL, love your decorated bottle, adding the lights gives is a lovely touch. xx
    MARIA, like your shopping, some great crafting items. xx

    Hope I’ve not left anyone out.
    I started this post at 3pm. Had so many interruptions.... Think I had better call it a day.

    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  8. Hello Sandra& ladies
    SANDRA hope you have reached your first stop now & hope the girls & Lewis got home ok.
    The gremlins where doing their cyber snatching again as my comment this morning has disappeared so hope this one stays put.
    DANNII I love your bag it's gorgeous & lovely papers you've used.
    CHERYL wow love your masterpiece it's stunning.
    MICHELE some lovely shopping no wonder your MIL loved her goodies.
    MARIA lovely goodies you've bought enjoy playing with them.
    VAL your bottle is lovely decorated well done
    SANDRA Safe journey tomorrow to your next overnight stop.xx
    Not done much today made a batch of Bolognese sauce & took 8🐾Up the park. I have felt very tired today & did nod off for a hour not like me God am I turning into CU. 😫😂😂.
    Looking forward to seeing all the challenge cards tomorrow .
    Hug's for you all.
    Love Lynda xx
