
Sunday 26 August 2018

Your Challenge Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Michele set you a great Sketch Challenge on last Monday and I was really excited to see what you all came up with, as usual you didn't disappoint...…..


Cheryl made two cards, following our extra Christmas card challenge, the first card is a pretty Birthday card using delicate lilac shades. Cheryl has finished the card with some lovely coordinating Embellishments.
Cheryl's second card is a lovely Christmas card, the background papers are beautiful and I love those super cute toppers.  
Thank you so much Cheryl for supporting Michele's challenge this week.


Our Janet made two beautiful cards, again following our extra Christmas card challenge, I love the intricate die cut design of your first card Janet, using black card with the silver Mirri card behind really gives that WOW factor.
Janet has used lovely red foil on her second (Christmas) card, those individual panels are lovely Janet and make a really lovely Christmas card design.
Thanks so much for two lovely cards for Michele's challenge.


Karen has also made two amazing cards this week, the first I love, it looks as though Karen has made a gorgeous blended Oxide Ink Background, then inked around the edge of the blended piece and mounted onto a complimentary coloured card base, three beautiful die cut butterflies embellish the card which has a sentiment that has been die cut and features a similar colour blend.

Karen's second card is a lovely Christmas card, I think that Karen has made a randomly stamped background paper that she has added shading around the edges off, (or it could be from Serif), a Creative Expressions sentiment on Navy background, the focal element is an embossed piece of card which has been embellished with three pretty Snowflakes.
Thank you so very Much Karen for taking part in this weeks Challenge.


First card: Distress oxide
Fired brick
Fossilised Amber stamp from stash

Second challenge card the panel is a die from wish with  caught in crystal
The  circles mermaid lagoon distress oxide & evergreen bough.

Third card is made with same colours as first, this time I used Stampin Up Very Vintage stamp.

Thanks so much Lynda for three amazing Challenge cards, I am loving all of the 'Caught in Crystal' cards too.


Margaret has made a lovely Christmas card for this weeks Sketch challenge, using Stampin Up Dsp and the Bell Punch.
Thank you so much my lovely for taking part in Michele's challenge.


Maria I love this Birthday card that you have made for this weeks Challenge, that paper is such a gorgeous shade of blue and I love the embossing folder that you have used.  Your sentiment is die cut and has such a pretty font, adding that little bird was a genius touch, such a lovely challenge card.
Thank you so much for taking part.


Val has made two fabulous Challenge cards for Michele's Sketch Challenge, 
The first is a really fun Christmas card, I just love those fun Girly images, perfect for teenagers and girlfriends alike.

Val's second card is a Thank you card, made in the loveliest shade of pink, with accents of green, those little toppers are lovely Val and your layout is beautiful.

Thank you so much for taking part in Michele's challenge my lovely.

Michele thank you so much for a fantastic challenge, I know that you will be blown away by the amount of amazing cards that our friends have made for this sketch. xxxx

Ladies you will love Michele's second challenge too !! 

We had a quiet day by the pool yesterday as it was very cloudy, we did go out to a local market in the morning too. It's just nice to all be relaxing though.  I am looking forward to getting in the sea though, it has been too rough up until now though, fingers crossed for calmer seas.

Have a lovely Sunday and rest of the Bank Holiday weekend.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Fantastic display of cards again ladies. Each one different but beautiful. Thank you Michele for setting such a lovely challenge.x

    Up and out early today as I'm helping Lynn get two apartments ready for holiday makers who arrive later today.

    Will try and call in later.
    Have a good Sunday everyone.
    Love Valx

  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very overcast and quite cool start to the day here in Sheffield.
    I feel Autumn is definitely on its way.

    Thank you MICHELE for your lovely Challenge this week.
    I'm looking forward to tomorrow to see what you have for us.

    I'm off to the Range this morning to choose some wallpaper for the hall/stairs and landing. Wish me luck.

    The CAFE is open as usual this bank holiday and today's menu has roast chicken with all the trimmings so place your orders.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day.xxxx

  3. Hello Everyone
    yep it's me again.
    I need some help PLEASE.
    Does anyone know/remember the name of the company that I and some of you bought MDF SHAPES/BOXES ETC from.

    I bought all my boxes/caddies/ind pad storage from this company and I cannot find anything with their name on nor can I remember their name. I'm wanting to buy again and for the life of me cannot bring to mind any resemblance of name etc. Please help if you can and put me out of my misery lol.
    HUGS xxxx

    1. Was it something like Fernli?

    2. I think it is Feeling, the place in Swindon that Sandra found a couple of years ago. Their prices are so much cheaper than anywhere else and the quality is the best. Hope that helps you Janet. Good luck finding some wallpaper today x

    3. Hi Janet,
      The website you want is
      Hope this helps.

  4. Like VAL Thank you MICHELE for a great challenge Each card is gorgeous
    I wish I could say that I’d randomly stamped the background on my Christmas card SANDRA but it’s literally a printed piece of card using an old MCS CD-ROM
    There’s a music festival on in Hertford today but I think it will really depend on the weather I can only describe it as a pub crawl (where you can have a lemonade or two) to watch/listen to bands
    I hope PETE is getting along OK and the painting of the kitchen is done
    Just about to run out of battery I’ll be back later x

    1. Hi Karen
      Love the cards however they were made.
      We had a music festival on the Leys in Witney last Weekend. Well Friday and Sat. Apparently it’s held on the Leys for a couple of years. Amy wouldn’t be interested ( 22 ) but Sophie ( 20 ) would but was working. She’s at Reading Festival at the moment. Hope she took her wellies with her.
      Pete is still feeling ok Karen but still has wobbly legs as he puts it.
      The kitchen is finished but Pete has to put the handles back on, all 17 of them. He’ll do it in stages I think.

  5. Morning Ladies

    WOW-what gorgeous challenge cards. Thank you all so much for sending in your cards. Late start for me so my routine has changed!

    We had a great time yesterday afternoon visiting my F in L-he was in a great mood, quite chatty. He was downstairs with Wendy (his wife) & Ian (my brother in law from Florida). We stayed there while Wendy opened her birthday presents, which she loved. We went back upstairs to Keith’s room & all had a drink then we played Dominoes. Keith played & was insistent that he could manage, which he did. Home by 7:15, quick change then our for a meal at the Indian restaurant in the village. Late back so we stayed up a while -I was watching the Hedgehog eating & hubby was watching TV.


    1. It really cheers you up when visiting a relative and see them quite buoyant

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A lovely display again for Michele’s challenge this week. Once again everyone if different.
    Very cloudy and windy today not to sure if it’s going to rain. Once again I’m cooking today. Just remembered that I’d bought some strawberries from Morrison’s, so we’ll have strawberries and ice cream for dessert. I also need to make a banana 🍌 cake. Then we’ll visit Doreen sometime today. Plus I need to do some ironing. Pete will need to pick me some runner beans and pull up some carrots 🥕. Runner beans aren’t so good this year due to the weather.

  7. That’s better with a bit of juice! I needed a break from the ironing too
    I made a Jenny McGuire project yesterday and for a first attempt I’m really pleased with it Will take a photo and send in
    Oh well cup of tea finished-thanks JANET for the tea and toast, back to the ironing!

    1. Hi Karen
      Sounds interesting a Jenny McGuire project. I’ll be interested to see what that is. Grrr blogger has now decided to play up again, but I’ll keep trying to post.

  8. Hello All, sorry not been around for a couple of days, been feeling rubbish, after effects of my fall I think.

    Michele sorry for not doing a card this week, will try and get one done for the new challenge.

    What a super lot of cards, all so very different.

    Sandra glad you are having a lovely time, hope you get in for a dip soon.

    It’s cold and wet and windy, they keep saying it’s going to be hot again, but no sign of it yet, feels quite autumnal.

    Have a lovely day all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I’m sorry to here your still feeling poorly. I hope you’ll go to your Dr if your still feeling rubbish.

  9. Morning ladies,

    Beautiful cards for this week's challenge. It always amazes me how none of them is ever the same.

    A wet, delicious (for my garden) rainy day from the early hours of this morning has set in. I hope it clears for Wembdon Village Fete tomorrow or I fear I will have to cancel my stall. A day in the rain, albeit under cover, will not do my feet, knees and hips any good at all.

    Lovely day for crafting, I already have a few cards, to be posted, on the table waiting for the inserts and my computer has decided not to 'talk' to the printer again. I've had to write out my greetings instead and with this dampness pervading my arthritic fingers, I seem to have developed a spider's inky crawl across the page. Will have to wait until Jamie comes home this evening to sort it out again.
    Bothersome technology, it is fine when it works but less than useful when it doesn't.

    Enjoy your Bank Holiday weekend

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Some gorgeous challenge cards for me to enjoy. I love seeing the different interpretations each week.
    Lilian, sorry you haven't been feeling so good as you say it's probably a reaction from your fall. I hope you are feeling better each day now X
    It is very grey, wet and windy here again. More like late October/early November 😖 We are having a sort out in our bedroom today so.better get on now I've finished my cuppa. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you get in sea today. A lovely lot of CC again, thank you to Michele looking forward to what you have for us this
    Lilian sorry you have been feeling unwell, hope it passes soon, hugs on
    Pouring with rain & very windy here, definetly a day to stay in.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret. Xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and everyone in the cafe' today from a very wet and windy MK so it's nice to stay indoors with a cup of tea, some croissants and sitting here looking at all these wonderful cards on the board today. Love them all and so nice to see quite a few x-mas ones as well. Thank you Michele for the challenge and can't wait for tomorrows. Glad you had a nice time with FIL and the dinner was good. Hope you have a nice day crafting and the same to many of you today as we all seem to have a rather wet day.
    Hopefully it will be better tomorrow, especially for our Cheryl so you can set up your stall at the fair.
    Lilian- hope it is just the fall that have made you feel like this. Promise you go to the doctors otherwise and have a check up, we all coming with you if you are.
    Lynda- hope your feet isn't too painful, just take care. Hope 4 paws are happier now when the other little rascal have gone home.
    Brenda- hope you and John have a nice weekend.
    Pat- hope Pete starting to feel a bit stronger soon. Many 'warm' hugs to you both and to you all who are popping in to the Cotswold Cafe' xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Thanks for the hugs. Pete is feeling much better but is still a bit wobbly. Seems to lose his balance quite a bit and sometimes doesn’t walk straight.
      It’s also very wet here in Oxfordshire today.

  13. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Wow some wonderful cards on display again Thank you Michele for the challenge looking forward to tomorrow's challenge .
    A horrible day it's raining cold & very windy feels like winter is on its way.
    Woke up with a splitting headache this morning & can't seem to shift it so haven't done anything today. Could be having Hendrix all last week as he never stopped barking which also set my two off barking as well.
    MARIA thank you for asking I only hade my toe nails cut a foot clinic which did feel better as I can't do them myself. I was sent by my Diabetic nurse.
    How is your Mum & Dad hope they are both feeling better Big Hug's.
    PAT hope Pete is still feeling better.& well enough to put all 17 handles back on.
    Hope Doreen's feeling better when you visit later. Sending Hug's.
    SANDRA hope you get To go in the sea tomorrow not my thing I don't like going in the sea but you enjoy yourself. Are the girls & Lewis having a good time.xx
    I think I will go in craft room & see if I can shake off this headache.
    Hug's for everyone
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Fabulous cards today from you. I hope your headache has now gone. Karen ( Pete’s daughter ) has 4 dogs 🐕. Well she has 3 and Amber ( her daughter j has one. They make a hell of a din if they all start barking. Pete has been feeling much better over the last few days, but the 17 handles turned into 19 and they’re all on now. Doreen is feeling fine, I think the company helps, although her wound leaked through the night. So I’ve a bit of washing to do for her.

    2. Thanks Pat, glad Pete managed to do the handles wow that's a lot of handles.Glad Doreen's feeling a bit better. Not nice though her wound leaking is that normal. Is she home now then. Good luck getting her washing dry if you have same weather heavy rain all day& very cold even had our fire on Hug's xx
