
Monday 27 August 2018

Michele Monday Challenge 2

Good Morning Ladies,

Michele has chosen a TicTacToe challenge for you all this week, it's a fantastic one too, lots of choice and a great selection for making your Christmas cards as well as your everyday cards.
Michele has once again made two sample cards for you....
The first one is a really cute 'Twins' card, I believe that this is from a Kanban kit (maybe Hunkydory), I have it too, so does Sue I think and probably many others.
Michele's first card uses Categories: Diecut/Blue/Ribbon

Michele's second card is a lovely Christmas card, the sentiment looks like a 'Woodware' stamp that Michele has fussy cut, I love the Vellum wrapped around the card too.
Michele's second card uses Categories:  Snowflakes/Glitter/Ribbon

Two great Examples Michele, thank you so much for choosing the challenge and making the cards to inspire everyone. I am missing having my crafty stash to hand!

Have you all had a good weekend so far? What have you all got planned for Bank Holiday Monday, I hope the weather is good for whatever you choose.

We had a lovely day at the beach yesterday, the sea was still too rough for me to get in, its odd because its usually like this after a storm but we haven't had a storm.
The girls and Paul went in and Lewis and I stayed on the beach, he was wearing his contact lenses and as the sea was so rough he didn't want to risk get sea water in his eyes.  He has eyes that are super sensitive to bright light so he has to keep sunglasses on at all times bless him, it was nice to have someone to chat to on the beach though.

I look forward to seeing all of your Challenge cards and to hearing about your Bank Holiday weekend.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Hi everyone,
    Great challenge again Michele and two lovely cards. Something for everyone.x

    Another early start as I have a very early hospital appointment with the Dermatologist about this funny mark that's appeared on my cheek.

    Have a good day everyone.

    PAT good to read Pete's up to putting all those handles on!!x

    LILIAN hope you're feeling a lot better today.x

    Love Valx

  2. Morning Ladies

    I hope everyone is ready for another challenge-I think this one has some really good choices on it.

    Fairly lazy day yesterday afternoon finishing all the housework, played in my craft room then finished another book after dinner. It rained virtually all day, the forecast for today was strong winds but fine. Guess what-we have very strong winds & more rain. No gardening unless it improves.


  3. Morning Everyone
    A good choice for CCs this week MICHELE. Thank you. My little grey cell is already working overtime.

    Well I managed to get wallpaper etc yesterday from the Range and for the first time ever I came out of the shop with only two small craft items!!!!

    It rained all day and it wasn't just showers either. By the time we got home both of us were soaked and that was only getting out of the car (parked just a car length away from the shop doors) and then into the house. The first thing was the heating went on and stayed on until bedtime. I suppose it was a typical Bank Holiday Sunday weather wise. It's still wet and still very much on the cool side this morning so no going anywhere today.

    Now a big THANK YOU to KAREN/SUE/MARGARET for solving my problem yesterday re Fernli Designs. I should have asked much earlier in the week and saved all the frustration I had. I now have their page saved in my laptop. As you said their prices are so much lower than other shops.

    The CAFE is OPEN and cakes are available today -Lemon Drizzle and Coffee and Walnut so help yourselves. Remember all calorie free lol. Have a good day whatever planned.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with loads of extras for LILIAN today.xxxx

  4. The rain was terrible yesterday Typically my OH’s only day off! We didn’t go to the music festival until 9pm A friend of mine was playing at 9.30 The town was still packed and we had to queue for a short while to even get into the pub!
    I hope you’re feeling better LILIAN and that PETE carries on feeling better too
    Brilliant challenge MICHELE I am having a think and I need a few cards so hopefully I can use the challenge for some of them
    I’ll have a piece of coffee and walnut cake please as aOH doesn’t like either coffee or walnuts so I don’t get to make it!
    Have a great day ladies Take care xx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Sandra, oI hope the sea calms down enough for you and Lewis to go in for a dip. What is the temperature at the moment, it will definitely be much much hotter than here. It is still really windy, wet and quite chilly. Autumn has arrived very early it seems. Enjoy your day whatever you do my lovely xx
    Michele, a great TicTacToe for us this week with two lovely inspirational cards. I do have the Kanban kit from when I started crafting. It was a very good price and a lot of the papers and toppers haven't dated, I do often forget to use them so thank you for reminding me. I hope you have a nice day, doubt if you will get into the garden though unless you want to get wet! X
    Janet, glad that we helped you out. Its so annoying when you can't remember where you got things from isn't it. Please may I have a piece of lemon drizzle cake and a nice chat to all in the cafe today x
    I really need to get my ink pad sorted so must have a look at Fernli to see which unit will be best.
    Val, I hope you get an answer at your appointment today x
    Ladies, I would really appreciate your help. Please would you tell me what you find is the best way to store your non Stampin Up stamps. Mine are all muddled up in a tin at the moment which is such a faff.
    I hope you all have a good day. We are rearranging the bedroom as we didn't get it done yesterday. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

    1. I’d love to know too please Mine are randomly stored in a drawer

    2. Hi Sue, I found using the Stampin Up stamp cases perfect for stamp storage, you can slip stamp pack in front (they are just clear DVD boxes really). If not get your mum to order you some empty ones,

  6. Well ladies what a morning.
    Before I even went to the hospital I called in at my own GP to have a word with the nurse. I cut my leg quite badly a couple of weeks ago. Nothing new, my skin is so thin it rips at the slightest touch. Anyway this new cut has become infected so she cleaned it (omg I had tears in my eyes) and dressed it and I have to go back on Wednesday to change the dressing. Then I went to the hospital to see the Dermatologist. Went in pretty well straight away for a change. Anyway the outcome is, he wants another opinion and has referred me to his colleague. I don't know if this is good or bad but I just have to wait for an appointment to come through?
    Anyway just having a lovely cup of coffee then I think I'll go and have a relax in my craft room.

    SUE I bought storage folders from Amazon on Karen's
    recommendation. I don't them really great and they don't take up much room. I honestly can't remember who makes them but I'm sure Karen will remember.
    Hugs to all. Valx

    1. That's supposed to be " I think they're really great" x

    2. Oh poop I can’t remember which ones I suggested!

  7. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra pleased to hear you got to the beach yesterday, hope the sea is less rough
    Michele lovely challenge this week hope to have a go later. Hope the rain stops so you can get in
    At least it has stopped raining & a little brighter & warmer today.
    Sending hugs to all who need them particularly Val & Lilian love

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Great challenge today Michele. I wonder if any of my offerings will qualify. I’m glad to hear your having a restful time. But sounds like you have a fussy eater in your midst which makes buying food a bit trickier. Our friend who we went away with is a vegetarian, but had to fancy something. Which found finding somewhere to eat very difficult. I remember we went into a pub in the IOW, and all they had was fish and chips which she didn’t fancy. So 2 hrs later after looking at menues she had to have fish and chips. We mostly went half board after that and she mostly had salads and pasta.
    Pete is still quite well but is very wobbly on his feet. We’re putting that down to the steroids. Hopefully it won’t last to long before this clears up. Although he seems a bit worse today. He’s now sat in his chair fast asleep. I’ll need to wake him up as visiting at the hospital is at 2.00.
    I’ll have coffee and walnut is any is left as Pete doesn’t like nuts. I made a banana cake yesterday but it’s a bit stodgy as I cooked dinner at the same time and had to open the oven a few times.

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday to leave a comment, I did look at all your beautiful cards they’re all absolutely stunning. Had a phone call early in the day yesterday from our daughter in Essex they wiere popping over on a quick visit. It’s always lovely to see them, the quick visit lasted until early evening, made it such a lovely day especially as it was unexpected. I have to say I was really tired and sat down after they left and promptly fell asleep and I still managed to sleep through the night.

    Michele, What a lovely challenge this week and two beautifully inspiring cards to motivate us. You really are a star.⭐️

    Sandra I hope the sea calms down and you get to go in for a swim in. What a shame Lewis couldn’t go to swim with Paul and the girls. But I have to say what a sensible young man he is not to take chances, and lovely for you to have his company. Enjoy the rest of your holiday. xx

    Our granddaughter will be back her later on. Mum picked her and her friend up late morning in Reading, they were dropping friend off at her house then going back to there house ( hope she leaves the dirty washing there!) So I expect we’ll see her sometime before bed time. Work on the house is progressing slowly, I can’t see her bedroom being finished before she goes to University so she will definitely be here for another two weeks or so. We are going to miss her.

    Take care everyone,Love and hugs Brenda xxx

  10. Evening ladies.
    Thank you Michele for giving us a new challenge, hoping to get something together.
    Sandra- hope you had a lovely day and the sea was not too rough for you so managed to have a dip.
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx
    VAL- hope your leg will heal alright,be careful. It seem to take longer when it's hot weather, my breast took seven weeks to heal (don't ask) hugs
    Lilian- hope you had a better day. Take care
    Spoke to mum today, dad will have to change his pacemaker because of this blood poison he have and then been told he will have to stay in hospital for 4 weeks ! This to a man who can't sit still more then 5 min without doing something, that will be fun, not and mum is seeing her doctor tomorrow for her kidneys. I haven't slept very well so had to have a nap which turned into 3 hours long so dinner was late, oops. Football is on so I have been busy clearing out some e-mails, so many from craft and different magazines. I have stopped my Cardmaking & Papercraft, think I will miss it coming through the door so will see how long I can last for.

    1. No idea how my ending ended up under Sandra but that what happened Lol xx
