
Friday 13 July 2018

Something 'Fresh' for Friday Card For Global Design Project

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Well it's the end of another 'blog' week, they just fly by so fast, I have to say that I have really enjoyed every card I have made this week, some weeks I struggle to make cards to post, depending on how I'm feeling etc.  This week's cards have all been an absolute pleasure to make, I have literally sat at my desk and they just 'happened', no trawling the internet for ideas.  I think that the fact that I have made card for sketches or challenges helps as you have an idea in your head before you start.

I made today's card for the Global Design Project, this time it's a sketch challenge.  I chose to use a Stamp Set called 'A Good Day', as it has some lovely fresh summery images, perfect for this hot weather. I have tried to make it in mouth watering colours too, Lemon-Lime Twist, Mango Melody and Daffodil Delight. The backing paper is from the 6 x 6 Brights Designer series paper collection,
the base card is also Daffodil Delight.  I tied some Daffodil Delight Ribbon around my topper and added 3 tiny yellow pearls.
A Good Day Stamp set.

The image above is of the stamp set that I used, the little images are perfect for little tags, little 3 x 3 thank you cards, or grouped together like I have today.

The Air Tattoo starts today, well it actually sounded like it started yesterday, trying to have a conversation was difficult, so we are all going to learn a system of hand gestures very rapidly, I can see you all smiling, yes I can imagine the fun and giggles that it will cause too.
However noisy and frustrating it all is, I couldn't help but my blown away at the skill of the pilots of these aircraft that weigh goodness knows how many tons and they have them looping the loop and flying in the most amazing formations, it's an amazing thing to see.

I hope that you all have a lovely quiet weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    from a very sunny and already warm Marigny.

    Well we're nearly ready to close the doors and lock up and make our way to Calais today and then sail tomorrow.

    I probably won't get into the CAFE until Sunday so have a good week-end and enjoy whatever your plans are.
    SANDRA- I hope it's not too upsetting and don't forget your 'ear defenders' so that you all should have a lovely time signing to each other.

    HUGS are crossing the Channel for you all.xxxx

    1. Have a safe and trouble free journey home Janet.x

    2. Hi Janet. Wishing you and Jim a safe and trouble free journey x

    3. Wishing you & Jim a Safe journey Janet. Hug's Xx

    4. Drive carefully and safe travel over the channel and home xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely card, such bright cheery summer colours.
    For the first time in weeks & weeks we had rain last night which was perfect as the garden has been looking a bit sad.

    Val-the Southport Air Show was last weekend. The date was bright forward so the organisers had more daylight & the chance of better weather. Next event is Southport Flower Show which is mid August.


    1. Oops! I don't suppose you have to go as you'll get a great view anyway in Ainsdale.
      Hope you're enjoying your time off work.x

    2. Hi Michele. I hope you have another relaxing day. Our lawns and verges etc around here are very dry, no green left at all. X

  3. I really like how you’ve mixed circles with stripes on your card SANDRA very pretty
    I hope the air show isn’t too disruptive Like you I am in awe of the sheer size of these magnificent machines and the skills of the pilots We used to live very close to Luton airport and it never bothered me seein them fly over My heart used to be in my mouth sometimes thinking they were coming in too low too soon
    Safe journey home JANET
    Enjoy the rest of your week off MICHELE
    I am so glad it’s Friday I am looking forward to a lazy relaxing weekend

    1. Hi Karen. I agree with you and Sandra about how skilled the pilots are. Its always a bit scary when you think they are too low isn't it! When is the Stevenage show? It's bit too far for us sadly. Have a lovely weekend x

    2. 19th August is Stamparama I’ve only been once and really enjoyed it It’s fairly small but now I’m getting in to stamping I’m really looking forward to it

  4. Morning ladies,

    It's rather cloudy today so let's hope for some more rain to freshen up our gardens and the air quality.
    Daft isn't it? We moan all winter about the amount of rain we get, then moan in the summer that it's too hot and we don't get enough rain. Vagaries of the British weather.

    Might have a go at the challenge card today, it is Joseph's birthday on Sunday and I haven't got a clue what to make him yet. My Mum even rang to ask what to put on her card lol. Young male teenager cars are notoriously hard to make, although \I think design tech might be a good idea this time. He went to a Presentation Evening with Mum Fiona and was awarded a Certificate for Outstanding Merits and Innovation in Design Tech. I was so proud of him as was Fiona.

    Lovely card Sandra, love the dinky stamping and zingy citrus colours.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl. We are never happen with the weather are we! Congratulations to Joseph on his award. Using the tech design for his card will be perfect x

    2. Hi Cheryl
      Congratulations to Joseph on his award WELL DONE.🏆Xx

    3. Congratulations to Joseph Not easy making cards for younger teenagers Do you have any cogs or similar

    4. Congratulations to Joseph. Wish him a nice Birthday. Anything with a engine or computer I find is good for teens xx

  5. Hi everyone Just lost two comments. Will see if this one goes through and try later.

    1. Hi Val. Sorry you've lost comments, so annoying isn't it! I hope you have s good day, whatever you do x

    2. Hi Val it's so frustrating loosing comments. I mynone yesterday just fanished blooming cyber people. Xx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Love today card. Great to see first hand what you’ve made throughout the week.
    Loved the never ending card.
    Well the Drs secretary rang back. Unluckily, Pete answered the phone and spoke to her. No scans have been booked apparently. I’d have told her that apart from telling us the Dr has sent a follow up letter to us and our Dr. This states that she would be arranging some scans, and our dr to start prescribing vitamin D3 for 6 months. Apparently the Dr is on holiday until next week. So nothing can be done until then. If I’d have spoken to her I’d have asked is she was back on Monday. Pete is once again not feeling well, very fatigued, doesn’t feel like eating anything and anything he eats and drinks tastes awful.
    Been trying to post for the last 5 mins.

    1. Hi Pat. Sorry to hear Pete is still.nit feeling too well. I hope you get the scan sorted next week x

    2. Hi Pat sorry Pete isn't feeling well. Hopefully his scan will be sortead next week. Very frustrating for you.
      Take care Hug's for you both.xx

    3. I hope PETE feels better soon and you can get some better answers next week

    4. Sending hugs to you both. So sorry to hear Pete's scan being delayed, hope you get better news next week and he soon feeling better xx

    5. Hello Pat Sending special hugs for you both. You must be feeling so frustrated at the lack of continuity in Peter care plan. I hope it gets back on track soon. xxx

  7. High All, looks as though it’s going to be a nice day not too hot, but no sign of the promised rain, still watering pots every evening. Keep saying I’ll not do pots next year, but I probably will.

    Pat so sorry Pete is feeling less well, so annoying that the Medical people can’t do anything when the Dr goes on holiday, hope you get it sorted soon.

    Sandra lovely card again, you have so many lovely fresh ideas, think my mojo is flagging in the hot weather.

    Going to try and catch up on some ironing this morning.

    Have a lovely day, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. We aren't due any rain here at the moment but the grass really needs some. I hope you can relax and craft after doing the ironing. Its hard to know when it is best to do it when its so hot isn't it. I have been doing mine as early as possible before it gets too hot. X

    2. Waiting for some rain here too as it is in real need. Watering the pots every night but the borders only every second day. We are on water meter, still no hoseban tho. Hope you enjoyed tonight s Tennis, I'm just exhausted watching them, 6 and a half hour, wow. hugs xx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Another beautiful cheerful card. The stamp set has some lovely useful images. I'm glad you have found it easy to make this weeks cards. Its the deciding on what to make is the longest part of the process isn't it. I can just imagine some of the hand signals you will all come up with 😊 Enjoy watching the displays xx

    1. Finger trouble again!
      I hope you all have a good day and a relaxing weekend. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    2. Hi Sue, hope you ok and can have some Me time. Enjoy the weekend xx

  9. Margaret Palmer13 July 2018 at 12:06

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra another lovely card, another great stamp. Hope you have a good weekend, I love watching the planes take off & land it seems incredible all that weight & they make it look so
    Sorry late opening cafe again but open now & just waiting for you to join me.
    Janet hope you & Jim have a safe journey &
    Hope you all have a lovely weekend, sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. A big Bamsekram back to you and Pop, have a nice weekend xx

  10. Hi Sandra & ladies
    On the dull side weather wise today. Not much going on today. Might get 🐾8 paws out for a walk as not so hot today. I have a spaghetti sauce bulk cook on smelling good.
    SANDRA lovely card as usual. Hope the planes have put the silencers they aren't so load for you this weekend. Good luck with the sign language. Enjoy the air show from the comfort of your own home.
    More ironing to do so must get on.
    Hug's for all
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hope you and CU are having a nice weekend. Wish your pain has lolled. Hope you had a nice walk. many hugs xx

  11. It is very hot and sunny here and the weekend looks to be the same The grass here is brown!
    I need to do the ironing At this rate I’ll be doing it at midnight when it’s cooler
    Feeling headachy at the mo So off to get a drink and maybe a couple of paracetamol to try and nip it in the bud

    1. Hope the paracetamol helped. When this warm, leave the ironing to another day. You and the other ladies do have a lot of ironing ? I don't do any Lol xx

  12. Hi Sandra, nice and summer looking card, I like it .
    Hope you and all ladies who are here and the ones just looking in ,I wish you all a nice weekend. Take care xxxx

  13. Sorry Sandra,
    i typed a long commitment and before I pressed publish - it disappeared! Sound like the story of my life.!
    Love your card today. . Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  14. I love your entry to the Global Design Project sketch challenge, I still have mine to do but I am currently trying to make as many thank you cards as possible to send out to those card crafters who sent in cards for my cancer card challenge. I suppose I could combine the two but a lot of my cards have to go overseas and the cost of bulky cards is quite expensive so I try to keep them one layered if possible. I too, love to have a start e.g. sketch, set of colours or a picture inspiration to get my creative juices going for a project rather than starting from scratch. xx
