
Thursday 12 July 2018

Simply Stamped


Good Morning Ladies,

How are we all today?! I am happy to say I am back up and connected to the world!!
You seriously don't realise how much you rely on electricity for every thing! 
They came over an hour earlier than they had stated which meant that the Dishwasher got switched off mid cycle, i had just washed my hair/ showered  thinking that i had plenty of time to dry my hair but no, I was a bit frustrated that they just went straight to the meter cupboard and switched it off without knocking and checking that it was ok! I am guessing that was because they were so early and didn't want to hear complaining! 
As soon as they turned it off the smoke alarms started beeping, I'm guessing the batteries ran out as they stopped after an hour.  My tablet died after half hour and for some reason my phone hadn't charged and was on 20%, our house phone is powered by electricity, so i felt really cut off.
I went outside to have a look at the aircraft displays only to find the electricity team watching it too! 
At around lunchtime the Foreman came over to say that he couldn't put pressure on his men in this heat, so it was highly unlikely that they would finish by 4pm.
By then Pat had arrived so the time passed quickly, we chatted lots, while watching the workmen, we held  our breath as the backed a HUGE crane up the side of our house. It waz entertaining  anyway,  Pat and i did some crafting, Pat did some beautiful colouring and I was finishing off a liad of cards, as i usually just make the card, I make the insert and envelope as I need them but with so many cards just sat in a box I am thinking of taking round to the village hall on a Thursday (Post Office day) to see if anyone is interested in them, they do have a box full of cheap market quality  type cards but nothing fancy, it's got to be worth asking hasn't it?
The electric did not get reconnected until well after 6pm, so it went from alnost silence to lots of beeping and whirring as the house  came back to life.  Such a relief after a very long dsy. 

Today's  card was the result of having a play with Stampin'Up  inks, to see how the blended to create a background, I am pleased to report that they work beautifully and i was able to acheive a lovely yellowy/orange sunset. I decided to use a tree that looks like you would find it on a Safari or something (no idea what its called). It's from Stampin'Up!  In a set called "Rooted in Nature".
I added a few birds to give some movement to the scene. I decided to keep the bottom black to go with the Silhouette look.
What do you think? 

Everything should hopefully be back to normal today, its Paul and the girls last day at work  because of the Air Tattoo, they have road closures and one way systems in operation in all villages around us so any kind of travel is going to be a nightmare.
It should be fun to watch though.

I hope that you all have a lovely Thursday, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Everyone

    Sorry I didn't post yesterday but after having 3 tries I just gave up. I still don't know why it didn't work.

    LYNDA- WOW how I loved your card and box. I really appreciate just how much work goes into those boxes and I still haven't tried one yet coward that I. am.

    SANDRA- a very pretty card and insert and I'm sure that the post office will love to have some of your cards. No harm in asking.

    Well it's manic day here today. The car has to be packed and then other jobs around the house.

    PAT- I hope that you have PETE's scan sorted so that you can get some away time sorted.

    I'll see you all in the morning and then it maybe Sunday before I'll get in. Have a good week-end and stay safe. HUGS on their way to you all enough to last until Sunday lol xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Hope you get packed and sorted OK today and the day isn't too stressful.x

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what s beautiful Card & a lovely insert. I think it’s a great idea to take some of your cards into the village Hall. Are there any shops that might display any for you?

    You had a very long day with no electricity, glad to hear everything worked out ok.

    The furthest I went yesterday was to the Post Office to post my Dads birthday card-it’s his birthday in Sunday so I thought it would be nice for him to receive something nice in the post.
    Today hubby has an eye test (annual one as his Dad has Glaucoma) then we’re off to Tesco then hopefully I can head back into my craft room.


  3. Hi Sandra. Wow what a stunning card. Wish I could shade like you. The Post Office will be daft if they don't take your cards to sell - they're all so beautiful. Hope the food in your fridge and freezer was OK yesterday with the electric being off for so long.x

    Off to Slimming Club this morning. Hope I've lost that last pound! Then out to lunch and hopefully make my cc afterwards.

    I'm disappointment England lost last night. It would have been lovely to see them in the final but they did well getting so far. See what happens in four years.
    I did however watch the Nadal match. Wow what a game. Did you see it Lilianx

    PAT hope Pete's scan is sorted now. You both deserve a few days away.x

    Love to all.

    1. Hi Val, need you ask, the last set was the best of the tournament so far, would have liked Del-Potro to win as he is a favourite of mine. Couldn’t quite believe the Fed has gone out.

    2. Hi Val
      No appointment yet for Pete. I tried to ring the hospital after I came home from Sandra’s, but wasn’t able to get through. I’ll wait until the post comes today and try again. Although Pete says he doesn’t feel like going away.

  4. Hi All, blazing blue skies again to-day.

    Have an early appointment with the pharmacist this morning to review my drugs.

    Sandra lovely card, great shading, what a long day without power, we keep an old phone that plugs into the wired as it works without electricity for emergencies.

    Shame we lost the football but superb tennis matches yesterday.

    Better get on , I’ll pop in later, hugs Lilian

  5. Lovely card SANDRA and there’s definitely no harm in asking the Post Office or as MICHELE has suggested - any of the shops
    What a chaotic day you had without electricity for all of that time
    It was a shame England got knocked out last night
    I am so so pleased the weather has got cooler
    I finished my cc yesterday so need to send that in and now that Georgina the hippopotamus is finished I can send in her photo along with George the Oppopitamus
    Craft tonight I think I may just take some crochet as it’s so easy to carry
    I hope you have managed to sort out PETE’s appointments out I know I had more to say but brain has gone AWOL again
    Will pop back later

  6. Morning ladies,

    Bit of a late one for me, I slept so well that I didn't wake til 8.30am, this hot tub is giving me extra benefits.

    Love the matching insert for your card Sandra, the Safari trees you are thinking of are mainly Acacias.

    Fantastic tennis yesterday with Federera out.Time for some new blood to win the Championship. I love my tennis holidays shame I only have 4 days left.

    Welcome relief from the heat today as it has been raining for quite a while now. Everything in the garden is absolutely soaked and looking so much fresher. I might even be able to take Pete some of his calla liliesHope everyone who has a hospital or doctors appointment gets a good result.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl so agree with you re the tennis, it’s my favourite time of the year

    2. Hi Lilian, Did you see the match between Djokovic and Nishikori, shame one of them had to lose, brilliant game. x

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Wow I love your card. It is fantastic, the colours and blending are perfect. The matching insert is the finishing touch. You know that I think your cards would fly out of the Village Hall/pop up Post Office/Cafe every Thursday morning. I think you will be getting orders left, right and centre too when the villagers see them. How about I come over next Thursday and together we can take some cards up to the Village Hall? As your village doesn't have any shops just the pub and the once weekly pop up post office/cafe I think you will be getting orders from left, right and centre

    1. Oops hit publish too early!
      Sorry for the repeated words.
      Enjoy the (free) air show from the comfort of your own garden but I hope it's not too noisy for you all. I think we heard the same plane as you on Tuesday. We have never heard such a loud very large plane that seemed to be going so slowly as the noise went on for such a long time. You certainly don't want many of that type flying over your house, especially as it will be much much lower than it was over ours!!! Enjoy having Paul and the girls home for the next few days xx
      My comments from Tuesday and yesterday have vanished again. Why does this seem to happen in fits and starts? Its so annoying isn't it. I'm sure I said before but can you imagine it if all of our list comments were to suddenly all appear 😂
      Lynda your cards are gorgeous, love them both X
      I have just realised what the time is so must go but will.try and remember to pop back in later.
      Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    2. That’s such a good idea to go with SANDRA You could make it a bit of a joint venture

  8. Hi Sandra
    Great card again today. What a time for the electricity people to finish and be without electricity. Plus they left the wires resting on your washing line which isn’t concreted in. You’d have though when you told them the first time not to leave the wires resting on the line they’d have not done it a second time.
    Well, I’ve rung the hospital and left a message, so hopefully they’ll ring back with an answer later.
    Pete says he doesn’t feel well enough to go away for a few days, but, the change of scenery might do him good.

    1. Sorry to hear PETE doesn’t feel like going away and like you say a change of scenery might do him good

    2. Thanks Karen. We heard back from the hospital and no scans have been booked in for him. The consultant said he would have scans and we have it in black and white that she was arranging scans and she’d asked his Dr to give him some vitamin D3 ( which he’s now taking ). This Dr is on holiday until next week so nothing can be done until she gets back.
      So now I can’t book to go away in case he has a quick appointment.

  9. Margaret Palmer12 July 2018 at 12:14

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what beautiful card & insert, if you take them to the Village Hall they will be gone in no time. Enjoy your free view of the Air Show, I hope you have plenty of supplies in as traffic will be horrendous on 419. Hope you have a more peaceful day
    Café open, late again I'm afraid, hope you will join me for coffee, tea or cool drink.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. I’m enjoying the caffeine free coke Thanks

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    LOVE your card Sandra, the blending is perfect in fact it’s all perfect. I hope you managed to get to the Post Office, I’m sure once the locals see your beautiful cards you will Alison be in demand for special orders. Good Luck xx

    Very late today, it’s been a long and busy one, shopping with OH. I’m well and truly ready for my bed.
    Sleep well everyone, love Brenda xxx

  11. Hello again Sandra & everyone
    well my comment seems to have vanished I did this morning wish
    I now where they go.
    .SANDRA I love your card it's stunning. I agree with Sue you should take some to the village pop up post office ( HaHa ) I'm sure your cards would sell like hot cakes. JANET Thank you for your kind words on my cards.
    Busy today Tesco shopping this morning then lunch & then went craft room to make Challenge card first one went in the bin started another & yes went in the bin too. So started another & so far so good just got to finish it tomorrow. Just hope the card survives Friday 13th & me.😂
    PAT sorry Pete's not upto going away for few days sending you both some Hugs
    SANDRA sound like you had a eventful day without electric. Glad you enjoyed having Pat round.
    Think I better say Hug's all round in case this comment self districts 🤔
    Love Lynda xx

  12. Hi everyone.
    Gorgeous card Sandra and yes do take some down to the pop up post office. They would be stupid not to take your and sell because they are all wonderful.
    Janet - have a safe journey back home.
    Lilian- watched a bit if the tennis today, very exciting.
    I hope you had a nice day and did what you planned.
    I'll see you all tomorrow, have a good night.
    many hugs Maria xxxx

  13. A stunning card Sandra, the sunset is amazing and the inks do blend really well together. Are you planning to do any more of this type of project? What a cheek of the electricians to use your garden as a viewing platform for the air show and not get on with the job in hand because 'it was too hot'!
