
Friday 29 June 2018

Something Floral ('ish) for Friday

Good Morning Ladies,

A busy, exciting day in our house today, as the girls are preparing for their 6th Form Leavers Ball, so lots of Tanning, plucking, preening and panicking going on, they are having their hair done this afternoon, we are lucky in that we have the loveliest lady hairdresser, she comes to us and over the years has become a lovely friend, the girls were really funny about getting their hair cut, so wouldn't let anyone touch it for a couple of years, Freya used to come to do my hair and she gained the girls trust, they now let her have free riegn!
So when she comes over its like having a friend over for coffee and a catch up, with the added bonus of a fab hair do at the end!
I have to steam to long multi-layered evening dresses today though, that it I am super nervous about, our iron is a steam generator style and gives a really good jet of steam so I will not have to actually touch the dresses, thank goodness! I can't wait to see them all dressed up! I've seen the dresses on them but I think having hair and make up done, really adds the wow factor!

I have been asked to join the Design Team of a Facebook Group called Stampin For All, they have a weekly challenge and today's card is for their Sketch Challenge, it's quite a basic sketch, just five 3/4 inch strips going down a card and a sentiment going down the centre.
I used the Nature's Poem Designer Series Paper and Tranquil Tide card, the pretty tag is from a Die set called "Botanical Tags" . I die cut that in Tranquil Tide card o which I added a piece of Vellum that I had stamped my sentiment on. I added a piece of Grapefruit Grove Ribbon, tied a bow and added a pretty silver flower.
I the added three flowers at the bottom corner with some foliage and finished with some pretty Faceted gems.
I hope you like my card.

Sadly Sue was too poorly to come and play today , I missed you my lovely and hope you are feeling much brighter today.
I had a few jobs to catch up on, spent some time with Lucy as Sophie was at her boyfriends house, I like to make the most of having 1 to  1 time with them as it rarely happens!
I spent the afternoon in my craft room, filmed a short tutorial, very quick and simple, it's more a case of jogging people's memories but fun all the same! I was hoping to add it to this post but as usual our internet was way to slow!  It might be ready by next Friday !!!

I hope that you all have a lovely Friday, preparing for a lovely weekend.

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Our extremely hot weather continues and so we're not getting outside much at all. Better safe than sorry.

    I cannot believe that it's a week since we arrived time has flown so quickly. On the other hand it's Market Day in Corbigny and of course that also means it's treat time with cakes today. I'll be doing a 'cake' report tomorrow morning as usual.

    HUGS are on their way to you all so have a really good day whatever you're all up to. Stay safe xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies,

    Beautiful card today. I do like those colours especially the striped background.

    Another 10 bags finished off last night. Today is sort out my boxes to see what I can use as little gifts inside the bags. Jamie must have come home very late last night so we can have a mooch in the shed and Wendy House. Until this morning I find it funny how I didn't know how much I have missed his snoring in the background, just like Pete's.
    Then I might even get another 10 bags cut out and see how many I can do before Saturday.

    Hugs to all still in pain or discomfort.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a really lovely cy, love the striped background.

    Leisurely start gir me today even though I was up just as early as normal.

    I’ve got quite a long list of jobs to to do today so I plan to do a lot of it this morning before it’s too hot.


  4. Hi everyone.
    Very pretty card Sandra. Love the stripy background.
    Hope the girl have a lovely preparation day and a wonderful evening.x
    Now don't laugh but I have a really sore toe. I'm limping everywhere and having to wear the flimsiest of sandals so the straps don't touch it. I finally went to the Farmacy yesterday and I have an infection in the bed of my nail. She gave me 3days of antibiotics. I hope they work soon. In the meantime I'll carry on limping. Such a small thing but so painful.
    Off to Craft Club this morning and then Wendy and I are off to see a Fashion Show. Should be fun.
    Hope you're all managing to stay cool in the hot weather. Don't forget the sun tan lotion.
    Hugs to all especially those not feeling so good today.
    SUE hope you've woken up feeling much better today's
    Love Valx

  5. That’s a pretty card SANDRA
    I hope the girls have a fabulous day - Oh to be young again (sigh!)
    Sorry to hear you weren’t able to visit SUE I hope you’re feeling better today
    My dad is OK but still in hospital
    I’m so excited OH and I are looking after Oscar today and he’s staying over Can’t wait as I just know he’all put huge smiles on our faces all day long
    Take care all xx

    1. Hope you've hard a lovely time looking after Oscar today and also hope he's not to excited to sleep tonight.x

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA your card is gorgeous as usual. Congratulations on being on the designe team for the Face book group Stamping for all.
    I hope the girls have a fantastic day getting ready for the leaving Ball this evening.
    VAL OUCH your pore toe I'm not laughing it must be really painful hope the antibiotics work quickly.Enjoy craft club.
    CHERYL must be fun rummaging through all your boxes from the shed seeing what you forgot was in them. Have a good day
    JANET Enjoy the market & those mouth watering cakes mmmm.
    SUE hope your starting to feel better sending you some big gentle hug's.
    KAREN have a lovely day with Oscar.
    Hug's all round
    Love Lyndaxx

    1. Thanks Lynda. I'm still limping ha ha.
      Hope you, 12 paws and CU have had a good day.x

  7. Margaret Palmer29 June 2018 at 10:57

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra well done on joining the design team on Stampin For All. Your card is lovely. Hope the girls had a lovely time. Enjoy your
    Val ouch your toe does sound painful hope tabs
    Karen have a lovely day with Oscar, you will be shattered when he goes home
    Cheryl good luck with your
    Café open all stocks replenished as we almost ran out of ice-cream yesterday, iced tea or coffee is available for all who need it.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret, thanks for your comment. It seems petty to moan about my toes when I read about what you and lovely friends in the cafe have to put up with.
      So hope you're well on the way to recovery.x

  8. Hello All, a bit of breeze today, but still very hot.
    We had a thunder storm last night, we have dormer bedroom, so we had all the velux windows wide open. Had to rush around and close them, by that time the rain had stopped.

    Sandra super card, congrats on being picked for the design team.

    Have a lovely day all, Lilian

  9. Hi everyone.
    Nice card Sandra and well done for joining the design team. Wish the girls a magic night, I can nearly feel all the excitment going on in your home today.
    Val- ouch, not nice and so painful. Hope the antibiotics help soon.
    Sue- hope you are feeling better today. Just take care and keep your feet up.
    Janet- have a nice day and enjoy whatever cake you find, can't wait to hear about it hihi
    Karen- have fun with Oscar, cuddles for him.
    Had a nice morning meeting up with some ladies from the pain clinic. Walked back home in the lovely sunshine, was a bit too warm but shall not complain hihi. Going to read my book now in the garden so I will wish you all a nice day. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Can't believe it ,I just gone and won the x-mas bell on Sue's blog. This turning out to be a very nice day hihihi xx

    2. Congratulations Maria on winning the Christmas bell on Sue's blog.
      Glad you had a nice time with ladies from pain clinic. How's that going is it a help. Hug's Lynda xxxx

    3. Thank you Maria for your kind thoughts. Hope you had a good lunch and the pain clinic helps.
      Its lovely to see your name on Sues blog as a winner. Hope you enjoy your prize.x

    4. Congratulations MARIA xxx

    5. Lovely to see one of us on the winners list Maria

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies
    I love your card with the stripey background and it has a flower on it so qualifies for Floral Friday! Congratulations Sandra, On being picked up for the design team of Cards for All. We all know what talent you have, now just go and show them. Wishing you all the best xx (not that you need it)
    I think I can feel the excitement in your household, how lovely your hairdresser comes to your house, you can enjoy all the preening etc, with them. I bet they will look stunning. Sophie and Lucy I hope you are having a great day and this evening will be very special for you both. PLEASE will you let Mum or Dad take a photo and allow them to share it with us xx

    SUE I hope you are feeling a better and can enjoy the weekend. xx

    We are going shortly to an Art exhibition (A level) at the girls school. oldest granddaughters Art/textiles will be featured. It has already been seen by the moderators so now family and look. Fingers crossed she has done well.🤞

    Take care everyone, Love and hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Have a lovely time seeing all the wonderful art they have done. I'm sure your granddaughter have done really well, hugs xx

    2. Hope you've enjoyed a lovely evening looking at your granddaughters Art Exhibition. I bet you're so proud of her.x

    3. Hi Brenda
      I hope you enjoyed your evening at your granddaughters art exhibition.

  11. I love your entry for the sketch challenge Sandra, I am hoping that my chemo is going to allow me to do mine today along with my DT Project regarding Summer as well. It is not always a great day, the day after chemo but the steroids they give me often do give me a boost to be able to keep going and then Sunday I flop! So today is the day if they are going to be done. Sorry to hear about your toe but I bet your twin girls looked amazing! xx :O)
