
Thursday 28 June 2018

My Christmas Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Here is my second Challenge card that I promised I would make, I wanted to give both options of this weeks challenge a go, so I made my 'non' Christmas card on Monday and I made my Christmas version yesterday.
I have chosen categories: Tree/Christmas/Silver or Gold (straight down the left side of the grid).

I will apologise in advance as I cannot stop using Blackberry Bliss and Rose Gold together, they are a match made in heaven!!
So to start I took the 'Lovely as a Tree' stamp set (stampin'up's longest running stamp i think)!  and stamped into the centre of a piece of Blackberry Bliss card that measured 4 x 5 1/4 inch.
I stamped with Versamark and added Rose Gold (copper) Embossing powder and heat set, I did the same with the sentiment that is from the 'Hearts Come Home' stamp set, I then used a little star from another stamp set and added a few along the 'sky' area of my card, I stamped and embossed these exactly the same as before. I then added a mat of Rose Gold (copper) Foil sheet and mounted onto my Blackberry Bliss base card that measured 4 1/4 X 5 1/2 inches, I added a piece of the Copper mesh trim to the card and tied a simple knot.
I really like the colour way and the simplicity of this card, using the Stamperatus Tool you could just replicate this design over and over again, changing the colour way to Silver on Blue or Gold on Green.

Our house is buzzing with excitement today as Sophie and Lucy start the preparations for their End Of Sixth Form Prom, they have both chosen stunning dresses that I will share with you if we manage to get a photo, neither of the twins likes having their photo taken, which is stark contrast to Becca who is the Selfie' Queen!  I feel sad that they seem to lack confidence, I'm not sure if its anything to do with the fact that Paul and I aren't overly confident, having said that Matt and Becca are the total opposite, who knows, it makes getting a photo a bloody nightmare though.

Enjoy the sunshine again today Ladies, while it lasts!!

Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Hi everyone.
    Sandra what a stunning card. Just love the colour and the beautiful trees. It would light up any bodies mantelpiece hint hint!!! It seems strange to think of Christmas when were baking in 38 degrees. I have the air con in all night and a fan pointed directly at Gracie but she still keeps me awake with her panting. Our pool opens at 8 so I'm shortly going for a dip before it gets too busy.
    I bet your girls are going to look beautiful in their prom dresses Sandra and I hope you can get a photo to share with us.x
    Off to Slimming Club later then out to lunch. I'm here on my own at the moment as Lynn and Paul are house and dog sitting for some friends.
    Hugs to everybody.
    Love Valx

    1. Morning Val, have you tried a frozen bottled water to keep Gracie cool? I read about it on Facebook and it seems to work for a lot of animals, especially caged ones. They like to snuggle up to the bottle and also lick off the condensation. x

    2. Never heard of that Cheryl but I'll certainly try it out tonight.x

    3. Hi Val, hope the class this morning was nice to you :>) I'm struggling badly at the moment and enjoying too much bread :>( Enjoy the peace at home, hugs xx

    4. Hi Val
      I read that remedy that Cheryl suggested on Facebook. Hope you managed to get your dip in the pool.

  2. Morning ladies,

    Beautiful card Sandra, loving the colours.

    Just looked at the calendar and realized it is almost only a week to go for my first stall. Where is the Time Bandit that stole my time gone? Let's hope I get all the bags finished it time although I do have a surplus of stock from last year but I cannot get to the boxes as Jamie has tidied the shed so much we have plenty of space now to wheel in the lawnmower lol. He has been away working in Wales all week and is home later today. I shall have the boxes out tomorrow to go through everything and reprice them all. Maybe some items will jump into the lucky dip bags then I can start afresh with all the Fernli products I have bought for my mixed media stall at our Flower Show in August.

    I hope you are all coping with the intense heat, I looked at my garden thermometer at 5.30pm yesterday and it was 30 degrees.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, do you make any candles in a cup this year ? Sure you will do brilliant on the day. Take care, hugs xx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      I expect your stall as usual will do very well.

  3. Morning Everyone
    and to all who pop into the CAFE for a look and a chat. I'm sure MARGARET has restocked the ice cream freezer and cold drinks cabinet.

    It was once again up in the lower 30s yesterday and so I did my usual thing in that I managed to get my CC done and then sat on the bed all afternoon with footballs in place of my feet.

    Not sure what's on the cards today although I have been informed that a mouse has been in the gardening trunk and so it wants cleaning out. Not one of my jobs though it wouldn't bother me.

    SANDRA- a lovely 'C' card this morning. It doesn't seem two minutes Since we were looking at the girl's Y11 Prom. Where oh where does the time go.

    HUGS are on their way to you all.Try and keep as cool as you can. Drink plenty of water and don't forget the suntan cream. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, did you catch the mouse ? I hope your feet are better and you had a nice day, hugs xx

    2. Hi Janet
      I hope the mouse was caught.
      Hope your feet are ok.

  4. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a fantastic card, it’s stunning. I keep looking at the challenge then run out of oomph! Maybe tomorrow when I’m off & my craft room should be slightly cooler.
    It was 33-34C when I came out of work yesterday & what did I have planned for dinner...Chicken Jalfrezi!! We sat out after that and had strawberries with a glass of chilled white wine.


    1. Hi Michele, hope you had it a bit cooler today. Strawberries and a glass of wine sound nice. I made a big fruit salad and we had it this afternoon with some ice cream , Hugs xx

    2. Hi Michele
      Strawberries and wife sound wonderful. Hope work isn’t to busy again today.

  5. Beautiful card SANDRA The two colours go so well together I can’t wait to see the girls in their dresses
    My mojo has completely disappeared I don’t know if I will have time to do cc this week I have craft club tonight and tomorrow we are lovely looking after Oscar (yay!) and he’s staying overnight Mum and Dad are going to a wedding
    I am so looking forward to looking after him Finger paints and apron at the ready!
    Have a great day ladies and take care xx

    1. Hi Karen, you have a wonderful day with Oscar and hope he goes to bed nicely. Why don't you make a cc together, I'm sure the crafting line is in his blood. Have fun anyhow, hugs xx

    2. Hi Karen
      I hope your enjoying your time with Oscar. But I expect he’s asleep now.

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladles
    SANDRA WOW a stunning card. I love the colour's you have chosen so ritch looking it's beautiful.
    I did manage to get in my craft room yesterday afternoon CC all finished & sent to Sandra.
    I did some pages in my art journal quite pleased with them. Today I want to make some backgrounds & stamp on them & cut them down to fit in some of the pockets. Then write on the back what colour's & stamps I've used for future references.
    Our weather doesn't look all that good at the moment but I hope it's warmer than yesterday I was quite cold & I had to put a jumper on.
    Tesco this morning ( CU & 12🐾Paws are still in bed ) wish I could sleep like them. I've already washed up & hoovered done a wash & put it on the line.
    Having 5 minutes to write this then get some breakfast & wake everyone up.
    KAREN hope you find your mojo. Have fun looking after Oscar tomorrow lots of cuddle's. Picture of him please.xx
    CHERYL hope you get all your crafty bits done in time for your stall.
    VAL how lovely to be able to go in the pool. How many use it Is it just for the residents.
    Going to get breakfast now
    Hug's all round
    Love Lynda xx

    1. That is such a good idea LYNDA making a reference guide I’m going to do something similar in that I will print off a photo of a finished card and write on the back what I did and make a photo album

    2. Very good idea to make a reference Lynda. Karen's idea of taking a photo is good as well.
      We have 4 pools altogether and yes they are just for the residents. We all have a key so only people living here or on holiday here can use them.
      Hope you've enjoyed your day with all those paws.x

    3. Hihi, that's a lot of paws Lynda. Did you get them all up for a nice walk this morning ? Hope you pain is not too bad. Many hugs to you and CU xx

  7. Margaret Palmer28 June 2018 at 11:05

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Wow Sandra what a beautiful card, this stamp set is so versatile I love it. Hope the girls enjoy their
    Well I wrote a long comment just now went to publish to it said was not connected so will keep this short.
    Janet stocks of ices & cold drinks are being kept up & café is open so hope to see you all pop in.
    Sending hugs to all love

    1. Hi Margaret, how annoying is that to either not be connected or it disappears into the space. How you coping with the warm weather ? Did you see the email I sent you with the frame for the cross stitch we got for it ? It looks lovely. take care and hugs to you and Pop xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a gorgeous card, the colours you have used they really do compliment each other. I need some of that rose gold card ..... the list is growing ( well out of control- to be honest) Thank you Sandra for your inspiration.xx
    I’m sure the girls are going to look beautiful in their prom dresses. Hope they will let you take a picture of them and allow you to share.
    Off shopping with OH. I will look in later to see how you all are.
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda, hope you got the shopping you needed and was not to tired after. Take care and hugs to you and John xx

  9. Hello All, a real scorcher here today, poor garden is just shrivelled.

    Sandra fabulous card, I am hopeless at using alternative colours for Christmas.

    I sure the girls will look beautiful in their prom dresses, hope they have a lovely time.

    Karen and Lynda great idea to keep reference of what you used, might have a go at doing that.

    The football is on now so dinner a bit later tonight, I’ve been watching some of the tennis today.

    Will pop in tomorrow. Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, hope you enjoying the Tennis. The football is on here every night and cricket and golf when that's on and of course racing. Too much sport for my liking but I read a book or on the lappi. Lot of tourist in your end of England at the moment ? Love to do a trip to Cornwall one day, long time since we were there. Hope you feeling better, hugs xx

  10. Hi Sandra,
    gorgeous card and if not Val already put a hint hint on it I wouldn't mind for one too Lol ! The colours together sound very nice, any chance you could send me some samples
    of it ?
    Do try to get some photos of the girls in their dresses Sandra because "auntie Maria" tihi and the others would love to see them and oh don't forget to show us some photos of you garden, it sound lovely with all the flowers. Do you have some fruit bushes and trees as well ?
    My morning started with a visit to the nurse for blood, she have to prick me 3 times before any came and ECG, which looked fine and so was the blood pressure, even if my SIL came up for the day for some shopping. It wasn't too bad in the end and they left just after 6pm so we got the evening free hihi she is not bad really and we have good fun going on holiday together but you know how family can be sometimes and she have a hexa's/ witch laughter Lol
    I hope you all had a nice day and have a nice evening and manage to sleep tonight. Many hugs xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Great card today. I hope you manage to take photos of the girls.
    It was great to see the last ones of them in their dresses 👗.

  12. A stunning card Sandra with the Gold/Blackberry Bliss/Tree combo from the Tic Tac Toe grid. I need to look again to see which three elements I am going to select for my card project. Thank you for sharing this with us crafters. :O)
