
Thursday 3 May 2018

Throwback Thursday

Good Morning Ladies,

Well I was just too exhausted and too unorganised to get a card made for today's blog, so I thought I would do a 'Throwback Thursday' Post instead.

This card is a Throwback to beginning of May 2015. I actually remember getting this stamp set, it's a Justrite stamp set I think called 'Romantic Wild Roses', it was one of the first 'two-step' stamp sets I think.  Do you know, I'm not even sure where it is, I would love to have another play with it, I think we can all be guilty of really wanting something, eventually getting  it you play with it a couple of times then put it away and forget about it.

How about a challenge where we look back at the older cards we made and Re-make them, with the same or similar products, this idea came during a chat with Dannii last night. I was saying how much I loved that stamp set, so she said why don't you remake it, using todays products.
so I think the challenge would be called 'Re-make an Oldie', what do you think, its similar to the old die challenge, but can be anything, any technique, just look back, choose a card and make an updated version.  I am quite excited just thinking about it.   I have photos of pretty much every card you have sent to me so if any of you need any inspiration just let me know.

Pat came over yesterday, I felt a little guilty as the craft room was in total chaos but I managed to make enough space for her to sit and 'Groovi'. She made an absolutely stunning frame, in an Argyle
pattern, which she then coloured with her Spectrum Noir Pencils, although Pat wasn't overly happy about the way that that those particular pencils lay down colour on the parchment, on the brighter colours it looks a little bit patchy.  I guess finding the right pencils is a personal thing, do any of you have any suggestions, Brenda do you have Poly chromos ??  I think Pat is going to get some advice when she goes for her class with Rosella in June.  I thought that all of todays projects were beautiful.
Thanks Pat for the lovely company. xxx

I will be spending today finishing my total move round in my Craft Station, one thing I did find satisfying today was arranging all of my SU A4 card into colour groups in magazine boxes on the back of my desk, it looks lovely too.

Have a lovely day however you are spending it, in particular Sue, enjoy your birthday Pamper session, I would love to see a photo of your new hair! xxx

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    That’s a very pretty card Sandra. I doubt I’ll be joining in the Throwback challenge as I don’t like making the same card again but we’ll see!

    Dashed off to the hospital again-Father in Law was much worse,, almost unresponsive. Consultant had been to see him in the morning & is thinking there’s something else going on other than just a Stroke and is hoping for an MRI scan this morning. We’re not able to visit today do hopefully we’ll get an update later.


    1. Oh MICHELE I hope he improves and the MRI scan reaveals something that’s treatable

    2. Gentle hugs and healing prayers that FIL soon improves x

    3. Many big hugs for you, Phil and family xx

    4. Hi Michele
      I’m so sorry to hear that your FIL was worse last night. Hopefully he’ll have the MRI scan today and shows what is wrong and it’s treatable. Such a worry for you all. Gentle hugs coming your way.

    5. Hope FIL has improved today Michele. Special thoughts are sent to you and Phil and familyx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Well after torrential rain yesterday morning we had a lovely afternoon with sunshine. We're starting the day with the sun shining so fingers and everything else crossed it stays today.

    SANDRA- a very pretty card and I would love to have a go at recreating an old card. So we'll see.

    I managed another CC yesterday so I have to photograph them this morning and get them sent off to SANDRA.

    The CAFE is OPEN and just waiting for you all to pop in when you can.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

  3. Lovely card SANDRA I’d be up for that challenge BUT I haven’t even done this week’s one yet
    Just waiting for a taxi to go to work Dentist this afternoon and Craft club this evening - going to help MIL make a card for her daughter (my sister in law) a birthday card

  4. Morning ladies,

    Lovely colours on your 'oldie' card Sandra.
    I don't think I have many photos of my older cards left but I will have a look later.

    Sun is shining, winds have died down and the birds are singing and chattering to each other and all is right with the world here in my little corner of Somerset.

    I made a big start to my personal folder, some items must be stored somewhere else so the hunt for them is on tomorrow. Tiegan's swim club and tea with son Robin tonight takes up most of Thursday afternoon /early evening so this morning might see me back in potting up mode with the bulbs. I looked at the packets and they should have been planted out in March, never mind better late than never.

    I hope your day is a pleasant one.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      We also have sun today and it’s a bit warmer than yesterday.
      I wouldn’t worry to much about your bulbs going in late. They usually catch up. Petes about 2 months behind as he couldn’t do any digging when he had his heart problems.
      He’s put roughly 150 ft down to vegetables 🌶 every year. However, that’s much to much for him now. Ideally it needs re landscaping so it’s not to hard to keep together. However, he won’t do that and is adamant it gets planted even though he hasn’t the stamina to do it any more.
      I’d be quite happy pottering about with things in pots.

  5. Hello All, halfy halfy here today, but a bit warmer.

    Sorry I didn’t post yesterday, started, but totally forgot to post.

    Sandra lovely card, Like Cheryl I don’t have many pics of cards made previously, still will have a go.

    Michele sorry to here about your F/in/L, very worrying time for you.

    Have to go potatoes are burning, hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Hope you starting to feel better. Have a nice day,hugs xx

    2. Hi Lilian
      I do love your saying it’s Haley half’s today. I hope your feeling a bit better today. I think the sun and warmer weather helps.

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card today. Good idea 💡 for a throwback card.
    I’m glad to hear your gradually getting your craft space together.
    As Sandra said I wasn’t too impressed with my spectrum Noir pencils on my parchment, even though I used a blending solution as well.
    The trouble is it’s a matter of choice really. Some ladies like Faber Castell which are mega expensive. Some like Perga liners and I think there is a couple of others that the ladies use.
    I’d ideally like to sit in a room with all the ones that are available. I have used Faber Castell but as I said they are mega expensive.Must be creamy ones though. I’ll speak to Rosella when I go to Evesham in June.
    Quite warm here as well as we have a yellow thing up in the sky.
    Gentle hugs to all who need one today.

  7. Hi everyone,
    Very pretty card Sandra. Funnily I was only using that hexagon die yesterday. I don't really keep any old cards but will have a go.

    I've been to Slimming Club this morning after a 6 week break. I'd reached target weight then but all those maltesers that I love so much have settled round my tum and made my trousers tight again. I so wish I didn't have a sweet tooth and also had more will power.

    Hope all poorly friends are feeling brighter today.

    Bye for now. Valxxx

    1. Margaret Palmer3 May 2018 at 17:39

      Hi Val,
      So sorry to hear DIL has more bad news, they really are going through the mill.
      You must feel so helpless, not being there to help them. We are all here for you, you must be worried for your son as well. Hugs on way for you

    2. Thank you Margaret. Fortunately both Helen and Barrie are so positive. Hopefully on Monday the consultant will fill them in on the details as its her Marie Curie nurse who's given Helen the information up to now.
      Hope everything is OK with you.x

    3. Hi Val
      I also wish I didn’t have such a sweet tooth and that everything didn’t settle around my tummy. Pete has two Easter eggs he hasn’t been able to eat. plus lots of orange flavoured chocolate 🍫 that Amy bought him. My fingers are just itching to eat his Easter eggs. I wonder if he’d miss them.
      Fingers crossed for your son and DIL for Monday. You feel so helpless don’t you that you can’t do anything to help. Only give support.

    4. Oh I'm sure Pete wouldn't miss them Pat. I'll come over and help you eat them if you like! Valx

    5. Great idea Val. I look forward to seeing you.

  8. Margaret Palmer3 May 2018 at 17:53

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra no wonder you did not feel up to making a card after moving your craft unit.
    What a pretty card, I dread to think what my first cards were like but will have a go. Hope you have had a quieter day
    Michele sorry to hear FIL was worse last night, hope MRI gives some answers, hugs on way for you
    Lynda hope you do not have to wait too long, hugs on
    Karen hope dentist went
    Maria hope you are enjoying your new sofa, sorry you are still in
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaretxxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies
    Sorry I am so late today. I have been out most of today, when I did return late afternoon John said let’s go and vote, from there we went to the garden centre it was 6.45 by the time we returned home and have our evening meal. Fortunately John suggested a takeaway, I just didn’t fancy starting to cook at that time so happily agreed.

    Sandra I will look at my card photos, to see if I can reproduce any with today’s products. Yes I have polychromos they are lovely, very smooth to lay down. I love them. I’m still not that good at colouring..... but I can’t blame my tools for that, can I !!! Ha, Ha.

    Sorry ladies I have to go to my bed, I really am struggling to keep my eyes open.

    Sweet dreams, Hugs Brenda xxx

  10. G.
    Well not sure what's happened yo my comment this morning Gone cybra 🚀
    Sandra your card is gorgeous good Challenge keep nodding off so will
    Love Lynda xx
