
Wednesday 2 May 2018

My Challenge Card/ Sue's Birthday card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is both my Challenge card for this week but more importantly it was Sue's Birthday card, which is why I couldn't share it until today.
It is made using some of the new products that I featured in my video yesterday.  The Background is paper from the 'Share What You Love' Designer Series Paper, I used Mint Macaron card as the base of my 'flag' I stamped my greeting onto white card and mounted it onto the Mint Macaron, I created the flag by turning a square die to a diamond and run it through die cutting machine,
I created another smaller flag for the second part of the sentiment and put a piece of the spotted Tulle ribbon and the Rich Razzleberry Velvet ribbon, to give some interest and texture to the card.
To embellish the card I went way out of comfort zone and fussy cut lots of different flowers from the different DSP, I added some bits of foliage and sparkles to the centre of the larger flowers.

Sue and I had a lovely afternoon, after a cuppa and catch up we went out for lunch, the came back here to another cuppa and some fresh cookies,  Before we knew it (as usual) Paul and the girls were home,I know I always say it but the time just flies when we are together,  I felt honoured that Sue wanted to spend her birthday with me!  But I won't be seeing her for a few weeks so I am glad we did spend the day together.

After Sue had gone Paul and I decided to start a task that we have been putting off for a couple of weeks.....swapping around my craft station and the Dining Table around,  WOW!  unloading that thing took some time to empty and move! Hopefully it will be worth it though, my craft station is now beside dual aspect windows which means lots of natural light.  The other huge benefit is that the dining table is a lot easier to access without clambering over craft stuff.!!
I gave up putting stuff away last night as I could barely move, so I still have that to tackle today.
Wish me luck!! please...

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and Hugs 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra -gorgeous card, it’s beautiful. Glad you had a fun afternoon with Sue especially if you aren’t going to see her for a few weeks.
    Moving the craft station & dining table around sounds like hard work, hopefully there’s not too much left to sort today.

    We senators see my Fatyin Law again last night-we weren’t planning on going again until tonight but Phil got quite upset (think it was the shock at seeing his Dad look so helpless ) so I just got changed and off we went. He was a bit brighter last night & was eating when we got there. The Physio had suggested there might be a chance if some mobility returning to his right leg, right arm wasn’t mentioned though. He still can’t speak very well-it’s a struggle to understand what he’s trying to say. The consultant still hasn’t seen him & he still hasn’t had his MRI scan! There’s no one around to ask when we get there to visit-might have to make a phone call for a proper update.


    1. Hi Michele, glad FIL was a bit brighter last night. I must be upsetting for Phil seeing his dad so helpless.
      I think I'd be making a phone call as well to see what's going on with his treatment.
      Take care Valx

    2. Michele many thanks for my print out

    3. Hi Michele
      Glad to hear your FIL was a bit better last night. It must have hit Phil hard seeing his Dad so helpless.
      Sounds a plan to ring up and get a proper update. I wonder why he hasn’t seen the consultant nor had his MRI scan yet.

  2. Margaret Palmer2 May 2018 at 07:55

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra beautiful card for Sue, soo pleased she was able to see you & you had a good catch up. Good luck putting all your stuff
    Michele pleased FIL was a bit brighter last night, hope it
    Very windy & wet out again this morning, when are we going to get some sun?
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  3. Morning Everyone
    from a very very wet windy and cold Sheffield. We definitely will not have to ration water this year!!!!

    SANDRA- a beautiful card you created for SUE and lovely that you spent the afternoon with her. Good luck with the refilling today.

    MICHELE- pleased to read that your FIL was a little brighter last evening and I really hope that more movement returns. It must be really hard of PHIL.

    PAT- I hope PETE's hospital visit went OK and that some of your questions were answered.

    Well I managed to get my CC done yesterday. It is doing a double job as I was asked to make a bday card for a lady who is going to be 80 in early June.

    I'm hoping to have a play making a different box today. It may work out (or not lol).

    The CAFE and OPEN and once again the brollie bucket is by the door for you to use. We may have to go back to the Winter drinks menu if this weather keeps on hehehe.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends in need xxxx

  4. Snap Janet,
    we have the same kind of weather here in Somerset x

  5. Morning ladies,

    First of all....Belated birthday wishes to Sue and I love your card that Sandra made for you.
    I am losing track of everyone's birthdays this year.

    After cancelling our walk on Monday because of the expected rain (which turned out not to arrive leaving us with a glorious sunshiny day) Rosie and I had rearranged we would just go for lunch and a spot of shopping for both of us to stock up on essentials.
    Yesterday was not so bad either, Jamie cut both lawns before going out and I finally potted up my violas and some pansies. I still have some bulbs to plant, which I had totally forgotten about due to the snow keep coming back. More plant pots to empty ready to refill.

    Crafting is on today's afternoon menu whilst this morning I am endeavouring to finish off my folder of important papers that Jamie would need to pass on to my brothers at a later stage in the future. After last month's advice from our U3A meeting re Power of Attorney, I am considering getting it done for Jamie. He already knows of my financial affairs so it makes more sense to give him Power of Attorney as we live together and it would make life so much simpler for both of us.

    Methinks the heating might go for a couple of hours. Just sitting here in my PJ's and dressing gown since 8 am, I am beginning to feel a tad chilled.

    Hope your day is brighter weather wise.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  6. Hi everyone, lovely card for Sue, Sandra. Pleased you both had a good day.

    Bad news from DIL last night. The biopsy she had last week has shown that the lump is cancerous. Shell see the consultant on Monday to arrange operation to remove it and probably more skin grafting. Feel really sad. Life is so unfair at times. She's had 2 years of one health problem after another. She sounds OK but at 44 she should be having a happier life. Sorry about moaning. Its good to get it out of my system.

    I'm just going to sit out with my coffee and read the paper for an hour then its off to my craft room again.

    Hugs to all.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val, You do NOT have to apologise for having a moan. We all need to get things off our chest from time to time. Please know (I’m sure I speak for everyone on this blog) we are there for you at all times.
      So sorry your DIL has yet another health problem, I agree life seems so unfair at times, I hope she is strong enough to fight yet again. How is your son coping? He has also had a cope with these last couple of years. You are all in my thoughts and prayers xxx

    2. Hi Val
      I’m so sorry to hear that your DIL has further health problems. Such a nasty word, the dreaded C word. Please don’t be afraid to moan as we all need to at some point or other. I know I’ve let off steam on here before now. I think we all need to let off steam at some time or another, and it’s better for us to let it all out I think.
      They must both be devastated.
      Sending you all gentle hugs.

    3. Oh Val. I am so sorry to hear of your DIL problems. I really hate this illness and to get it so young is not fair at all. I'm thinking of you all and sending you some gentle hugs xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a gorgeous card you made for Sue’s Birthday using the new SP papers etc. I love how you have cut flowers from a different design to embellish it. Thank you for sharing this beauty with us.
    PAT, how frustrating Pete has to wait until he sees the Doctor in two weeks. I hope the next appointment will be more helpful. Take care. xx
    LYNDA, I hope you haven’t got to wait ages for your day case appointment. Hopefully after this you will feel some pain relief. xx
    LILLIAN hope you are well enough to visit the family this weekend. xx
    MARIA How are you? Hope the new sofas eased your pain. xx

    Have a good day everyone. We are on the school run today, then looking after the two youngest until 10.30 ish. Then home to bed. Another day gone!

    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda. It is definitely nicer to sit on something softer Lol unfortunately the pain in my backside is still around so seeing doc tomorrow afternoon. Have fun spending some time with the young ones. hugs for you and John xx

  8. Hi Sandra & ladies
    We are back to heavy rain & very blustery strong winds. Heating on again.
    SUE I did wish you a happy birthday yesterday but it was a bit late so not sure if you saw my comment. Hope you had a good day with Sandra.
    SANDRA WOW your card is stunning love the colour's so rich. I expect Sue was over the moon with it. I also commented about your video & your new SU goodies all gorgeous looking forward to seeing the new SU catalog.
    BRENDA thank you the doctor said appointment should be between 6 to 8 weeks so not to bad. I had a phone call this morning saying I would get a phone call tomorrow at 8.30am tomorrow for opp assessment as they do it over the phone now.
    MARIA hope your new Sofas turned up yesterday & are comfortable. How are you feeling today sending some big Hug's my friend.
    MICHELE pleased to read your FIL was brighter when you went to see him yesterday Hug's for you all.
    VAL so sorry your DIL has had another health worry. Don't apologise we are all here for you . How is your son he must be so upset seeing his wife go through it again. Sending you all HUG'Sxx
    SANDRA hope you have sorted your craft station after moving it round & everything back in. Don't over do it.xx
    LILIAN hope your well enough to visit your family at the weekend Hug's.
    CHERYL hope paper work all sorted & having fun in craft room.
    HUG'S for everyone
    Love Lynda xx


    1. Sofas arrived 8am this morning and like I said to Brenda, it is so nice to sit on soft,comfy cushions then plastic garden chair hihi. So sorry tho to hear the treatment you are going to have but hopefully that will help you with the pain. Mum got something similar with pain but not seeing her doctor until the 10th. She got a bit of curvous of the spine which doesn't help. Take care and gentle hugs winging it's way to you and CU

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Well blogger is certainly playing up today. I wrote a reply to Val posted. It disappeared. I went and answered a question that I was sent on messenger. Came back in a it was there. How odd.
    Had a lovely day with Sandra today. Did a bit of colouring while Sandra was sorting out her moved unit.
    Pete has his last injection next week. Then looking at the calendar after talking to my friend Carole, I realised that Pete has appointments on the 22nd 23rd and 24th of May split between the JR and Churchill.

    1. Hi Pat. Glad you had a nice day, you do deserve some fun with everything that's going on in your life and all these appointments for either Pete or you. Big hug xx

    2. Hi Maria
      Thanks for the hug. All the appointments are for Pete at the moment. I’ve been signed off with my hand.

  10. Hi Sandra. Gorgeous card made with the pretty paper for our Sue. Glad you had a nice time together.
    Like many of you we had a day of rain and still very chilly wind so after sofas was installed I put the ornaments back in their place and put some pictures back on the wall. Went to Ikea for lunch and then a tot up shop in Lidl. The day went rather quick and I was so tired and ended up with a little snooze late afternoon which not so good but what can you do when the eyes just keep shutting Lol. OH is watching football so thought of starting on some kind of cc but just noticed the time so going to have a cuppa first and then we'll see. Have a good night everyone, love Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I’m glad your sofas arrived. I assume Rick is watching Liverpool v Roma if you have sky.
      I hope you manage to get some sleep this evening.
