
Sunday 29 April 2018

Your Challenge cards

Good Morning Ladies

Welcome to our favourite day of the week,  I just love to see how you all interpret the sketch or challenge each week.  
I hope you are all having a lovely weekend, I have been cold, we even lit the fire last night. Today's weather forecast has a yellow warning for rain with possible localised flooding.  I think I may get some craft time in. 
I have been trying to upload a video since Thursday, showcasing some of the new Stampin'Up! Goodies but the flaming internet keeps cutting out, so far it's got to 52%, 75% and 80%, so fingers crossed we might get past ,90%  tonight!! I am really trying to grow my YouTube channel, so the rubbish internet is a real hindrance!!

Dannii has a facebook page and we featured this week's sketch challenge on there too, I will feature a card that a lovel lady called Steph from Dannii's group made for the challenge too. 

Anyway let's get on with the show.......


Two amazing cards from Janet this week, the first uses Sue Wilson's Apron Die set, the colour theme you have chosen works perfectly.
Your second card is fantastic, I love that pretty frame you have used to showcase that pretty flourish and the bicycle, love that vintage background paper too.
Two lovely cards Janet, thank you so very much for taking part.


Lilian, omg I really love your card my lovely, it may be a combination of two challenges but my goodness it was worth waiting a week for. The background you have created has so much texture, the colours work so perfectly with the Anemones in your topper, which is so pretty.  I am so pleased that you managed to take part this week, I absolutely love seeing your cards each week.
Thank you so much for taking part. 


Michele has had a really busy week and still managed to make four challenge cards, which is amazing. Oh I'm not sure which one is my favourite, I love the vintage train card and the ond with the gifts on, the paper on that card is really pretty.
Thank you so much Michele, I hope Sunday turns out to be a lot more relaxed than yesterday day was, I hope that you weren't at the hospital with your Father in law too late last night my lovely, particularly as you had an early start with the Car Boot Sale.


Karen's Challenge card made for a 'Guinness' lover, it's testament to the brand that you just need to see the harp to know it's Guinness, I know that Michele's Phil would really appreciate this card! (Michele you could borrow Karen's idea for next year. Thank you so much for taking part Karen. 



Lynda has made a beautiful challenge card for this week's Sketch Challenge, here is Lynda's description......
"Paper from Heartfelt Creations 'all Glammed Up' 3D embossing folder, Crafter' Companion Poppy stamp from stash coloured with water colour pencils xx"
I love the background of your card too Lynda, that paper is ok lovely.
Thank you for taking part sweetheart. 


Danielle's sketch card is so pretty, made with  papers from the "Sweet Soiree" suite and the coordinating Memories and More pack, I love how you have offset the square of vellum behind your Sentiment piece. A truly lovely challenge card.
Thank you so much for taking part Danielle.


Cheryl,  your Sketch Challenge card is beautiful, I have these papers (they were free in a magazine last year), you have showcased the papers perfectly with this card, I may use your idea as I haven't used mine yet.  
Thank you so much for taking part in this week's sketch challenge. 


Wow Val, such a stunning challenge card from you this week, I love your stamped background (Val wanted to add a handmade background for last week's challenge)! 
That stamped background looks like a printed patterned paper and works beautifully with the colour theme of your card, which is one of the main benefits of creating your own .  
Your floral centrepiece is so pretty, is it Sue Wilson's Daisy die and stamp?  That pretty little Dragonfly is a lovely touch too.
Thank you so much for taking part Val, I really do appreciate it.


Margaret has made a stunning challenge card for us this week using the Stampin'Up! 
'Wild About Flowers' stamp set for the topper part of the card, the background features 'Delightful Daisy' DSP, which Margaret has combined with a soft pastel peach paper.  Adding the blue as a contrast colour was a genius touch and it works perfectly.  
Thank you so much for taking part this week Margaret.


Steph (Stoker) from Dannii's FB group made this absolutely amazing card for this week's Sketch Challenge, she used Stampin'Up! 'Petal Pallette' papers to create her card, using one of the Memories and More cards as the focal element of the card.  A strip of rhinestones down the left side of the card finish the card perfectly.
Steph thank you so much for taking part in this week's challenge, I really hope that you are able to join in each week my lovely. 

Another fantastic display of cards ladies, you are amazing!!!

I am off into my craft room to think about a challenge for next week,  hmmmm do I go for Sketch, TicTacToe, Colour challenge or a Theme??? 

Which would you prefer??

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, I hope it stays dry wherever you are, a few degrees warmer would be nice too! 

Sending love and hugs to each and every one of you,



  1. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    Shock Horra yes it's me at this early time of day
    WOW WOW what Gorgeousness seeing everyone's beautiful cards on display.
    They are all amazing lovely seeing DANNIE & STEPH popping in showing their beautiful cards too. Also lovely seeing LILIAN taking part this morning. Hope your feeling better my friend xx
    Well I wouldn't like to pick a favourite as they are my favourite well done everyone.
    Haven't got any plans at the moment CU Bailey & Rea are still all sleeping💤💤
    I have some ironing that need doing & hopefully get 8 paw's 🐾Out for a walk today so hope it stays dry we've had nothing but heavy rain all week so haven't taken them out. I want to spend some time in my craft room as I have some craft thing I haven't used yet so I'm getting itchy fingers.
    SANDRA sorry your having so much trouble with your internet it must be so frustrating you. That is such a long time to upload your video.Fingers crossed it' finishes today. Sending you some Big HUG'S xx
    Well I think I will get the ironing out of the way while it's quiet will catch up with everyone later.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Lovely card today from you. I also had a bit of ironing to do this morning. Hope you managed to get a walk in today.

  2. Morning Everyone
    What a wonderful array of gorgousness this morning on the display boards.
    It never fails to amaze me how we all interpret the Challenge each week.

    As LYNDA says good that we don't have to choose a favourite as it's just impossible.

    LILIAN- I hope that you get an appointment quickly so that you can get onto the correct dose and start feeling better.

    We're off to see Christina today so I'm afraid there isn't a hot lunch menu today. We shall be having lunch as usual in Bakewell and then on to Hognaston so I've fingers crossed it stays fine today.

    The CAFE doors are open for you all when you're ready to pop in for a cuppa and a chat.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good Sunday.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Two lovely cards from you today. Especially like the frame and bicycle on the second one.
      I hope you had a lovely day with Christine and enjoyed your lunch in Bakewell.

  3. More stunning cards this week and like LYNDA I couldn’t pick a favourite Lovely to see DANIELLE STEPHANIE and especially LILIAN take part
    I hope you’re feeling tons better after sorting that terrible mix up with your medication
    Like PHIL my OH loves Guinness and it’s his birthday in a couple of weeks and yes MICHELE pinch the idea if you like I hope the car boot sale goes well
    Thank you all for your lovely comments re my kitchen I wanted something light and bright and fairly neutral and as the units (colour- sea foam) looks different colours in different lights that’s why I went for all of the colours! I think I will keep accessories to black/silver BRENDA as the ovens/hob/sink are those colours
    Sorry to see you’re struggling with the internet SANDRA It’s so annoying isn’t it
    Have we done a theme recently? and make it something like - a favourite film a song or animals or a specific colour ...
    Anyway I must crack on and get the ironing out of the way I’m going to make cheese scones today if anybody would like some
    Take care all xx

    1. Thanks for suggestions Karen, think I'm sorted for this week as I was up in the early hours and wanted to make use of the time!! But I will certainly put them on my list.
      Cheese scones, my absolute favourite,which cheese do you use for yours??
      S x

    2. Just a very strong cheddar I sprinkle the ones I’m going to eat with a lot of black pepper OH is so boring with food that I very rarely use unusual ingredients I buy other cheeses for myself!

    3. Hi Karen
      Like Phil Pete also likes Guinness. Except at the moment his taste buds have all gone to pot.
      Yes please I like cheese scones, but don’t make them as Pete doesn’t eat cheese. Although I could make some I suppose and just leave a few without any.
      Petes also boring with food, plain old meat and veg. Although it’s a struggle for him to eat. Not to sure why though.

  4. Morning Ladies

    Fantastic display of challenge cards today.

    Car Boot Sale went ok, bloke who collected the 70th Birthday Card was Happy with it.
    I got home about 1pm, had lunch then unpacked everything. We went to see my In Laws for dinner last night- my father in law wasn’t his usual self during the meal then just afterwards he started talking gibberish and he said he was tired. Wendy asked us to take them to the local hospital but as we were just trying to sort this out he seemed even worse so I just phoned for an ambulance. We followed them and stayed in A&E waiting to find out how he was. They’re treating it as another stroke or at least a TIA. The hospital the ambulance took hi to isn’t the local one as they have no A&E so we finally got home it 02:30 this morning after dropping Wendy off at her house. I certainly won’t be doing much today!


    1. Sort to hear about FIL I hope he’s OK

    2. I meant “sorry’ Not “sort!)

    3. Hi Michele
      Sorry to hear your FIL was unwell yesterday. Hope he’s picked up a bit today.
      Love the 4 cards you made especially the train 🚂 as we quite like travelling on steam trains.
      Hope you managed a relaxing day today after yesterday’s late night.

    4. Sorry Michele
      Meant to say I hope the car boot sale went well. I’m glad the gentleman picked up his card and like it.

    5. MICHELE sorry your FIL was taken poorly last night. Hope he's ok a worry for you both.
      Pleased the grumpy man came to collect the card you made.& he liked it.x

    6. Hi Michele. I'm sorry to hear about our FIL, hope he is a bit better now. I'm glad that Mr Grumpy wasn't grumpy about the lovely card you are for him and that he boot sale was ok x

  5. Morning ladies,

    WOW! another stunning collection of challenge cards, well done everyone.

    Sun is now shining weakly through the clouds, hopefully we shall have a lot of dry spells, washing still waiting to go on the line and the grass needs cutting. How on earth I have such a fine collection of dandelions in my lawn I shall never know. I bought one of those gadgets that is supposed to pull out the dandelion, root and all when they first came out and used it diligently last year. Yet this year they seem to have multiplied. At least the first of the bumblebees out this spring have had plenty of nectar to gather/feed from them. Apparently dandelions are very beneficial to the bumblebees being the first flowers out, not counting the bulbs.
    Time to slam in the lamb shortly. Jamie and I both love roast leg of lamb, whatever is left over goes in one of my famous lamb stews. As soon as I mention I am making one, my family send messages to save some for them. Ha, no chance, Jamie takes some for work and I eat the rest. They should come out for it not send me a message lol. It is first come first served in this house.

    Pansies and Violas are ready for their pots plus a Fatsia is ready for repotting into a larger one so maybe they will get replanted this afternoon, weather permitting.

    That's my Sunday sorted for now, I'll pop in later to see how you are spending yours.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. I would love to know your recipe for Lamb Stew Cheryl, old family recipes seem to be dying out these days as people turn more and more to ready prepared meals or these extortionate boxes that you can get delivered.
      We do love lamb in our house.

    2. Hi Cheryl
      Wish the sun would poke itself out up here as well
      Love your card today as it’s very springlike.
      Enjoy your roast lamb. Lambs quite fatty so I’m not keen on it in a stew. Hope you manage to get your planting done.
      Pete wants to start some runner beans in the greenhouse. Not to sure how he’s going to plant them in the ground though with his back. ( hope he doesn’t want me to though ). They also didn’t have any seed potatoes 🥔 at the garden centre. So fingers crossed he won’t be able to get any.

  6. Just lost a long comment as google seems to be playing up today.
    Great cards everyone.
    Will see if this publishes.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      Great card today, love the dragonfly.

  7. Wow lots of amazing cards on show this week, Sandra thank you for doing the sketch challenge on my facebook group and showing them off here on your blog you are truly an amazing lady.. Have a great day all xx

    1. Hi Danielle.
      Great card today, thanks for sharing.

  8. Good morning Sandra and everyone from a rather wet MK and it doesn't seem to change much over the day.
    Love all the cards on show this Sunday and like some of you I couldn't choose a favourite. Shame me not playing but have not felt like doing any crafting for some time. Nice to see Danielle and Steph joining in .
    Michele, you take care today. Sorry to hear about your FIL, hope all goes well. hugs
    Meeting up with friends from Germany later who are driving through just for one night after have been in Ireland on holiday so best jump in the shower. Have a lovely Sunday everyone. Many warm hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Hope you enjoy your meet up with friends. I wonder if the weather will ever warm up.

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a wonderful display challenge cards this week, Lillian it’s lovely you were up to making a card, Your cards are always so beautiful. Danielle and Steph great that you both joined in.
    Michele, I’m pleased the gentleman collected the 70th birthday card. You never know you mat get some more commissions once his wife sees her special card. Sorry to hear about your farther in law, I hope all goes well for him. xx
    Well it’s another cold day here again we haven’t had any rain .....Yet! Hope it brighter and warmer where you are.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  10. wow what a lot of inspiration Sandra, thank you sharing these on your blog. xx

  11. Hello everyone, dry but very cold, almost wintery, still all the washing dried.

    Beautiful display of cards today, having trouble with the camera on my iPad, seem to make all much brighter, it’s quite soft really.

    Michele hope your FiL soon gets treatment, and he feels better.

    Not doing much today, very tired lack of sleep. Have a good Sunday all, Lilian

  12. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A fantastic array of cards today. Thanks everyone for sharing your makes.
    Well another windy and dull today. Once again the heating is on. Why has our warmer weather gone awol do you ladies thing. I wonder if someone somewhere upset it.
    Had lunch out as usual, but it’s like having lunch in a forest at the moment. Your given a number when you order lunch. But with all the greenery around the people who bring the lunches out have a job seeing them. Not to sure whose idea that was. I must say it wasn’t a very good one.

  13. Our middle doors are being taken down tomorrow. Rich will measure up and make two more doors. The painter has booked herself for the 17th and 18th to paint them in situ. If this cold weather keeps up I’ll be wrapping myself in blankets. As Sandra can verify, our kitchen diner is quite a bit colder than our front room as it gets no sun. Wish we could turn our houses round.

  14. Margaret Palmer29 April 2018 at 20:58

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I am sorry I have been missing for a couple of days, Friday Sue & Chris came & did not go till late which was lovely, Saturday Chris came back to help Pop in garden & did not go till fairly late & then today we have had Tim & family here for the day, so a busy few days, hope to have a quieter day tomorrow.
    Lovely lot of cards today thank you for
    Michele lovely card on Friday, pleased the gentleman liked it, thank you for magazine review & hope FIL is going on
    Karen your kitchen looks lovely, enjoy using
    Janet your boxes are lovely. Hope you had a good day
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  15. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    So many lovely c cards. And all of the usual insparation, thank you all 😊 a stupid bad head stopped me from doing anything on Saturday so another week without a finished c card from me!
    I hope everyone had a good day, this weather is not being very nice is it. I will be glad to get away to sunnier clims next week 😊
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian, Maria, Lynda and all in need. Take care xx
