
Monday 30 April 2018

Monday Challenge

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

A real variety for this week's challenge, it's a Challenge that you can choose either part of the challenge or combine the two.
So maybe you just fancy doing the Sketch part of the challenge, then that's great, or you may fancy doing a Colour challenge, I thought this particular challenge has some gorgeous summery colours in, you could almost make a rainbow!
You can choose any shades of the colours in the photo, I can feel some beautiful flowers coming up!!!   By the way you don't have to use all of the colours, just choose the ones that you would like to use.
You can also combine both the sketch and the colour challenge, which is what Dannii chose for her Challenge card.                           

You can use patterned paper that have those colours in if you like and use the ' flag' part of the sketch for your sentiment.                                                                                  Dannii very kindly allowed me to share her card to give you a little inspiration as I didn't get mine finished.  She used the Birthdays Blossoms stamp set to create her card, Dannii has used Vellum for the flag part of the card, it works perfectly.  I also love how Dannii has framed that sentiment, it really works.  An absolutely wonderful card Dannii thank you for allowing me to share your card. XXX                                                                                                                                                                                                         I can't wait to see what you all create for this week's challenge Ladies, next Sunday's post is going to be Amazing!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             What have you got planned for this week?, What ever it is I hope you have a fantastic  week from start to finish!  Mine is a mixture of Birthday girls, Gas Engineers, Doctors appointments amongst other things!

Sending Love and hugs to all of you,




  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Dannii, very pretty.

    Thanks for the comments on my card featured on Friday. Update on Father in Law -he had another scan yesterday morning, they wanted to do some more tests but the correct person wasn’t available so they’ll be done this morning. Wendy has been told to phone the hospital after lunch for more information then she’ll let me know the latest. We had a more relaxing day yesterday-we’ll, as much as it could be doing all the housework & Phil cut the grass again.


    1. Hi Michele, hope the news is good today for your FIL.
      Hope its not too busy a Monday at work.x

    2. Thinking of you all. Hope the news are good. Take care xx

    3. Hi Michele
      I hope the news is good news re your FIL, and that today isn’t to busy. But knowing hospitals it probably will be.

  2. Morning Everyone
    A very interesting Challenge for this week. I'm not sure what I'll be using yet. I just hope something reasonable happens.

    We had a lovely afternoon with Christina and Robert. Bakewell was absolutely heaving with people as there was a Food Fayre happening so we went straight to the pub we go to for lunch. It was also absolutely bitterly cold too so the log burner in their kitchen was a very welcome site.

    I'm off to have my bloods taken for my annual MOT first thing this morning and then back for Mr Tesco to deliver later than usual.

    MICHELE-hope it's good news for you later today.

    DANNI- a very pretty card this morning.

    The CAFE is OPEN for business so pop in when you can.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Have a good Monday whatever you have planned.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Bakewell is such a lovely place. I have some very happy memories of visits there.
      Good luck with the MOT today.x

    2. Hope to get to Bakewell one day, sound lovely. Good luck with MOT today xx

    3. Janet hope the MOT went well. Take care xx

  3. A lovely challenge and your card is very pretty DANNII
    I do hope it’s good news about your FIL later MICHELE
    MYMy week is filled with hospital appts, dentist and a little bit of dancing

    1. Hi Karen, hospital and dentist doesn't sound good but the dancing does. Hope you have an unstressful week (if that's a word) x

    2. Hope all goes well with both hospital and dentist. Have a nice day xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all,
    Very pretty card Danni and just love the colour palette of this week challenge. There's going to be such beautiful cards next Sunday.
    My internet played up all day yesterday. You don't realise how much you use the internet until its not there. Anyway it seems fine today.
    Poor Harvey has a big lump on his leg, I think its an abscess. Another visit to the vets today.
    Apart from the vets and housework, there's nothing else on the cards today so its some time in my craft room yeah.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Hopefully Harvey will be ok,gentle cuddle for him.
      Have fun in your craft room later xx

    2. I hope Harvey’s visit goes ok

    3. Hi Val
      I hope Harvey is ok now and that his lump is nothing untoward.

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Nice card Danielle. Thanks for the challenge for this week, some lovely colours to play with.
    Hi Lorraine, nice to see you so to say :>) hope you got time to pop in again soon.
    Post office, Lidl and then a curtain person coming around to give some quotes. Tomorrow the sofas coming hopefully, it's been ok to sit on the sun loungers for some weeks but don't think it has been the best for the backside hihi
    Mojo slowly ,slowly coming back so hope to make something,anything this week. Sending many warm hugs to you all and extras for the ones who need some. Have a nice day and if going out, still wrap up warm because this wind is cold. love Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Hope your sofas arrive today as expected.
      How is your Dad doing. I hope he’s going on okay.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Thank you for giving us choices Sandra, it’s funny how sometimes we go for bright colours and another time it’s the subtle tones, well I do! So this challenge is going to appeal to my moods. Danielle thank you for your letting Sandra use your card, It is lovely xx
    Michele hope the news about your FIL is good. xx
    Val hope Harvey get on ok at the vets. xx
    Karen, what a week, Dentist and Hospital appointments - it’s a good job you have your dancing to look forward to. xx
    Its a cold miserable windy and wet day here. Hope the weather improves soon. I’m thinking of hibernating it’s so miserable...... if only!

    What ever you are doing keep safe and warm. Hugs Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Thanks for showing one of Danielle’s card today for the blog challenge. Lovely colours you’ve shown.
    Did you tablets work Sandra that you received from the Drs, or are you going to need some more.
    We also have hospitals this week. Tuesday and Thursday.
    Well Rich has been in and taken our old doors 🚪 out between the living room and the dining room. So it’s going to be coldish for a couple of weeks until the new ones are fitted. He’s also going to cut a cupboard down for me in the kitchen so I can fit a new freezer in. My kitchen units were fitted around the cooker and freezer already in place. But I hadn’t realised these weren’t a standard size.

  8. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    Well the last day of April we have very heavy torrential rain & gale force winds. Last night was very noisy with bins being blown over,but luckily no damage. Heating is on it's so cold.
    A good Challenge this week SANDRA lot's to choose from.
    DANEILLE your card is beautiful love the colour's you have used. Thank you for the inspiration.
    We have to pop out today just to put repeat prescription in the doctors. Then home & craft room is calling might try CC or try some other craft goodies I got from AP i haven't used yet.
    MICHELE hope you get good news about your FIL tests this afternoon. Hope work is going well without any stress.
    VAL hope Harvey gets on ok at the vets. 8 🐾 Sending him gentle paw Hug's x
    JANET hope your MOT tests go well. Enjoy crafting later. Hug's on the way.
    KAREN hope all your appointments go well Hug's x
    HUG'S for everyone xx
    Love Lynda xx

  9. Good afternoon ladies,

    Well after the promised day full of rain I can report......the weather peeps got it wrong again! We have had it rather cloudy (although they were the very thin kind) with bright hot sunshine with a cold wind so far. Maybe I'll get some gardening done tomorrow especially cutting the grass.
    Giorgina and Justin turned up with Milly-May so Sunday turned into a play day with her while Jamie tinted Justin's car. Not much lamb left for my stew which will be more like a broth methinks.

    Sandra & Pat, my recipe for my lamb stew is as follows...

    Left overs or precooked lamb any weight, turnips, carrots, mushrooms, leeks, onion and celery. Added herbs of mint, rosemary, parsley and either garlic salt or splash of puree plus a generous handful of Pearl Barley. Add a vegetable stockpot or cube. Add frozen peas towards the end of the cooking time.
    This recipe is based on my maternal grandmother's, I have added the garlic and mint myself.
    Slow cook on a hob or in slow cooker for 4/8 hours, then add your thickening or chicken gravy granules, not beef as that is too strong and will take away the flavour of the lamb.

    I always precook my lamb and only use the meat juices not the fat. I have a jug that has the spout at the bottom which separates the fat from the meat juice. I think it is called a separator jug.

    Beautiful card and challenge Danni, I think this is one I will enjoy doing.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Sounds like you had a lovely day with Milly-May.
      Very cold here and we had our doors taken down between the living room and kitchen diner. Although it’s not as cold as I thought it would be.
      Thanks for the recipe. I’ve taken a snapshot of it to write down later.

  10. Margaret Palmer30 April 2018 at 17:06

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra great challenge for this week, thank you Danielle for supplying the card for Sandra it is lovely. Sandra sounds as if you are having busy week hope it all works
    Maria hope you feel better & Dad is going on OK, hope your sofas arrive
    Karen sounds as if you will be ready for relaxing by the
    Val hope Harvey is OK good
    We have had a reasonable day today, started very windy & cold but sun out now, mind they forecast 1deg C tonight.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  11. Hello All, sunny day, but the wind is bitingly cold.

    Good challenge choice this week, great card from Danielle, love the colours.

    More sewing again today, another cushion for my son.

    Not much else happening, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I hope your feeling a bit better today. Lovely to see you in.
