
Sunday 15 April 2018

Your Challenge Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

It was a lovely sunny day here yesterday, I got up and couldn't wait to through the windows open to get some fresh air through the house, the lovely thing is all you can hear is birds.  We have our own Pheasant that makes a really loud 'Cry', he's a magnificent creature, such bold colours, he was the most amazing purple and red around its neck, we think he might have a partner but we have only seen her once, not sure if they have a nest in the garden.  We dried 3 loads of washing too.!!
What did you all get up to??

Now it's that time again, I am so excited to share your amazing cards.......
 Lilian I can't tell you how happy it makes me see your amazing card in our weekly line up.  Lilian used the categories.....                                                                             Favourite colour (Blue)/Die cutting/Heat embossing.                                                        That background you have used is so vintage looking, the little embellishments that you heat embossed look as though they are part of the paper the work so well.   Lilian those beautiful blue flowers are stunning.  Thank you so much for pushing yourself to join in this week my lovely, you really made my week.


Margaret I love how you have designed this amazing card, you have used both the ' Lovely as a Tree ' and ' Beautiful You' Stampin'Up! Stamp sets.  You used categories......
Background Stamp/Circle /Watercolour                                                                                  Thank you so much for taking part.


Maria made this super fun card for Rick for his birthday, I bet he had a huge smile when he opened his card. It's  quite a clever way to show how you can make a card using just one die in varying sizes.  Maria has used the categories................................ Circles/Favourite colour/ Heat embossing 
Thank you Maria for taking part despite the chaos in your home.


Michele used the Apple Blossom Music Notes Stencil to create the vacbackgro paper for her second challenge card, I have never seen it and I think it might find it's way into my basket!
Michele has then embossed the card with a music score embossing folder, which has given both texture and depth to the card, a few die cut notes a tag with the sentiment on finish this stunning card, I love it Michele, thank you so much for taking part.


Lynda had used lovely new Phill Martin Stamps to create all of her challenge cards this week.
"My CC first card: Circles /background stamp/ water colour 
Second card: Background  stamp/ die cutting / birthday
Third: background stamp/ birthday /die cutting"                              Lynda, I love all three of your cards, I haven't had a chance to play with my new stamps yet but you have really inspired me.  Thank you so much for taking part.


Two very different cards from Val this week, both fabulous, the first card uses categories: circles/Die cutting/favourite colour      the second are : Circles/ Stencil/ Happy Birthday
Two lovely cards Val, thank you so much for taking part.


Karen and I had the same idea for this style card, using the resist technique.  I absolutely love the colours you have used Karen, very calming and perfect for the occasion.
Karen used Categories: Background Stamp / Heat Embossing/ Favourite colour.
Thank you so very much for taking part this week my lovely.


Wow Janet, 3 beautiful challenge cards from you this week, 
The first card has that beautiful circle die, which I adore, who makes it Janet??  This card uses categories: Circle/Happy Birthday/Favourite colour.
The second card features one of Janet's new Tonic dies, Mariposa, Such a pretty little girl with flowers and Butterflies in her long hair.  This card uses categories: Favourite colour/Die Cut/Birthday.
Janet's third and final card has a beautiful die cut background, using Categories: Favourite colour/Happy Birthday/die cutting.
It's great to have you back Janet, I missed your cards last week.  Thank you for taking part.

Ladies another stunning display of cards again this week, showing how incredibly talented you all are.

Have a peaceful Sunday,  I think the weather is not going to be so good today, so that means craft room time!! Yes!!

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    WOW-what am absolutely amazing selection of challenge cards today. They’re all fantastic & so very different.

    I had planned to make another card but totally ran outfit time (& inspiration)! Had a lovely catch up with my friend yesterday afternoon. We had some glorious sunshine, the garden centre was very busy. The forecast for today was dull/wet but it looks like it’s going to be a nice day-hopefully hubby won’t suggest gardening! My brother & wife are driving up from Portsmouth (got the ferry from France ) and are hoping to call in for a drink on their way home to Glasgow so I think it would be better if we stayed inside, waiting for them!!


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope you had a good carchup with your brother and his wife. I hope your OH doesn’t suggest going out into the garden though.
      Pete did a bit of digging yesterday, I did a little bit as well. He wanted to plant 2 rows of potatoes. He actually worn his garden gloves this time.
      Rain a bit this afternoon and it’s quite dull and getting colder.

  2. Morning Everyone
    We have a dull but dry start to the day here so fingers crossed the sun may come out later.

    What a bumper bundle of gorgousness this week so much so that I've had to ask Paul to get the extra board out for the display lol.

    I love all the themes used. It never fails to amaze me how many different interpretations we get from one simple frame of choices.

    SANDRA- the die I used to make the circle (sorry it's a little out of shape on the top corner) is a Tonic one called 'Rossini's Spray' Flourish die set. The girl is one from the 'Boho' girls 'Beautiful Jasmine'

    I'm not sure what's on the agenda for today.

    The CAFE is OPEN and Sunday Lunch is Roast Pork so please place your orders asap.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good Sunday everyone xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Dull her today as well. I hope the sun came out for you. It hasn’t here in Oxfordshire.

  3. Fabulous cards lady and it’s lovely to see LILIAN felt well enough to take part
    I hate say it but mine isn’t a resist technique It’ a die cut over a piece of photo paper that had been Pixie Powdered! My heat embossing came from double heat embossing the sentiment
    Oscar was great fun yesterday I watched him have a bath (in his paddling pool in the shower cubicle) he loves it I can away soaked and needed to use daughter’s hair dryer to dry myself off!
    OH stayed in Harlow last night because of work So not sure of plans I need to crack on and finish a couple of cards and maybe dancing this afternoon
    Take care all x

    1. Hi Karen
      I can imagine how wet you got while Oscar was in the shower. Enjoy your dancing 💃 if your going.

  4. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    WOW some gorgeous cards on display to chear me up on this wet & Rainy day
    After yesterday beautiful sunshine. Lovely seeing Lilian with her gorgeous card.
    Early today as my brother SIL niece Lisa &family are coming down.
    Not sure what time they are down so will wake ����CU & sleepy 8 paws up
    after this post. As I want to make sure bathroom & Toilet are clean & give upstairs a hoover. Then have shower & get ready. So will get move on.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Hope you have a lovely meet up with your family.

  5. Hi all,
    I do love Sundays,, looking to see what everyone has made and as usual not disappointed. Lovely, lovely cards ladies.

    Hopefully the good weather which has arrived is here to stay after long last. Sat outside and read the local paper and enjoyed a coffee this morning. I just love the sun!

    I have 4pair of pants which need taking in so I've tried them on and pinned them and Lynn is about to thread the needle on the sewing machine for me. I always have to sew when she's around as I just can't see the hole in the needle. Is anyone else like me?

    Lovely to see your feeling well enough to join in the challenge this week Lilian. Sending special wishes to you.x

    Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Hands up, Yes I am like you Val, I find it almost impossible to thread a needle. But was treated to a new sewing machine last year (granddaughter inherited my old one) the new machine has a needle threader on it - it’s great. Sewing needles were another problem, I would spend forever trying to thread them. I found an answer to that, you can get needles with a sort of U shape on top, you just put the cotton across the U and pull it down into the eye. For me they really work.
      Enjoy your sewing. xxx

    2. Well I'm glad I'm not on my own Brenda but gosh I didn't know there were such handy gadgets around. My machine isn't very old so I won't be getting another any time soon but those marvelous needles for hand sewing goes on the top of my list for next time I'm in the UK. Thanks for the tip.x

    3. Hi Val
      I don’t have a sewing machine. However, if I need to thread a needle I have to take my glasses 👓 off to do it. How weird is that. Enjoy your sunshine. We’re still waiting for some. It was quite warm yesterday but it’s back to quite cold today.

    4. I struggle too Val My sewing machine does have an automatic threader but I even struggle with that! The needles Brenda described are a real boon and I have an old fashioned threader which is a flat metal disc with a very fine piece of wire looped onto it The loop passes through the needle You then place thread through this loop and pull it back through the needle

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry didn’t get in yesterday what a lot of serious shopping was on display. Lillian I love your appliqué cushion.
    Janet the pictures from your beautiful French retreat are lovely.

    Today’s display of challenge cards is absolutely fantastic. You should all be so proud of yourselves. I love to see so many different interpretations from the same brief .

    I’m being summoned to the garden by 0H so better go now will pop in later and see what everybody’s doing.

    Take care Siobhan, looks Brenda XXX

  7. Margaret Palmer15 April 2018 at 12:38

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a lovely selection of cards we have this week & all so different, I love the tic tac toe challenge. It was lovely yesterday but today it is grey again & not soo warm, we never seem to have 2 days the same. Enjoy your craft room
    Maria pleased to hear that you are finding pain clinic helpful, I think it always does you good to talk to others in a similar
    Lynda enjoy your family meal sounds
    Lilian lovely to see you joining us this week, hope things are looking
    sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hi ladies this Sunday afternoon.
    Hope you all have a nice day. Fabulous cards on display, no wonder you had to take the extra board out Janet. Well all I could think of was circles on circles and it finished as a face sort of Lol
    Had a walk this morning, hard going as haven't done it for ages. Managed to tidy up a little bit around the patio yesterday, such a lovely day with the sun out. Not doing much other then having a nice dinner tonight with a glass of red.
    Hugs to all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Enjoy your glass of red with your dinner. Me, I prefer white, but manage a red if no white is available.
      Great to hear that the pain clinic is helping.

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Wow, today’s cards are a vision to behold. I’m not doing any stamping or playing with dies at the moment. But I sure do like those Phil Martin stamps. Loved all the cards but I wouldn’t have though of using varying degrees of circles as Maria has done.
    Went to lunch at Yarnton Nurseries as usual today. They’ve as last finished resurfacing the driveway in and where you park the cars. The whole place was full of very deep holes so I think everybody was complaining. It took them a long time before they decided to do it though. They’ve planted up the dividing area between each row of cars with miniature daffodils and bushes. Plus they’ve revamped the restaurant. New tables and chairs and added large treeish plants in pots between some of the tables.

  10. Hello All, raining and very windy here today, also cold, had to turn up the heating again.
    WOW what a lot of lovely cards today, I must admit I’m using up some of my old papers and flowers.

    Hope you all had a lovely Sunday, the weather is supposed to be warmer this week, so let’s hope it happens. Hugs to all Lilian

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Lilian, your applique cushion cover is fabulous. Will you be doing some more? Today's CC is also gorgeous, the corners look just like metal, I love it x
    Janet, What a great idea to decorate the bottle that has the name of your very special second home and with such pretty lace X
    Everybody's C Cards are lovely with such a variety of designs and stash used.
    We have had a busy weekend and next week is looking quite busy already. I must finish Paige's birthday card for Wednesday, can't believe she will be seven!
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and Val. Take care xx
