
Saturday 14 April 2018

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and are enjoying your weekend, we had a fun start to our weekend yesterday, Paul finishes early on a Friday and we hadn't managed to fit in any 'fun' time with the girls, Lucy suggested we go to Kaspa's a pudding restaurant, now puddings aren't my thing but I wasn't going to spoil their fun, OMG, there were so many different things to choose from, I had a 'Waffle Crumble'  which was a huge waffle smothered in apple crumble pieces and then covered with Canadian Maple syrup!  Boy I struggled, the others didn't though, Lucy and Paul had 'Brownie Waffle' which was broken up chocolate Brownies on top a waffle, covered with warm melted chocolate, Paul ended up finishing Lucy's too, Sophie went for 'Strawberries and Cream Waffle' which was lots of sliced strawberries with a strawberry sauce and lots of whipped cream! 
Needless to say we were all full to bursting and didn't really want any dinner.  I would totally recommend it, if you like desserts, you will be in heaven.
I think I had a reaction to all the sugar though, I felt cold and shaky and incredibly tired after about 20 mins, something I have never experienced before, I don't usually have that much sugar though, I was OK, just felt odd.  Next time I will have a simple crepe though.

Now there is so much shopping to share this week I have kept some craft projects to show next week, I hope you don't mind too much, I have included a couple of lovely things to keep you going.....

Lilian sent me the photo above, I'm not sure you will believe me when I tell you that this is Lilian's first attempt at Applique'! Its absolutely amazing Lilian, its in my favourite colours too, I would dearly love to be able to create something like this.
Thank you so much for sharing your amazing cushion with all of us.


Janet has shared her lovely 'altered' bottle with us this week, I love the shape of the bottle Janet, it reminds me of the days when I thought that I was sophisticated when we ordered 'Mateus Rose', restaurants used to use them as candle holders too!  Yours does look sophisticated Janet, you have used some beautiful Lace, doilies and Appliques.
Janet has treated us to the view from her little piece of paradise, Janet has never planted Primroses at Marigny, there were a few when they moved in years ago and since then they have multiplied, what a beautiful view Janet, I bet you can't wait to go back.
Thank you so much for both your inspirational bottle and for that stunning view.







Pat did a 'Make and Take' with Maria at the 'Lavinia Stamp' stand, this is the card that she made, so much detail, I love the image too.  I hope you enjoyed it Pat despite the 'Sting in the tail', I think that they should be upfront about charging to be honest, then YOU can decide whether to take part.
Thanks for sharing your card Pat.


Well ladies you all bought some lovely craft goodies, sadly our internet kept dropping out so I had to give up describing each individual shop.
I think pretty much most of you bought stamps this time and not so many dies, maybe the tide is turning a little bit.
Some of you got some fantastic bargains too.  I can't believe that Crafters Companion Magazine was on the £1 stand !!
I am excited to see all of the lovely projects you all create with the craft goodies you bought.

Ben at Set Craft has a new FB Group called In2crafts, he kindly shared yesterday's card on his page yesterday, you might want to go have a look at his new page ladies.

Thats all from me today, thank you to each and every one of you that took part in today's blog post.

I am looking forward to all of your Challenge cards tomorrow, TicTacToe challenges really show your creativity.

Have a lovely Saturday,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lilian-your cushion is absolutely amazing, it’s gorgeous. You’re very talented.

    Janet-love the altered bottle & the pictures of the flowers.

    Everyone bought some amazing goodies-I’m very jealous of the £1 magazine!! Looking forward to seeing what else was purchased.

    My plans have changed again for today-I won’t be giving blood as they’ve cancelled the session! I got another text yesterday informing me that there would be no donation session at all and I was to re-book. The next available date is 19th May. At least I can relax for a while once I’m done at the hairdressers-might actually get time to start my challenge card.


  2. Morning Everyone
    What a fantastic haul of goodies you all brought back from AP last week-end. i really cannot wait to see some wonderful creations in the coming weeks.

    LILIAN- I am really green with envy (I know we shouldn't fall into that trap but) your cushion is just so so beautiful. I love love love the colours you have used and I just know that your future creations will be fantastic.

    The bottle label is the real label for the bottle. We first found this spirit a few years ago and just could not resist buying a bottle as the Armanagnac really is called 'Marigny'. It's also a beautiful shape to work with too.

    Off shopping this morning and meeting Jim's Niece and her two children. Hoping for a quiet afternoon with feet up as I don't seem to have stopped since we got back last week-end.

    The CAFE is OPEN and there will be cream cakes this afternoon for everyone (calorie free of course).
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Have a good week-end. xxxx

  3. Amazing LILIAN that cushion is gorgeous I could never do that
    Lots of lovely goodies I think a few of us went for the magazine when SUE showed us at lunch I’m not mush of a sewer but at £1 I thought it’d make a good read I did buy some dies but there wasn’t any real bargains and I bought a ne Raspberry plate from Joanna Sheen because they were more expensive at AP....
    Well new printer bought (OH is so kind and generous) I just need to set it up IF I can (fingers crossed) I should be able to print photos directly from my phone too!
    Wish me luck I’m going to need it
    Babysitting later So looking forward to that
    Take care all

  4. Hi Everyone.
    WOW ladies, to use Brucie's phrase "didn't you do well." Love everyone's goodies, there's not one thing I wouldn't use. The mags look like a real bargain. Looking forward to seeing all the cards you're inspired to make.

    LILIAN I'm in awe with your cushion. Beautiful colour and can't believe its a first attempt. You're very clever.x

    JANET what a brilliant bottle. Love the decoration and the great label. Your garden is so pretty as is your view. Like Sandra I remember buying Mateus Rose just for the shape of the bottle. I remember Allan made bedside lamps out of them. Hope you can have a quiet afternoon Janet. Sounds as though you need it.x

    SANDRA that pudding place sounds great. I have such a sweet tooth I'd love it.x

    I'm meeting my friend Pippa for a coffee in an hour then I have to put inserts in about 20 cards. That and putting them in cellophane bags is the booting part for me but it has to be done.

    Have a good Saturday everyone. I will be watching the Grand National later. Being from Liverpool is a bit of a tradition. In UK we always had a house full but there will just be me today. Mind you I watch it through half closed eyes in case a horse gets injured.
    Bye for now Valx

  5. PAT you're make and take card is so pretty. I love Lavinia stamps.x

  6. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    Wow Lilian I love your cushion it's beautiful your so talented xx
    Lots of lovely shopping ladies well done.
    Pat love your make & take card.
    Janet your altered bottle is gorgeous & your garden is beautiful in your second home such a lovely view it's breathtaking.
    Not much planed for today. More cleaning CU is going to shampoo the carpet & rugs as he cut the grass front & back yesterday. As we don't have a side gate all the mud extra walks in ( he never takes his shoes off !!! ) MEN or is it just mine.
    We have my brother SIL & neice are coming down tomorrow also Lisa Ian & Joseph.We are going out for a Sunday carvery Darren & Sam couldn't make it.
    It's a lovely sunny day washing on the line another in machine.
    Well better get a move on. Also I have got to finish my Challenge Card as well.
    Love Lynda xx

  7. Good morning all.
    wow just look at all the shopping Lol many of us are going to have lots of fun for a long while. Looking forward to see lots of lovey cards. Love the Lavinia topper you made Pat. I made a booboo on mine so it's no show but it was fun to use different tools how to make it.
    Lilian, love the cushion. Love the colour and it is fabulous made for being the first time. I could never make it myself. Hope you feeling better. hugs
    I remember the bottle you talking about Lol but never made them anything like yours Janet, it is a brilliant idea to make it up and I love the label. So many happy memories and I love the view you got outside, so pretty.
    Felt pretty full up after reading about your fabulous puddings Sandra Lol Might have to look it up, not sure if we got one here.
    After all the rain we actually got blue sky and sunshine right now and it feel so much warmer so my plan is to go out and get some vitamin D while I can. The flower borders need a tidy up but can't go on the grass yet so have to wait a few days but the border next to our patio can be done, just need to get the energy for it now.
    Pat- the pain clinic is fine, we sitting and talking about what we can do and how to cope with flair ups , all different meds. and sleepless nights. One of the ladies are going to start a fibromyalgia group so after this is over we hopefully will meet up for a coffee and chat . It has been on the cards before but never happened but hope this one will. lovely bunch of ladies.
    Ladies, have a lovely day whatever you are doing.
    Love Maria xxxx

  8. Hi All, cloudy here today, washing out hope it will dry, at least it’s beginning to feel a bit warmer.
    Love all your shopping, at the moment, I’m trying not to buy anything for card making, as I have so much already, that doesn’t include fabric.

    Thanks for the kind words about my cushion, although I am technically a good machinist , this art sewing is a whole different story.

    Sandra your desert place sounds yummy, its my favourite part of the meal.

    Have a good day all, have sent my card to Sandra first one I’ve done for ages.
    Hugs to all Lilian

  9. After a lot of hoo haa-ing the printer is working!
    SANDRA that pudding place sounds delicious Even though I am diabetic I am lucky that I can have a little taster once awhile
    Your topper is lovely PAT Mine was a complete disaster She was rushing us and didn’t explain where to place the fairy etc But it was fun playing with stamps and gelli plates

    1. Hi Karen
      Great to hear that your printer is working now.
      The woman on that make and take drove me mad. She kept on about how amazed we’d be with each step we did. And explained every single detail of what we were doing.

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Wow Janet
    I love your bottle and the pictures of your flowers in your little corner of paradise.
    Lilian love the cushion your made as well.
    I’ll need new cushions when my new sofas arrive. I won’t be making them though. I’ll be buying them from a shop. Pete doesn’t know that yet so please don’t tell him.
    Lovely goodies on show that everyone bought at Ally Pally Ladies.

  11. The puddings sound delicious Sandra but you didn’t say where it was. I’ve heard of the pudding club though.

    1. Margaret Palmer14 April 2018 at 21:51

      Pat it is in Swindon almost opposite the Wyvern Theatre, sounds lovely if you have sweet tooth.
      your make & take was

    2. Margaret Palmer14 April 2018 at 21:57

      Hi Pat it is in Swindon almost opposite the Wyvern Theatre.

    3. Margaret Palmer14 April 2018 at 22:03

      Sorry about repletion.

  12. Margaret Palmer14 April 2018 at 21:10

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sounds as if you had fun with the girls yesterday, no wonder you felt funny after. Thank you for showing Lilian's beautiful cushion & our shopping, we did do well between us. Enjoy the
    Janet your botyle is lovely & I love the primroses, tuey used to grow on the roadside when I was a girl, which is a long time ago now, hope you are able to return to Marigny
    Lilian your cushion is beautiful, looks as if you have done it
    I have not had time this week to play much with my inks hope to soon.
    I hope you have all had the lovely sunny & warm day we have, makes you feel so much better.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love
