
Wednesday 11 April 2018

Margaret's actual Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I managed too share the wrong card from Margaret on Sunday, I have to say that I did think that the card I shared didn't quite fit the challenge but I shared it regardless, it didn't feature a die, so I was thinking maybe Margaret just misunderstood and used old card stock instead.
When we were in the car on the way to Ally Pally on Sunday Margaret said "you shared the wrong card today", which made sense, She then showed me this card that she had sent to me on the first day of the challenge!

Margaret's actual Challenge card features a vintage car (which I am guessing is the old die), we have to remember that Margaret has only been crafting for a couple of years so won't have some of the older dies that most of us have collected.
Margaret used the old oak tree from Lovely as a Tree Stampin'Up stamp set, she then personalised the card with letter dies.
A fantastic card Margaret, thank you so much for taking part. XXX

I went to bed on Monday evening feeling 'off', I was so cold and couldn't get warm, I eventually dropped off after 2:30, only to wake at 4am with that very uncomfortable feeling that you get at start of a Water infection, so I dragged myself to the bathroom and omg was I in pain, I definitely had a UTI!!
Which explains why I was shivery etc, it's my own fault, I just didn't drink enough or go to the bathroom enough at the weekend, on Sunday we left the house at 7:30am and got home 12 hours later and I hadn't been to bathroom all day, mostly because I hate public toilets, I also ran low on Cranberry Tablets, which have prevented me having UTI's for a couple of years.
luckily I had a full course of Nitrofurantoin in my bedside table, so started them straight away, fingers crossed I have caught it early.
Because of this I was going to cancel my date with Sue, but I'm glad I didn't as she really cheered me up, we got some crafting done too, I will apologise for lunch though, I really didn't have my 'head in the game' and so I firstly cooked the sausage rolls for 30 secs instead of minutes, then I burnt them!

I am hoping for a more comfortable day today, so fingers crossed!!

I hope you all have a fantastic day too,

Love and hugs



  1. Margaret a lovely card for last Sunday's challenge.
    Terry has just eaten the last pice of fruit cake he said thank you so much. It was so nice but my vote goes to your Lemon & coconut cake.yummy.
    Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      The Lemon and Coconut gets my vote as well. I’m not a lover of fruit cake.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Margaret-great Card for last weeks challenge. It could be used for many occasions or any age.

    Sandra-sorry to hear you’re not well. Thank goodness you have an emergency course of antibiotics in stock, make sure you get a replacement for your GP. Hope you soon feel better.

    I went into my craft room yesterday evening but I just couldn’t settle to start a card so I found a few lire things to take along tonight to give my friend for her daughter to play with, then I finished reading another book.


    1. Hi Michele
      I’ve had a book on the go for quite awhile now. Can’t seem to get back into reading at the moment. It’s a book of short stories so it doesn’t take me to long to get to the end.

  3. A lovely card MARGARET and I must reiterate what LYNDA has said Your coconut lemon drizzle cake is soooo yummy
    I managed to finish two of the three wedding cards I needed Nothing as beautifully ornate as tours SANDRA but I think think they’ll fit the bill
    I do hope you’re feeling better SANDRA I feel your pain
    Take care all I think of you all of the time xx
    PS - OH thought the magic window card I made for our anniversary was brilliant- which says a lot considering he’s never enamoured about my crafting

    1. Hi Karen
      Wow that’s high praise indeed from your OH. Pete always says you could go and buy one from 69p. Cheapskate or what. He forgets that I actually enjoy card making, when I don’t have to rush. It keeps me sane ( well saneish ) between hospital visits.

  4. Morning Everyone
    from another very very wet Sheffield.
    Well according to the weather man yesterday evening we were going to be dryer than yesterday!! All I can say is 'watch this space' as looking at the sky we're in for rain all day.

    MARGARET- a lovely Man card. I love that tree and car. I hope you're feeling less tired today.

    SANDRA- hoping the antibiotics kick in quickly and you feel more comfortable.

    Today is going to be a take it easy day for me. I still feel tired after traveling at the week-end and I don't seem to have stopped since.

    The CAFE is OPEN for you all to pop in for a chat and a snack if needed. The brollie bucket is still in place by the door lol.

    HUGS are on their way to you all.
    VAL - thinking of you and extra hugs for you today.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      We also have rain. It actually stopped when I was coming home from Abingdon. Pete had peeled potatoes for me but was out when I got in.

  5. Morning Ladies,

    Another wet start to what looks like going to be another dreary day full of grey clouds. Our weather report yesterday was sunny spells....well, somebody else must have had them somewhere else.

    On Monday Rosie and I had a lovely stroll, amongst the mizzle drops, along the promenade at Burnham on Sea, lunch was eaten in a little side road café that claimed fresh cooked food from local producers. Veg turned out to be tinned peas, frozen carrots, sprouts, chips and roast potatoes. So we could only assume Iceland was the local provider. My fried liver was cooked to my liking and very tasty, Rosie was of the opinion her roast lamb was also previously frozen. We won't be dining there again.

    Yesterday my good friend Pete celebrated his 78th birthday with me at Cadbury Garden Centre in Conglesbury near Bristol. We had planned on going to W-S-M for the day and strolling along their promenade but the rain stopped that idea. And to be honest it was so much nicer wandering around looking for bedding plants, both of us being keen gardeners.

    This afternoon I shall be at my REA AGM to pay my subs and listen to any other business.

    So this morning will give me chance to complete my challenge card and finish painting my bottles and jars which I will then decoupage with some beautiful napkins that I bought from the Declutter site 18 months ago. Well that's the plan anyway unless something else crops up.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Sounds like you had a lovely lunch ( not ). I wouldn’t be going there either if I lived down that way.
      Would love to see your bottles and jars when you’ve finished them please.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Margaret lovely card for your challenge, great one for the men and boys. I love it.

    I’m up and organised early as I have a 10 o’clock dental appointment. Dentist it’s only round the corner so will only take a few minutes To get there. After that we are popping into Croydon, a little shopping and possibly something to eat and then I’ll take the day as it comes.

    Sandra I hope you’re feeling a bit better today please take it steady, sending extra big squidgy hugs just for you.
    Have a good day everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I can just see your face when John got his step ladder out to do the hedge. I have the same problem with Pete. He had a major fall over today digging something up out of Doreen’s garden. Seeing as he’s just had his Radium treatment he’s not supposed to do anything where he could get an infection. Ie gardening or patting dogs etc.

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Love the card Margaret for Sunday's cc, great man card.
    Wish you better quickly Sandra, good you got some meds at home.
    Janet- hope you had a nice time at knit and natter. Have a rest today.
    Cheryl- nice you managed some walk even in the rain but lunch was not up to it's best. Happy crafting, love to see what you make with the bottles.
    Val- thinking of you. big hugs
    Pat- have fun at the groovi class.
    Lilian- hope you feeling better and can pop in later for a chat. We are here for you. hugs
    we are going to Stamford today to see OH step mum. Hoping to see some of the lovely town while we are there.
    Wishing you all a good day. love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I really enjoyed the Groovi class. Carole also showed us her craft room, and how her silhouette machine worked and how she designs her frames for our Groovi work.
      One clever lady I think.
      Karen does the same sort of thing with her Scan n Cut I would think.

  8. Morning ladies. Sorry I've been missing for a few days.
    Thank you so much ladies for your kind wishes and Sandra and Margaret for your lovely cheery emails.
    Margaret love your card today. Great car, I think I have that die in my box.
    DIL didn't have a biopsy yesterday as she thought. She had a body scan to see if its just the one lump they're dealing with and it is thankfully. However the lymph nodes in her hip are raised and she's having a ct scan on them tomorrow and the biopsy next week. She always sounds upbeat when I talk to her maybe to stop me worrying but don't know.
    Good news is that Olives blood test came back and apart from the feline aids she's quite a healthy little cat for a thirteen year old. We've changed her food to extra sensitive and hopefully it will be kinder on her tum and stop her being sick.
    Lovely sunny day here after thunder and lightening and a lot of rain during the night.
    BRENDA Good to hear hubby is behaving himself.x
    LILIAN sending special hugs to youx
    PAT Hope you're not too tired coping with all the hospital visited
    SANDRA so sorry to read you're not feeling so good. Glad you had some tablets handy and hopefully you've taken them early enough to ward off a nasty infection.x
    Hugs to all. Love Valx

    1. Hello Val,
      You DIL sounds a remarkable young lady. She has the strength to help you all through ‘her problems’. Isn’t it amazing when someone has serious health issues, they try to make everyone else feel at ease. Be positive and strong for her. xx
      Pleased Olive news is good, it’s the love and care she gets that keeps her going. xx

    2. Hi Val
      You DIL sounds amazing. Being so upbeat about the health issues she’s having.
      As Brenda says please try and be strong for her. Difficult to do I know from experience.
      Good news really about Olive taking her age into concideration.
      Gentle hugs to you all coming your way.

  9. Hello All, lovely card Margaret, also can I say thank you for my very pretty card which I received today.
    I have had another letter from GP this morning asking her to con firm my current medication, I have told them several times, so they will likely to give digoxin, and hopefully leave off the beta blockers which make me feel so bad, so good news at last.

    Sandra do hope you feel better soon, just finished a corse of antibiotics for same reason.

    Hope to start a card today, which hopefully won’t end up in the bin.

    Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hello Lillian, I was on beta blockers a few years ago, then medication changed to Digoxin and life improved considerably. I still get tired easily and walking pace is not what it was. But I’m alive and coping with each day. I hope you get a positive result from your change of meds. Sending gentle healing hugs, love and prayers. xx

    2. Hi Lilian, hopefully the change of your medications will soon make you feel better. Just take things easy. many hugs xx

    3. Hi Lilian
      Fingers crossed the change of meds will make you feel better.
      As Maria says just take things slowly and gentle hugs coming your way.

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Mum, love your card for Tom, he will too. Hope you're not quite so tired now. Maybe you could try and have a sit down at some time today. Love you xxxx
    Sandra, first I want to ask how you're feeling today? I hope it's better than yesterday. I was torn between leaving you to rest or keeping you company yesterday but I'm glad I came over. Thank you for solving my "fairy wings" dilemma! I will send you a pic once I have finished the card xx
    Brenda, I can just imagine your face when you saw John climbing the fence
    Like you say"men!" I hope you can find some time to relax a bit. These shows are great but they do certainly take it out of you x
    Val, sending hugs dear friend x
    Lilian, I love your gorgeous applique. You are so talented. Please don't bin your cards even if you think they are no good as we all agree that your cards that you think aren't good enough are still fabulous. Big hugs are on the way X
    We have Phoebe and Paige here now until tomorrow and we are just getting some craft things out so a good day here 😊
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all-in need. Take care xx

  11. Margaret Palmer11 April 2018 at 15:32

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry you are feeling poorly so hope medication has kicked in now. Thank you for showing my card today & for all your lovely
    Thank you ladies for all your comments as well you are doo
    Lovely to see Lilian in today, hope new tablets
    Val pleased you felt up to coming in today, good news about Olive, your D-I-L sounds an amazing person after what she has had to cope with, hugs on
    Once again too wet to play Petanque today, at least it meant I could do food shopping today instead of in the morning so means I have tomorrow tree now.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  12. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card today Nargaret. I hope your feeling better today Sandra, and that your tablets have kicked in.
    I’m in late again today. Not to sure where the hours in a day are disappearing to at the moment.
    Went for a Groovi lesson again today. Learning how to do proper colouring on parchment. Takes a few stages but it isn’t just colouring as we know it on our stamped card. Carole made us some lovely frames with her silhouette machine.
