
Thursday 12 April 2018

A different look for me....

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is a bit of a different look for me, it was the result of a 'experimenting with Distress Oxides' session, I was finding it hard to concentrate on Tuesday, mostly due to tiredness and felt miserable with this infection, I find just playing with inks and stamps quite therapeutic, so while Sue was beavering away making a birthday card I was making a big mess!

Today's card started with me inking up the Justrite Secret Garden stamp with Versamark ink, this is where a stamping tool comes in so handy as the Justrite background stamps are huge.  I then stamped onto the back of a piece of Centura Pearl card, (mainly because I remember Sheena Douglass saying that the back of Centura pearl was really good to taking ink techniques with out getting soggy and falling apart), I added some white embossing powder and heat set.  I then decided to add the ink straight over my embossed background using the Blending tool, I started at the bottom with Worn Lipstick, then Spiced Marmalade, Wild Honey and finished with Twisted Citron Distress Oxide inks, they blend so easily.  I then waited a while before buffing over the top with a soft cloth to remove any ink from the White Embossed areas.  I then added a tiny black mat and die cut 2 of the Stampin'Up! Happy Birthday' dies, I put one on my craft mat and covered it with Versamark and then covered it with embossing powder and heat set, the result is a lovely glossy sentiment, I glued the two die cuts together to raise them off of the card.  I then added some narrow black ribbon and finished with a bow.

It was lovely to see you pop in yesterday Val, I'm so pleased you did as the longer you leave it the harder it gets.  Plus we really missed you sweet friend.  I truly believe in the saying 'a problem shared is a problem halved'.  There have been many occasions that someone has discussed a problem only for someone else to offer information as they have been in the same situation. We all have everything crossed for your sweet Daughter In Law. XXX

I can't believe that the 2 weeks of Easter Holiday are almost over, it went so fast, I love having the girls home, they are usually doing there own thing somewhere in the house but its just nice having them around, we often meet in the kitchen while they are on their frequent 'refuel' trips!

I hope you have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-love your card, really like the graduated colours.

    Busy day yesterday at work then a quick change then off to meet a frygir tea. We meet up at a mid way point between the two of us but she finishes work later than me. We talked for such a long time and I finally got home just after 11pm so it was quite late by the time I got to bed. I’m feeling tired already this morning-hoping work isn’t too crazy busy today!

    Val & Lilian-lovely to see you popping in yesterday.

    Sandra-hope you’re feeling better today.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope work wasn’t to manic yesterday. It certainly was in Nuclear Medicine where Pete goes for his Radium. They were running really late as a batch of it wasn’t right. They have to order it in advance, so I don’t know where it comes from.
      Plus Petes blood count was low, so he had to have another blood test to see if it was still low from last week. It was just above the limit so they decided to go ahead. So we had a late day as well.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Yes it's still raining - perhaps we ought to think of making plans for a Norah's Ark lol

    SANDRA - a lovely less is more card from you today.

    LILIAN- it was so lovely to have you back in the CAFE today. When I first started on beta blockers I too had problems (I lost feeling in my fingers) and as I have Reynard's and so already had problems re circulation they reduced the strength to the minimum and this helped tremendously. Hope the new meds help.

    VAL- so pleased that the news about your DIL was on the good side of things and I really hope that next week's tests will go well.

    I managed to get my CC sent off to Sandra yesterday along with one or two other pictures. Not sure what I'll be doing after my hairdresser has been this morning but I'm sure something will turn up.

    The CAFE is OPEN and YES the bucket is still there for your brollies lol. Pop in for a chat and a cuppa and remember all pastries etc are calorie free so help yourselves.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends in need. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      We also have rain ☔️ in Oxfordshire so thanks for the bucket. My SIL in Australia πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί is complaining about their hot weather in their Autumn. It’s about 35 ish and to hot. So I keep asking her to send some over to us and I’ll send some cold back. But she’s not playing ball.

  3. Lovely card SANDRA and iit is very different for you Worn Lipstick is obviously a very popular colour as they’d sold out at AP on the stall (that had the best value in my opinion) Must try playing with the colours I did buy Hope you’re feeling better today
    I hope the new meds are helping LILIAN
    Take care VAL we’re all here for you
    Dancing was good last night A few friends were there that we haven’t seen in ages So it was lovely to catch up with them too
    I have a slight disaster- nothing that can’t be fixed But it looks like my printer has finally broken So I was in a little bit of a panic as you know I rely a lot on Serif etc to make my cards
    I can make cards with dies and now stamps but work colleagues expect a very personalised one and there’s two with birthdays next week!
    Anyway better get a wriggle on Taxi for work due at 9am
    Take care all

    1. PS my OH sounds like PETE re crafting BIT like you I enjoy doing it and it really does help during those dark days

    2. Hi Karen
      Glad you enjoyed your dancing πŸ’ƒ. I did see a picture of you on Facebook. Hope you manage to replace your printer in time for you to finish your cards.
      Yes, these men just have no idea what pleasure we get from crafting.

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Beautiful card Sandra, love how you have blended the Oxides to create a lovely background. I hope the medication is starting to give you some relief. Take care, keep warm and drink plenty of

    Off to visit my hair dresser friend this morning, so up and organised early again! Two mornings on the trot. Tomorrow we are taking Ciara to Kingston upon Thames, she want to go to John Lewis store. When she goes with her mum it’s always a quick trip and she loves to browse, after that time permitting we will go to Lakeland at Wimbledon, Again her choice- she is definitely a born shopper!

    Have a good day everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope you and Cairo have a great day shopping.

  5. Hi Sandra and all
    Lovely card Sandra. The background is lovely. I've just received some Oxide inks in the post so will have to have a play.
    I think everyone handles stress differently. I tend to lock myself away and not talk to anyone or do anything. Fortunately I like my own company. In saying that I'm looking forward to Craft Club tomorrow as its my first week at our new venue. Looking forward to seeing the ladies again as I missed last Friday as it was Lynn's birthday and we were out for the day.
    Our washing machine broke down yesterday and Lynn's gone to order a new one today. Electrical things don't seem to last very long out here. I don't know whether its bad workmanship or the water but I buy a new electric kettle about every two years. I'm sure in UK things lasted longer.
    Hope to do my cc today and also a card for the challenge that Wendy sets us every week.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you enjoy meeting your friends at craft club and the new venue works out for you all. It’s a great therapy meeting and chatting to friends.
      Snap with the washing machine. We had to take Doreen to buy a new one on Monday as her wasn’t working. Mind you it was over 40 yrs old so it’s had a good run. Mind you everything is about that old in her house. Well all except her Microwave as she bought a new one last year. Had to buy a new television πŸ“Ί as well.
      Gentle hugs coming your way,

  6. Hi all.
    Love the card Sandra. Little bit how I made my yellow cc last time. Love the look it makes.
    Dentist and Lidl this morning and then hope to make the cc for this week.
    Sending many warm, dry hugs for you all today, it's raining very heavy here right now. see you later xxx

  7. Beautiful card must get some of these inks have ordinary distress inks already but these look really interesting. Laura O Springfield

    1. Hi Laura
      They really are lovely to work with I must say.

  8. Margaret Palmer12 April 2018 at 13:44

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra that is lovely card today, I hope to have time to play with mine
    This 3rd attempt at commenting so will just wish all who need hugs in particular Lilian & Val ove

  9. Hi All, beautiful sunny day here today, dried all my washing out today.

    Sandra really lovely card, I had similar thought but going to use my mica powders which I found the other day. My goal is to use up some of my older stuff I have here.

    Hope you all had a lovely day, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Great to see you in again today. Hope you do well on your new meds.

  10. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Sandra another gorgeous card from you today. Love your background & the colour's you've used & the background stamp is so pretty.
    I had πŸ’‰Test this morning then popped round to see Margaret she had another cancerous piece on side of her face done on Monday she has a lovely bruise under her eye. Also gave her the Die & stamp she asked me to get at AP.
    She is going to the Hochanda craft show at Detailing. I'm not going as she is going to the VIP which is £25 ticket. So no pennies after AP. Apparently they have a big screen so you can watch the royal wedding of Harry & Megan.
    Val lovely to see you & Lilian in today we are all here for you both.sendingHugs
    Better go as already lost Two comments
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      If I remember rightly you went to that show last year. You said that the VIP ticket was a waste of money as you just got a load of rubbish for your money.

  11. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Well I’m not to sure what’s happening at the moment. I’ve either posted this morning and it’s disappeared πŸ‘», or I’ve simply forgot. It’s one of life’s mysteries.
    Lovely card today Sandra, it looks much nicer in the flesh. So glad you were up to a meet today. The only problem was me as I bought my Groovi stuff over to do but not my pad where I’d put the cards I made yesterday, nor my parchment card so I sat and watched Sandra working and looked at a magazine. Sandra did offer me stamps, inks and card to have a play, but I was quite happy to talk and watch her working.
    Gentle hugs to all who needed one today.
