
Sunday 25 March 2018

Your Challenge Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Another busy, busy day here at the 'Riley Residence', lots of unboxing, reboxing and packing stuff in the loft.
I managed (with Paul's help) to get my Video camera up and ready to film tutorials, I can't wait to get started, if there is anything in particular you would like to see then please let me know.

Right lets get on with this weeks challenge, you absolutely smashed this challenge, I am so excited to share so many amazing 'Man' cards, I think that you can safely say that making MAN cards is no longer a Challenge!! 
Here are your cards.......


Brenda has made a fantastic Man card using a selection of Stampin Up! products, tools are the perfect embellishment for a man's card as although some men may not drink beer or play golf most men use tools at some point whether fixing a car or doing DIY, 
Brenda I know you have had a super hectic week or so, so I really appreciate the time you took to make your challenge card. Thank you so much.


Danielle was a little hesitant when I told her that the theme of this weeks challenge was 'Man' cards,
she told me that she didn't really have anything to make a Man card!  Within an hour or so my phone 'pinged' and this card was on my screen! These cards are both made with SU papers, the shirt is made with a piece of white card Embossed with 'Petal Pair Impressions' embossing folder, which works perfectly, I love the bow ties too, as usual all the details for these cards are featured on Dannii's blog.
Thank you so much for taking part Danielle.


Michele has made 3 amazing challenge cards for this weeks 'Man Card' challenge, the first is made with a grass backing paper and a football die cut.  The second card was Phil's birthday card this year, Michele chose this image as it featured Phil's favourite drink! Michele's third card is a lovely linen textered card matted onto layers of black card and embellished with a 'Tuck In' die cut and a fabulous 'Happy Birthday'
die cut, I love the font Michele!
Thank you so much for managing 3 cards while preparing for your boot sale.


Karen has made two absolutely amazing 'Man' challenge cards this week, they are both brilliant, the first card has so much incredible detail.  The second card is a really fun card, so nice to see a fun sentiment too.
Here is Karen's description.....
"Two male cards for you
The first is a variation of one on a CD-ROM I won on C&C from a Serif show made for a guy at work It has Tom Holtz dies covered in gilding flakes and has Nuvo drops that I made into screw heads by marking with a pokey tool after it’d dried for a bit The second is a design I created in Serif and used SW bow for the bow tie Both of the cards are decoupaged but doesn’t really show in photo"

Thank you so much for two fabulous cards Karen.


Lynda has been super busy, making three amazing challenge card for this weeks challenge, the first card was made using the Stampin'Up! Vertical Greetings stamp set, Lynda's second card was made using a selection of background stamps to build up a fun, modern card.  The third card was used the same 'tuck in' die cut that Michele used on one of her cards, the frame of this card has so much detail and texture, the cogs were made with a Cog die from China which Lynda has embossed and then used Pebeo Gilding wax. 
Three amazing cards Lynda, thank you so much.


Janet has sent in two cards for this weeks challenge, the first card is just so calming to look at, it features a stunning tree scene, I think that the sentiment ''Sometimes its good to just Slow the wheel down'', which is very true!  Janet's second card features a woodgrain embossed background with a papparazzi style stamped image with a matching sentiment.
Two fantastic cards Janet thank you so much for rushing to get them done before you went away.

Maria has also made two fabulous Man cards for this weeks challenge, the first is a really fun card featuring a  gardener with a Hoe over his shoulder, adding the fence is such a fab idea, the sentiment makes the card though.
Maria's second card features a die cut bottle that Maria has embossed, the seal on the bottle neck gives it a really authentic look.  A fantastic card for a man Maria!!
Thank you very much Maria for taking part in this weeks challenge.


Margaret has made two fantastic challenge cards this week, the first features the 'Woodland' Embossing folder from SU that Margaret has coloured with blue and green ink, I love how subtle the colours are Margaret, it really does work, a fantastic card!  The second card uses a background that Margaret created on her first ever play with Distress Oxides and water, how clever to use it as a sky scene,it takes a really creative mind to see things like that,  brilliant card Margaret.
Thank you so much for taking part.


Sue, I always get excited when I see an email from you titled 'CC'!! I absolutely love this card, its amazing how much depth and texture you can create on a totally 'flat' card, using clever inking and then first and second generation stamping. The soaring bird is positioned perfectly and i love that 'Happy Birthday' stamp!
Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks challenge.


Val's Man card is fantastic, where do I begin? Val has started with her own stamped background paper upon which is a Map style backing paper, (brilliant idea), a pierced flag die cut frames the sentiment, Val has backed this with red to tie in with the background and the car. Then there is that fantastic car, it reminds me of the car in 'Starsky & Hutch', which I vaguely remember, my mum and dad were avid fans, didn't one of them have a go a singing??.
I love your card, Val, thank you so much for taking part.

Once again an amazing display of cards, you are all amazing and I am as always HUGELY grateful.

Lilian I really miss seeing your amazing cards in our weekly display, I hope that you feel up to a little crafting very soon my lovely. xxx

I am off to my craft room to have a think about next week's challenge, anyone want to join me??!

Have a lovely Sunday dear friends,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    WOW-what an absolutely amazing selection of challenge cards today.
    I think this was a great challenge.

    Leisurely start for us today as we were both up crazy early yesterday (gold for hubby & Car Boot Sale for me) then we went over to see Phils brother & family. They’ve rented a cottage in Skipton which is only about 53 miles from us but it’s across country using mainly B roads or unmarked roads so it took us over 2 hours!! They were thrilled to see us and the kids went wild. We had dinner at a little Bistro down the road from the cottage then left, finally getting home about 11pm(we’d set off at 1pm) so it was a long day but enjoyable.


    1. Sounds like a crazy day Michele. Hope the Boot Sale went well.x

    2. Happy day even if tiring to see family from so far away. Hope the sale was good for you. Loved both of your cards from yesterday and the three from today are brilliant xx

    3. Hi Michele
      Sounds like you had a lovely day. Although it was tiring I expect you enjoyed seeing the family.
      Hope the sale went well yesterday Michele.

  2. Morning everyone. What a fantastic challenge. So many cards with so many different subjects. We have had a difficult start here with burst pipes in the loft and water coming through the ceiling. Fortunately we got a plumber straight away but we are still fighting tiredness. On top of that the laptop has decided to update itself and I now cannot into it so I am on my tablet. I may not be able to join in the challenge until I get back.

    MARGARET can you please do the honours until I get back in a couple of weeks.

    Hugs to you all. Have a good Sunday xxxx

    1. Hi Janet what an awful start but so pleased you got a plumber so quickly. Hope you can have lots ofvR+R over the next two weeksx

    2. Oh what an awful start, glad you got someone in quickly to help you out. Hope you get better days. Great cards this week. xx

    3. Hi Janet
      Oh dear what an awful start to your holiday. I’m glad you were able to get a plumber pretty quickly. Hopefully you’ll be able to dry out and have a restful rest of your holiday. Gentle hugs coming your way.

    4. Hope the laptop doesn’t take to long to update. I know ours can take hours as we don’t use it very often.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Sandra and all,
    Great challenge this week Sandra and everyone's done brilliantly at creating a pesky male card which are always the most difficult to do.
    Well the wind has eased off a bit after yesterdays 100 mile an hour gales. Quite a bit of damage in our road but fortunately we were OK.
    I'm going to visit a couple of friends later than its back in my craft room.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you're up to.
    Love Valx

    1. Glad to hear the wind have calmed down, hope Gracie was alright. Have a lovely time with your friends. Love the card, love the car xx

    2. Hi Val
      Glad the winds have calmed down now. I hope you enjoy your meet up with your friends.

  5. Again some lovely cards All very different too even though it looks like MICHELE and LYNDA have used the same die
    I had more ideas to make up and send in but I just ran out of time I had days where I thought “Right I can do cc today” and something would crop up - you know how it is ladies
    OH is still in bed and to be honest I’m struggling to get going this morning - feeling very uncomfortable with this blooming cystitis mullarkey But Hopefully the cranberry tablets will kick in soon He’s just surfaced and looks like we’re going to see daughter (and Oscar yay!) Take care all and a special hug to LILIAN Take your time but we do miss you xx

    1. Well wishes and big and lots of hugs for you and Oscar! Fun cards for the man in our lives. Like how you made the screws and the monocle for the first one :) xx

    2. Hi Karen
      Lovely cards for the men in our life today. How lovely to be seeing your daughter or Oscar today. Hugs around I expect.

  6. Margaret Palmer25 March 2018 at 10:17

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra a lovely selection of man cards, thank you for comments on my cards, as I said to you was not sure about the woodland one but it is growing on me.
    Janet sorry you had such a welcome, of course I will opem up for you until you come home. Just try & relax when you
    Lilian sending hugs to
    Hope you all
    have a good Sunday the cafe is open & it is roast pork, crackling & apple sauce on the menu with rice pudding to follow.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret. xxx

    1. Mouthwatering lunch today so please I love some but will leave the crackling to the side after a disaster weigh in this morning (again!!) I like your woodland card, they are both nice. Hugs for you and Pop xxx

    2. Roast Pork on the menu at Yarnton along with Roast Chicken 🐔 today as well. Pete and Doreen had Spotted Dick with custard for pudding today.

  7. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Wow great Challenge cards this week. So many fantastic man cards.
    I must say SUE I love your card.well I love all of them.
    Thank you Sandra for a great challenge. Look forward to nexed week.
    JANET sorry you had such a horrible start to your Holiday. Sending you both some 🤗🤗xx
    Not much going on here just normal housework weather quite nice today although chilly. Hopefully get a walk with 8 paws up the graveyard sounds strange but it leads onto a big farm field Bailey loves it he runs like the clappers where Rea doesn't go very far from us. I want to try & get in craft room so many thing I want to try.
    SANDRA I would love some tutorials useing the Envelope punch board & maybe some ink blending too. But any thing would be a help like your different card shapes. Thank you.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hope you got some walk in today, we had sunshine earlier but now it's gone cold and grey so I think it will be some tiding up instead. Lovely cards for this week cc Lynda, no problems for you to make men cards. Have a good day xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      I’m glad you clarified why you walk through the graveyard. I was beginning to think the worse.
      It’s quite warm here as well today. Although I’ve a thickish top off I didn’t wear a coat 🧥 out today. Mind you it’s colder now.

    3. Should read I had thickish top on, not off, I really wouldn’t go out without a top on. Not a pretty sight I can tell you.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    It’s that day of the week again, I have to say I really look forward to looking at everyone’s challenge cards, each and every card is really inspiring , It’s so lovely seeing what everyone comes up with xx

    JANET what a dreadful so start to your holiday. Thank goodness you went over when you did, it doesn’t bear thinking about what it might of been like. I hope you both can get some rest and relaxation. Take care xx

    LILLIAN just wanted to say thinking of you and sending love and prayers. xx

    The kitchen is calling. OH Has been to Morrisons they have whole salmon on offer. He usually goes and get some and then I have the job of slicing it up in portions to go in the freezer until needed. Oh such fun (not)

    I hope everyone else is having a more exciting day.
    Sending love and hugs to all, Brenda XXX

    1. Do you think OH's they do this on purpose. Mine is going shopping with me but back home it is me who have to put it all away and trim the meat, pick the chicken and rinse the fruits. Remember my Dad going in the forest picking Mushroom, Blueberries and other things and it was my Mum sitting for hours cleaning them up and putting bags together for the freezer Lol Love your tool card ! hugs xxx

    2. Hi Maria, Yes I think they do, the excuse in my OH’s case is, you know how you want it cut and stored.
      Bless him he is lovely really........ well most of the time.
      Two great cards from you this week. The first one really made me smile. Love and hugs xxx

    3. Pete doesn’t go shopping on his own. He makes me laugh 😆 as he doesn’t usually take any money out with him. Today, he decided to get some 1st earliers potatoes 🥔. At the till he said oh I need you as he had no money to pay for them. Crafty or what. Tried to get him not to do any potatoes this year, looks like I failed miserably. Pete seems to think he can still do what he did 20 yrs ago. Sounds good, a whole salmon on offer.

  9. Oh JANET How awful for you I hope there wasn’t too much damage At least you were able to get a plumber quickly
    I’d love a roast dinner MARGARET Roast pork is a real favourite of mine
    I totally agree re suggestions by LYNDA and can I add that beautiful Magic Window card you showed
    Oscar was his usual happy self He enjoyed the swings and watching his dad play football He didn’t have a clue what was being shouted.... ! but joined in with his babble

    1. Sounds like you all had a lovely day. Sounds like Oscar enjoyed himself.

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Have just lost a long comment so it will be a shorter version I'am afraid.
    Yesterdays cards from our Michele and Danielle's bag were lovely and all the shopping ,wow ladies ! and another big wow is for all the cards today. A great collection of amazing cards for the men so no more moaning we can't make any Lol and a beauty from our Sue !
    Had a morning with mixed emotions but it is my own fault so no sad faces please Lol just have to get my head in gear (again)
    Workshop was fun yesterday but as usual I had to take them home to finish off so it will be some cards hopefully sent for you Sandra to show one day.
    Sending extra hugs to our Lilian, take it easy x
    Have a nice Sunday all, Maria xxox

    1. Hi Maria
      I assume you went to a workshop with Julia Watts again. Hope it wasn’t to expensive as I know you said she was putting her prices up. Look forward to seeing your makes.

  11. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Wow wow wow what a fantastic range of cards today. Everyone of them different. Love them all.
    Amy my eldest Granddaughter has made a fantastic cake 🎂 for her boyfriends birthday. We have pictures but as soon as it’s put together for his birthday I’ll send a picture to Sandra to show you. I’ve also asked my SIL to photo Dave’s ( Petes brother ) Card that I made him for his 70th birthday, another Groovi card.
