
Monday 26 March 2018

Monday Tic Tac Toe Challenge

Good Monday Morning Friends,

Such a lovely Spring day yesterday, I spent time in the garden supervising Paul while he put the washing line up, I bit my lip but I think it will definitely need concreting in, he is hoping to avoid doing it so it's easy to take down when we next move. Although after these past few months the thought of moving again makes me feel sick, so it won't be anytime soon!  It was so lovely to see the washing blowing on the line though.  We also managed another trip to the Household Waste Recycling centre with some more cardboard etc, it was really busy there, we have to make sure we have a utility bill in the car as you have to prove you live in Swindon area to use the centre, we have never had to do that before. 

I spent a couple of hours in my craft room preparing for the Magic Window tutorial, I had to make another sample card as the one I made last week was for Paul's Mum's birthday, so I don't have it to demonstrate at the start of the video, so I made another one and then cut out the pieces for the one I will put together in the tutorial.  There's more to making these tutorials than you think, I am excited to get started though.

Now onto this week's Challenge, I decided early yesterday morning that I would go for a Tic Tac Toe Challenge, mainly because it doesn't matter what cards you have to make you can incorporate them into the categories in the grid.
I used a card that a made a couple of weeks ago it uses categories Yellow/Die cut/Flowers. 
I have lots of ideas for this particular challenge so watch this space, I also thought with it featuring yellow and other fun categories like sequins it would be good for any Easter cards that you still have to make.
I hope you like the Challenge.

Janet I am so sorry to read that you had such a troubled start to your break, thank goodness you were there to catch it before too much damage was done, although when you had problems a few years back the local people were really kind and helpful I seem to remember.  You must be so frustrated not having access to your laptop, don't worry about the challenge though, I'm sure I have I can find one of your cards that would fit the challenge.  I will say that I do all my blogging from my tablet though, mainly because I can take photos and upload straight to the blog, rather than faffing about connecting camera and uploading to laptop.  I like things that are easy!
I hope the worst of the mess is cleared and that you and Jim can finally relax. Xxx

Margaret you are doing a fantastic job taking over the reigns from Janet, your rice pudding was delicious!  How many of you like a blob of jam in your rice pudding? What about the skin?? My family aren't keen, they will eat the tinned kind after its been chilled but not home made.  My favourite is making it with coconut milk and serving with Mango! Yum. XXX

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, lovely delicate spring colours. The Tic Tac Toe challenge this week looks great and has got me thinking already.

    After doing all the housework yesterday morning, we went into the garden and i did some weeding and hubby cleaned the flags on the patio area. It was lovely just to be outside, quite warm in the sunshine.
    I sat in my craft room after that but didn’t start anything, just sent a few emails.

    Let’s hope work isn’t too busy today.


  2. A very pretty card SANDRA and I do like tic tac toe challenges I’m not very good at thinking outside the box and so I look forward to next Sunday with great anticipation! Saying that I’m already thinking what I can do!
    Some of you seem to have had lovely sunny weather yesterday It was very grey and cold here but we all enjoyed watching Oscar’s Dad play football It made me realise how much I used love standing in the freezing cold cheering on a local team!
    Out dancing tonight So crafting tomorrow hopefully Take care all xx

  3. Margaret Palmer26 March 2018 at 09:23

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card & challenge, will be able to try new stamps out. It was lovely yesterday unfortunately I seemed to spend most of it driving Pop to get some new boots!!
    Looking forward to
    Janet hope you can begin to relax now, hugs on
    Lilian hope you are beginning to feel better, hugs on
    Cafe is open lovely daffs on each table, enjoy your chats.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret.xxc

  4. Good Morning Sandra and all.
    Good challenge Sandra. I do like these tic tac toe ones as it gives you a lot of choice. Your card is so pretty and spring like Sandra.
    The wind has finally died down and its just a stiff breeze now. Lovely and sunny though.
    Lilian so hope you're feeling a lot better.x
    Janet hope you've had a good sleep and you're starting to relax.
    Sandra I love the skin off rice pudding. My brother and I used to fight over it when we were children and yes I do like a blob of jam in it as well.
    Wendy is picking me up later to go and have a look at a new venue for our craft club. Its been confirmed that Paul doesn't intend opening up the restaurant again now that Martyn has died. Very sad for him.
    First though I have a pile of ironing that I've just ignored for a while whilst I've been playing in my craft room but I've no clean jeans to put on so needs must.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

  5. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA beautiful card & great challenge thank you.
    Weather is sunny & bright today but still very chilly.
    Terry is out painting so he is dropping me round Margaret's for a few hours
    MICHELE hope work is kind to you today without any nasty mishaps.
    KARREN enjoy your Dancing tonight. Hug's xx
    Well better get a move on will pop back when I get home.
    Love Lynda xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Yesterday's challenge cards were all great, so many ideas for the men in our life now 😊 Thank you for he kind words about my card. It is the first one of that type for me (I made myself make my own version of the first one I liked on Pinterest and it certainly did save lots of time!) I am still not sure about the bottom stamped part. I think i need together some more varied grasses and similar but I will be making more in this style.
    Janet, it's such a shame that you had trouble greeting you but I'm glad to hear that you are getting sorted. Xx
    It sounds like most of you had a good day yesterday, I hope you have the gorgeous blue sky we have here today. The bedroom is coming on well, all painting finished so now it's time to move the furniture around.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  7. Afternoon everyone
    We have had two lovely spring days so I managed to get the towels washed and dried outside which were used to soak up before Jim could get the bucket and mop. We have had rain this morning but the sun is out now. Love the challenge this week.
    Hugs to you all with loads extra for Lilian. Xxxx

  8. Afternoon Sandra and all in the cafe today.
    Beautiful spring card Sandra and always like some tic tac toe so will do my best to send a cc for you.
    Spring cleaning downstairs and wiped down the sofa and arm chairs for collection Thursday morning. Not very often turning the sofa up side down so didn't know how much cobwebs it was, yack ! It is a gorgeous day here but still very cold but hope to have any oomph left later for a walk. I wish you all a good day and hope Lilian that you soon feel better and can pop in. We are here for you x
    Many hugs to you all and extras for anyone who like some. Maria xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Your card is beautiful Sandra it gives off a real spring feeling. Also great jolt to the inspiration ! Strangely I was working on a card yesterday with the butterfly die I got when Chloe was on TV in February, I was using yellow on that, so maybe that could work out to be my Challenge card, it’s still at the ‘what if’ stage, you know me I make it up as I go along! I wish I had the vision to see a completed card in my head before I start, I tend to cut the die cuts out, having decided on the paper I will use and that’s where the what ifs come in.
    Pleased Paul managed to sort out the washing line. I haven’t got a tumble dryer so washing has to got outside, unless it’s raining of course then it’s in the spare bedroom. I always feel very satisfied seeing my washing blowing in the breeze, I just know when it’s taken off the line it will feels fresh and the towels will be lovely and soft. It’s the simple things that keep me happy. Ha ha

    OH is working outside, checking drains and guttering, this morning he flushed the central heating through. I have been following him around checking and offering to help. On Thursday he is due to go into hospital to have a hernia operation . Not sure yet if you’ll be staying in as it cannot be done by keyhole surgery, though he did have a phone call short while ago to ask him to go in at 7:30 AM so he should be one of the first on the list, and possibly if it behaves himself will be home the same day. He has been told no lifting or straining for six months. Hence the necessity to get all jobs out of the way. I think the efforts of not been able to do jobs about the house will probably drive him mad and that will be a strain in itself!

    Have a good day everyone, take care, hugs Brenda XXX

  10. Sorry Sandra, I have just realised that I didn't say how much I love today's beautiful Spring is in the air c card. I am going to make a a start on my mine, and I'm sometimes like you Brenda, just making it up as I go along! Haven't got a clue yet about this week's challenge but hopefully something will spring to mind, no pun intended 😊 See you in the morning my lovely xx

  11. Hi Sandra and ladies. Thought I’d posted this morning but it’s either gone into cyber space or I didn’t. One or the other anyway.
    Lovely card Sandra, so springlike, so hopefully it’s an omen. Not as warm today as yesterday. Lovely 😊 in the greenhouse though. Pete has planted my Begonias today. 6 more to go, but we need to get some more pots though. The bulbs had grown a lot since last year.
