
Wednesday 21 March 2018

Pat's Birthday Card for Amber

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's beautiful card has been made by Pat for her Granddaughter Amber.
Pat has been to a few 'Groovi' classes locally and the extra experience is really evident on this amazing card.  Getting hands on experience with a group of ladies that have been using the Groovi for a long time has given Pat the encouragement to use her Groovi plate a lot more, seeing some of the lovely projects that the other ladies have made and listening to their advice, hints and tips and recommendations has really boosted Pat's experience and confidence. 
Pat your card for Amber is absolutely beautiful, so much detail, those borders are exquisite, that floral design is stunning Pat,  I really like the Art Deco style lettering too.  I'm sure Amber will absolutely love it.
Thank you for allowing me to share it with everyone XXX

Sue came over yesterday, we had lunch and got to grips with making a Magic Window Card, following the instructions in a magazine, talk about vague instructions that are more confusing than helpful!  We worked it out together though and we both made a working model, (we always use scrap card for our protoypes), its a good way to use up those horrendous magazine papers!  Anyway we were pleased with our efforts and we were preparing to make our actual cards when Sue suffered the onset of another Migraine, I felt so sorry for her as she looked terrible, she took her meds quickly so recovered enough to drive home.  I hope you feel better today my lovely, we will finish those cards next week. Thank you for brightening my day XXX

I get to do it all again today as Pat is coming over, so more crafting fun is on the cards!

I hope that you all have a lovely day too,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Pat/what an absolutely beautiful card you made, a real Keepsake.

    Sandra-your craft play time sounded like fun and you have another day to play today.
    Yesterday was crazy busy, made worse by me being asked to sit in on the interview panel this morning which is all morning and on the other hospital site! I assumed the meeting that was booked for 2pm wouldn’t be going ahead but guess is!!

    Shopping tonight then I need to get in with 2 cards I was asked to make for Saturday.


    1. Hi Michele
      Sounds like you had a mega busy day. Just what you don’t need, rushing between hospitals.
      Hope tomorrow isn’t to manic for you,

  2. Morning ladies,

    Amber's birthday card is exquisite Pat, she is sure to love it. And who wouldn't with so much beautiful detail and pastel colouring?

    U3A meeting then lunch to day with Rosie and son's card to make this afternoon ready for tomorrow.
    Couldn't take Pete his lilies on Monday due to the snow. It cleared very quickly and by yesterday lunchtime had all gone so popped down with them before lunch along with his tipple of Glenmorangie.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hugs to you Cheryl and I’m glad you managed to take the lilies and Glenmorangi down to Pete.

    2. Big hug and hope you alright xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    We are snow free at last!! though it's still bitterly cold this morning.

    PAT- WOW what a beautiful card with so much work put into it. Amber will adore it and I'm sure it will be put into her memory box.

    I managed to get my craft box sorted yesterday so it can go into the car today along with all the other packing. I've just got the overnight bag to sort out today that's after I've cleaned up etc. Jim's hospital visit for himself went OK but he's got another lot of tablets to take alongside his other meds.

    The CAFE is OPEN and just waiting for you all to pop in for a while. HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day whatever you're all up to.xxxx


    1. Hi Janet
      I’m glad you managed to get your packing done today. I hope that Jim’s extra meds do the trick. Have a safe journey and enjoy your time away.

    2. Have a safe journey Janet. Looking forward to hear how it look. hugs xx

  4. An absolutely amazing card PAT I watch the Groovi shoes in awe because everything they bring is exquisite
    Oven fixed Tiles should being done next week The tilers arrived yesterday expecting to be able to make a start!
    I hope to do cc this afternoon

    1. Hi Karen
      I’m glad your oven has now been fixed. Hopefully the tiling will be finished next week for you.

    2. Glad you got the oven fixed so you now can cook dinner. What's on the menu ? xx

  5. Hello Sandra & ladies
    WOW PAT Amazing card for Amber she will love it. Have fun with Sandra today.
    JANET safe journey tomorrow. Hope car packing goes to plan. Hug's for you bothxx
    Wow I have just seen on Christine's Hopes & Chances blog I've won a Die yaay.
    Well I did well in craft room yesterday I made three man cards all very different
    So quite pleased with myself.
    My phone has decided to Die not charging it's not the battery as it works in Terry's phone so must be my phone my upgrade isn't due till July 😭😭
    I had a 💉 Diabetic Blood test this morning at 8.30 That was a shock for CU getting up that early.☹️.
    Have a good day every one
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Congratulations LYNDA It’s the llama isn’t it

    2. Congratulations Lynda on winning the Llamas. That’s 3 of us winning for the last 3 weeks.

  6. Margaret Palmer21 March 2018 at 11:20

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Samdra pleased you had a good day with Sue, shame about her migraine, she gets them through Pops family. Enjoy your day with Pat.
    Pat what a beautiful card, look forward to seeing
    Off to get haircut so will send hugs to all who need them love
    Sending hugs to all

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Pat, a lovely card for Amber, she will love it. You will have to give me some tips on colouring the parchment as I just don't get it right. Have a good day with Sandra x
    Janet, good luck with the rest of the packing and wishing you and Jim a safe and trouble free journey. Fingers crossed that Jim's new meds work well for him x
    Has the snow vanished in your parts of the country? There are just a few very small patches in shaded areas. We have a gorgeous blue sky but it very chilly out today. Mum, you will have had a good game this morning as I know you wrap up warm. Love you xxxxxx
    I'm stuck at home waiting for two new rear tyres to be fitted to my car, some time between 8.30am - 5.30pm was the nearest time I was given!!! I thought as that we have the technology to work out how long a job and a journey take so that we know, excluding any hold ups, when we can expect to be somewhere. Obviously Kwik fit mobile don't have this technology yet! I hope you all have a good day whatever you are up to. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hello Sandra and Ladies,
    Apologies for being missing for the last few days. My friend left this morning to return to Crete, at this moment in time she should be close to Athens, then has a four hour wait for connecting flight to Crete (direct flights resume later this month) where her husband will be waiting for her. We have had a brilliant few days catching up and meeting ex work colleagues.
    MARGARET congratulations on you anniversary . xx
    JANET, have a safe and uneventful journey, hope Jims new meds will be
    helpful. xx
    SUE, sorry you had a migraine just when you and Sandra were having fun. xx
    PAT, hope you have had a productive day with Sandra. I LOVE the card you made for Amber, it is beautiful . xx
    Tomorrow life should be back to normal.... Whatever that is! I have been so tired today (to much socialising and talking) I had a nap after lunch just couldn't keep my eyes open.
    Send love to everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I’m glad you had a lovely time with your friend. Pete naps all the time. Him and CU make a good pair of sleeping 💤 bookends. Have a job to wake him sometimes. Did very well productivity wise. Made a few backgrounds with men in mind. Just have to add a happy birthday Die now.

  9. Hi Ladies
    What a shock to see my card for Amber today. I hadn’t been in first think and Sandra told me when I arrived at hers. I did a dangles Birthday for my BIL whose 70 on Friday but forgot to take a photograph. There in Cornwall at the moment but I’ll get my SIL to photograph it and send it to me. I really love the dangle Groovi plates.
    I had another play with Sandra’s inks today and one of her masks 🎭. Making different patterns by spritzing the masks and laying it on the card, pressing it down then taking it off and dabbing it dry. I must say Sandra read me the instructions on the cards she and Sue did yesterday and I’d have given up straight away as I didn’t understand a bit of it. Mind you, Sandra and Sue are made of sterner stuff than me.
    Thanks for liking my card everyone. I must say I need to get back to some classes. The lady who does it in Abingdon, cancelled because of the snow ❄️ and has been and is now going away. I might invest in a couple of lessons at Crafters Companion with Rosella or Paul Church.

  10. Glad you all liked the card I did for Amber.

    1. Stunning card you made for Amber, she will love it. It must be fun to be going to these classes. It's getting less and less around here so I am spending some Mothers day money on going to one of Julia's workshops on Saturday. Hope all alright for Pete and you soon can have a break from going to Hospital. Hugs for you both.xx

  11. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Just popped in to wish you all a good night and hope your day was fine. Glad to see you migraine Sue have lifted a bit. Congrats to Lynda winning the llama, how cute is that. Brenda, sound like you had a nice time. To much partying and late nights hmmm you take it easy now :-)
    Love the groovi card that Pat made, would love to have a go one day. Many warm hugs to you all! Maria xxx
