
Thursday 22 March 2018

Magic Window Card

Good Morning Ladies,

On Tuesday Sue and I thought we would try and follow a magazine tutorial showing you how to make a 'Magic Window Card', well, the instructions weren't very clear and in some places the information was wrong, we ended up using our combined experience to create a working model.  That's when Sue's migraine started so we left it there.  I decided that I would finish one today for Paul's Mum's Birthday card. 
So while Pat was getting messy with my Distress Inks, making some lovely backgrounds and then getting her 'Groovi' going I started my Magic 'Window Card'.  Once you have all the bits cut out and ready the assembly is actually quite straightforward.
I used my Petal Garden Suite Papers and the matching Memories & More card pack, both from Stampin'Up! , as I think they work perfectly for this card style.

If you click on the video you can see how the card works, I think it's quite fun, you use this design for any occasion.

If enough of you are interested I will film a tutorial, showing you the easiest method (in my opinion), Sue and I tried a couple of different methods for cutting the 'reveal mechanism', my solution was super easy!  I am quite excited for you all to have a go!!

Can you believe that the Children break up for Easter a week today?! Where is this year going, everything seems earlier than last year.  We put clocks forward this weekend too, which I like as we get the lighter evenings.
We have a lovely garden here too with a Greenhouse and a potting shed, so Paul will be in his element. It will be nice to have the homegrown produce actually in the garden.

Well I have a tutorial to film so I must get on, I hope you have a lovely day my lovelies.

Janet I hope you have a smooth crossing and straightforward journey.  You must be so looking forward to getting back to your little paradise. XXX

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card looks amazing & I’ll wat g the video tonight. I often finite hard to follow written instructions or just pictures.
    Yesterday was horrendous-interviewing all morning. Delicate situation as one applicant was an internal candidate so I can’t say anything until we’ve informed all the candidates but I was quizzed non stop when I git back. I the day in a meeting for 2 hours then stayed to witness my colleague phone the interview candidates. I’m hoping today will be a much nicer day plus I have a bonus day off tomorrow!!!!


    1. Have a smooth day and enjoy tomorrow off xx

    2. Hi Michele
      Sounds like yesterday wasn’t a very nice day. Hope today was better for you,

  2. Safe journey today JANET
    I love the concept of this card and thought it was a special die you’d used to create it
    It does look complicated to construct so I’m looking forward to seeing a tutorial
    On a course today I don’t know At my age? Oh well at least I won’t be in the chaos of the office
    Craft tonight and I really hope MIL comes as she hasn’t been this year
    Take care all xxx

    1. They asked OH to go for a course in Germany 4 month before his retirement, he didn't go ...
      Hope you seeing your MIL, hope she is alright xx

    2. Hi Karen
      I hated going on courses when I was at work. It was usually with IT people who wanted to show me a better way to do our work. They didn’t know how our work was done anyway. So there new way never worked,

  3. Beautiful card looks super complicated. Laura O Springfield

    1. Hi Laura, hope you ok and having a nice day. What craft do you enjoy best ? x

  4. Margaret Palmer22 March 2018 at 09:40

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card, yes please would love a tutorial. I am sure you & Sue had fun figuring it
    Janet safe journey to
    Well cafe is open & waiting for customers, lemon & coconut drizzle will be available later.
    Food shopping this morning so will send hugs to all who need them love

    1. Your cakes are to die for so I love to have a big slab please hihihi See you soon !! hugs to you and Pop xx

  5. Hi Sandra
    Great card today. Yes please a tutorial would be great. I saw you making this card, well sort of saw you. I didn’t understand the instructions at all.
    Janet I hope you have a calm crossing today. I’m not to sure where your sailing ⛵️ from, but it’s not to windy here. So hopefully it’s calm where you are.

    1. Have a good day Pat. I can't get away how good you gotten on making the Groovi, the card yesterday was
      fantastic .Take care xx

    2. Hi Maria
      Hope to get better once I have a few more lessons. Want to learn how to do some snipping. I did start but I’ve forgotten what I used. If Carole doesn’t continue after her holiday I’ll have to try and find a new group.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Yes please I would like a tutorial as well, it really does look super complicated, so pleased you and Sue had the patience to sit and work it out. So yes when you have time tutorial would be brilliant. Forgot to say love the card!!

    Janet, I hope your crossing is calm and peaceful, Thinking of you take care XX

    Sue, hope you are feeling alright and your migraine has improved. XX

    Margaret, save me a piece of that lemon and coconut drizzle cake, don’t leave it alone with Sandra you know what she’s like when it’s around. ha, ha. XX

    It’s a lovely day here sun is shining beautifully and we have two machine loads of washing basking in the sun. It really gets me the feelgood factor to see the washing outside on the line.... sad or what?

    Hope everyone is having a good day, love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Sound lovely to hang the washing outdoors but sadly here it look like rain any minute so mine is hanged on the stand in the bath once again. Have a good day Brenda. hugs for you both xx

    2. Hi Brenda
      I prefer my washing to blow in the wind. I don’t have a tumble drier so mostly only do washing when we have a dry day. Well I don’t do it but Pete does. It was nice enough for him to go for a walk twice yesterday. Plus he managed to do a bit of digging, but had a really bad back afterwards. At least now he can’t go at it like he used to.

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Yes please I would like to have a tutorial for this Gorgeous card, it looks very tricky but with the help I hope to make one too. That will be a challenge .
    OH out for the day so hope to make some room in the kitchen to make a cc. I decided some days ago to sort out the mess and get some better room for my dies. At the moment they are in a box,flat, and are not happy with that. Have ordered 2 more dotty cases and some extra magnetic sheets.
    Val- hope you have a lovely time.
    Lilian- worry about you, hope you just busy.
    Janet- have a good journey.
    Sue- hope you feeling a lot better after some rest.
    Sandra- hope Matt is ok after his accident. Will he be busy soon with the lambing like last year ?
    Big warm hugs for you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope you had a lovely day on your own and managed to sort your Dies out.
      We went to Lechlade Garden Ctr and had lunch with Doreen. They have an over 60s lunchtime offer on Mon-Fri. You pay for a meal £9.50 and get a pudding and a coffee ☕️ or tea ☕️ free. We have a Latte, so as it’s a Costa coffee and they only do a Medium or Large it’s quite big.

  8. Good afternoon Sandra & Ladies
    Love your card Sandra & yes would love a Tutorial thank you.
    Hope Matt's ok after his accident xx
    I had Diabetic eye screening test at 12 o'clock. Then after went Tesco for few bits & post office. Then took 8paws for walk up the Grave yard I'm pleased that I made it quite a fair walk but enough for me.
    I have got to send in my Challenge card to Sandra. & want to try a project.
    JANET hope you have a safe journey.
    LILLIAN hope your ok missing you.
    SUE hope your migraine is easing now they are horrible.x
    VAL have a lovely few days with your friend
    Have a good afternoon everyone.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I hope your diabetic eye screening went ok today. I hope you and 8 paws enjoyed your walk. Did CU go with you today.

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Wow, this is a stunning card my lovely. You always choose the most beautiful papers and colours and this one is no exception, I love Lt. I'm glad you carried on and made a proper card as it is something different but not hard to do, your tutorial will prove that to everyone. Not like the gobbledygook in the magazine!
    Janet, thinking of you and Jim and hoping all goes well for you x
    Mum, I will have a piece of lemon drizzle cake please X
    Brenda, glad you had a lovely time with your friend. Now you can catch up on some sleep X
    Lilian, thinking of you and hoping you are ok x
    We are moving wardrobes etc around at the moment so it is chaos here! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hi All,
    Sorry not to be in for a few days, , went to hospital on Friday, not good, they don’t know what to do about my heart problems, so they are having a conference to sort something out.
    Love all the lovely things over the last few days. Hugs Lilian

  11. I would love a demonstration of how you made this card - it is gorgeous
