
Tuesday 16 January 2018

Sue's DL Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I didn't get Sue's Challenge card in time to share with all of you, so as promised I will ALWAYS share any challenge card that you go to the trouble of making.

Sue has used one of Sue Wilson's Striplet dies to create this amazing DL card, the Striplet dies are perfect for this size and shape card. Sue has layed the die cut over a piece of glitter card, and then matted that onto a piece of white card, this panel was them adhered to that pretty purple background card and Sue has then added a die cut sentiment on top a piece of matching ribbon.  To finish the card Sue has added some pretty pearls and a Sue Wilson 'Itty Bitty Bow' die cut out of the matching card.
A really lovely Challenge card Sue, thank you so much for taking part. XXX

Sue is popping over today which I am really looking forward to, I made need o put her to work though! Maybe we can finish packing my craft room!! 

I spent yesterday packing on and off, I decided to tackle our utility room, if I said I filled 3 huge boxes full of Tupperware/lock top boxes, mixing bowls etc that would be an understatement, we have tons of the stuff!  I am therefore binning every single take-away tub that we we to have hoarded too, is it a sign of my age that I look at a plastic container and think 'ooh that might come in handy' ?!!!

I hope you have a lovely day,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning everyone,

    Beautiful card Pat, I love that striplet, it's a favourite 'go-to' of mine.

    No Sandra, you are not on your own regarding boxes that could come in handy at sometime. My house is full of them and nearly all of them have their uses. Some are empty at the moment just waiting for something to fall into them.

    Busy today altering a bright orange concoction of a dress but before I start there are so many seams that need mending. Our wardrobe dept. was never that lax in storing costumes correctly by washing and mending any split seams before they were packed away. Hope to be finished before lunch, cross fingers.

    Hugs to one and all, I hope your day is kind to you.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Good luck with mending of costumes, it sounds as if youaare a big group, have you your own hall? xxx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      Hope mending of the costumes goes well. Sounds like you have a full time job good luck Hug's on the way.xx

    3. Hi Cheryl
      Such a shame all the costumes aren't mended before there put away. Hope the mending goes well and it's all finished by lunchtime. Sounds like you have a full time job finishing off things that should have been done before.

    4. I hope you were able to get all the mending done by lunch

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    What a surprise to see my challenge card on show today. I do like this striplet as it is a good all rounder.
    I have just sent this week's challenge card to you, yes I know what a shock but I am determined to get ahead with my cards this year!!!
    I'm like you when it comes to tins/containers, so maybe it is an age thing. I am happy to help you do anything today. Sometimes it's easier to pack other people's things as you don't get sidetracked by memories etc in the same way. I'm sure you must be exhausted already but I do hope you are also getting excited about moving into your new home, I can't wait to see it xx
    Well, it's still wet here, we had a lot of rain over night. I hope that you are all safe and dry. It seems that people get flooded so quickly these days.
    Brenda, I hope John is starting to feel better and can at least open his eyes without the world spinning. Hugs to you both X
    Lynda, how is our CU? I hope he is taking it easy and listening to you! Sending you both gentle hugs xx
    Maria and Val I hope you both are having wonderful holidays xx
    I'm sorry if I have missed anyone who is not feeling too good.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue love your challenge card that's on display this morning.
      Thank you for helping Sandra this morning with packing I can't imagine how many boxes they have already done. Enjoy your time with Sandra.
      CU is slowly getting better thank you Sue.
      Hug's xx

    2. Your card is lovely I love this Striplet and have even managed to do a background with it

  3. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I think we are all the same with plastic containers, the trouble is we ×ere brought up to look at things & think it be useful so will keep it, & it is hard to break the habit. Too much plastic is used in packing these days.
    Hope you have a productive day woth
    Sue a very pretty card, hope invalids are better now, love
    Brenda hope John is feeling better, hugs to you
    Dry & bright but cold here so should be ok for Petanque this morning.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret
      I hope it wasn't to cold at pétanque today.

  4. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Good luck with the craft room📦📦 packing with Sue today. Hope your not too worn out Sandra. You will soon be in your lovely new home 🏠Then the unpacking 📦 will start. Which should be more exciting. I have also got loads of Tupperware boxes there was always one of those party's going round & felt you had to buy something although didn't need anymore.
    MARIA &VALhope you are both enjoying holiday's xx
    Lazy day for both of us today so I will be going in craft room soon must do CC first then a bit more tidying ( lot ) we have a better day weather wise sun is shining was wondering if washing would dry as quiet windy so will see.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. I agree You always felt obliged to buy something at Tupperware parties didn’t you

    2. Hi Lynda
      I didn't really do Tupperware parties, as I would as well have cupboards full of the stuff. Our washing dried today so hope yours did as well.

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sue your card is beautiful, I love this Striplet it’s just so right for so many occasions.

    Sandra you are not on your own with plastic boxes and takeaway containers, I recently had turned out a cupboard and so many went into the recycling . I think we like squirrels really we just love collecting because it might be usefu ..... one day!

    I’m pleased to say John is much better today, these attack’s last between 24 to 48 hours. This morning he said I’m getting up so he’s had a shower and everything seems to be fine, thank goodness.

    I have to go into Croydon for a blood test, since Christmas my INR has been doing very silly things low one week high the next, Fingers crossed today it may have settled.

    Good luck with the continued packing Sandra. XX

    Love and hugs to everyone Brenda XXX

    1. I’m glad JOHN is on the mend I’m pretty sure being in the On Call room helped immensely

    2. Hi Brenda
      As Karen said great to hear that John is on the mend. Having his on call nurse standing by helped I'm sure.

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love the striplet Dies that have been produced over the last few years.
    Good luck with the continued packing with Sue today. I have a few Tupperware boxes which I use. We don't eat takeaways so I have none of those type of boxes. Have a few foil trays though that I might just need to bin a couple of them.
    Not long now before your moving day comes so I expect it's all hands on deck so to speak.

  7. Hi All, very wet here, but worse to come with another gale coming our way.

    Love your card Sue, I have only one of the striplets, but love them all.

    Hope the packing is going well, do you have to completely empty your house, or can you move gradually over a couple of days?

    Have a good afternoon, keep warm, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Yes, the weather looks horrendous all over the country over the next few days. Coming home from the hospital, the radio news said there was blizzards in Basingstoke and down the M3. Makes you want to hibernate doesn't it,

  8. Quick visit I hope to pop back later
    I’m just getting ready to go to the hospital for a flexible cystoscopy
    Will chat later xx

  9. Hi ladies,
    love the card Sue, such a nice striplet.
    Have been trying to post for a few days but have not let me so not sure if you will see this, however just wanted to say Hi and say how much I loved all the cards Sunday.
    Hope anyone not 100% starting to feel better and good luck at hospitals and doctors.
    Having a lovely relaxing time and went up to the mountain yesterday which was absolutely wonderful. Weather getting bad the next few days but we have a lovely spa in the hotel and if just properly dressed for the element then it is still ok. Hope this posting now so you can see I'm still here. Many,many warm hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Lovely to hear from you MARIA xx

    2. Hi Maria
      Lovely to hear from you Maria and I'm glad to hear your having a lovely time. Great challenge cards yesterday from you.

    3. Hi MARIA glad you having a lovely time & your relaxing
      Loved your challenge cards.
      Big Hug's xx

  10. All done and dusted at the hospital and nothing untoward found
    I love your card SUE with my favourite Striplet I love that little Happy Birthday Die too where’s that from
    OH has stopped having takeaway at work where they use plastic boxes and I have a cupboard full of them! I use them to decant glitter foil etc into them
    I somehow manage to have “lost” either the lid OR the base of most of the Tupperware! Once the kitchen is sorted I intend to replace most of my storage bits
    Have a good evening everyone x

    1. Hi Karen
      Great news that nothing untoward was found at the hospital. I've rung a carpenter to see about some new French doors. The earliest he could do them would be June. He's coming on 5th Feb to have a look.

    2. Hi Karen glad all was ok at hospital & nothing untoward found.
      Hug's xx

  11. Evening Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sue-love it.

    For some reason Blogger won’t let me log in with my usual login so I’m using my alias!!

    Crazy day at work & absolutely horrendous weather. Gale force winds, sleet, hail & heavy rain at times. Same forecast for tomorrow!


    1. Hi CraftyCoffey aka Karen
      Sound like you have horrendous weather to match your horrendous day. It's been dry here today but very windy.
      Not to sure what weather we're having tomorrow as it all sounded horrendous on the weather forecast.

    2. Hi Michele
      I like your alias Craftycoffey it has a ring to it.
      Hope weather is better for you tomorrow. Hope Phil is feeling a lot better now. Sending you both Hug's xx

  12. Hi all
    Had a lovely morning at school today. I had a one to one session with one of the more disruptive 4 year olds. Actually got him to copy his name in his book. Also got a phonics session with him. Plus after that I did some sounding out and blending with some readers. I don't usually do one to one sessions but seeing as we have 10 disruptive children in one class I think I'll be doing a few more.
    I felt well chuffed I just say.
    This afternoon was back to the norm of hospitals, it took us an hour and a half to get home today.

    1. Hi Pat sounds like you had a good day at school today with the little 4year old. Harry love's nursery school Sam is paying for him to stay two days a week full time it's quite expensive but he loved having his lunch I got him a new lunch box. He's made a friend Jim & he lives in same road which is nice as Jim comes to play with him.
      I did put some washing on the line &I got some dry they smell so much better don't they
      Hope hospital went ok. Love Lynda xx
