
Monday 15 January 2018

Monday Tic Tac Toe Challenge

My Challenge Card

The Challenge

Michele's Challenge card

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Well here we are at the start of a very busy and exciting week, we managed to get lots of packing done on the weekend, still lots to do, it's taking a little longer as I really want to sort through things and get rid of anything we no longer need.  The food cupboards are in my sights today, I am pretty sure there will be some out of date time etc lurking in the back of the cupboards, Paul also has a habit of putting sauce bottles etc back in the cupboard with the tiniest drop of sauce in, so they will all go, I do like a good clean out every now and then and it's so much easier to do without anyone watching you! 

Onto today's challenge, I decided for a Tic Tac Toe as they work so well for just about any card that you need to make, which makes it easier for taking part in the Challenge. I thought of you Janet with the 'Watercolour' category, you could use one of your pretty stamped images that you watercoloured last week. This one had a 'stencil' category to which is something different, I'm pretty sure we all have them somewhere.  I do hope you all enjoy it, I look forward to seeing your cards.
My card uses Categories : Background stamp/Birthday /die cutting
Michele did a card to inspire you too, her categories were: Circles/Birthday theme/ Favourite colour.  
A fantastic card Michele, thank you for helping me out. XXX.

I am trying to sort the internet etc for the new house but I need to have a phone number so I will make a few calls today to see if I can find out if there is one existing or if we can have a new one, this is the first time in 15 years we have had a new number so I have to make a list of who to contact etc. So many thungs to think of. 

I hope you all have a lovely start to your week,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra & a great Tic Tac Toe challenge. Lots of lovely options on it. The stencil one is tempting me...!!

    Hubby still not very well although he thinks he’s going to log into work on his computer today-I hope he doesn’t.

    Not looking forward to going into work as I lnothe next 2 days are looking really busy-never mind, I’ll be fine once I get there.

    PS Karen-youoa winner on Julia Watts blog today.

    1. Oh my am I? And I was a winner on Sue’s yesterday How lucky is that

    2. Hi Michele your card today is lovely simple but so effective love it
      Hope Phil doesn't log into his work computer untill he is better.
      Sending Hug's for you both. Xx

  2. Two very pretty cards and a great challenge SANDRA and MICHELE- thank you for taking the time to do this
    Your PAUL reminds me so much of my OH! Sauce bottles at the back of the cupboard (because they’re the tallest) with hardly a dribble in In a way I’m grateful there’s BBE or USE BY dates on products these days
    We didn’t go dancing but did see OSCAR Bless him he has a very nasty cold He did perk up yesterday evening though
    Work this morning and builder coming this afternoon to finalise some building work and ripping out the kitchen YIKES!
    Have a good day all xx

    1. Hi Karen
      Wow, you've won on two separate blogs this week. Well done. Lovely that you were able to see Oscar yesterday. Good luck with the builder and having your kitchen ripped out. We've got someone coming round to see how much it would cost to replace our French doors between our living room and dining room which are wood with UPVC ones.This is the company who replaced our front door and replaced a panel in our patio door. We don't seem to have a company in our area that do replacement inside doors and fit them.

    2. Hi Karen
      Congratulations on winning twice on Sue & Julia's blog's.
      Good luck with the builders ripping out your kitchen will be perfect once finished
      Hug's on the way xx

    3. They say good luck comes in 3s Karen, perhaps you'll win the lottery if you do it.

  3. Morning Everyone

    We have yet again rain here to start the day. Perhaps we may need to start building an Ark what do you

    SANDRA- beautiful card for inspiration and I think I'm going to need all I can get at the moment.

    It's Mr Tesco morning first and then early lunch as Jim's on duty for the week. Perhaps then I might take a look as the Challenge.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so pop in and see what's what.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      An Ark seems just about right as it's been pouring with rain here all morning as well. Hope Jim's trips to the hospital aren't to bad traffic wise.

  4. Hi Everyone, wet here too Janet.

    Sorry not to get yesterday, I tried 3 times, but it just wouldn’t let me publish or else it all disappeared, so keeping fingers crossed for today.

    Yesterday’s cards were all super, loved them all. This week looks good.

    Sandra glad packing going well, I go through my cupboards every 6months, although I’m not inclined to take a lot of notice on best before dates, unless they very old. I see they put best before even on vinegar now!!!

    Well have a good day all, hope to get into my craft room today, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I hope your feeling well. Loved yesterday's card. I also don't take any notice of best before dates as on some things they're no guide to go by.
      Hope you manage to get into your craftroom today.

  5. Hi Sandra and Ladies.
    Crikey, I pressed publish once when replying to Lilian and it published. I've had to press publish at least 4 or 5 times before it actually does it.
    Sounds like the packing is going well Sandra. I hope your managing to get Paul to take something to the tip.
    Lovely tic tac toe for this weeks challenge Sandra. Good luck with clearing out your cupboards today.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card today & great challenge. Good luck with clearing food
    Michele your card is great also thanks for giving us inspiration. Hope Phil doesn't overdo it
    Busy day today Pop has physio lunchtime then I have dentist at 3.15 opposite directions as well plus it is raining.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Love your card Sandra also love Michele's card too.
    My day started well today with 💉Test. Just got home. Got some washing to put in trouble is getting it dry ( no tumble dryer) got another two washes after that we look like a Chinese laundry. Weather is horrible today really windy & raining heavy again. Will go in craft room after lunch.
    Pop in later Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Pete had blood tests today. I love yoyr emojis but don't know how to get them up.
      Not to sure why he had to have them today as his Radium has to be ordered a week before it's needed. His bloods have to be tested a week before (which they were last Monday ), so they can be ordered if his white blood cells are ok.
      Our weather was awful today as well.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra I absolutely love your cards and the great challenge use it this week. Michele Love your card, you have given us another take on the tic-tac-toe challenge thank you for the inspiration.
    Sandra hope the cupboard clearing out goes well, it’s a job we all have to do from time to time. I usually find an item at the back of the cupboard I had bought to make something, put it in the cupboard and totally forgotten about it. Have fun!
    John is in bed has been there since yesterday afternoon, he complained of feeling dizzy, next thing he is in a crumpled heap on the floor, it was the onset of an attack of Ménière’s disease, he hadn’t had one fo ages. He has medication and just needs bed rest, mind you if he lifts his head the room spins. I can’t do much for him just to be near by. Now the good wife I am I will go to my Craft room .... well it is next to the bedroom!! I could rename it The Oncall Room!!!

    Hope everyone is having a good day, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I do hope John is feeling better soon. What a good wife you are staying close by in your craft room. That's called devotion isn't it. Great idea to call it the oncall room.

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    What a pretty challenge card Sandra. I love it, so bright and cheerful. I hope you managed to sort out your kitchen cupboards. Its easier to do some things on your own isn't it as "what the eye doesn't see the heart won't grieve over" when it comes to kitchen cupboard
    contents 😊 xx
    Michele, I love your challenge card too. A good one for the men I think X
    Brenda, I hope John starts to feel better very soon. Please give him a gentle non head moving hug from me. I think you are a very dutiful wife staying in your craft room so that you can be near to John, that is so kind and caring. That you might possible enjoy crafting whilst listening out for him doesn't matter does it 😁 xx
    Mum, I hope you got on well at the dentist and Pop didn't suffer too much at the physio. Love and hugs to you both xxxx
    I'm late in again as we have been out looking at new cars and that means testing my ability to get in and out of them easily. My decision is that we either need to get a left hand drive or cut off the bottom left corner of the drivers doors then I can get in easily....funny but Chris wasn't keen on either of my ideas 😊
    I hope you all managed to stay dry, we certainly have had and are due to get lots more rain aren't we 😖
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
