
Sunday 10 December 2017

Your Challenge Cards

My Challenge card

Michele's Challenge card

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Well it's two weeks to Christmas eve today, can you believe that?! I know I can't!! We have done absolutely nothing this year, which is unheard of for us, we are usually so much more organised by this time.  But with the housing situation and Paul's job etc, Christmas kind of slipped down the list of priorities, I think that once we get this coming Friday's appointment out of the way, depending on the outcome, we can maybe think a bit clearer. (fingers, toes crossed).

Let's get on with the best part of today...... Your cards...........


Janet has designed and created 3 stunning birthday cards for this weeks challenge, using categories :Black/Gold/ Free (die cuts) on the first two and then categories : Black/gold/white on the third card, which Janet made using 4 pieces of pearlised card embossed with the Crafters Companion 3d Embossing folder, just look at the depth and detail they give, just incredible!
Absolutely stunning design Janet, thank you so much for taking part.

Karen, I have to say I absolutely love this design, I'm not sure if its because it's such an unusual design for you or the fact that it is simply a stunning Christmas card, either way it blew me away.
Karen used the categories: Gold/Vellum/Heat embossing to create this amazing design. 
I think that the over all magic for me is that you are accomplished STAMPER! I hope you feel that same buzz that I did when I finally 'got it' !!
Karen's description......
"I’ve used heat embossing (get me! Stamping!)+FREE+gold
I’ve used CE Christmas rose on cream card and vellum with matching Die and golden sunset Nuvo glitter drops
CE bright gold embossing powder and gold sand glitterbitz
Britannia Merry Christmas dies - embossed"
Thank you Karen.


Lilian, another 'wow' card from you this week, such an amazing design, having the snowflake hanging in the aperture is just a genius idea, its such a pretty snowflake too, the 'Softly Falling' embossing folder gives enough detail to the front of you card, framing the aperture makes it look so much more professional too.
Lilian used categories: Circle/Vellum/Heat embossing to create this amazing design.
Thank you so much Lilian for taking part.


Michele has made a gorgeous Birthday card for this weeks challenge (as well as the original card she made to launch the challenge last Monday)
Using categories :Stripes/Circles/Gold 
Michele has used some gorgeous card to create this card, it looks really expensive, I really love that Gold die cut sentiment Michele, who makes that die please?
Thanks so much for hosting this weeks challenge and designing two cards for it Michele, I am as always, very grateful.

Pat used the 'Star of Light' stamp set to create this fab Christmas card, it uses categories: Gold/Black/Heat embossing.
A lovely Christmas card Pat, thank you so much for taking part in this weeks challenge.


Danielle designed this card earlier this week in different colours, although she didn't originally design it with the challenge in mind I suggested that she made a gold version, this is it, its absolutely stunning.  It used categories : Circle/Gold/Heat embossing.
Dannii, used the Petite Petals stamp to stamp the flowers and their matching punch, the Colourful Seasons Stamp set and matching dies, and layering circles for the aperture.
A gorgeous card Danielle, thank you so much for taking part in our challenge again this week.


Margaret used categories : Gold/Twine/Free (Punch), to create this gorgeous Christmas card for her family over in Canada, I absolutely love that Gold,embossed card that you have used Margaret is stunning.  
Thank you for making time in your busy schedule to make a challenge card, you can tick another one off of your list now!  

Brenda has made a stunning birthday card for this weeks challenge using categories: Black/Gold/Twine.
Brenda has embossed a piece of black card with a Creative Expressions Embossing folder, then used gold mirror card to die cut some of Tim Holtz Wild Flower dies by Sizzix, the sentiment is a Sue Wilson die too, I think that this would be a fantastic man card Brenda, I love the design, the gold frame finishes the card perfectly.
Thank you for taking part my lovely.


Maria has created a lovely stamped Christmas card for this weeks challenge, using the Categories:
Black/Gold/Heat embossing.
I love your stamped design Maria, particularly the robin which is hanging baubles, such a cute image,
Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks challenge Maria.

I would like to thank Michele once again, for stepping in while I was unwell to choose the challenge and make a card to inspire you all.  
Thank you to all of you too for taking part in this weeks challenge, another amazing display of cards.

Have a lovely relaxing Sunday ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    What a great collection of challenge cards this week.

    I sat & wrote all my Christmas cards yesterday afternoon which leaves very few in my bac so I’ll be busy in the New Year! We put up the Christmas decorations & the tree but like Sandra, I’m not feeling very festive as I have so much going on at the moment.

    We had sleet & hailstones yesterday may times but no snow and nothing this morning although the forecast is for snow all day. I don’t plan on leaving the house today-housework this morning then possibly some time in my craft room after lunch.


    1. The weather doesn't sound too good Michele. Enjoy your crafting after the dreaded

    2. Meant to say the sentiment Die I used is from the birthday Shadow box set by Sue Wilson.


    3. Hi Michele
      Great card today, love the black and gold together. Looks very grand. Hope next week isn't to busy for you. I've 3 cards to post, should have given them to Karen to post when she called in on her way home to say no cards tonight.

  2. Morning Everyone
    We have a white -snow- and icy start to the day here.
    It started to snow -tiny flakes- at lunch time yesterday and stopped mid afternoon but it's been so cold that it has stayed on the footpaths and garden. Fortunately the roads are clear but having said that it's a stay in day for me and I'm going to make a start wrapping presents.

    What a gorgeous array on the display board today. Everyone looks gorgeous.
    LILIAN- I particularly like your snow flake. It's just beautiful.

    The CAFE is OPEN with the coffee/tea pots all full and the heating on so all it needs are customers.
    Today's lunch menu is Roast Pork so if you wish lunch please place your orders.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Yes please Janet with crackling and apple sauce. Yum. By the sound of it Janet I wouldn't venture outside

  3. Stunning array ladies and has given me lots of food for thought
    Well after a clear bitterly cold day yesterday we have woken up to sno snow and more snow! It is still snowing heavily and looking at OH’s car on the drive we must have a good 2-3 inches cover Yeuck! Snow and fog are my most hated weather conditions
    Take care all This is definitely a day to stay in for me!

    1. OMG lovely to look at through the window but not good to go out in.xx

  4. Morning Sandra and all,

    Such beautiful cards ladies. You're all so talented. I love Sundays seeing all your creations. So sorry Sandra I just didn't get round to making a card this week.

    Feel really tired today after the last few days and my sciatica is really bad, I think it's a trip to my GP. I don't know whether the cold sparks it off as this time last year I had a weeks course of injections in my bum as the pain was so bad and even had to go to the hospital on Christmas Day and Boxing day for them as my GP was closed.
    Hugs to all feeling poorly or down today.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Sorry you are suffering Val hope you get relief soon. Hugs on

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely lot of challenge cards once again. We woke up to about 2ins snow this morning, when Star went out she did as all our dogs have done, put tail between legs & run round in circles, it just seems to be the pure joy of it. Hope you are keeping
    Thank you Michele for setting challenge this
    Janet yes please to pork with all
    Hope to get cards all written today, so will send hugs to all who need them love

  6. Wow beautiful cards ladies, thanks Sandra for using my card.. xx

  7. Hello All, no snow, but horrible gales all through the night.

    Lovely cards again today, so many great ideas.

    Been searching for my out door lights today, thought they were in the loft, but as usual can’t seem to find them.

    Keep safe if you have to go out, hugs Lilian

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Wow wow wow beautiful cards on show today. Love them all. Great to see every one else's take on Christmas cards as well.
    Well ladies what a shock waking up to snow this morning. It's been snowing on and off all day. I though it was thawing at one time. But no it started snowing again. Petes so of cleared the paths off around the house, he's not completely cleared them though as he just didn't have the energy. Wonder If schools will be out tomorrow.

  9. Tracey I hope your not feeling to down today.

  10. Hello Sandra and Ladies

    Lost my comment earlier, let's see if I can do better this time! Here goes......

    What a great display we have for this weeks challenge.
    LILLIAN I love your floating snowflake.
    Thank you Michele for choosing this challenge for us.

    We like almost everyone else in the country have had snow, but not to the extent most of you have had. Just hope everyone is safe and warm, please be careful if you have to go outside.

    Hope everyone has a good week xx take care, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  11. Hi ladies, Lovely to tarpop in and see so many gorgeous cards. Well done to all who made a card or like Janet who made three stunners.
    Lilian- love the star/ snowflake you have used
    Read on Sue's blog that Tracy is not well at all so couldn't start her treatments. If you looking in Tracy, remember we are here for you and everything crossed for you to feel better soon
    Woke early this morning to 2" snow and it didn't stop all day, wrote some cards and helped Son to make a cake. have taken some extra meds tonight so just want my bed so I will say good night for today.See you tomorrow my crafty friends. Love Maria xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight.
    I love seeing so many beautiful challenge cards. You have all done yourselves proud, again. Thank you so much for sharing g your fantastic cards.
    I hope you are all safe and sound in your homes. We woke up to snow too here, it did start to melt later on in the afternoon and it did more or less stop snowing but apparently we are meant to be getting more over night so will wait and see what awaits us in the morning. The village primary school has already contacted parent's to say that school is closed tomorrow, not surprised as none of the teachers live in the village so no chance of them being able to walk to school. Phoebe and Paige are happy to have a day off, and to be honest they are all so tired at this time of year aren't they that it won't do them any harm, just the junior play to be rescheduled as it was meant to be tomorrow and Tuesday.
    I am off to bed so love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx
