
Saturday 9 December 2017

Mixed Up Saturday & Michele Mag Review

Janet's Verso Gift Boxes

Janet has made two more of her amazing Tonic Verso Boxes, these ones are beautifully decorated for Christmas, what a stunning way to gift wrap a gift, the box is a gift in itself.  You have decorated them beautifully Janet, with beautiful ribbon and stunning bows.
Thank you so much for inspiring us Janet.

 Angela's Wreaths

Angela created these stunning wreaths for her WI competition, I love them both, Angela says that the best thing about these Wreaths is that they are 'Rot Proof'', so they can hang outside all Winter in all weather conditions.
I think you need to do us a tutorial Angela.  Thank you so much for sharing with us.

Michele's Mag Review
Cardmaking & Papercraft with a lovely Alphabet stamp set. There’s some really nice cards inside made using the free gift.

Simply Cards & Papercraft magazine has bonus papers, an additional magazine and a lovely free gift-a dragonfly stamp & die set. There’s loads of inspiration inside using the free gift including a great Male card.

Papercraft Inspiration magazine has a really pretty stamp set free this month which could be used for so many occasions. There’s a great feature using Alphabet dies or you could substitute stamps .

Making Cards magazine has a pretty calendar & some ribbon free with it this month. The calendar has card ideas for each month plus digital downloads so you can make each card design.

Quick Cards Made Easy has a fantastic Stamps & die set with the magazine this month. This could be used for so many occasions, all year round.

That’s all for now until the New Year-Happy Crafting.



Lynda did a bit of Craft shopping this week, first of all the fantastically versatile Envelope Punch Board, you will be creating envelopes, boxes, bags and crackers in no time!
Lynda's second item is a Sue Wilson die, The Looped Snowflake, I bet you have already made cards with this die Lynda, I can't wait to see them,
Thank you so much for sharing your shopping my lovely,

Thank you to everyone that took part in today's blog post. 
I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    from a very very very cold Sheffield.

    ANGELA- your wreaths are beautiful and what a bonus that they can stay outside all year round so you can get full benefit from them.

    LYNDA- good shopping and I cannot wait to see some results. Thank you for your beautiful card which arrived yesterday.

    MICHELE- Thank you for the mag review. I just might pop down the aisle in WHS this morning to have a look.

    I love my box die more each time I use it. It's so simple to use and cuts beautifully through the Gemini. The ribbon and bows were from my Range visit earlier in the week.

    Off shopping this morning and thank goodness it's inside so it will be dry and warm. I suppose it will be heaving by 11.00 so hopefully we'll be ready to come home by then.

    The CAFE is OPEN for all who want to pop in.
    There will be muffins for later this afternoon.

    PAT- I'll be thinking of you today.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      That's for the thoughts. I'm glad it wasn't so windy and cold today as yesterday's funeral as Chris's funeral was a burial, which went off ok.
      Love your boxes that you sent to Sandra. Well pictures off them anyway. Thais for the muffins.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Janet-gorgeous boxes, they really lovely.

    Angela/lovely wreaths.

    Lynda-great choice in your crafty purchases.

    Quick visit this morning from me as I’m later than normal and want to hit the shops before it gets crazy busy.


    1. Hi Icheke
      I et the shoos were very busy today as it always is at Christmas time. We went shopping and took Doreen as well this afternoon and it was still busy then. Thanks for the mag reviews This month Michele. I'll have a look at them on Monday.

  3. Great review of magazines MICHELE Thank you If I was to ask Santa for a subscription, which, in your opinion, is the best/your favourite?
    Those wreaths are very pretty ANGELA
    Those boxes are amazing JANET Such lovely paper/card and pretty embellishments
    I have the ENVELOPE maker LYNDA It is a very handy tool to have as it’s nice and compact to store AND the measurements are on the tool You don’t have to go rummaging for the instructions The snowflake die looks very pretty too
    I am seeing OSCAR today Talk about leaving things til the last minute! Last year daughter gave get fiancé a photo frame of OSCAR hold the letters DAD and wants to do the same this year I think her plan is to do one every year! Can I postpone Christmas for a bit!
    I need to get on with some of my planned Christmas crafting!
    Take care all Thinking of you PAT xx

    1. Hi Karen
      That's for the thoughts. We met up with Pete's brother Dave and his wife as they travelled up from Bournemouth. I hope you had a Lovely time with Oscar today.

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Pat, I'm so sorry I didn't say how lovely your cards were yesterday. I really love that star stamp set, it makes beautiful cards. I hope it all goes as well as funerals can today X
    Sandra,I hope you had a quieter day yesterday and are feeling better again my lovely xx
    Janet, what a coincidence. I finally got to Mums yesterday and she gave me my boxes that you had cut out and sent to us. Thank you so much, it was extra kind of you to cut them out of such beautiful card stock. I will be thinking carefully about who will get such a gorgeous box 😊 And what is the first picture to greet me on the blog this morning but some of your gorgeous boxes! What a happy coincidence. They are beautifully decorated and they certainly won't be screwed up and thrown in the bin as wrapping paper is. I hope you manage to get your shopping and are back.home before the shops get too busy X
    Lynda, you will find yourself trying out many of the great ideas using the envelope punch board. It is so easy to use and there as countless things to hat can be made with it, far more than just envelopes. I think it is one of the most versatile pieces of kit in anyone's craft stash. Enjoy playing with yours, and that pretty die, it looks like you can use the outer die all year round which is really handy x
    Michele, thanks for the reviews. I have the first magazine, the alphabet stamps are very similar to a Stamping Up set. Sandra and were intrigued to see that along with each letter of the alphabet there is a double tt. We couldn't work out why. Do you know? I must admit I haven't looked in the magazine yet so I suppose it may give me the reason why they thought tt would be useful. We decided that a double pp would be more useful as Happy is used a lot in sentiments. Anyway, I hope you managed to avoid the worst of the shoppers. I am off to Tesco in a while with a friend to get the drinks etc for the Scout group Bingo tonight. I try and avoid the shops on any weekend but especially these ones in December so think of me while you are, hopefully, relaxing with a nice warm cuppa and muffin in the Café. I will certainly need mine by the time we are finished 😊 x
    Angela, what a good idea to have a wreath that will stand all weathers, a pretty way to decorate the front door. I do like the way that Canadians, and Americans I believe have different wreaths etc on show all year round on their front doors X
    I must go and get ready to pick my friend up so I hope you all have a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

    1. I had to look at my stamp set to see what you meant-not sure why they’ve included a double “t” but it will be useful. It doesn’t say anything in the write up about the free gift in the magazine-not that I can see anyway.


  5. Hi Sand a and ladies.
    I'm glad it wasn't to cold today as Chris's funeral was a burial today. The church in Bampton is apparently an Abbey well according to Robin her husband anyway. It was absolutely packed, but she was very popular in the village and did her best for everyone even though she was so ill herself. She decided she couldn't fight the Cancer anymore.
    On a lighter note I've just st had a phone call from my cousin in Ireland. So we had a lovely long chat. She's off to stay with her daughter in Kent for Christmas so I'll ring her after Christmas and have a chat. Snow today here but it stopped this morning.

    1. Hi Pat, glad all went well as it could. I was thinking of you. Take care xx

  6. Hi Sandra and to all who are visiting the cafe' today.
    Love the two wreaths Angela. Nice idea to have different wreath up through the year Sue.
    Janet, more wonderful boxes. Love the big bows. Take care if going out and hope you got the shopping done before the hordes.
    Michele, thanks again for the review of the mags once again. Lots to chose from. Hope you ok.
    Lynda, nice shopping and useful all the time even the loopy die. Have fun playing. Hugs to you, Terry and to everyone, hope you all had a good day.
    Still making cards and am so late it is silly, must get them written tomorrow for posting Monday so will finish the coffee and muffin and back to work I go Lol
    Love and warm hugs to you all, Maria Xoxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I seen to be sending out cards in batches, not to sure why. At least some of them I can deliver in person.

  7. Meant to say Angela that I love the wrapeaths you've made. I usually go to the flowers club in Hailey to make a wreath for our front door but haven't this year.
    Lynda love your buys.

  8. Hi Sandra and all.
    JANET and ANGELA beautiful boxes and wreath. Two very clever ladies.
    MICHELE Many thanks for the summary of this month's mags. All lovely but so love Making Cards.

    LYNDA such lovely buys. Hope all is ok with you and Terry and furry babies.x

    Glad you all had a good meet up yesterday.

    PAT hope today went as well as it could.x

    Been up to see my friend and daughter agin in Javea again today. The church was so full on Thursday at the funeral we didn't have much of a chance to chat so we went back today and the four of us went out to lunch. My Lynn and Janette have grown up together so we're all very close and we all laughed so much over lunch talking about times past it did us all the world of good. Just got home so a long day. To crown it all my sciatica has flare up again and oh so painful.

    Hugs to

    1. Oh dear Val I hope your sciatica improves soon. I'm glad you went back to see your friend and had a lovely lunch.

    2. Good you could go back to see your friend but now take it easy and I wish your sciatica better, ouch xx

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry didn't get in yesterday, time is disappearing fast. I commented earlier but it disappeared before I had finished. Thank you for showing all the goods
    Janet once again your boxes are
    Angela love your
    Michele thanks once again for
    Lynda love your die & you will live the envelope maker, thank you for your lovely
    Pat your cards yesterday were
    Brenda & Maria thank you for your lovely
    Sending hugs to all in need love

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra I hope you are feeling a little better today, please don’t go pushing yourself to hard. I know it’s a very busy time, but the family need you fit and well, to keep the nest warm and be there for them. I’m sure Paul also needs to know his ‘rock’ is well, especially as he is about to embark on a new chapter in his working career. xx

    Is it Super Saturday again, Where does the time go.? I’m sure someone or something hi jacks my week.
    JANET Your boxes are brilliant, they are a gift on there own. These will not end up in the recycling with all the other packaging. Love them. xx
    ANGELA Your wreaths are beautiful. xx
    LYNDA You are going to have fun with the envelope maker, there are so many interesting things you can make using it. xx
    MICHELE Thank you for the magazine reviews, they are so helpful. xx

    Sorry to be late ...... Again! I have been in my craft room today, for some reason I couldn’t get my head around the challenge - I had so many ‘what if’ moments. Yes I got there in the end. But the mess I have created is unbelievable..... tomorrow is tidy up day ( that’s my promise to myself)

    Goodnight dear friends, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      My craft room could do with a tidy up as well. But to tell the truth I don't know where to start. So my dining no room table if full of craft stuff as well. Must clear it up tomorrow as we're having a new cooker delivered sometime Monday,

    2. PAT if I moved my craft stuff into the dining room I think we would be in the divorce by now. Because John also uses the dining room as an office, we have a bedroom that i use as an office. The computer and printer are in there also a filing cabinet, but John likes to spread himself out so the dining table is ideal for him !!! He will does not do messy. Think it’s goes back to his Navy training! AND Crafters just work out life out better when they can sort out there own mess !!!!! xx

  11. Hi Sandra& ladies
    The cyber comments snatchers strikes again as my comment this morning has
    Gone to cyber people.just a quick now
    JANET your boxes are gorgeous glad you liked your card. Yours arrived this morning & I love it it's beautiful thank yo so much.xxovev
    MICHELE grate magazine review as usual I bought the Craft papercraft with the free dragonfly stamp & die. Thank you
    Angela. Love your pretty.
    Will leave you now as i expect you are all all in bed love Lynda xx
