
Wednesday 13 December 2017

The first cards have started to arrive.....

My Christmas card from

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, I think we have finally started to thaw out down our Crescent, yesterday we still had the same 3 or 4 inches of snow but it had frozen solid, because we got down to about -8 here on Monday night, it sounded very 'crunchy' out there yesterday, it was nice to have the girls home too, although there is no longer any excitement when the snow has fallen, I fondly remember the radiators full of tiny gloves dripping wet from building snowmen, the endless changes of socks and trousers.  I love hearing the excitement it brings though, any large area of parkland suddenly fills with families laughing and squealing with excitement.  

I received Janet's card in the post yesterday, it's so lovely to receive 'Happy Mail' isn't it, we got quite a bundle today as the postie would have struggled around here. It is such a stunning easel card, made using the gorgeous 'Velvet' look red card from Pink Frog, it makes a stunning backdrop to the Die'sire Create-a-card Scenic Village die cut that Janet has used. What a gorgeous image! The sentiment makes the stopper for the 'Easel' part of the card, Janet has also added a lovely verse.
Thank you my lovely friend for such a beautiful Christmas card. XXX

Sadly no Crafting with Pat today as she is at her 'usual haunt', I will be thinking of you today my lovely, hopefully it will be a straight forward in and out appointment.

I spent the whole afternoon making inserts and envelopes for all of my Christmas cards, a lesson learned, do it when you make the card, what a time consuming job, Mt cards turned out to be All Shapes and sizes, thank heavens for the Envelope punch board!! 

I hope you all stay warm and dry today,

Love and HUGE hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-that’s a beautiful card from Janet, really lovely.

    We had rain yesterday afternoon even though it was only 2C, luckily the temperature has warmed up so no ice this morning.

    I have a meeting this morning then the usual work day.
    A few of are going out for a curry this evening-I’m going but I don’t feel vey sociable at the moment so I hope I don’t spoil everyone’s evening.


    1. Hope the meeting went ok. Have a nice evening out, sure you feel better when you get there and get some lovely curry. xx

    2. Hope your meeting goes well and enjoy your curry tonight. Hope once you're out you'll feel more sociable.
      Many thanks for your lovely card which arrived this morning.xx

    3. I hope the meeting goes OK and hopefully once you get out to the curry house you’ll feel more like socialising

    4. Hi Michele. I do hope you feel a bit brighter when you go out tonight. Sending you hugs x

  2. Morning ladies,

    What a stunning vibrant pink card Janet. Love it.

    Joseph has had his birthday bike stolen outside of his friends house. They had only popped in for a quick drink. Mum has posted already on all our local village web pages in the hope that it will be found. Low lifes abound in this day and age. I expect some young lad will think their parent have bought it for him for Christmas. What a chock he'll get when the police recover it.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Break ins have grown in the are we live so we are always on special look outs for people who look a bit shifty, driving vans and cold callers. It's a shame you can't trust anyone. I hope Joseph will get his bike back. Thinking of you today dear friend, many happy memories xx

    2. Oh how sad that Joseph new bike has been stolen. So hope it's recovered. Not that much will happen to the person who's stolen it.xx

    3. Very sad, some very bad people about, makes you mistrust all strangers, do hope Joseph gets his bike back

    4. That’s terrible CHERYL It really makes you wonder what the world is coming to

    5. Hi Cheryl. What a sad world we live in. I hope it is found but like Val says the thief will probably just be told not to do it again!!! X

  3. Morning Everyone
    What a nice surprise I got when I opened up this morning seeing my Christmas card on the board.
    I have really loved using that die this year. It cuts beautifully with one pass through the Gemini and is ideal for most shaped cards.

    Quick opening this morning as I really do have to get on with wrapping today. I managed to get the order for 5 cards finished last night. It took me from 08.30 to 18.30 to get them done (usually I stop crafting at lunchtime but needs must as they say.

    Everything is ready and waiting for you all in the CAFE. HUGS should be arriving shortly to warm you all today. xxxx

    1. Lovely card and a wonderful scene for christmas ,thank you. Good job getting the cards on order together. have a nice day xx

    2. Janet thank you for your lovely card. OH generally never makes comments but he was really impressed with the card you sent. He did actually comment in Novembre when I took my blog birthday cards down, they had all been on a shelf in the lounge for over 2 weeks, I think he was sad to see them removed to my craft room, I think he would happily let make it keep them there until the next birthday! Ha ha. Hope you and Jim are well. XX

    3. Beautiful card today Janet. Glad you got your cards finished. I love wrapping presents but it does take a long time.
      Enjoy your day.xx

    4. It’s a beautiful card JANET Good luck with the wrapping - a job I hate

    5. Hi Janet
      Good job getting your cards done, I think I sent you an email thanking you for mine. Good luck with the wrapping as I'm an awful wrapper. Have only two to wrap at the moment. The rest might just get vouchers as no one knows what they want.
      My granddaughters said they might not buy their Dad anything. He's still to open our present to him from 1st Dec 2016, plus his Christmas present. He's also not open the presents they bought him from last year, his birthday, nor Father's Day. So to say the 4 of them are unhappy is an understatement.

    6. That’s terrible and very sad for them

    7. Hi Pat. I agree with Karen that it is very sad and rude that his children's presents don't get opened. I hope they don't waste their time and money on buying anything else for him. We don't have many presents to wrap either this year as most of the family want money or vouchers to go towards larger items they are saving up for. I will be making some little holders for the money/ vouchers using my envelope punch board. Haven't decided which ones to make yet though x

    8. Hi Janet, thank you again for my beautiful card. Chris jnr is fascinated with it. He says "It's a magic card because it doesn't go like the other cards do" after a few mins of questions we worked out that he meant it doesn't stand up like the standard cards do 😊 I hope the wrapping goes well today. Well done on getting g the card order done yesterday x

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sandra aLovely card from Janet. I was also lucky enough to receive same card thank Janet it's gorgeous.
    Just a quic pop in this morning. Terry is dropping me off to Margaret pop back later
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda, hope Margaret is better and you both have a nice day together. How is the pain, do you feel the meds helping ? Mine is a bit better but that can also be because we haven't done as much walking lately. Sending special hugs for you Lynda, Know how close you were to Tracy (she was privileged to see something no one else will get to see) C U ! :) Many,many hugs xxx

    2. Lynda thank you for your lovely Christmas card. All my blog cards get put together and can be seen and admired by everyone.
      Enjoy your visit to Margaret. XX

    3. Hope you have a good time time with Margaret.
      Many thanks for your beautiful card, it arrived today.
      Sending hugs as I know how upset you must be about Tracy. Xxx

    4. Hi Lynda
      Enjoy your day with Margaret. I think I sent you an email thanking you for your card,

    5. Hi Lynda. Enjoy your day with Margaret. No doubt you will come home with some crafting goodies that she has decided she doesn't want 😊 I don't mean that in a nasty way, it just makes me smile that she has bought so much stuff but at least you cannot it all to good use. Hugs to you and CU xx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Thank you for sharing your lovely card you receive from Janet today, it really is lovely, I can say that in all honesty because I have one very similar. xx

    I hope you’re still taking things easy, there is still so much going on and so many things to do. Please take life easy when you can. You know we’re all thinking of you and hope and pray that things work out in your favour by the end of this week. LOL xx

    Weather here isn’t too good, well it’s raining and cold outside. I’m sure a lot of you still have much worse conditions, so please take care. Where I met up with my friends yesterday they hadn’t cleared the car park, it was treacherous walking across to the pub where we were meeting up. Still no one fell over. By the time we left efforts had been made to resolve the problem.

    I hope everyone is keeping snug and warm, to those feeling under the weather I’m sending special gentle hugs. Take care everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hope you don't have to venture out today. The weather sounds really miserable.xx

    2. Hi Brenda
      We now have rain on top of the snow. We have a Christmas party at our club on Friday, so hopefully it all will have cleared as we were going to walk into town. It's not to far but will be treacherous underfoot.

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely card from our Janet, love the colour on card used. Very nice.
    Take care if going out. It was raining here last night but still very cold so we have a nice ice rink outside and the pavements are horrendous to walk on.
    All cards done and sent, only 46 this year hihi neighbours ones left to give out and presents wrapped so have had a lazy morning watching Kirstie Allsopp Handmade Christmas, some wonderful makes and interesting to see some other crafts some people do.
    Pat- take care and hope all goes well. Fingers crossed the barrier is up. yes, it was a question Karen had sent me, I answered here because she's not always in on her e-mails so thought it was quicker Lol
    Val- hope your sciatica is getting better. Sending hugs across the miles.
    Going to Ikea for Lucia dinner tonight with a friend so trying not to eat too much before as if it is like last time I went , it will be a good spread.
    Have a nice day . Love Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Yes, the barriers were up again, but in the car park for Dermatology this time. I know they've been up after Christmas when Pete's had to go. But not before. Hopefully they'll be up for 3 days next week. An early Christmas present from the hospitals hopefully.

    2. Meant to say enjoy your dinner tonight.

    3. Hee hee MARIA is so right I’m not very good at checking my email What with staring at a computer screen all morning I tend not to look But I am trying to get better now that I can access them on my 📱
      Thank you MARIA xx

  7. Hello All, very wet and cold here.

    Firstly can I thank you all for the lovely cards that are popping through my letterbox, you are all so talented.
    I have finished my and they are in the post, have to admit they are not up to my usual standard, sorry.

    Have finished my present buying, all from Amazon, as I’ve had no energy to go shopping, still have all the wrapping to do, before we go to London on Christmas Eve.
    Hope everyone has a good day, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I hope you enjoy your trip to London.
      I've hardly done any Christmas shopping. Spending all our time at hospitals. However, apart from our two eldest granddaughters no one knows what they want. I've got theirs, but might just get vouchers for everyone else. I'd rather get them what they wanted if they only knew.

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Well the clinic was running an hour behind today. But they checked me all over are happy with everything. My left hand isn't quite right apparently on the inside edge. I could have some more treatment on it if I wanted. I'm quite happy as it is so said I wouldn't unless they though I needed it. They didn't, so we're quite happy to discharge he. I'm apparently more subseptable to having more on my temple so just to keep an eye on it. Standing room only in the waiting rooms, unlike last week when Pete went for a check up.
    I'm glad the snow is slowly disappearing out your way Sandra,
    Love Janet's card, I have its twin. Love how Janet made it into an easel card.

  9. It is a beautiful card JANET I love my one too
    I’m late in as my phone died this morning and Blogger was playing up
    The jury is still out on the glasses I THINK they’re better than previous pair
    We managed to raise just over £360 yesterday for Keech Hospice ( a local children’s hospice)
    Which was great considering people were still struggling to get into the office due to public transport issues etc
    We’re having Christmas jumper day tomorrow for Dave the Children as we have big do/party on Friday Stay warm stay safe everyone xx

    1. I meant Save the Children It’s the national one but as it’s our big Do on Friday we decided to have it a day earlier

    2. Hi Karen
      Wow what a fabulous amount of money you all raised for the hospice.

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry I have not commented for a couple of days either run out of time or lost comments in space. Pleased to hear Paul started work & hope you feel better once you get Friday out of way. Good cc this week hope to make card before
    Michele your cards were lovely
    Val lovely card from you today, looks even better in flesh as I received it today, thank you very
    So sorry to hear of Tracy 's death, rest in peace, condolence to Graeme & family & friends especially you
    Val thank you for your lovely card received yesterday, I hope your sciatica is
    Had our Petanque lunch today, we have 3 groups on 3 days so we all have lunch together at local Marriott Hotel, there was 69 booked & they did a superb job.As I organise it a great relief now it's over. Have Embroidery ladies here tomorrow for tea & cakes then perhaps I can concentrate on Christmas.
    Pat pleased your visit went
    Must get on I want to put small christmas tree up tonight.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  11. Sorry Janet called you Val, senior moment!!
