
Tuesday 12 December 2017

Michele's Pop-Up Christmas cards

Good Morning Ladies

I am s excited to be able to share Michele's amazing Pop-up Christmas cards with you today. Michele made them from a Free kit that came with a magazine, which I find incredible, you really do have a gift for making magazine freebies look amazing Michele. I bet these were the first thing to sell out on your sale table .
Thank you for sharing your fantastic designs Michele.

Paul enjoyed his first day in his new job, he said it was really busy with lots of different things going on.  He had a long walk in and back home again though as we still have a lot of snow, that has turned into sheer ice, so using the car or his bike was out of the question.
I was supposed to have an MRI scan yesterday afternoon but the hospital cancelled due to lack of staff. 
Sophie and Lucy's school was closed yesterday as well and it is again today, I think today it's down to a the temperature dropping so very  low overnight, leaving the site in a treacherous condition, they also explained that the main bus operators weren't able to provide a service either.  So they will be revising I expect.

I am going to have to make an appointment with the Doctor as still feel so unwell, exhausted after the smallest task, generally ill, I can't remember the last time I felt this Unwell, I'm getting fed up of it now to be honest.

I hope that you are all safe and warm,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies-Frosty one!

    Sandra-thank you for showing my pop up cards. They were so easy to make & look quite impressive. They all sold so they must have been ok.

    Glad Paul’s first day went fine. Sorry to hear your scan was cancelled-gave you been given another date? I think a GP appointment is probably a good idea, just for s check up.


  2. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Fabulous boxes Michele. I remember you making some last year from a magazine. You gave me the name and issue number of the magazine and I bought it on back order. No wonder you sold all of them. Did you make a template from them I wonder?. Love that the pop up flaps aren't straight as well.
    It's no wonder your still feeling ill Sandra with all that's been happening in your life, and still more to come. Perhaps a through check up is required from the doctors.
    Hope your hospital appointment gets re arranged quickly. Pete had 4 more appointments in the post yesterday. He has 1 today and he 1 tomorrow. Next week he has 3 Mon,Tues, and Wed. Do you get the feeling we're living at the hospital, because I do.

  3. Morning Everyone
    I've just lost a long comment so here goes again!!

    We still have snow and the side road looks very icy.

    MICHELE- beautiful pop up cards and they really do look impressive and expensive. There's no wonder they sell quickly.

    I managed to get some wrapping up done yesterday and the requested cards were delivered. The lady liked them so much that a request for a further 5 (1 Christmas female/2 Christmas Brother/and 2 birthday cards female. so guess what I'll be doing today.

    VAL- your beautiful card has arrived thank you so much.

    The CAFE is OPEN for you all despite the horrible weather. HUGS are winging their way to you all.xxxx

  4. I am pleased PAUL enjoyed his first day
    You make sure you get to the doctors young lady I’m not surprised you’re still suffering you’ve been under a lot of stress recently
    Your cards are gorgeous MICHELE It’s no wonder they sold well
    Side roads look very dicey today I will try and get into work today I’d like to as it’s our “Bring and Share” today where we eat (no drink!) and have a raffle for a local charity

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope you manage to get into work today. Hope the Bring and Share raises lots of money.

  5. Morning Sandra and all from a bright but cold Spain.

    MICHELE just love these cute pop up boxes. I really Wish I'd ordered that magazine as they look so cute and no wonder they all sold.

    PAT you and Pete must be so sick of hospitals. I hope you don't have to pay parking fees every time you're there. Sending

    KAREN enjoy your Bring and Share today. It would be a lot better with a glass of wine I'm sure ha ha. Hope it raises lots of money xxx

    JANET well done on getting lots of orders. I'm not surprised as your cards are always beautiful. Glad my card arrived. Mister postman is being very efficient.

    Off to slimming this morning and then out for a Christmas meal with them all. I hope we're not expected to have a salad as I intend having a pre Christmas dinner and Christmas pudding. This will be the last weigh in for me until February. It's the last week next week and that's sadly the time were taking Barrie back to the airport. Then when it starts again in January I'll hopefully be sunning myself on an Egyptian beach. I not even thinking of eating healthily from now until the next meeting.

    Well keep warm everyone and those of you with snow around be careful if you have to go out.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Yes, I'm afraid we do have to pay parking charges when we go. The most you can pay is £7.00. However, when Pete was on the trial and he had to go every week, we paid it but had to put in an expenses sheet and we got reimbursed. They paid for the Petrol per mile, parking charges and any food Pete bought. However, he did have sandwiches etc provided plus a meal about 5.30-6.00 when he had to stay late. The German company paid it, not the hospital. Quite a few people came from different parts of the country for treatment weekly from all over the country. The furthest we heard about was Mansfield. They were having to leave home at 4.30 every week. Such as Shame it didn't work for Pete.

    2. Glad he was reimbursed when he was on the trial but having to pay parking fees every time is really

    3. Hi Val
      No payment for parking today as the barriers were up.
      I hope your sciatica improves soon and that Barrie is having a good rest. I hope he manages to get back to the UK with all our weather disruptions.

  6. Stay safe out there everyone today. Hopefully the sunshine will start melting the ice and snow.

  7. Tracey if your looking in gentle hugs are coming your way.

  8. Morning everyone,

    A glorious sunrise woke me earlier this morning, thin clouds starting to appear so I am hoping for a clear day.

    MICHELE......what wonderful box cards you have made. What was the magazine?

    Stay safe & warm in this weather everyone.

    Tracy dear heart, warm fuzzy hugs coming right at you.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      We also had sunshine this morning but still very very cold. Stay safe my friend.

  9. Ladies I have just read on Sue's blog that our very dear friend Tracy has lost her battle with Cancer, I just can't believe it, she was so young and had so much to live for.
    I know you will all join me n sending sincere condolences to her Husband Graeme and her family and friends, they must be devastated. X

    1. So so sad and so young. My condolences are sent to her husband, friends and family. RIP Tracy.x

    2. Such sad news to hear another warrior has received her angel wings. Her posts were always so upbeat and promising. Condolences to Graeme and family. x

    3. Hi Sandra
      Such sad news my thoughts are with Tracey's family at this sad time.

  10. So you might stop moaning now about how poorly you feel and get a life or a shrink you fake

    1. I agree. Always moaning about some thing that hurts or heart going fast. Well lady think twice before your needy messages. At least you don't have a killer illness. Get a life.

    2. Awww. You poor thing. You go to the surgery again and sit on the chair with your name engraved on it.

    3. thank you for your comment my lovely x

    4. Anonymous....What a coward you are hiding behind that sobriquet and what a terrible person you are rejoicing in someone's ill health. I'll say a prayer tonight just for you to receive better manners and a kinder disposition as yo so obviously need them.

    5. Sandra, what a shame that this "person" thinks that anyone would be interested in what she has to say, especially at such a sad time and all without showing her name. Does she not realise that all comments can be traced?

      Anonymous, what a very sad and pathetic individual you are. You clearly read this fabulous blog each and every day and then just as clearly ignore every word that is written!!!!!
      I hope you can sleep easily knowing that you using such sad news to spew your foul words. I'm sure Tracy's husband Graeme and family would love to see your reaction and comments about Tracy's tragic death.
      Go and find a hole to crawl into until you can be a decent person.

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone
    Someone stole the Monday for me so not sure what happened but I will use the cc to make a card today.
    I love the boxes you made Michele, hope you sold a lot at the fair. Have a good day at work.
    I'm very sad to read that our friend Tracy have lost her battle to cancer.Rest in Peace Tracy.Condolences to her family and husband Graeme xx
    I'm also sad to see that two Anonymous people have to be so cruel and be posting here and not brave enough to say how you are. We all have our problems and we support eachother whatever it is so butt out if you haven't got any nice to say !!
    I'll be back , must go and sort something out. Warm hugs to you all xxx

  12. How very very sad to read about TRACY My thoughts are with GRAEME and the families
    I agree with MARIA, how very rude of ANONYMOUS What cowards!

  13. Back again,
    Cheryl- hearing about Milly-May meeting Santa sound very much like when my sister was little and she saw Santa for the first time, she screamed the roof off Lol this Santa had a mask as well so looked pretty scary. Loved to see a photo of Milly-May if you have one.
    Glad first day for Paul went well at his new job.
    Karen- answer to your question's are: Magic Knife and Amy Design, Wintertide ADD10078. If you can wait a little while I send the die to you. Hope the new glasses at last will work better then the last pair, fingers crossed.
    val, Janet and Lynda, thank you so much for your lovely cards !
    Val- sorry to see Helen is still in hospital, hope she gets better. Look after Barrie and hopefully he can get the break that he need, hugs for him. I see you going to Egypt, are you going down the Nile or staying foot ?
    Pat- will be thinking of you and Pete. Crazy you have to pay for the parking when you have to visit the hospital so often. Take care going out if you have the icy roads like here it is rather tricky to get out. You are fine on the big roads but nothing be done on the smaller ones and our cul-de-sac is awful but we had to go into town today as OH had an appointment. It was alright to drive and it probably helped that he have winter tyres on the car. bought a little microphone for Louis with changing colours and music playing and for his sister Molly, she had asked for bath-bombs (she is 7) so we went to Lush. Never seen them before, they are so big and I who thought they were little balls Lol
    I hope you all have had a nice day and evening will be too and Mr Sandman is doing his job,especially for some of us Lol. many warm hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I'm intrigued now as to what the question was. I assume that Karen emailed you direct, as you answered, Magic knife and Amy design Wintertide. Was it a card you made?.

    2. Hi Maria, glad the card arrived.
      Sadly the tour operator won't do trips on the Nike at the moment. I have done it twice and seen some wondrous sights. We usual go to Sharm a el Sheikh but the airlines don't fly into that airport any more since the Russian plane blew up. Anyway this time were going to Hurghada which is further south that Sharm. Lots of British people onTrip Advisor saying how safe the feel but really is anywhere safe from terrorism nowadays.
      Glad you're doing well buying your Xmas presents. Xxx

    3. Hi Val
      My granddaughter and Son went there and really enjoyed themselves. Not together I must add. Craig went with his partner and two children. Amy went with her boyfriend.

  14. Anonymous - I say Ditto to Val and Maria’s Comments, only a coward has to hide behind a cloak. Your comments are Cyber Bullying and that is a serious crime.
    Grow up, If you don’t like what is said on this blog don’t look in, or go play in a different playground with children of your own age.

  15. Hello Sandra and Ladies,

    I’ve had a busy day today, I have been out with my lovely friends for a Christmas lunch and didn’t return home until 5.15.i am very sad to read about Tracey she was so young. Sending my condolences to Graham and her family.

    MICHELE, I love your boxes I’m not surprised they sold out.

    Will say bye for now sending love to everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      I'm glad you enjoyed your lunch with friends.

    2. Glad your lunch was nice todayxxx

  16. My word ladies
    I've just gone down the comments and came across an anonymous post. What nasty mean spirited people they are. I'm assuming they are Crafters and they should hang their heads in shame.

  17. Hi ladies
    Guess what, the barrier was up at the hospital so no parking fee to pay today. I might try that car park tomorrow just in case the barrier is down round by Dermatology.
    Looks like Pete will have to go the week before his treatment every month. Just to check that he's fit enough and his blood count etc aren't to low. Apparently his pain levels are going to get worse before they improve. It won't cure the cancer in his bones just halt its progress. They don't know how long for though.

    1. Glad you were in luck re the barrier today. Worth trying tomorrow again.They really look after Pete well don't they and although it's a pain having to go to so many appointments the sound as though they are doing their best for him. Hugs to you bothxxx

    2. Hi Val
      Yes, I think their pulling out all the stops especially today. Even had a professor of nuclear physics in to talk to us today re the things that could happen. Radium safety etc. Apart from this treatment he'll still be under oncology for his prostate cancer. Helps I think that the Churchill us a centre of excellence for cancer care. Thanks for the hugs.

  18. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I'm sure I commented this morning but can't see it anywhere I know it was a while befor we had our eyes tested so maybe I didn't press publish. Both need new 👓. I have vary-focal the distance has just changed a small amount but my reading part has changed quite a lot.which I new they had I was struggling with small reading.
    JANET VAL PAT thank you all for your lovely cards.
    I've been quite upset all day about the sad news of my friend Tracy loosing her battle. It was so quick we used to FaceTime she she used to call me her wee pal. Sending my condolences to Graeme & her family.

    Anonymous who the hell are you. Your Just a low life crawl back in the gutter!!!

    Just off to watch Bancroft so see you tomorrow
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Well said Lynda mind you the sewers are more their style as the gutter isn't low enough for low life.

  19. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight.
    I am so sad to hear that Tracy has lost her long battle with cancer. May you rest in peace Tracy. Sending my deepest sympathy to Graeme and family.

    Michele, I love your pop up box cards, no surprise that they sold quickly as you have made them beautifully. I hope you are managing to get to and from work safely X
    Karen, did you manage to get into work today and did the bring and share take place with lots raised for a local charity? How are you getting on with the new glasses, better than the last ones I hope X
    Pat, I hope you manage to get lots more free parking as you are at the hospital's so much. I hope Pete is as comfortable as possible X
    Brenda, I'm glad you had a lovely lunch with your friends today. X
    Mum I hope you're not too tired. I know you have a lot of meals out with various friends this week. Love you xx
    Val, I'm sure Barrie will be glad to be able to relax once he gets to you. I'm sorry to hear Helen is have problems X
    Janet, I'm not surprised that you were asked to make more beautiful cards 😊 x
    I have got some gorgeous cards from Maria, Brenda, Janet and Val, thank you all so much xxxx
    I am still card making but at home today instead of at yours Sandra, it was a shame not to see you today but the side roads are still covered with thick ice so I won't drive unless it is essential. Well, I do consider getting to see Sandra an essential part of my week but I did listen to my sensible head for once 😊 I will be thinking of those of you that have to travel, please take care X
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx
