
Wednesday 29 November 2017

My Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, gentle hugs to those that aren't feeling 100%.

Today's card is my Challenge card for this week's Tictactoe challenge.....

I used Categories: Bow/Scallop/Rectangle

I went for a very different style card for me, using darker colours, it was based on a card that I saw when I looked at this particular challenge, at first glance I thought it was for a different tictactoe grid but taking a closer look I saw the categories.  I would normally have gone for a blue butterfly or something a little more obvious, this card was a bit more of a challenge if you like, I added the butterfly because the card needed something else and the butterfly fitted perfectly.
The papers are Stampin' Up! 'Whole Lot of Lovely' Designer series papers, which I matted on to black card.

'Whole Lot of Lovely' range

I stamped my 'Happy Birthday' onto white card and then die cut using a Circle die, I then added a Scalloped circle die cut in black to the back.
Before securing the patterned card to the base card I added a piece of black ribbon, attaching it to the back of the card. I added foam tape to the back of the base layer and mounted on to a 5 x 7inch white base card.  I then tied a double bow with the same ribbon and added to the card. The finishing touches are a pretty lace butterfly, stamped in black.  The butterfly is from the Butterfly Basics stamp set, which is one of my favourites, partly because it was one of the first stamp sets that I really played with when I started on my 'stamping journey'. 
A pearl swirl placed to give the impression of a butterfly trail and 3 pearls at the top right hand side of the card are the finishing touches. 
I do hope you like it and that it gives you a little bit of inspiration for your challenge card. xx

Sue and I had a lovely day yesterday, talking more than crafting as per usual, but Sue did get a few die cuts ready for batch making her Christmas cards, maybe we will get to finish them next week.
We were also looking at rental properties in our area, goodness me the prices vary, one, rather nice humble abode was a only £30,000 a WEEK!!!  Sadly there were none that met our criteria! It was fun looking though.

Pat is coming over today, so more crafting is on the cards, I wonder what Pat will bring with her to do this week, or maybe she will come with an idea in mind for us to try from Pinterest. 

Paul has asked me to thank you all for you lovely comments yesterday, he loved reading them all xx

Brenda, I hope that you and John had a lovely day out at the Postal Museum yesterday, I bet it was really interesting, I love anything like that. xx

Congratulations to Val for achieving your target weight at Slimming Club, I hope you had a big cream cake to celebrate! xxx

Cheryl I hope that your Sewing Machine can be fixed easily, it sounds like you don't need the expense right now but these things never happen at the right time do they.  AO seem to get great reviews across the board right now, there was quite a difference between them and the council, £40 is a good start to saving for your sewing machine. xxx

Lynda, I do hope that you are feeling better my lovely, the big parcel arrived late yesterday so yours will be on its way! hope that cheers you up my lovely xxx

My Biggest  'CONGRATULATIONS' go to Margaret who has qualified as Bronze with Stampin'Up!
I couldn't be happier for you my lovely, its a huge achievement , you should be very proud! 
You are on your way to Bronze Elite now, hopefully we will get some new members to join 'Team Cotswold Crafter' in the New Year, when the joining package is so amazing it seems to good to be true but it isn't, is it Margaret??  xxx

Have a lovely day ladies,
Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra, quite a change to your usual style.

    Busy day yesterday at work, felt too tired to even think of going to my craft room so I just sat & read my book all evening. Tesco shopping tonight as we’re out tomorrow evening as it’s hubbys birthday.


    1. Hi Michele. I hope you don't have more training today at work and you manage to relax after putting the shopping away tonight x

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope today wasn't to bad at work today. I hope hubby has a lovely birthday tomorrow. It's my grandsons tomorrow as well.

  2. A lovely card Take the butterfly off and you have a perfect card for men
    I meant say I loved your card yesterday DANIELLE I hope you pop in again
    I hope you can get your sewing machine fixed CHERYL
    Congratulations VAL on reaching your goal and that you enjoyed your Maltesers
    BIG hugs to all xx

    1. Hi Karen, wow did I enjoy that bag of Maltesers. I don't find the actual diet that difficult apart from having such a sweet tooth but I don't drink or smoke so have to have one vice.
      Hope you're not too cold down in London. The temperatures look really low at the moment.
      Enjoy your day.

    2. It’s not too bad weather wise at the moment
      I agree you have to at least one vice I don’t drink or smoke either But as a diabetic I can’t afford to eat anything too sweet ( Hmmm I do sometimes!)

    3. Hi Karen. I hope you have a good day at work. How is your lovely little Oscar? X

    4. Hi Karen
      The weathers not to bad here, but we do have a biting wind?

  3. Hi Sandra and all,
    Such a pretty card Sandra. Love the colours you've used. Have a lovely catch up with Sue today.
    We have rain today. It's so miserable and Gracies face is a picture.
    Off to crib later. I think we'll be inside today.
    BRENDA well done, a really good achievement. Bet you're so proud.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. I hope your back isn't wasn't as painful last night and you were able to get some sleep. Congratulations on hitting your target weight 😊 Good luck at Crib this afternoon. You certainly wouldn't be sitting outside to play cards here today! X

    2. Hi Val
      It was me crafting with Sandra today. Sue apparently came yesterday. Looks like you enjoyed your Maltezers.

  4. Hello Sandra ladies,

    Thank you Sandra for your very inspirational challenge card. I did have a little play with one of my ideas, might still go along with that one, but will have to start again As I can see my errors and ended up putting my sentiment on at a wonky angle, but it was a play and I can always use the other side of that piece of card and as long as I glue it down it’s not wasted!!!

    Yesterday‘s trip to the postal museum and the ride on the Royal mail underground train was brilliant. John really loved it, to be honest so did I. If anyone is thinking of doing it, you don’t have to do the museum if that’s not your thing, but we did and enjoyed both. Great trip I’m not overly expensive.

    John is going for a blood test today over at the Royal Marston in Surrey, I will go with him although he doesn’t need me to hold his hand, but they’ve got some different shops in Sutton that we haven’t got over here in Croydon ha ha.

    Have a good day will look in later, love and hopes to everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. Another Oops.....
      NO I’m not selling myself.... it’s not overly expensive!!!!

    2. Glad you enjoyed the museum and trip
      It reminded me of my dad - do you remember the Great Train Robbery? My dad had to go to an identity parade as. Bruce Reynolds lookalike Luckily he wasn’t picked out!

    3. Hi Brenda. I usually play first too when making anything. I'm glad that both you and John enjoyed the PO museum and Mail rail train. I've never heard of it but I'm sure Mum would find it interesting as she worked for them, or the GPO as it was then, I love anything like that and so does Sandra and I see Pat has looked at going too so will have to see if we can arrange a trip there next year. I hope John's blood test went well and I'm glad you're not selling yourself for any
      price 😉 x

    4. Hi Brenda
      I'm glad your not expensive as well. I'm glad you enjoyed the Post Office Museum and the train ride. We would enjoy the Museum. We've been into the Bus Museum in Covent Garden twice now.
      I hope Johns blood test results are ok. It would be a crime not to go with John wouldn't it, if they have different shops than where you live.
      I always go with Pete to the hospital.( A ) because he doesn't listen to what they say. (B) because when he was having his previous treatment he wasn't well enough to drive.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely card Sandra, I like the stripy paper you have used on this card. Hope the hunt for a property that is suitable for you all soon is found and the new year for you will be a happy start.
    Brenda- glad you and John enjoyed the trip out. We have never been but it sound like fun for a day trip.
    Karen- so they didn't think it was your dad after all, that's good hihi Hope your diabetic is fine ok .
    Wish I didn't have a sweet, savoury or any kind of tooth Lol well done Val !
    Lynda- sorry to see you not well, wishing you better. Take care and hugs for you.
    Lilian- have you been out anywhere else since last ? I'm not going in to town now if I can avoid it because of all the people and rush around everywhere. Hope you alright.
    Sorry must go, back later . Love Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope your exercises are still doing you some good. I also gave a very sweet tooth.

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Third year lucky getting this published
    All was fine then suddenly comment vanished before my eyes!?!?!?
    It was such wonderful news about Paul's job offer, I could have cried with relief for both of you. Shame his wage couldn't stretch to some of those ridiculous house rental prices 😊 Sandra and couldn't work out why people would pay such massive amounts of money each month to rent when they could clearly manage a VERY large mortgage? We did find a couple of places that would have been perfect to both live in and also hold Cotswold Crafter retreats
    but will have won the lottery, if I did it 😊 Anyway, I am so glad that at least you have had one bit of luck, everything is crossed for two more good things to come for you both my lovely
    Danielle, I loved your c card, such pretty delicate colours. It will be lovely to see some more of your beautiful cards x
    Maria, you may not be at your target weight yet but you have lost loads of weight already. Having a sweet tooth makes it hard to resist yummy things doesn't it! Hugs are on the way for you x
    I had better go now as the girls have nearly finished their swim lessons. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Great card Sandra and looks much nicer in the flesh. At first look I wouldn't have thought this was my type of card but seeing it in the flesh. It is.
    Had a very productive crafting session at Sandra's, after we'd put the world to rights. Had cream cakes to celebrate Paul's good news.
    Sandra and I played with my new embossing folders. Sandra inked the folders which looked lovely when done. However, Sandra did quite a few but only wanted a couple for herself. So once again Sandra did more crafting for me, as she did last week than herself.
    Gentle hugs to all who need them today.

  8. Hello All, sorry not been around for a few days, had a UTI and unfortunately the antibiotics they gave me made me very ill, AF went through the roof, resulting in me having to be rushed into A&E, at Truro.

    Back home now, still waiting for a telephone appointment with my Dr, as the hospital weren’t too happy with my drugs.

    Am catching up with all the posts I’ve missed, lovely card today Sandra, this weeks challenge looks good but not sure I’ll get one done, have absolutely no energy at.

    Hope all who are not well, will soon be on the mend, hugs Lilian
