
Tuesday 28 November 2017

Danielle's Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card was designed and created by the lovely Danielle, she had made it and sent it to me last Monday,  which is why I had totally forgotten about it by Saturday I think,  or maybe I am just going 'senile'!!
It is such a pretty card and fits the sketch perfectly. Danielle used Stampin'Up! 'Fresh Florals" Designer Series Paper for the background of the card, accenting the 'Powder Pink' with Silver an white, the pretty border Danielle has designed was made with a decorative border punch, topped with ribbon and some SU 'Sequin trim' in Silver.
The sentiment is from a SU stamp set called 'Colour Seasons' which was die cut using a nesting die set from the Range, to finish the card Danielle used some pretty metallic thread to wrap around the card and some pretty sparkling gemstones.
Such a stunning card Danielle, thank you so much for taking part in the Challenge and I apologise for forgetting your card XXX

So did any of you get any Craft Bargains during the Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals? I did't really look to be honest, well I had a brief look on those that had sent an email through, but I wasn't really tempted by anything.

We had some positive news yesterday, Paul went for his first Interview in 34 years, he was very nervous, he was told it was going to be a 'Competency Based Interview' so he spent the weekend thinking up answers for questions like "Where do you so yourself in 5 years time'' and What is your greatest weakness?", he had good answers for each of them, he was up and ready hours before his interview time, he just wanted it to be over. 
He went along and he told me that it was more like a friendly chat than an interview, luckily he has had a wide range of skills that transfer over to this new position with Airbus.
He got home and about an hour later is mobile phone rang and it was the man from the Agency that sent him the job to look at, he asked how he thought his interview went.  Paul just said he thought that it went well, it was relaxed and conversation flowed without any awkwardness, Paul then said that it would be Friday before he heard about the job.. The chap from the agency replied, "well they must have liked you as they don't need to see the other candidate, the want to know how soon you can start!!!! So I am thrilled to say that HE GOT THE JOB!!!
The relief on Paul's face bought a lump to my throat, I am so very proud of him xxx

So that's all for today, I hope you all manage to stay dry and warm,
Thanks again Danielle for the lovely challenge card,

Love and Hugs,



  1. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra please congratulate Paul on his job, just the news you needed, I am so pleased for him, give him a big hug from
    Danielle your card is beautiful, well
    Will look in later hust gad to say congratulations.
    Love & hugs to all who need them love

  2. Oh Sandra what wonderful news. Congratulations Paul, what a great impression you must have made, I'm so happy for you.
    Will call in later but just had to say how pleased I am.
    Love Valxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Danielle-beautiful Card, really lovely .

    Sandra-please pass on my Congratulations to Paul. That is such wonderful news for you both especially just before Christmas.

    Another busy day and yet more mandatory training-Prevent Training today or how to spot/deal with a terrorist in the NHS.


    1. Ooh that means we’ll probably have the wonderful news of doing more training too!

    2. Hi Michele
      Good luck with learning how to spot a terrorist. They can train you how to deal with a terrorist threat but not how to spot them.
      Hope work isn't to fraught at the moment.

  4. Hello All, just had to congratulate Paul, hope all goes well for you all.
    Will try and catch up with what’s been going on today, hugs Lilian

  5. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- What fantastic news. CONGRATULATIONS PAUL they are really lucky to have you.

    DANIELLE- a very pretty CC.

    I shall be staying indoors today. It's bitterly cold and looks quite icy outside.

    Not sure what's on the agenda for today so perhaps I should look at this week's CC.

    The CAFE is OPEN- so pop in for a warm and a cuppa and of course a chat. HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      It's been quite cold here today, although we did have a bit of sunshine first thing. I didn't get to see it though as I was inside all morning at school.
      As I now do afternoons for year 1 and they had a dance class, I didn't need to go in yesterday.
      Hope Jim's ear isn't to painful now and feeling a bit better each day.

  6. Morning Ladies,

    CONGRATULATIONS PAUL, it's the best news on Sandra's blog for quite a while. I hope you enjoy many years with Airbus.

    Lovely card Danielle, the muted colours are gorgeous.

    Quick visit this morning have to try to get my sewing machine working again. Jamie and I gave it a good clean and although it started up, it is making a terrible grating noise. A new one will have to be considered after Christmas as I bought a new upright freezer on Saturday from AO which is being delivered tomorrow. And for £19.99 they are taking away the old one. A vast difference from our Council who apparently want to charge nearly £60 for white goods.

    Hugs to all waiting in the basket by the door, please collect one on your way in or out or both.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I hope you manage to fix your sewing machine. As you'll need it won't you to finish off your costumes. As Ouse just bought a new freezer you could probably do without the extra expense.

  7. I managed to leave a reply on MICHELE and then nothing! I couldn’t even post it as Anonymous
    Must dash and get ready for work I’ll be in later
    Congratulations to PAUL

    1. Hi Karen
      I wonder what's going wrong with blogger, as you nor Brenda can post properly.

  8. Morning everyone.
    A big congratulations to Paul to get a new job ! Fantastic news Sandra, give him a big hug from me. I hope it all else will sort for you all, things comes in three's. Fingers crossed.
    Gorgeous card Danielle, love the colours on the pretty papers. Hope to see more of your work.
    We are off out this morning to wayvale. In ours we have about six other shops with clothes and also the works, best bring my purse just in case :>)
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Our Wyvale in Lechlade is the same. Not to sure about the one in Bicester as I haven't been over there in awhile.
      Yarnton nurseries is also the same. I think that's the way most Garden Centres are going now.

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Along with everyone else, I cannot tell you how pleased I am for Paul getting this job, Paul you must have really impressed them for the offer to be made so quickly. CONGRATULATIONS 👏🏻 WELL DONE. I’m sure everything feels a less stressful now. xx

    Daniel I love your card and the backing paper that you’ve used are so pretty.

    We are going in London today we have tickets booked on the Mail Rail train at the Postal Museum this afternoon. The tickets were a gift to John, part of his birthday present and that was last August. It’s taken all this time to get around to organising it. But then it spreads his birthday doesn’t it.

    Will try and catch up with you later, love and hugs to everyone Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      Hope you enjoyed your trip on the Postal Train in London. I've looked at that online today as we're going to London in June next year. We usually go middle of May, but our friends will be at his brothers in May. Where we stay in Russell Sq isn't to far from there.

  10. Hi Sandra and all,
    already commented quickly this morning how pleased I am that Paul was given the job. You must be so proud of him Sandra. Well done

    Danielle, love your card today. Very pretty colours and lovely flower.xx

    Good news at Slimming Club today, I lost 3lb and reached my target weight. Yeh. As a celebration I've bought some Maltesers for tonight. Yummy.

    I didn't sleep well last night. My back was sore and I had to stay on one side all night which gave me cramp. No pain today though so hoping for a nights sleep tonight.

    Hugs to all, looks pretty cold and miserable over there so stay warm.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Well done reaching your goal ! Hopefully you get a better night sleep. Take care, gentle hugs xx

    2. Hi Val
      Congratulations on reaching your target. Maltesers as a reward sounds ok to me. Enjoy.

  11. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Sandra a big CONGRATULATIONS FOR PAUL well done on getting the job so quickly he must have made a good impression give him a Hug from me.
    VAL well done on loosing 3lb &your target at slimming club enjoy your Maltesers tonight.
    Sorry Sandra i didn't get in yesterday I woke up with a really bad headache & my eyes were really sore as well &kept 😴 Falling asleep. Eyes still sore today just hoping I'm not getting a migraine
    Good Tic Tac toe this week Sandra hopefully get one finished.
    Margaret popped round this afternoon & brought me some Distress ink pads most of the are new never opened also some inks.wish she would sort out her Dies she she doesn't use which she must have hundreds.
    Terry has just got in so going to make him a coffee
    Love Lynda xxx

    1. Sorry you're not feeling so good Lynda and your headache doesn't grow into a migraine. Hopefully have an early night and fingers crossed you're ok in the morning. Xxx

    2. Hi Lynda
      Sorry to hear your not feeling 100% today. I hope your headache didn't progress to a migraine. Gentle hugs coming your way.

    3. Thanks Val for your Hug's. Yes probably not sleeping well with my back & leg. Hopefully might get some answers on Friday.
      Hope you enjoyed your Maltesers Hug's xx

  12. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO PAUL ON GETTING A JOB ON HIS FIRST INTERVIEW. I must say Sandra he must have made a very good impression as they didn't interview the other candidate.
    Lovely card that you've made Danielle. Thanks for sending it to Sandra for us to see.
    Pete had a phone call late afternoon from the Churchill. They've had a cancellation on the Radium treatment. So Pete's first appointment will be on the 19th Dec. We go up on the 12th for them to talk through the treatment with him.
    Not to sure why any one would cancel having the treatment as I thought you'd try anything that would help you. Unless for some reason they weren't able to go on the treatment.

    1. That's great news Pat, it's only 3 weeks off.
      Hugs xxx

    2. It certainly is Val. Much better than having to wait 2 months.

    3. Hi Pat good news for Pete getting early appointment does he have to stay in for the treatment or is it weekly. Thanks for the Hug's.
      Sending some back for you both. How are you now Pat have you had all your treatment now or is it still ongoing.
      Love Lynda xx

  13. Hi everyone sorry my comment is late. Massive congrats to Paul on the job, such great news for you both.. LADIES- thank you for all you lovely comments on my card.

    SANDRA- Thank you for putting this post up on my card, nest time I will send my pic at the end of the week lol.

    Again sorry for the late comment been super busy card making/kids/hubby/house haha..xx
