Wednesday 1 November 2017

Christmas Cracker Tutorial using the Envelope Punch Board

My YouTube Tutorial For:
Envelope Punch Board Crackers

The Updated Video is now uploaded ! Envelope Punch Board Cracker Tutorial

My Large Crackers
Made with Stampin' Up!  'Year Of Cheer' Designer Papers

My Box of 6 Mini Crackers

Good Morning Ladies,
Todays blog post features the tutorial for Envelope Punch Board - Christmas Crackers, I finally got around to filming it on Sunday late afternoon, after one failed video because the SD card was full (which didn't realise until it was too late)!
I hope you find it useful, I would love to see you all making Crackers.
If any of you want any of the products used in the tutorial just let me know, or pop over to my Stampin Up site and order your products there.  I am happy to post on to you though my Stampin'Up!
Website Link is on the Contact me page at the top of this page.

I promise you will not regret getting an Envelope Punch Board, it is so versatile, there are literally thousands of projects on Pinterest and Youtube.

Here are the measurements required to make the Crackers:

Large Crackers:

A piece of Decorative Paper:  6 1/2 Inch by 10 inch

Place on score board (short side at top) and score every inch

1,2,3,4,5 & 6 inch (which leaves 1/2 inch for glue)

Turn card to have long side along top of score board and score at:

11/2, 2, 21/2 inches  Turn around and repeat at the other end. (this forms the springy part of the cracker)

Burnish all of your score lines and reach for your Envelope Punch Board.....

Place your paper on the the punch board with the long side against the punch board, line up the end of your cracker at the 2 inch mark and 'Punch' (it should line up with the centre of the three score lines you made at the last step.
Repeat for every scored line, then one more on the wider of the two ends (not the glue flap side)

TURN YOUR CRACKER ROUND AND REPEAT (I forgot to say that in video) although you can do it as I did on video (using the centre of the three scored lines lines up with the centre of the punch)

You can add either 13/4 punched circle  OR a 13/4 inch Hexagon to pop in the ends of the crackers to hide contents and help keep the shape of the cracker.

Add ribbon to the ends and embellish as you wish.

Small Crackers

The method for the small crackers is the same as the large, here are the measurements:

Cut your paper to:

41/2  x  61/2

Short side of paper at top of score board then score at:

1,2,3,4,5 & 6  leaving half inch for glueing.

Put long side to top and score at:

1, 11/2, 2  then  41/2, 5, 51/2  (this forms the springy part of the cracker)

Burnish your score lines and reach for your Envelope Punch Board

Place the long side of the paper against the punch board and line paper up to:

11/2 Mark and Punch move along to 5 inch Mark and Punch again, repeat for all scored lines
and one last punch on the widest of the two sides (not the glue flap)

Finish the same way as the larger crackers above.  ( you don't need to pop card discs in the small ones)

If you want the details for the box just let me know in the comments below and I will give them to you.

Click the box at top of post to watch the video


I hope you find that easy to follow, the easiest thing is to jot down the measurements and then follow the video, there are a couple of mistakes but I left them in, that way you can learn from my mistakes, plus I wasn't going to record the video a third time.  lol 

I would love to see any crackers that you make so please send me the photos. xx

Thank you so much for taking the time to watch the video, if you liked the Tutorial please leave and comment a give me a 👍, every one helps. xx

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and Hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-the crackers look fantastic, I’m looking forward to watching the video tonight .

    Yesterday was as busy as I’d thought, left quite a bit of paperwork for this morning which is s shsme as I’d forgotten I’m doing someone’s PDR first thing! I’ve also got people coming out to do some testing but hopefully I’ll have finished the PDR by the time they arrive.
    Shopping tonight so I have a whole day free tomorrow.


    1. Hi Michele
      Hopefully you'll get everything sorted out tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you on Friday.

  2. The crackers look great It’s something I promise myself to do and never get around to doing As I’ve got the Envelope Punch Board I might just give this a go
    I didn’t get any Trick or Treaters which is a surprise BUT I didn’t put a pumpkin out so perhaps people are taking note...
    At work yesterday our team was allowed to wear Halloween items and we asked for a donation to the charity Kidney Research UK It won’t be a lot but every penny counts
    Home alone tonight so I hope to get cc done tonight So many ideas in my head but will any of them work and would they be considered as silhouettes
    Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen
      We didn't get any trick or treaters either yesterday. We usually do as well. Didn't know about putting a pumpkin out, but wouldn't have anyway.

  3. Morning Sandra and all,
    The crackers look wonderful Sandra and I'll be looking at the video later.

    Today is called Day of the Dead over here and is a public holiday. Most Spanish buy flowers, make up a picnic, gather their garden chairs and go to the cemetery for a picnic with their loved ones who are here no more. A lovely tradition although it seems a bit weird.

    I'm off to play crib later but before that I have a pop up box to finish off and a 70 th birthday card to make for a lady who is an artist and I've been asked to put paints and paint brushes on it. Both orders are for tomorrow. I also have 2 orders for Saturday. A little girls 1st birthday card and a Golden Wedding pop up box. I hate doing orders.

    Have a lovely day everyone and hugs to all not feeling so good.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val, I hope you’re dosing yourself up, you don’t want to be laid up with a chest infection, and just when you have several orders to complete, pressure you could do without when you are feeling out of sorts. Take care xx

    2. Hee hee! Now I like doing orders providing I get told what kind of things the recipient likes

    3. Hi Val
      I hope your feeling up to doing these orders. Sounds like they were sprung on you last minute. Hope you manage to do paints and brushes.

    4. Hi Pat, crib was ok thanks but I only managed a drawer.
      Hi Pat and Brenda. Yes, really don't feel like making cards full stop at the moment so definitely wish I didn't have these orders.
      Karen, youre welcome to do these and send them over ha ha. I think I'mquite insecure really and always dread someone saying I don't like your card so I'm not buying it. I'd feel mortified if that happened.
      Bye for nowxxx

    5. Hi Val you've probably been doing cards for a long time. So I don't think anyone in all that time had said anything like that. So be proud that your cards are always bought and are fantastic.
      Well done for drawing at crib. It would be a boring world if we always won at what we do.
      Gentle hugs coming your way and I hope your feeling better soon.

    6. Thanks Pat, you sure know what to say to cheer me up. Xxx

    7. I agree with Pat I doubt you’d get asked to make cards if people didn’t like them I’ve had it happen to me once in that I’d used a colour the recipient hated (lilac!) So I had to make a different one entirely

  4. Morning everyone.
    I will look at the tutorial later, first I got to get going with making some x-mas cards. I haven't even made one yet that I'm happy with and I can forget yesterday's attempt.
    How do you keep fine glitter in the tub and not get it anywhere else then to the card ??
    I'm sure we had quite a glittery dinner last night Lol
    have a good day all and I hope to pop in later to see everything is in order and to make sure Herman is behaving or I might have to give him to the butcher Lol
    Love Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I think not getting glitter everywhere is an impossibility. Poor Herman, I hope he doesn't have to go to the butchers shop.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra great video brilliant idea will have a go when I have time. Your roast sounded
    Janet hope you have arrived safe & sound, I have opened up for you & tea & coffee is waiting for customers so come & join
    Lynda & Maria hope your aches & pains are not too bad, hugs on
    Val enjoy your crib hope cold has
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Thank you Margaret. Still feeling pretty rough and now going on my chest as usual.
      Hope Pop is getting back to his normal

    2. Hi Margaret
      I hope Alan is feeling better as each day goes by.

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    I’ve just sat down with a cup of coffee thinking of indulge myself and watch your video. So sorry to read you’re having problems, I’m not going anywhere today, so will keep checking and watch when you have sorted everything out. Your Christmas crackers look lovely. I’ve never made this style before, but have been making crackers for about 20 years now. Always had the grandchildren to help. I would spend the year looking out for small things to drop into the crackers. When my dad was alive we used to put a miniature whiskey in his. The first time he got his miniature he was so over the moon his comment was “wow I didn’t know you can get crackers with these in”. We slso still make a gingerbread house, our eldest daughter’s three boys even their age 22, 19 and 15 still look forward to doing it, (the eldest being the ringleader) we get a gingerbread kit and I buy as many ridiculous silly sweeties you can think of, and they have such fun planning their design, Which is consumed for afters on Christmas Eve, And not delicately I might add. The roof gets smashed by somebody’s fist and most of the sweets consumed, it’s all part of the Christmas fun. I really think these boys when they have their own familys will carry on this tradition. Younger daughters three do not like gingerbread, so we make one out of shortbread, they still have as much fun making, decorating and eating their creation.

    I’ve just checked you’re still having problems with the video, Hope you can sort it out, will look in later. As I would love to have a go at this style.

    Love and Hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      What a fabulous tradition to make a gingerbread and shortcake house at Christmas. Great that your children's children still want to do it every year. Long may it continue and ge carried on to their families when they come along.

  7. Hi Sandra
    Love the crackers and aren't the papers you've used in the big ones gorgeous.
    Will look at the video when it's up and running.
    Doreen has a bit of Dry Gangrene in her toes. Needs to have an duflex ultrasound and will probably result in an operation of some sort.

    1. Oh dear poor DOREEN I hope the scan won’t reveal too much damage

  8. Hi Sandra I’ve just watched your brilliant video showing how to make the crackers, I will definitely be giving this one a go. Thinking of putting jokes in your crackers? if you go online and type in cracker jokes there are literally hundreds and hundreds of them. You could do a cut-and-paste Print them off and just chop them up.
    Thank you so much for persevering and bringing this video to us. I certainly appreciate all of your hard work. Big hugs Brenda XXX

  9. It is a great video SANDRA I may have a go later as I’m home alone

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight. I came in the morning and started to watch your video but got called away so hadn't properly realised there was a problem. I so glad you got it sorted as I think a lot of people are going to be having at it. Your crackers are all fantastic and having seen them and had a go "in the flesh" I can vouch for how easy hey are with the envelope Punch board. I'm always amazed at how someone comes up with new ways to use something at this punch board is a classic example! 😊 Thank goodness they did and then thank you my lovely for making it so clear and simple to have a go ourselves. All of the problems you have had before getting the video up and running is worth it. Thank you so much for persivering with it xx
    I've been swimming, well, not so much swimming as playing with the girls and Chris jnr for an hour before the girls swimming lessons so I'm.exhausted now so off to my bed. I hope you all manage to get some sleep and have had a good day.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  11. Hi Sandra & every one
    Well my comments seems to have vanished I did one about 10ish before I went round Margaret's. Those little cyber people are a pain in the bum
    DON'T keep eating my comments!!!!!
    VAL hope you feel better tomorrow shame you didn't win at crib.
    Sending Hug's xx
    Sandra I haven't looked at your video yet but will look tomorrow
    I'm going to say good night now as eyes are really sore. Read rest of comments tomorrow.
    Love Lynda xx

  12. Hi Sandra,would you be able to give the measurements for the cracker gift box please? Kind regards Shelly :)

  13. I sandra just found your lovely blog and your you tube tutorial for the two sizes of crackers wich are great...I know it was a while ago but do you still have the measures etc for the lovely little box you put your crackers in..many thanks Anne
