
Tuesday 22 August 2017

Weather Together

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and those of you that aren't 100% are feeling a little better today.

I have to say that I absolutely love how this card turned out, I'm not usually one for blowing my own trumpet but I do love this card!!
I made it using the Stampin'Up! 'Weather Together' stamp set with matching dies.
First I stamped the umbrella onto my card and then I die cut the 'Lemon Lime twist' dotty card with the matching die to create the parasol part of the umbrella, using some of the fancy edge dies that come in the set, I added tiny little Berry Burst dots to the white edge.  I then stamped the flowers to look as though they are spilling out of the upturned umbrella! I coloured these with 'Tempting Turquoise', 'Berry Burst' and 'Lemon Lime Twist' inks.  I added a few dots and hearts around the flowers too.
I finished the card with 'Berry Burst' seam binding ribbon, finished with a matching flower! 
I hope you you like it as much as I do! 

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    I love the flowers falling out of the umbrella on your card-it's a beautiful card.

    More drama yesterday at work following the shock announcement that the Medical Director had been suspended. We're getting a visit from the Secretary of State today. He declared our Trust to have made significant improvements from the last CQC report (which wasn't great). Talk about bad timing for his visit....!!!

    Anyway-let's hope his entourage don't get in the way-ha ha.


    1. OMG such drama in your place Michele. Hope the visit is successful and as you say, his entourage doesnt get in your way. XXX

    2. Really? Talk about bad timing or what!
      I expect rumours are flying around something chronic (it's a Southern thing!)
      Have they "tarted" the place up in anticipation Like "posh" air freshener and hand cream in the loos (I kid you not) It was pathetic when he visited us! At the time it felt like "S*d the patients as long as the place looks nice"
      Hope today is less dramatic

    3. Oh Michele, will it ever end. Hope your day is not too bad. Thanks for your e-mail and to help me spend my pennies Lol Take care xx

    4. Hope all goes well. At least you can hold your head up high. Unlike others! Thinking of you. xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- OHHHHHHH I love love today's card. That brollie is just beautiful.

    MICHELE- Good Luck for today and I really hope that the engineers get your machines sorted today. Whatever is happening in your Health Authority.

    PAT- I hope you had a reasonable night though I suspect you didn't get a lot of sleep. HUGE HUGS are on their way to you.

    Yesterday was a up and down day where I couldn't settle down to doing jobs I started. Today is Jim's last day of chauffeuring and then he has two and a half weeks off before he starts again. I'm hoping to make a start on my CC today.

    The CAFE sign is lit so everything is ready to meet you all today. Hugs are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, wish you a good day and hope you feel okay. Hope Jim's friend is doing alright. hugs to you both xx

  3. Morning
    Sorry Just had a little rant at MICHELE's post The NHS at times is a joke But then it can be the best too
    I was sorry to read your latest post PAT I hope it all goes well for you and PETE
    How's POP MARGARET Are the new drugs helping
    I hope LILIAN LYNDA CHERYL and MARIE are getting better and in less pain Has the op helped your calf pain MARIA or is it too early to tell
    I must go and get ready for work Take care all xx

    1. Thanks Karen yes he is in less pain & feels better in himself

    2. Hi Karen. It is a bit early to say because so far I haven't gone back to exercise walking and it is a bit sore but nothing I can't handle, I'm a woman Lol. Think I found a site for the box envelope I like so will give that a go today. Must post San...'s card, sooo late again. Have a good day my friend xx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra wow your card is perfect, I love it. I must get more dies to go with my stamps, I have only got a couple so thats my next order
    Michele sorry you are still having problems at work hope today goes
    Petanque this morning so must get on.
    Pat thinking of you & Pete sending lots of
    Maria hope you are in less pain hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret, have fun at the Pentanque. Glad to hear Pop is better. I'm doing fine thanks.
      many hugs to you both.xx

  5. Hi Sandra
    What a fabulous card today. I did a few stamping of this Die awhile back. Although I can colour them in they really need to be either stamped onto a prepared card or done on coloured papers.

  6. Well I didn't do a few stamping if the Die. Not quite sure why I put that. I stamped the stamp. Probably because my brains not into full gear yet. Didn't get much sleep last night with my back and my hand. Crikey it was hard putting in a rubber glove and an elastic band on my left hand to keep the dressing dry. I usually wash with my left hand. ( not to sure why as I'm right handed ). So it feels really odd showering right handed and having to keep my back dry.
    Hope Pétanque goes well Margaret and that Alan is feeling much better.

    1. Oh Pat, I am so sorry to hear your news. I hope everything will go as well as possible and you are not in too much pain. So wish I could see you and to give you a proper hug but hopefully I can see you at Ally Pally to be able to do that. Not sure yet how to get there this Sept. Hope you can rest and catch up with some sleep during the day. hugs xx

    2. Hi Pat, Thinking of you and sending ((((( hugs ))))) xx

  7. Hello Sandra, wow your card today is really gorgeous and I love the colour scheme. I like how the flowers tumble out of the umbrella!
    I hope you are having a great holiday in the sun, there is not much of it around in W. Sussex this morning but I think it will brighten up later.
    Best Wishes
    Lesley S

    1. Hi Lesley, nice of you popping in. Hope you are alright and we will see you back in the best cafe' there is :-) Have a nice day xx

    2. Hi Lesley
      Not much sun in Oxfordshire either. Lovely to see you in the cafe today.

  8. Hiya, sorry didn't get in yesterday but we went into town, went to the library, did some shopping and by the time we got back home it was afternoon. Made start on some cards, thank you Michele for this weeks challenge, will give it a go :-) and then dinner to cook and we watched a film so it was late by the time for blogging so I thought I leave it until today instead because most of you would have been in bed, hopefully. sorry if you had a bad night, hope today and night will get better.
    Love today's card with the flowers tumbling out of the umbrella . I like the text, the font is nice. Is that by SU ? Must go, mum is calling . I'll be back later sorry. Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Yes, days do run away with us don't they. Hope your feeling better today. My hand and back are still painful. Mind you they did take a big lump out. Not to sure what there going to do with the rest off it.

  9. Hello Sandra and Paul,
    I love today's card Sandra with the flowers arranged so beautifully tumbling out of the umbrella (or are they going into ) it really is a beautiful card and great for so many occasions.

    I had to laugh at myself yesterday I said I knew what stamp I wanted to use my Challenge card but couldn't find it in the craft room. I really must have had my blinkers on because....... WELL guess what it was where it was supposed to be, in the file for that particular company. Don't know how I missed it. Brain and dangerous come to mind!!!!

    Have a good day everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      That's what happens to me all the time. I usually think I've left them over Sandra's if I took them over there. But I've usually found them just after I've messaged her.

  10. Hi Sandra and all.
    Don't know where this mornings comment disappeared to so I'll try and remember what I said.

    PAT so very sorry to read about your hospital visit yesterday. You and Pete really don't deserve all the health problems you're having. Hope you're not too sore and down today. Sending squashy hugs to you. Xxx

    LYNDA. Sorry to read about poor little Bambi. Hope everything is back to normal

    MARIA Glad to see you're getting out and about. Hope all the soreness has now

    SANDRA Bet you're all having a lovely relaxing holiday. Very pretty card today. Love the flowers coming out of the

    I've been to get my nails done then went up for a test drive of the car Lynn has now bought. Dropped her old car off with the lady that has bought her old one then a friend took us back to the show room to collect her new car. Had a snack at a cafe on the way home and not long got in. Just got the washing in and was going to iron it but feeling pretty pooped so going to sit down and watch the news.

    Love to everyone. See you tomorrow. Xxx

  11. Hi Val
    Sounds like you've had a lovely day with Lyn today. Dropping a car off, picking a new one up, dropping off at a cafe for a snack and having your nails done. Sounds like heaven to me especially the snack. Hope it was something gooey, like chocolate cake.

    1. It was lemon meringue pie actually

    2. That's one of my favourites as well. Mind you I prefer home made.

  12. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Beautiful card Sandra love the flowers coming out / in the brolly so pretty.
    PAT sorry your finding it difficult showering I can imagine trying to keep your back dry & your hand is quite a task. Has Pete got hospital appointments this week I bet you sick to the back teeth with hospitals. Sending you both extra special HUG'S. Thinking of you dear friend hope you have a better night's sleep Love Lynda xx
    MARIA glad you are getting out & about don't over do it though. Do you have to put your stocking on Day & Night they are delightful aren't they hehe
    Just got phone call so see yo later.
    Sending love & Hug's Lynda

    1. Hi Lynda
      Yes Pete has had his Usual Tuesday appointment today not good news I'm afraid. Yesterday he had blood tests re his pacemaker and the Dr rang him this evening with nit so good news either, but that was to do with his Cancer. Thurs ge has a CT scan and a Bobe Scan which will take up most of the day. Going by the talks we had today I don't think the results will be to good.

  13. Hello All, very hot and humid here.

    Took us nearly 8 hrs to get to London on Sat, was supposed to go on Friday but had another bad day.
    The grandchildren were wonderful on Sunday, decided to entertain us with songs from marry poppings , sound of music , beauty and the beast and frozen, with dancing to go with it as you can imagine I'm still feeling a little shattered.

    Sandra love your card, so pretty, love those little hearts and flowers.

    Pat and Pete hugs to you, when I had the cancer cut off my back I had a water proof dressing, it was many years ago so maybe they don't use it any more.

    To all others that are in pain sending gentle hugs.

    They are comming to take back my two industrial machines on Thursday so have been moving all my craft stuff so that they can get them out. They are old machines, so much heavier than the modern ones.
    Going to have my room fitted out , so that I can keep everything to hand, hubby paying for it for my 70 th birthday.
    I see Sue Wilson is bringing out another new collection of dies, with so many I wonder how they will sell.

    Well I'd better go and get some dinner, scampi tonight so nice and easy. Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I'm glad you had a nice time with the grandchildren on Sunday. They are a joy aren't they.
      Amy our eldest has just bought me a basket of plants in plus a bunch of sunflowers to cheer us both up. For Pete she gave him some cacti in a lovely plant pot. Pete likes Cacti.
      Yes, I also saw a new collection from Sue Wilson due September, it's all to much all these collections. How lovely to be having your room done out for your 70th.
      Poor old Pete has to prepare the veg, cook, and wash and dry up.
      Yes, I think I have something like waterproof dressing on both of my wounds. The trouble would be drying my back apparently as I can't see where they are. Anyway they told me not to get my back wet. I'll ask Pete to rub a flannel over my back tomorrow. Then he'll have to dry it for me. In a couple of days the dressings can come off and they have to be rubbed with Vaseline apparently. I have no idea why.

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight. Where are the days going? Another day over in a flash!
    Sandra, I loved this card when I saw it a clue of weeks ago and your photo of it does it justice, it is so pretty and you are right to feel proud of it but then you should be proud of all of your cards my lovely. I hope you had a good day. What's the weather like? It's been another very humid 20 odd degrees here again.
    Pat, you don't deserve this latest bad news dear friend. How soon will you be able to get your hand and back wet? Im not surprised you are finding it hard to do everyday jobs. You and Pete are in my thoughts. sending you the biggest hugs X
    Maria, it's good to hear you aren't in too much pain, fingers crossed you notice an improvement when you do start using your shoulder again properly. Sending big hugs X
    Michele, I hope your day wasn't too disrupted by the "special" visitor. Why should people like you that do vital work be messed around when it suits when they don't take any notice of you the rest of the time. Let's hope that the right changes are made, the ones that you know and need preferably, but I bet they won't sadly! Sorry rant over X
    Lynda, I hope Bambi continues to prove. Sending you, Terry and Bambi big hugs X
    Lilian, I'm sorry you didn't get away on Friday but you had a wonderful week end with such a fantastic song and dance performance by your grand children. No doubt you had to get the tissues out to mop up the happy tears they will have caused. How lovely for you, better than any meds the NHS can supply 😊 X
    Karen, we spent yesterday with Tim, Roz and the girls at a local wildlife park as it was Phoebe's 8th - yes 8th birthday( where did those 8 years go?) and until it warmed up Penny was wearing her gorgeous cardigan that you so kindly sent for her. Guess who didn't take a photo of her in it so I will have to look back and find one or put it in her just for a photo won't I!😊 I hope you're ok and getting lots of cuddles from Oscar. No doubt he is starting to chatter now isn't he 😊 X
    Well, I've managed to get this comment done at last with lots of interruptions so will say goodnight to you all. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  15. Hello ladies,
    Lynda- so sorry to see Bambie is poorly, hope her medications are helping. Gentle hugs for her. Phoned the nurse and asked if the stockings could come off and she said yes, yay don't think I could coped with them much longer , so tight and made my legs itch so bad. Have to wait to take the dressing off until I see the physio on the 4th Sept. must be careful when showering, not so easy to do. Take care Pat when you have yours, must be even harder when you now have dressing on your back and one hand. Lilian, glad you had a nice time seeing the little ones. How long does it take normally for you going to London ? Hope you feeling better soon.
    Val- you have had a busy day, no wonder you got pooped. Is it still very warm where you live ? Here it is ridicules now ,no blue sky or sun for days now so I guess a few of us are suffering with more pain etc.
    Sending extra hugs to anyone who need one. I'm sleepy after many nights up so shall wish you all a good night as possible and I see you tomorrow, good night fiends xxx
