
Monday 21 August 2017

Michele's Monday 'Tic Tac Toe' Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Michele has very kindly chosen this weeks Challenge for you, she has chosen
a fantastic 'Tic Tac Toe' Challenge, you could use it to make just about any type of c
card, including as Michele has demonstrated 'Christmas' cards!
Michele's first card uses 'Circles, Blue &  Florals' which she has used to make an amazing Christmas card, the second card Michele has used the top row 'Circles, Birthday & Favourite Colour' to create a fantastic Birthday card.
I absolutely love these challenges as they are so versatile and can be used to create just about any kind of project.  I will say however, that it takes hours to choose the 'perfect' one, so I would like to thank Michele for going to the trouble of both choosing the Challenge and making cards to inspire us all.  Thank you very much Michele xxxx

Today is the start of our second week here in Spain, that first week absolutely whizzed by!  I think that everyone has just about managed to unwind and relax, 
It's so lovely to see Paul doing things purely for pleasure rather than working and doing chores at home, that in itself makes my holiday.  Although it also pleases me to see the girls chilled out and relaxed without the huge burden of homework and studying! 

I hope that you all have a fantastic week and that you enjoy Michele's Challenge, I look forward to seeing all of your emails and messages popping up with your Challenge cards in, I love 'Happy Mail' !!

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning ladies

    3rd time lucky-no idea where my last 2 comments are!!

    I'll call back as I'm running late now.


    1. Hi Michele. Sorry you lost 2 comments, so annoying isn't it!
      Thank you for choosing the challenge this week, and for making two great cards. I love the beautiful Christmas card and how the pretty village scene pops against the pink and you make such great cards with those Stampin up scribbled circles, thank you again. I hope you have a good day at work x

    2. Such a pain when comments go awol isn't it.

  2. Lovely cards MICHELE I like these kind of challenges as there's so much versatility BUT I like the other challenges too They enable me to try different card layouts
    Stamparama was interesting It's a very small show Several companies that appear on Hochanda were there I will take a photo of my purchases and send in I actually bought a couple of Christmas presents!
    I hope everyone's on the mend
    How did the box Envelope go Do you still need help Maria?
    Take care all xxx

    1. Glad you enjoyed the show. Looking forward to seeing what you bought. Xxx

    2. Glad you enjoyed the show Karen. Look forward to seeing what you bought. Christmas presents sound intriguing.

  3. Hi Sandra and ladies,

    Great challenge. Thank you Michele. I love both your cards.

    SANDRA so pleased you're having such a lovely holiday and Paul is able to relax .
    I'm off out for lunch today. A lady from our craft group has decided to move back to the UK. She leaves in a few weeks but 13 of us are out today for a farewell gathering. She's be sadly missed at our happy craft group.

    MARIA. I go to all different nationality restaurants. My favourite mind you is Indian and my least favourite Spanish. I don't eat any fish and they always seem to smell of the stuff.

    PAT hope all Petes hospital visits go well this week. Xxx

    Hope all those not feeling so good on this Monday morning feeling a lot better soon especially MARIA, LILIAN and POP.

    Have a good day. Xxx

    1. Hi Val
      Such a shame your friend is moving back to the UK. Ask her to pack some sunshine in her case please.
      I'm with you on the fish Val, I'm not to keen either. Petes off to the fish shop but I'll have a piece of chicken. No cooking for me for a few days re my hand. So Pete will have to cook unless we eat out after the hospital tomorrow as it's another late one. I hope his visits go well. He had bloods taken today but they wouldn't tell him what the Dr was worried about. Said that info was at the hospital so they couldn't see. That was the nurse. Perhaps only the Drs can get to that information.
      Another thing to worry about.

  4. Morning Everyone
    Love this week's Challenge but will still have to put the 'thinking cap' on as nothing has struck as

    We had a lovely afternoon with all the Family and the rain kept away though no sunshine but who needs that when Great Grandchildren are running around having a really fun time together.
    I have to admit that I really do not know where the last 50years have gone. I don't know about anyone of you Dear Friends feel the same but I never thought of my 'baby' reaching 50.

    Today is Mr Tesco morning and then a very quiet afternoon to follow as I'm really paying for yesterday's festivities.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so pop in for a chat and a cuppa. Have a good day everyone HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. I know exactly what you mean. One minute they're little children and in a flash they're in their 40's. Mine are 45 and 43 and the time in between has flown. Of course as they get older, we're getting older as well.
      Have a nice quiet day today. Xxx

    2. Hi Janet
      Know exactly what you mean. Olivia came down to borrow some flour. She offered to cook dinner for yes for a couple of days as she's bored. Typical 15 old comment. I declined as Pete could do it. Then Amber 13 said she'd come down and cook. Such lovely grandchildren.

    3. Hi Janet, I also know exactly what you mean. Where have the years gone? When you first hold your beautiful baby you just don't imagine that one day it will be 50. The downside is we also have milestone birthdays .... But let's not go there.
      Sounds like you had a great time. xx

  5. Afternoon Ladies

    I'm on my lunch break so have got some time to comment.

    Hopefully everyone will find a row on this weeks challenge that suits them. I've included a Christmas card as Sandra reminded us last week how soon we'll be needing "those cards "!!

    Just been informed by email that another Senior member of the Trust staff has been suspended-no details of any allegations yet. Not sure I like what's going on these days!!!

    Both faulty isolators are stil awaiting repairs-engineers came out this morning to one but had been told the wrong information so have had to go back to the workshop for the correct parts. Honestly-you couldn't make this up!!


    1. Hi Michele
      Crikey sounds like there suspending like flies. Mind you if they can't do the job good riddance I say.
      Shame about your isolator, hope they get fixed soon.

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sandra It must be lovely for you to see Paul at last starting to unwind, I also hope you are doing exactly the same. Enjoy the rest of your holiday xx

    Michele thank you for finding this weeks challenge. I immediately had an idea, then went to the craft room, WELL I've hunted high and low for the Die I had in mind, still haven't found it. I wouldn't mind but it's still in the original package. Never mind, I have now got a plan B. Just pray it works out.

    Take care everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    I'm glad that Paul is unwinding himself on holiday. Hope he manages to put himself together before you all cone home. Must be lovely to be able to have a bit of warmth on you. It's quite miserable here today.
    Well I've spent a good part of the day up at the Churchill with the lump that was in the middle of my psoriasis. Apparently it isn't that at all but Cancer, plus the piece on my leg. They found 5 lots in all today. I was to go back in at least 3 weeks to have it all cut out, but they had no appointments. So the lady went back to the Drs. The upshot was the large lump has been cut out and 2 places on my back. They'll discuss what to do with the large red bit on my hand and I go back in 10 days for them to decide what they'll do about it. In all I have another 4 appointments.
    Thanks Michele for sorting out this weeks challenge card. Love your Christmas one and the circles.

    1. Oh Pat, what a day, sending you a virtual (((((HUG)))))
      Both you and Pete must be absolutely fed up with hospitals.
      Just want you to know I'm thanking of you xx

    2. Oh Pat I am soo sorry to hear your news, as if you have not got enough on your plate, sending you lits of

    3. Oh Pat I don't know what to say You and Pete don't deserve all of this Take care xxx

    4. PAT I'm so very sorry to hear your news you & Pete have been through so much neither of you deserve all this. Take care my lovely friend. Love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

  8. Good evening Sandra & ladies
    Thanks Michele for organising this weeks challenge love both of your cards.I made one CC today ( Christmas one though ).
    We had a bad start yesterday Bambie was really bad with breathing very heavy & erratic & kept gagging. At 2am so sat up with her. Terry took her to the vet as they open for a hour on Sundays. She had bad chest infection & fluid on her lungs which was putting a strain on her heart she had two injections. She seemed better for them her breathing had slowed down.
    Afternoon was much better as Darren Sam & Harry came for dinner. Harry was in a loving mood he came &I sat on my lap showing me his transformers & said Nannie I love you & gave me a kiss 😘 that made my day bless him.
    They left at 9.30pm so we were shattered. Sam text me this morning & said they just gone round the corner & Harry kept saying I want to go back to nannies house.
    Today I Have been in my craft room most of the day made CC & a birthday card PAT sorry it wasn't good news for you at hospital Sending you some massive (((((HUG'S))))) for you & Pete I can imagine your really fed up with hospitals
    Thinking of you my friend.
    ((((( Hug's))))) for Maria Lillian &a anyone who need them.
    Love Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I am pleased to hear you are all relaxing, sounds ideal, just make the most of
    Michele thank you for organising the challenge this week, I hope I can find time to do one before I have cataract done Friday, your cards are both
    Maria hope you continue to feel better, hugs on
    Lilian hope you enjoyed your weekend & feel alot better, hugs on
    Lynda hope Bambi continues to improve, take care hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love
