
Friday 28 July 2017

Good Morning Ladies,
Here comes the weekend again!! My goodness they seem to be whizzing past
at the moment.  We go on holiday in a couple of weeks and it doesn't seem 5 minutes since we were saying only 8 weeks until holiday. The girls are working again today so a nice peaceful day for Paul and I, they are trying to get as many shifts in as they can as they will be having 3 weeks off for our holiday, luckily their employers are ok with it, mind you at their age they are limited to the hours they can work anyway if they are still in education.  They spent yesterday doing Spanish homework, they have tons to do including reading a full Spanish Novel, I guess that's their holiday reading sorted, I was sat at the table beside them today while they were completing an online exam, the lady was talking in Spanish asking questions and they had to choose the correct answer, well she spoke so fast I couldn't get a word, the girls did ok though, I really want to learn Spanish properly.

Today's card is another using the 'Definitely Dahlia' stamp to create the background
and the main image too, I added the SU 'Happy Birthday' die cut and three black pearls to finish the 'topper'.  To finish the card I did a couple of wraps of narrow white ribbon, some pearl swirls, die cut flowers and a bow.
Something a little bigger than I have been doing lately but I think I like it!!

Pat, I was so happy to hear from you last night, it's great news that they found nothing untoward in your oesophagus, although you didn't get a diagnosis.  I do wonder if you have something like Asthma as I watched a TV documentary programme where a lady had the very same symptoms as you, the gave her a Blue inhaler for night time and referred her to a specialist, glad they are sorting your hand too!! Have a lovely time and Dave and Sue's xxxx

Lilian I hope you are ok my lovely, missing you xxxx

Karen, sending love and hugs to you today 🤗❤xxx

Sonia, I hope you are ok too, have you got a holiday planned?? Xxx

I have to get cracking on the huge pile of cards I need to make so I will be tying myself to my chair in my craft room today, I find it so hard to stay focused when Paul's home, we seem to have a lot of 'tea breaks', but I'm not complaining !!

Love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra, I love the colour you have used.

    Very busy day yesterday-meeting was ok , but dull really and it went on far longer than anticipated.
    Val-you're right when you say it's a hike up to the top of London Road!
    Got back to chaos at work. Met with the new waste manager for the Trust then I'd arranged for someone to come out to organise some testing we need doing. Before I knew it, it was 5pm. Quick change then I went off to meet an ex colleague for tea. Finally got home at 10pm & hubby informed me that I'd passed my cold on to him! There was a message from my Dad but it was too late to phone him so that's tonight's job.


    1. Hi Michele
      Sounds like you had an eventful day yesterday. I hope today wasn't as stressful.

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I managed to miss yesterdays post, but I love the card, another simple but stunning one 😊. That Dahlia stamp is gorgeous, as is the turquise colour card and ink.
    Todays card is a beauty, on my screen it looks quite grey but having already seen it I know that it is a dark purpleish colour (is it auborgine something?) It's good to see how you can make such a range of card styles from just one stamp. I hope you manage to get some more cards done today my lovely x
    Mum, I hope you are feeling better today. See you later. Love you xxxx
    Pat, I'm sorry you didn't manage to get an answer following the test on your throat. It was so good to see you on Wednesday. Have a good time while you are away, enjoy visiting the craft shop 😊 x
    Maria, I'm sorry to see that your appointment was a waste of time, so annoying for you. Good luck with sorting your craft stash around your bed today X
    Lilian, I hope you are ok x
    I must get on so will wish you all a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  3. Everything up and running, doors and windows open to welcome everyone in to our lovely craft haven, please don't just peek in, stop and say hi,Janet makes an amazing virtual cup of builders tea, or you can have the second dunk of the bag if you prefer your brew like cat pee!!
    Virtual cakes are calorie free, I can totally recommend Margaret's Lemon & Coconut cake !!
    In all seriousness though we have an amazing blog family here all ready to welcome you in, laugh with you, support you when you're down and help you through most situations whether It is craft related or not, I wouldn't like to guess the actual number of years of experience there is between all of us, it's a good 10 from me!!
    I look forward to meeting you all today, old and new !!
    Love and hugs,
    Ps Janet, thanks for leaving everything ready to go, you are the very best 'virtual cafe manager' EVER!!!

  4. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA - a beautiful card to greet me this morning. Unfortunately it looks grey on my screen but I understand it's a dark purple which is one of my favourite colours.
    THANK YOU FOR OPENING UP THIS MORNING. I'm sat in the corner having my first coffee of the day.

    GEMINI machine - Up to now I've only ever had to use my purple base plat, thing plastic plate, magnetic black mat then the die cutting side up and card on top of that with the clear plate on top and all my dies have cut with a once through the machine.

    Has anyone tried the 'Roll Away' rollers for getting bits out of the dies? I bought one from HOCHANDA along with two packs of sticky rollers included in the pack and it really DOES WORK. When the roller is filled with bits just gently wash it under aired water let it dry and it becomes sticky again and ready to use. I really do recommend it as it saves hours.

    I really must get my pics off to SANDRA this morning.

    Have a good day everyone whatever you're up to. HUGS on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hello Janet, I have never seen or heard of 'Roll Away' so must look it up, it sounds very interesting. I remember years ago we had a similar roller forgetting fluff of clothes. We need to gather quite a lot of fluff you just rinsed it under the tap, and it worked. I will definitely google this later . XX

    2. Hi Janet
      I'd never heard of the Roll Away either. And as Brenda says we had one years ago for defluffing clothes.

  5. Morning I'm so pleased that they didn't find anything untoward PAT Now they've ruled dodgy stuff or perhaps it is asthma....
    Hope today is quieter for you MICHELE
    Today is a bittersweet day today (I didn't think I'd be visiting the cafe but haven't slept well and had a dodgy phone call at 2am - you know the kind - the silent ones) as it's our son's birthday We'll visit the zoo to lay flowers on his grave I still make him a birthday card and OH writes a lovely poem Then we're all meetin for lunch So lots of cuddles with Oscar will cheer me up
    Will try and pop back later Take care all x

    1. Hi Karen, Just wanted to let you know we are all thinking of you and sending gentle caring hugs. Love Brenda XXX

    2. Just to say we're thinking of you today Karen. Enjoy your cuddles with Oscar.

  6. Morning everyone.
    Love the card Sandra, I too see it as very grey but still a nice colour.
    Pat, glad you okay from anything really bad but you like to know tho what you could have. Fingers crossed you get help.
    Karen, will be thinking of you today. hugs
    Michele, take care at work and hope you can have a nice weekend.
    Sue, have a nice day and give your mum and Pop some big hugs. Hope you all ok.
    Janet, watched the roll away on tv once. It's good to have someone testing things out so we know if they are good to buy or not.
    It's so nice to belong to this blog where we help eachother out whether it is about crafting, support through thick and thin, happy times and sad times and so much more. If you looking in, do come and join us !
    Going out soon for coffee to meet a woman from SW blog who I found live in MK of all places. Did not say anything earlier just in case it didn't happen but it seem to go ahead and I feeling so nervous now Lol wish you ladies was with me.
    Have a nice day ! love and hugs, Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria Hope you have a lovely meet up with the lady from SW's blog. I remember you telling us about your first date with Karen, and the photograph you posted afterwards. You have made so many blog friends since that day all like-minded people. Anyway thinking of you and have a lovely time. XX

    2. Hi Maria
      I hope you had a lovely meet up with a SW blog lady. Sandra put something on Facebook regarding our liking for very weak tea. But I think she got Lynda mixed up with you, as Lynda likes builders tea.

  7. Very nice card. Love the stamp

  8. Hi Sandra and all.
    Very pretty card Sandra,
    Not a good day today.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Thinking of you Karen,, hugs xxx
    See you tomorrow. Xxx

    1. Hi Val, Hope you are alright, you don't sound your perky self.
      Mind you the world and his wife could have, I kept getting interrupted.
      Sending gentle caring hugs xxx

    2. I missed out ....... You slipped in while I was leaving my message. xx

    3. Hi Val
      Sending you gentle hugs today. I hope your feeling more perky tomorrow,

  9. Hi Sandra and Ladies,
    Sorry I didn't leave a message yesterday I did look in, time and children got in the way! Yesterday's card is absolutely beautiful, and equally beautiful is today's card. The Dahlia stamp certainly makes a statement. I'm thinking wish list again! "Oh no" cries the bank balance.

    PAT, really please nothing sinister was found, but hope they come up with some explanation for you. It's so frustrating not getting clear answers. Sending hugs XX

    I've had a very frustrating day so far, John came back from doing some shopping and he had picked up my prescription from the chemist, I said there should be another lot of pills, but not to worry I would go to the pharmacy. Its only on the corner of our road. Went up there and was told it had not been issued because they're not due, I explained this has happened for the last four months they've had to advance me pills, the first time it was my fault because I hadn't realised I was running out. So was advanced 5 pills to get me through. Last time it happened I rang the surgery and the clerk are you note on my file to change the due date. But querying that today apparently she put the information in the wrong place and that's why my prescription hasn't been issued . I think - if the system is so clever that it won't issue pills until after certain date, why didn't it flag up the time I ordered them late!!! Sorry soap box away, I just get so frustrated with the system.

    Our weather has changed, this morning was lovely and sunny but this afternoon it is drizzling on and off. Has someone stolen our summer?

    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Well down in Bournemouth it's like a wet and windy October. I think it's going to be like this all weekend. I'm having the same problem with Petes pills. It doesn't help that he doesn't say when he's running out so we can get his pills from the Pharmacy. I've given him strict instructions he's to say when he's on his last set of pills. I had to rush down to the pharmacy to get his heart pills as he only had 3 left this morning.

  10. Just got in Thank you for your kind thoughts everyone I meant to say earlier SANDRA that I love today's card I made something similar a few mints ago but with a ScanNCut flower shape
    I think there's too much technology sometimes BRENDA We're having similar issues a) with MIL's prescription and b) my GP appt not appearing on "the system"
    I hope you're OK VAL
    Take care

    1. Karen no doubt you have shared some lovely memories & probably some tears, thinking of

  11. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card again today. I saw this one again in the flesh so to speak. Took Tasha the dog for a walk at Muddeford Spit this afternoon. Loads of people out wind surfing as it was so windy and wet. We only stopped for an hour, Pete was ill so spent a lot of the hour in the loo. Mind you it's self inflicted as he eats things that upset his stomach.

  12. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Stunning card. That stamp is growing on me.
    My parcel is being geld at the post office of my goodies from craftstash unfortunately I'm working all weekend and can't get there till Monday plus graeme is off then so will have to try sneak them into the house as he doesn't know I've ordered stuff lol xx

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra another lovely card, this is another stamp I would
    Pat good to hear nothing untoward was found but does not help you. Sorry to hear it is wet in Bournemouth, hope you enjoy the
    Val I hope you feel better tomorrow, sending you special
    Maria hope you enjoyed your meet up. Thank you for hugs via
    I have had a lovely day being entertained by little Chris, he does not stop & the questions he asks, Pop & big Chris were doing some pressure washing & he asked " Does it work on air?" Sue told him to ask Gra Gra, his name for Pop, which he did, & this from a 2year old!
    Sending hugs to all who need them love
