
Thursday 27 July 2017

Clean and Simple Birthday

Good Morning Ladies,

It was so lovely spending the day with both of my dear friends yesterday, the first moment I thought about time was when Pat said "Omg it's ten to five"!! That pretty much sums up our day, Pat treated us to lunch which Paul prepared perfectly, we then got down to some serious crafting, all doing completely different things.  Pat has very kindly left me her Gemini to play with while she is away for a few days, YAY!! (Although I don't think I will ever get used to the complicated plate combinations, it's less of a 'sandwich' more a 'smorgasbord') !!

Today's card is a real 'Clean and Simple' card, very quick and easy too, I almost feel a fraud posting it, but somehow it works and I love it, I think it's down to that stunning  'Definitely Dahlia' stamp, it's just such an awesome stamp, I have to force myself to not pick it up! 
Definitely Dahlia Stamp

If any of you would like one just let me know I will add it to this current order.  It's been an exciting week this week as Stampin'Up! Have been doing little sneak peeks of the upcoming Autumn Winter Catalogue, ooh there are lots of metallics, not all Christmas either, eeek, I can't wait to see the actual catalogue!! 

Back to the holiday prep today, Brenda you had it spot on when you said that it makes the excitement of the holiday start earlier, it does take huge amounts of preparation and how Paul manages to shoe horn everything plus the kitchen sink into that car, roof box and trailer never ceases to amaze me!! I have to hide my smile though as almost every year he gives a deadline for having your bags in the lounge ready to pack in the car, just about every year just as he thinks he has finished one of the girls will come out with a bag of toiletries or hair dryers/straightners, they just look sheepish and give a little 'oops'!! He always manages to fit it in somewhere, it's like a huge jigsaw puzzle, we just hold out breath every time we have to go through customs, we did get stopped once, the guy just looked it the back of the car, shook his head and said 'Just don't worry' and waved us on, I think the thought of unpacking that lit was clearly off putting!! 
I have a list of lists that cover 'To Do', 'To Buy', 'To pack' and a few more, I'm the Queen of lists I'm afraid! 

Pat I hope your procedure goes smoothly today, I will be thinking of you my lovely XXX

 Maria so sorry to hear your appointment was a waste of time, it's so frustrating.  How was your SU party?? Hope you had a good time XXX

Sending love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra, the stamp you have used for the greetings is very Art Deco which I love.

    Busy day at work plus my line manager has finally requested's only been 5 weeks!!

    I'm off into Liverpool for a meeting this morning-our Tripartite Alliance. The agenda was emailed at 4.10 yesterday, not sure if they think we sit at our computers all day but I think that was a bit late! Let's hope it stays fine as we have quite a walk once we get off the train. Val-we're going up London Road near the School of Tropical Medicine.


    1. Hi MICHELE

  2. Hi Michele,
    glad your line manager has finally requested mediation. About time too.
    That is quite a hike up London Road. The STM is right at the top I think. Is TJ's still on the left up there? Hope the weather stays good and your meeting goes well. Xxx

  3. Morning Everyone
    We have some blue sky this morning for the first time this week although the sun did come out near tea time yesterday.

    A very simple but effective card SANDRA and I love the colour.

    I made my final card for August bdays yesterday and please don't faint anyone but I cut out a couple of Seasonal fronts too!!!

    Not quite sure what I'll be doing today but something will turn up.

    I'll be with all Dear Friends having treatment today to hold your hands.

    The CAFE is OPEN a little earlier today than yesterday so come on in and sit for a while.
    HUGS on their way to you all.xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all.
    Lovely card Sandra. Very pretty stamp and sentiment. Glad the three of you had a good time crafting and chatting yesterday.

    Sorry didn't get back in yesterday. I got back from crib with a raging headache. I went for a lie down for an hour and although the banging stopped it niggled all night so I was in bed at 9. Went to sleep straight away but been awake since midnight. Can't win can ye?

    Pat hope everything goes well for today. Hugsxxx

    Maria, sorry you appointment didn't go so well. Such a waste of time. Xxx

    Meeting a friend for coffee later but a quiet day apart from that.

    Have a good day everyone.

  5. Hello ladies I really don't know what happened to yesterday It sort of just went!
    I do like this type of card SANDRA It's definitely my kind of style The only thing is if you make one to sell does the buyer feel cheated because there's no "belts and braces" i.e. Layers, flowers, butterflies....
    Was good to hear TRACEY got her shoes
    And that the three graces managed to meet up
    Sad to hear your appt was a waste MARIA
    I hope all goes well for everyone else I will be thinking of you x

  6. Morning all,
    a large coffee and a bacon butty would sit better today then the low fat yogurt and fruit as I'm in the zone for clearing out my "stuff" around the bed so as soon hubby have got up too I will take over Lol Son saw it the other day and couldn't believe his eyes and when he found out it was just from around the bed from the floor he said, now I understand why you after my room but don't you think you have enough "stuff" Oh how wrong can he be. We can never have enough, right girls Lol and after yesterday's play with SU products I'd like to have some more. I had a great time and the time just flew away and poor hubby had to wait another hour plus before picking me up. I made a couple of little things and got to try different items and to see your Gorgeous Card this morning makes me Happy, the colour is lovely and to get a card with this Dahlia stamp, wow that is a card ! Glad you had a nice day and the 3 Graces were back together for a day. Well OH is up and he want to go to Lidl for some shopping so that stop me in my tracks a bit but I guess we need some food, why can't we just live on love and air Lol.. I pop back later to see how you all are , many hugs to you all. Maria xxxx

  7. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today and somehow I missed yesterday's which I saw in the flesh. Loved the embossing folder you used but do wish they'd made bigger sizes than the ones they do. Used today's stamp yesterday in this colour as well. Love the Happy Birthday stamp as well. Well, Petes gone out with a friend to see another friend. His wife is bed bound as he's virtually house bound. Not just because of his wife but with his many problems. Hopefully he'll be back to take he down to have my Endoscopy done. I'm hoping I can have an anaesthetic to make me woozy and I can just see me coughing while the procedure is being done, and being sick. Must speak to Brenda or Lynda re the magnetic sheet that comes with the Gemini. And yes you do need to use a lot of plates with it.

    1. Hope it's went well pat. Thinking of u x

  8. Hi Pat hope all goes well for your Endoscopy will be holding your hand my friend & sending you Hug's xx
    I use the magnetic shim all the time for thin dies the sandwich from the bottom purple plate plastic shim magnetic shim die blade side up card & clear cutting plate.
    intricate dies just put metal cutting plate between clear cutting plate,
    Pat hope that helps or is it as clear as mud HAHAHA
    Love Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra& everyone
    Sandra love your card it's stunning you don't need anything else it's just perfect.
    I can just see Paul pushing all your cases & bags & your craft room HAHA into the car. will there be room for you & the girls.
    well just in craft room almost finished my challenge card
    My pet went out at 12 o'clock for a rubbish run for a lady he does work for sometimes needless to say he isn't home yet it's 2.45pm he is supposed too cut the grass front & back hmmm not sure that will get done now. And it will be another late lunch by the time he get's home then he will probably fall asleep Grrr
    Well better get on & finish cc as I have two more cards to make.
    love Lynda xxxx

  10. Tracy glad you got some shoes yesterday & Janice got her dress. Tracy I wish I was a size 14 again that was many moons ago now I'm sure you will look lovely

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra just my kind of card it is beautiful I love
    Pat hope all goes well today thinking
    Still not finished my cc yesterday I suddenly was violently sick & spent the rest of day in bed, feel washed out today.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  12. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    What a pretty card. I do love that colour. I'd use something like that for a quick thank you card. It's so very pretty.

    I just heard yesterday from a girl that works in my local chemist has Breast cancer. She's the same type as me too. I went like a gibberish eejit whilst serving her at the till as I thought she'd been on hols. And I'd not had anyone I know tell me they'd cancer after my own appart from my dad which was different.
    Anyways I made her a lovely card and wrote a personal wee letter to her
    She looked amazing half way thru her treatment. Her next load will knock her for 6 I didn't wanna lie about it.
    She will get thru it I'm sure the way I did.

    Love to everyone. Xx
