
Thursday 18 May 2017

Pretty Powder Pink card

Good Morning Ladies,. 

I hope that you are all feeling more hydrated after that day of rain, goodness​ me it's all or nothing isn't it, the poor lamb didn't want to stay in his nice warm straw lined shed he wanted to stand in the rain eating my lilac bush, ooh yes and Paul's Blueberry bush!!  So he was soaked poor thing, I was panicking that he was going to get Ill but Matt reminded me that they are meant to be outdoors all the time!! Silly me, I think all the bottles etc, had me thinking it was more vulnerable than that!!
I will be glad when She goes back to the farm though as she is very noisy and persistent! We have to wait until she has gotten a bit bigger as she keeps escaping under the gate, as she is used to being with humans not sheep, Matt would put her in the field with the other lambs and 20 minutes later she'd be poking her head in the Caravan door!

Now onto today's card, I thought I would go for something pretty today, so I started playing with my 'Detailed Floral Thinlit' dies, I cut a strip of Powder Pink card 4 1/4 inches wide and 10 1/4 inch long and placed one thinlit at each end with the cutting die in place, after cutting each end I scored about 1/8 inch away from inside edge of the die cut panel, when folded this gave me my card shape.  I then took a piece of the 
New 'Fresh Florals ' paper in Powder Pink and cut it to fold in half to make an inner card, inside that I stamped my Sentiment, which is from the 'Happy Birthday Gorgeous' stamp set (I Love the font) ! A few pearls and then I tied a piece of white ribbon through both sides of the card to close with a bow! 
I hope you like it xx

Detailed Floral Thinlits and Floral Phrases Stamp set

Paul is working again today so I will be in my craft room playing I think, what are you all up to ??

Maria, I hope you are feeling brighter my lovely XXX

Sue, I hope Chris is in less pain today XXx

I hope everyone else is 'Tickety Boo' !! 

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-love your card, I think the design is gorgeous. The Tale of your lamb is funny-think it will get a shock when the time comes to release it into the field with all the others.

    We finally got some of our computer systems back on yesterday & we were allowed to access our emails at about 4.30pm. I think I know that my job will be today-there's about 200 emails to deal with!
    I'm off out for a meal tonight with some colleagues-there's 8 of us going, just hope they don't get silly and start drinking too much. I'm hoping hubby will be back from Scotland in time to be my chauffeur!!


  2. Morning Everyone
    We have SUNSHINE!!!! The road and pavement are still wet but it's dry and no wind.

    SANDRA- A very pretty card and I love the colour scheme.

    Decorating went as well as it could yesterday and fingers crossed it continues today.

    I hope all Dear Friends under the weather are feeling somewhat better today and I've sent HUGE HUGS to you all in the hope they help.

    The CAFE is open and ready and waiting for you all. I'll try and pop in later to see what's happening.

  3. Morning all Well, it looks like you've sent the rain too Cyprus - but at least it's still warm
    Your tale about the lamb made me smile and your card is very pretty SANDRA I like the idea of a a "flap" so that a sentiment and greeting can still be done and not spoil the background
    Off to get a coffee and get the crochet out or shall I do some colouring Decisions decisions Take care all Wifi is a bit weak so forgive me for not catching up properly xx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Ooooh what a beautiful card. I do love that it's delicate looking too.
    Was laughing about the wee lamb sounds a right wee character.

    Another dry sunny day here in Ayrshire so I guess it'll be another outdoor day. I just hope this has not been our summer lol πŸ˜‚

    Love to all xx

  5. Hi Sandra and all.
    Such a pretty card today Sandra. Just love the die you've used. Must take a look at that.
    What a cute lamb story. He sounds a real character.

    Well my case is unpacked. One lot of washing out and another doing in the machine. I had a lovely long walk with Gracie this morning. The saying is true "there's no place like home"

    Karen. Never been to Cyprus. Glad you're having a lovely holiday.x

    Pat. I hope your sore leg is feeling easier. Enjoy your holiday. X

    Michele sounds like another busy day for you. Hope your computers are finally back to normal. Enjoy your meal tonight. X

    Maria Sorry you're not feeling too good. Hope today is better for you.x

    Sue hope Chris is recovering well and in less pain.x

    Lilian. You sound really busy at the moment with so many hoods. Hope you can relax and have some craft time.

    Lynda you do make me laugh with your DB comments. I'm afraid the autograph would have gone straight in the bin. Lovely to meet Leonie though and have such a lovely photo.

    Meeting Wendy and another crafty friend friend Lyn, for a coffee later. Lots to catch up on.

    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you're up to.

    Love Valxxx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love your beautiful card today, so pretty :-)
    Glad the little lamb survived the downpours yesterday - she must have enjoyed your lilac and blueberries! :-)
    Am pleased to say that James is coping well with his exams. He hasn't got any tomorrow, so that gives him a bit of a break before next weeks ones!
    Hope you're all having a good day whatever you're doing. Sending love and hugs to all xxx
    Ps. I am still receiving your beautiful Birhday cards - so a big thank you once again xxx

    1. Hi Sonia, your catalogue will be in post tomorrow!
      Poor James, it's an exhausting few weeks, if they aren't taking exams they are revising like crazy, girls have Mock A Levels in a couple of weeks so the stress levels are rising.
      I'm sure you are making the most of every moment of relaxation time he has. I'm sure he will 'ace' his exams! Fingers crossed for him xxx

    2. Hi Sonia, so pleased to read that Jamie is coping well with his exams.Good for him to have a break and the weekend before starting again. So hope the rest of the exams go well for

    3. Thank you Sandra and Val 😊 xx
      Looking forward to receiving the catalogue and having a good browse 😘 xx

    4. Hi Sonia,
      It is good to hear James is coping well with his exams, let's hope it continues. You should be very proud of him & how you & hubby treated his problem, shows what a loving family you have, well

  7. Hello All, dry and sunny at the moment.

    Sandra love your card, have these dies but never thought of using them that way, thank for inspiration.

    New Catalogue has arrived lots of lovely things.

    Have managed to get challenge card done, and sent to Sandra, so am in early this week.

    Work again tomorrow, have 30 junior hoods to make, they are more fiddly being smaller.

    Am shattered tonight, had my friend here today crafting, up and down fetching things from my room as we craft on the dining room table.

    Well better go and sort something out for dinner, think it will be bacon and eggs.
    Have a good evening all, hugs to all Lilian

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely dainty card, perfect colour for the design, I don't think it would have looked right in a darker colour. My parcel arrived yesterday, I had a little play but probably will not get a chance before Sat now. I will send photo of
    Michele pleased you got computers back, don't envy you answering the emails though. Your cut outs are in the post. Hope you have a lovely meal with
    Maria hope you feel better today, hugs on
    Pat hope your leg is
    Lynda hope Terry's leg is getting
    It has been a busy day again so feeling tired will send hugs to all who need them love

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely card Sandra and a unusual fold, I like it !
    Loved hearing about the little lamb, bless him when he have to go into the big field and meet all the others Lol
    Michele- good the computers have started to work again, what a stress these hackers did for the NHS. Hope you can have a nice evening.
    Sue- hope you are okay and Chris is getting better. Is he a good patient ? :)
    Pam- sound like you have a brilliant time in London and doing as much as possible even with the rain we got at the moment. Hope your leg is not getting worse, take care.
    Janet- you still had a busy day with decorating the kitchen. What colour have you gone for ? Glad you had some sunshine today, it was quite warm during the day here too but since this afternoon we have a fine rain.
    Val- glad you had a nice trip to Valencia but get Gracie was happy to see you back :) Hope you had a nice day with your friends.
    Brenda- did you manage to get hold of your sister ? Hope you got the work done on the computer, I'm hopeless with computer work so leave that to OH but think I need some practise just in case something happening to him one day.
    Lilian- you sound very busy again with making up the hoodies, hope you not overdo it and your hands hurts too much. Take care
    Tracy- hope you had another nice day and you could spend some more time in your new swing. I always wanted to have one but OH is not so keen (one day) Lol
    Karen- rain in Cyprus! oh dear, hope it was just a shower and nothing like at home this afternoon. Have some lovely days.
    Margaret- hope you had a good day, take care.
    Sonia- glad to hear that James is doing ok. Hope you find a nice vase for the flowers. I got the problem the other way, got a huge vase and been trying to fill it with fake flowers for years and think I have done it now Lol
    Cheryl - hope you are alright, have you been on any walks lately ?
    Lynda- how are you and Terry doing, has he got any help for his leg ?
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday but had German friends who were over and was going to have a stop over in MK before going to Scotland so as you can understand it got a bit busy here before they turned up . We also went out for dinner so was late home and still I couldn't sleep more then a few hours so felt like a zombie all day today. Went for acupuncture this morning but it has not worked much so I now waiting for an appointment to see the surgeon again for the knee op. Went to Lidl after but it wasn't much there just got back with some pork medallions, nice and cheep and some more fruit and vegs. which is always good from there. Thought about the cc but nothing so did some stamping instead this afternoon, not sure yet how to make the double stamping but will play around and see what works best. The card yesterday Sandra is gorgeous in both style and colours !
    Thank you for the hugs you been sending me, I'll get there but as you know some days can be harder then others.
    I wish you all a good night, see you tomorrow. Love Maria xxx

    1. Hello Maria, YES at long last, this morning I managed to talk to my sister. She was working in the parish office. She said no one ever rings me I suggest she checks why her phone goes to voice mail.... Oh, And she doesn't use voice mail.!!! xx

  11. Hi Sandra &. Everyone
    SANDRA your card is stunning love it such pretty soft colour's. Such a lovely Die set.HAHA your story about the lamb poor thing standing out in rain silly lamb when she had a lovely warm &dry shed..
    MARIA hope your feeling better today sending you some πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—xx
    VAL glad you you had a nice walk with Gracie bet she's glad your home.
    HAHA that is best place for DB autograph in the bin (didn't get one really) πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Leonie is lovely though. Hope you enjoyed your coffee with your friends Hug's & cuddles for Gracie xx
    SUE hope Chris is on the mend & he's not in so much pain sending Hug's for you both.πŸ€—πŸ€—xx
    KAREN hope your enjoying your holiday xx
    SONIA glad Jamie has settled into his exams such a stressful time for them.xx
    JANET hope the decorating is going well. Don't over doing it though take care.x
    MICHELE hope you enjoyed your evening with your work friends.
    TRACY hope the sun shines so you can sit on your swing πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—
    The day just disappeared done the ironing sun was out this morning so we took Bambie out for a walk then went Tesco shopping by time we got home it was
    4 30pm & not had lunch yet,so that made dinner late. The rain ☔️ started really heavy too.
    So haven't been in craft room today so must try &get Challenge card done tomorrow. Terry has just made a cupper so I'm off to drink it see you tomorrow.
    Love Lynda xx

  12. Hello Sandra, it's been a busy day. Went shopping after lunch, then school run and swimming, got the children home and cooked dinner, it was lovely all three sitting at the table at the same time. It doesn't happen often these days because Tierney often works Thursday evening. But she is doing her A levels at the moment. Today was day two of three Art exams. Next week she has Three days of Textiles exams. But still has more after that. Grandson in Essex is also taking his A levels and working hard. I just hope and pray they get the results that will take them on to the next chapter in their lives.

    Sandra, love today's card and those dies.

    Sorry I did laugh when you talked about the lamb eating the blueberries and your lilac bush, I hope given time your garden recovers. xx

    Sorry ladies I know I could chat longer, but my body and head is saying I'm tired.
    Hopefully will get in at a reasonable hour tomorrow.

    Sleep well, Love Brenda xxx
