
Wednesday 17 May 2017

My Challenge card

Good Morning My lovelies,

I hope that you are all well and not letting this shocking weather get you down! I just can't believe how blooming cold it is, both of my Girls were walking round hugging hot water bottles last night as they got wet on the way home from School and just couldn't warm up, they always make me laugh as there is always one of them wearing my big fluffy pyjama top, I never get the chance to wear it, it's usually been put away by this time of year, but I guess the old wives tale is true "Cast not a clout til May is out"!! I can hear my Nan saying it now!  A lot of those old wives tales are pretty accurate, do you ladies remember things that your parents or grandparents used to say?

Today's card is my version of the Challenge card, the day just seemed to disappear yesterday so I didn't think that I would get one done, I finally set at my craft desk at 9.10 pm (after spending some time with the girls), I wanted to make a 'Stampin' Up! Card but I don't have anything 'Masculine' really, so I reached for one of my favourite SU stamp sets 'Gorgeous Grunge' and two ink pads 'Dapper Denim' and the new 'Lemon Lime Twist', cut my self a piece of white card and just randomly stamped around the card to create a messy background, I love the effect that you get. I did add in the lattice type stamp from 'Timeless Textures' too.  I then stamped the Happy Birthday from ' Big on Birthdays' set on a piece of white card, added a couple splatters and mounted onto 'Lemon Lime Twist' and 'Dapper Denim' card and popped into my card, I hope you like it !! 

Big On Birthdays Stamp set

Paul is back at work today for the start of another shift, hoping to see Sue if Chris is up to being on his own and Sue isn't too exhausted from playing Nurse! 
I will be playing with some new goodies that arrived yesterday, along with the New Stampin Up Catalogues, if you would like one just let me know....
Lilian and Brenda yours got posted today, Lynda and Michele yours are parcelled up ready to go!! 

Have a lovely day ladies, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. I love your card andI know a lot of girlie friends who'd love this unfussy uncluttered card
    One of my mum's favourite sayings was "red sky at night, shepherd's delight Red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning" MARIA- you're going to love these It means if the sky is red at night(dusk) it'll be a beautiful day
    Talking of which, the weather here is glorious I hope it warms up at home before I get back
    Take care all xx πŸ‡¬πŸ‡·

    1. We still say that Karen. Sounds like your having a great time.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-fantastic card, great for any male that doesn't have any hobbies or a teenager who wouldn't want a fussy card. I love it'!!!

    Work was still problematic yesterday-still no computer systems working. The IT department suggested we would have them back on yesterday afternoon but that didn't happen so am keeping my fingers crossed that everything will be working this morning.

    I nipped into Co-op last night as Dad wanted a couple of things, dropped them off then came home. Quick bite to eat then off to a friends to help her fill in an online job application-finally got home at 9.30pm!!! No time to go anything.
    Tonight I'm doing my Tesco shopping as I'm out tomorrow evening for a meal from work. At least I'll have some free time after I've put all the shopping away.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope your Dad is making progress with his exercises and walking.
      This cyber attack leaves a lot to be desired doesn't it. Hopefully your computers will be up and running today.

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today.
    This is a great card, perfect for the men and boys. I love seeing your stamped backgrounds. You really have mastered "random" my lovely 😊 I hope to see you later on, just waiting to see how Chris is feeling when he wakes up x
    Michele, I hope the computers at work are up and running today. How is your Dad doing now? X
    I have gone blank so will have to pop back in later after taking notes. I'm on the school run for Phoebe again as Paige is still not well, bless her so better get on. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Pat and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue
      I hope Chris is feeling a bit better today. It was a shock to hear he'd gone in to have his Hernia done as you hadn't mentioned that he had one when Pete or myself had talked about his. Hopefully you'll see Sue in between school runs.

  4. Morning Everyone for the second time of asking.
    My first attempt has gone off into cyber space somewhere.

    SONIA- I am so sorry that I didn't wish you A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY yesterday. I hope you had a really good day and celebrated as you should.

    SANDRA- a really masculine card and certainly one which meets this week's brief.

    We made a start on decorating the kitchen yesterday so you can imagine everything is upside down and I hate it as these days I cannot do any of the decorating. It was always my job and nothing phased me whether it was standing on top of the bannisters to paper the staircase or climb ladders for ceilings. These days I cannot even reach the top of the doors and of course any sort of climbing is definitely out.

    We are still in the 'rainy region' this morning though the grass and plants are really benefitting from all the wet stuff.

    Although the CAFE door is closed it is open for business so just pop in for a short while. Sit and have a chat and a cuppa. Hugs to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      My word re decorating the kitchen is a mega upheaval isn't it. I normally do the low bits and Pete the high bits.

  5. Hi Sandra
    Love your messy background you've done. I can do messy but haven't done any just lately. Mind you when I used your bits and pieces trying to do messy round a dragonfly I made a right mess. Not a nice one I might add.
    Yesday was glorious. We'd taken our macs but had to carry them around. There are hordes of foreign students around to dodge. But managed the Bus Museum which had 2 parties of 4-5 year old doing the rounds. Mind you they weren't to noisy. Also did they Aquarium. Today we're off to find the Imperial War Museum, as it's raining today. My left foot is really swollen and red, as I'd got bitten last week. Antihistamine tablets, nor cream seems to be doing any good. So I suppose it's a trip to the Dr when we get back.
    Did I say it's a great card Sandra.

  6. Hi Sandra and all.

    Sorry I didn't call in yesterday. We were out for the day on a bus trip to Valencia. Lovely city but lots of walking. Was out for the count when we got back. Off home today so just packing the last things in my case.

    Sonia. I hope you had a lovely birthday yesterday.

    Michele you card yesterday was so pretty. A cat lovers dream. So hope today goes a lot smoother for you.

    Pat sorry about the nasty bite. Hope you're still managing to have a lovely time in London.

    Sue.hope Chris is recovering slowly but surely from his op.

    Maria Sorry you're not feeling so good sending hugs to you.

    I apologise if I've left anyone out. I'll catch up properly at home.

    Sandra Lovely card. Beautiful background.

    Bye for now. Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I'm glad you enjoyed Valencia. My bite isn't affecting me having a great time. Just have a massive overhang around my ankle.

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I love your card it has given me some ideas, hope to do it today as it is pouring with rain so no Petanque. Waiting for my Stamping Up order to come today, can't wait to have a proper look at new catalogue. Enjoy your day with
    Michele hope today is better for you, I hope to do your cutouts today as
    Maria sorry you are not feeling too good hugs on
    Pat you really are going to have to watch your foot, make sure there is not a red line going up your
    Janet I know exactly what you mean it is soo frustrating not being able to do the things we used to, good luck with
    Karen sounds as if your weather is lovely,
    Val safe journey
    Must get on sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      No, no red line going up my leg it's all just red up to just below my knee.

    2. Hi Pat your leg sound a bit like Terry's leg sounds like you need antibiotics it took 3 coercesof of antibiotics first time.this time the doctor said he was bitten she could see the entry hole.She said don't get bitten anymore same antibiotics as last time . His skin is so thin dew to his bad accident at work.
      Hug's xx

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Fantastic card Sandra. I love the ink splatter stamp. Would love to see a Stampin Up catalogue if you have any to spare please? 😊
    Bit of a lazy start for me as I haven't been up long! Am going to pop out soon to M&S, Tesco and Next for a browse. If I buy anything at all it will be a new vase - I received a gorgeous bouquet of flowers yesterday from Hubby's Aunt, but I don't have a vase big enough to put them in, so thats definitely on the list. Had a nice evening with a bottle of prosecco and a visit from my mum and dad. Thanks again for your beautiful cards and wishes 😊
    Sandra and Sue, have a lovely day together. Hoping Chris is on the mend xx
    Val, safe trip home xx
    Pat, hope your foot is ok and enjoy your day at the museum xx
    Karen, glad you're enjoying your holiday. Please bring back some of that sunshine with you πŸ˜† xx
    Janet, hope the decorating goes well xx
    Michele, hope work goes better today xx
    Margaret, enjoy playing with your new Stampin Up goodies xx
    Hoping everyone is keeping well and I hope you all have a lovely day. Sending love and hugs to all xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Great card Sandra. Like I've said before I'm not so good with guys cards. But I'll send a pic for this weeks challenge lol

    My arbour swing seat got delivered yesterday. The guy called me said he had it ready. Most of it was built up just had to assemble the frame.
    The sun is splitting here in kilmarnock ayrshire so I'm outside relaxing on my new swing seat it's sooooo fab x

    1. Hi Tracy. You can get off your swing now it's dark & raining ☔️ HAHA
      Glad you like it hopefully the sun will shine down on you. It it rain resistance.
      Sending Hug's xx

  10. Hello All, well I know we needed rain, but I think we have had enough now, it's also very chilly.

    Sandra lovely card, can't wait for my new catalogue to come have already had a browse on line , so am making a list.

    Didn't get any crafting done yesterday, almost eight before I finished work, then too tired, have had a couple of urgent hood repairs that came in the post this morning, so this afternoon I'm going to do some of the dreaded male cards.

    Pat hope the leg gets better, a visit to the GP as soon as possible.
    Maria hope you feel better soon hugs on the way.
    Well better go and clear up lunch things, have a good rest of the , Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian a bit of rain here but we haven't really got wet. We're off to the Theatre tonight to see The Carole King Story. Good old 60's music.

  11. Good afternoon Sandra & everyone
    Earlier today I was determined to comment before bedtime HAHA
    WOW SANDRA I love your card & the stamp set is right up my street I might have to order that one.
    Hope you & Sue are enjoying your day together are you crafting or chatting both probably πŸ€—πŸ€—xx
    PAT hope your enjoying your trip in London. How is your leg has the swelling gone down now hope it's getting better.πŸ€—
    MARIA how are you today hope your in less pain my friend. Try & rest with leg up sending πŸ€—πŸ€—.
    SONIA Hope you enjoyed your birthday did you get anything crafty?
    Hope you find your vase enjoy your shopping.
    VAL pleased you enjoyed your holiday how's the packing going. Safe journey home some πŸ€—πŸ€—to help.
    MARGARET hope your SU goodies have arrived enjoy playing with them.πŸ€—
    MICHELE hope work isn't stressful. Have you got your computers sorted now.
    Thank you for your help re EBay.πŸ€—
    Just going for a walk &I have to go post office pop in later
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Having a lovely time Lynda. My leg still isn't right.

    2. Hi Lynda. Didn't get any crafty bits for my Birthday. Still got stash I bought at Farnborough back in Feb that I haven't used πŸ˜” However I am drawn towards some Stampin Up bits, so may place an order using some of my Birthday money. Hope you've had a good day. Hugs xxx

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Love today's card, and I think that happy birthday stamp is a must have. It will be grate for quick cards. Yes a real must have. Looking forward to receiving my new catalogue, and seeing what new goodies I can add to my wish list, Oh! And I love Lemon Lime Zest colour. You know what - I can hear my mum saying Yuck. But she is laughing. She hated anything green or within the green spectrum. She knew I loved the colour, but wouldn't let me wear it. The first item I ever bought myself was a coat ... It was green .... And I loved it..
    Pat I hope you have stayed in the dry today. The only dry spell we have had was about midday, but in London you can usually find plenty of inside activities. You really must get that foot looked at. Bites The infection rom the bite can give nasty problems. Take care. xx

    Sue hope Chris is coping and you managed to fit in a visit to Sandras. Also hope Paige is starting to feel better. xx

    Must get back to my computer, I have work to finish but need to talk to my sister about it. Her phone has been going to voicemail for the last four days. Even the church she works in no one is answering the phone. I will have to just be creative in my bookkeeping!!!

    Hope some of you have had sunshine today, as Liian said I think we've had enough rain now, in fact our bird bath was empty yesterday and I forgot to fill it up, but overnight it not only filled up its overflowing.

    Take care everyone, love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      We kept dry as we were in the Imperial War Museum. Where we stay in Russell Square seems to be the hub for buses where we want to go. They take us to Waterloo Bridge, Imperial War Museum, Camden Market and the Cutty Sark. They all stop at Aldwych which is by Drury Lane where most of the theatres are. Hope you manage some creative bookkeeping.

    2. Meant to say the rain was very intermittent except when we got off the bus at Russell Sq. But as we only had to cross the road to the President we didn't get hardly wet at all.

    3. Hi Pat, You are staying opposite where my sister used to live, in Guilford Street. Say hello to Martina for me. (She work there - in accounts - I think) I could have asked you to knock on my sisters door while you were in Drury Lane, and tell her I need to talk to her. Ha Ha. Small world!!!
      Love Brenda xx

    4. Hi Pat glad your enjoying your stay in London. You are certainly getting about on the bus's do you get a one day ticket so you can get on & off when you like.
      Please get your leg looked at you should get some antibiotics from the doctors. Sending πŸ€—πŸ€— for you & Pete hope he is ok.xx

  13. Hi all, home safe and sound to an ecstatic Gracie. Had a sit down and a coffee with Gracie on my knee of course. Just trying to rouse myself and empty my case. I think it's an early night.
    Love to all. Will catch up tomorrow.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val glad your home safe & sound hope you have a good sleep 😴 Tonight. I bet Gracie is glad your home & probably be following you round 🐢 Xx
