
Tuesday 14 March 2017

Some lovely treats from Janet

Good Morning Ladies,

Now is it me or has it turned cold again?! I was freezing all day yesterday, granted I'm not moving very fast but i haven't​ felt this cold for a week or two.  
You will be pleased to hear that I made an appointment to see our GP tomorrow morning, I'm guessing she will refer me, hopefully with the 'choose and book" system we have here, you can pick your own hospital and surgeon, just have no faith in the other hospital that i had my other hip done in.  I guess I'll find out when I've been to see what they recommend.
Now onto today's cards, two totally different but equally as beautiful cards from Our Janet, the first is a gorgeous card that has been made with a exquisite background paper, Janet has then chosen the rest of the elements for the card to match that background paper, i love the gorgeous pink frame, so delicate !  The flowers are from Wild orchid crafts, the Stick Pins add a real feel of luxury to the design. xxx
The second card is so modern looking, to me they look like vittreano the artists style.
The mostly black and white image is lifted with that splash of red, an absolute genius touch, that draws you in. 
Two absolutely stunning cards Janet, thank you so much for allowing me to share them with our friends xxx

Pat and Sue day today, my goodness these Tuesdays roll around quickly, looking forward to today though, we do have fun xxxx

Have a lovely day, however you are spending it, hugs on their way 

Love too,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-two lovely cards, both so different to each other. I really like the second one.

    Sandra-glad you managed to book a GP appointment, fingers crossed they manage to do something for you.

    Work wasn't too busy yesterday so I managed to clear a lot of emails (331 to deal with)-still got some to look at but they can wait. Today looks crazy busy so probably won't be looking st emails. We have the planning officer calling in this morning to confirm a few details e.g. The contractors finish on the 24th so we can start thinking about moving back. I'm looking forward to going back to the main department (just not moving everything). Yesterday was difficult as I was the only Manager so I had to keep popping back into the Pharmacy department-not easy trying to be in two places!


  2. Morning everyone,

    Yesterday's sunshine did me a power of good. It was so warm, I turned the heating off, changed into short sleeved T-shirt, hung the washing on the line and did a deep clean in my kitchen. Somewhere between vacuuming and steam mopping the floor I must have twisted my right knee again. I spent all late afternoon and evening nursing my swollen knee. Still a bit painful this morning but seeing as how the temperature has plummeted, I'm not surprized. I woke up a few times with my knee throbbing and Mr Arthur Ritus has certainly let me know he is around!

    Janet's cards are so deliciously gorgeous. I love the pink girly look of the first card. The topper is very reminiscent of Hunkydory or Kanban perhaps. I have a few similar and I do believe I have that die from Spellbinders. I don't think to use my SB dies to make frames Doh!
    I hope you 3 graces have a productive time at your meet-up today.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. Good morning everyone from a very windy but dry Sheffield.

    SANDRA - so pleased you managed to get an appointment with your GP. Fingers crossed they can get things moving for you. Have a good day with Sue and Pat.

    I was surprised to see my cards on the board today.
    The first is 7x7 and made up as follows:
    Backing paper is from a 'BRONTE CHARM' 8x8 pack.
    The frame is a TONIC multi set of dies.
    The Topper is from HUNKEYDORY bought before I started using dies.
    The flowers are from WILD ORCHID
    The bow is CE seambinding
    Stickpins are made from SW's pins/beads and some from my stash.
    and finally the Sentiment is from SW die.

    The second card is as follows:
    The TOPPER is from a CD 'ART DECO TIMELESS KEEPSAKES' from Card Creations. (bought years ago and well before I even knew cutting dies existed).
    The backing card is from my stash
    and the Sentiment is a TL die.

    When I started making this card my intentions were to mat and layer in the usual fashion but while handling the topper and cards they slipped into the shape you see and I loved the way they fell so kept it. HAPPY ACCIDENTS DO HAPPEN lol.
    I have to say a BIG THANK YOU TO MICHELE for reminding me how good CDs can be having seen how beautifully she uses CDs. I'm sure we all have craft items we haven't used in ages.

    Well it's a very busy day for me - my hairdresser is due at 10.00 and then it's k&N this afternoon so by this evening I'll be well and truly 'done in'lol.
    The CAFE is open and waiting for you all.
    Have a good day whatever you all get up to.
    HUGS to everyone. xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra so pleased you have appointment tomorrow, if you want a very nice & good surgeon from Swindon will let you know. Hope you have good day with Pat &
    Janet your cards are lovely card
    Cheryl hope your knee easiest
    I have Dr appointment 9.00am then hope to try Petanque today.
    Sending hugs to Lynda, Pat, Karen & all who need them love

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I just want to say a quick hi to you all before I forget to comment again! I love this weeks challenge, your two examples are lovely, this challenge will get my few brain cells whirring 😊
    I will be thinking of you while you see your GP. I hope she is able to help. I'm sending you big gentle hugs my lovely. See you later x
    Pat, I hope you can make it to Sandra's today, big hugs are on their way x
    Karen, may you get some relief from the cystitis, bless you x
    Lynda, good for you at making Terry go to hospital. Is he suffering from Cellulitis? Chris had it a couple of years ago and Terry's symptoms sound similar. Whatever Terry has I hope the docs are able to help him. You are both having a tough time at the moment aren't you with one thing and another. My fingers are crossed that your luck changes dear friend. Lots of big hugs are on their way to you both x
    Val, you poor thing. Feeling ill when you are staying with away from home is not good. I hope you manage to shake of your bug very quickly. Air travel does spread everyone's bugs around doesn't it! Sending healing hugs to you x
    I hope everyone else is as well as possible, and you have a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Sandra, Pat, Lynda and Terry, Val and Karen. Sorry if I have forgotten anyone. Take care xx

  6. Hi Janet. I'm so sorry, I didn't say that I love both of your lovely cards. The beautiful roses on the image and that pretty backing paper along with paper flowers make a real ladies card. I love the red against the black and white image on the second card. Two lovely cards, thank you for sharing them with us x

  7. Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Have just taken a few minutes to look back at the lovely cards that have been shown on your blog the last few days.
    They are all wonderful and Janet, yours this morning are a real treat to look at. Love the first one with it's sweet frame and pretty flowers and the second one, look like they just coming back from Crufts :-)
    Good you have made a doctors appointment Sandra, hope they can help you out. Have a nice day with Sue and Pat.
    Cheryl, take it easy today. Karen, hope you starting to feel better and Lynda and Terry, do take care. Val, so sorry to see you also come down with a cold. Wish you and everyone better soon.
    The CC for this week looks interesting. will see if I have time to get something together. SIL up and going to the theatre tomorrow and seeing some friends in London on Saturday. Hospital this afternoon and tomorrow seeing doctors at another one. Started to get a sore throat on Saturday and by yesterday I had lost my voice to everyone's amusement except for mine. Got back home yesterday pm and went straight to bed for a couple of hours. Woke this morning with still no voice and streaming eyes but need to do some house work.
    Sending many hugs to you all. Maria xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    I am SO pleased you have at last sorted out an appointment to see your GP. Little steps, but you know that's the way forward. Thinking of

    JANET two fantastic cards from you today I love them both. Because each of them fit different people I might send cards to. xx

    Michelle I posted your Angry Birds yesterday afternoon. Please let me know if you would like any more, or like them stamped individually, you just say, it's not a problem. XX

    Off for my INR shortly, haven't had to go for a month, that has been good. Let's hope it's still a good reading. Fingers crossed.

    Wishing everyone a good day, love and hugs, Brenda XXX

  9. Hello I have to say I am feeling tons better the chest infection has eased but still coughing So it'll be interesting to see what breathing tests reveal next week AND I'm pee-Ing for England! Hopefully this latest lot of antibiotics will knock it on it's head!
    Your cards are so pretty JANET I rely a lot on cd's for crafting Something I try to get away from at times after being without a laptop for a few weeks last year
    I am so glad you have an appt SANDRA Hopefully it won't be as bad as you think
    Enjoy your crafting today
    Big hugs to everyone
    PS They've moved our office move forward by a week Next week I'll be having a major clear out As you say MICHELE It's not the moving it's the packing up etc

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Hope the doc gets u sorted Sandra nothing worse when ur suffering.
    Janet ur cards are just georgeous. I love using my bebunni cds from crafters companion.

    Finally finished my mothersday card orders phew still a few others to get done but decided to have a day in another room on a tidy up n re shuffle of furniture. Hubby has gave me into trouble as usual as I suffer with my back a lot but couldn't be a***d waiting on his day off as he gets in my way and can't visualise the end result like I do lol. Ah well it's done now hee hee x

    Lynda. Hope u and terry are on the road to recovery. I'll FaceTime u soon again.
    Anyone else have FaceTime?? So I can put a face n voice to the name I'm game if u are lol xx

    Love to all xx

  11. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Sandra pleased you have made a appointment for the doctors hope they can sort you out. Hope you had a good day with Sue & Pat.
    JANET two gorgeous cards the first one for me takes the edge although the second one is equally gorgeous. I have so many CD roms they took a back shelf since Dies took over so must try & use them again.
    MARIA sorry your not very well it's horrible when you loose your voice & worse when throats sore hope you feel better soon Sending you some gentle 🤗🤗xx

    Sandra sorry I didn't get in yesterday I was shattered after going up A&E with Terry Margaret was going to take us after ringing her on & off for a hour with no answer so ended up getting the bus. On booking in at AE we waited 4 hours before he was seen by a nurse who took bloods but she did get him a wheelchair after all so he could put his leg up then another hour in the waiting room before seeing the doctor who was well bit useless he looked at his leg said it's a bit swollen how did you do that I said It's a infection exsplaing we were told by our GP to come AE if hadn't got any better. so with that he said walk round & have a ultrasound in the DVT department Terry said he couldn't walk that far any way the nurse got a porter.On arrival the doctor said unfortunately the ultrasound isn't available this was at 4pm she said come back tomorrow. (Today) She did gave him two blood thinning injections in his stomach as one of the bloods had clotted. So from 11.30am we got home at 6pm both shattered.
    Back today with appointment 11.50am but still had to wait a hour before they did the scan. Then had to go back to the clinic for results she came in & said good & bad news the upper leg didn't show any blood clots but the bottom leg came back as inconclusive so we have to go back next Tuesday for another scan. But they did give Terry some stronger antibiotics starting tomorrow. So hopefully they will be better. Sorry everyone for waffling on & on.
    Sorry Sandra ment to say the CC looks interesting your two cards yesterday were lovely I love the scribble die I couldn't find that one but got the scribble & splat. But hasn't arrived yet. I hope to get in craft room tomorrow I did take a picture of my messy craft table will send to you tomorrow.
    Well so late again sorry.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx
