
Wednesday 15 March 2017

A simple Thank you

Good Morning Ladies,

Just a quickie from me today, my anxiety is through the roof, it's because I'm going to the Doctors, it's so silly and frustrating as hell but i cant control it, I've tried convincing myself that I'm being irrational, that doesn't work either!! Luckily i managed to get in With a Dr that's familiar with my history so no going back over all the things that really stress me out.  I will let you know the out come.

Today's card was made last Thursday while i was playing around with the 'Avant Garden' stamp set from Stampin' Up! .
I stamped the flower stamp with Wisteria Wonder ink pad, once with 1st generation ink and then beside that in 2nd generation ink (stamped again without re-invent), this gives the look of different shades of flowers, actually the ink was that rich i could have stamped twice more.  I carried on round to form a wreath shape, then added some foliage and dots from the same stamp set.  I mounted this onto Wisteria Wonder card and then onto a card blank.  I then created a banner with Wisteria Wonder card and layered it into some white.  To decorate i reached for my Botanical Builder dies set and cut a flower and some foliage. 
I hope you like it, i also hope the recipient likes it too !!

I hope you are all ok, are any more of you going to share your craft space?  I have Tracy's photo so far and Michele's original, just snap and send if you can, no cheating and having a tidy round first !!

Right I must go and get ready,

Love and hugs,


  1. Morning Sandra,

    Lovely card this morning, the stamps are pretty awesome.

    Have to take Tiegan to the dentist this morning, emergency appt, so I hope they on time as have my REA meeting at 10. I had previously arranged with my walking buddy Rosie to give her a lift and then we are going to lunch afterwards as I thought I had a whole day to myself. Best laid plans, mice and men don't always work. I'll have to drop Rosie off to the meeting afterwards before I take Tiegan onto school and be late myself.
    Wide awake this morning at 4am, even though I set the alarm for 7.30am. I shall be shattered later.
    Cuppa first then shower and breakfast.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Morning Cheryl - take care you don't bump into yourself coming back today Dear Friend. Perhaps tomorrow you might have a day to yourself. Hugsxx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      I hope that Tegan's appointment goes off ok and that your not to late for your appointment. Hopefully you'll have a restful day tomorrow.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card is really beautiful. I hope your GP is on time & you don't have to wait. Good luck today.

    Yesterday was busy & full of problems! Today starts with a meeting then I have to try & sort out some of yesterday's problems.


    1. Brenda-thank you so much for the Angry Birds! I'm looking forward to using them. Might have a play this weekend.


    2. Hi Michele, Pleased they arrived safely, Have fun. xx

    3. Hi Michele
      Sounds like your going to have a busy day today sorting out the problems from last week.

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Sandra, I know just how much you hate going to the doctors so I am going to be holding your hand and also crossing my fingers that the doc can help you my lovely. Todays card is great. I love the mix of stamps and die cuts 😊 Thank you for sharing it with us. Sending you big hugsxx
    Pat, it was good to see you yesterday, you got loads of that teacup die cut out didn't you. Sending big hugs
    Maria, I hope you feel better today. Big hugs are on the way x
    Lynda, what a performance, poor Terry, and you having to wait around for so long and then having to go back!!! At least stronger meds will hopefully help his leg. Sending big hugs to you both x
    Karen, it's good to hear you are starting to feel a bit better, let's hope you continue recovering as quickly as possible. Big hugs are on the way x
    I hope I haven't forgotten anyone not feeling so good.
    Sandra, I will send you a pic of my crafting mess when I next craft 😊
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Thanks Sue nightmare having to sit on those hard chairs for so long.
      Still shattered. Thank you for all your Hug's my friend means a lot
      Love Lynda xx

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sandra I am saying my prayers, also got everything crossed as well for you! I'm please it's the Doctor who knows your history, it's horrible going over past medical history. Most of us would sooner forget it. Sending love and very caring hugs.xx

    Today's card is lovely, love the colours you have used. I've been looking on Pinterest, there are so many cards using these dies, I have started to build up my saves for inspiration.

    LYNDA, what a day you had, and you still have to return. Hope the stronger medication helps Terry. Sending love and ((((((hugs)))))) to you both. xx

    MARIA, sorry to read you have been poorly, I hope you are feeling better today, and your voice return soon. xx

    We are all up early today, I have my appointment with gynaecology at 10:40 this morning so need to get a wiggle on.

    Will try and pop back later. Sending carding hugs to everyone. I have left extra ones in the basket by the fire, (just in case you need one or two xx)

    Take care, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Morning Dear Friend
      I'm wishing you lots of luck with your hospital apt this morning. Take care and Hugs xx

    2. Hi Brenda,
      Will be thinking of you, hope all goes well. Take care hugs on

    3. Hi Brenda thank you for your Hug's they do help.
      Hope your hospital appointment goes well for you & you don't have to sit around all day. Waiting.
      Big gentle Hug's xx

  5. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA what a very pretty card to start our day. I love those stamps. They are so versatile aren't they. I'm sure the recipient will love it.
    Will be by your side today for your GP visit. Take deep breaths and slowly does it.

    K&N was full of laughter yesterday afternoon. It just shows that a little bit of warm sunshine lifts everyone's spirits.

    Not sure what today will bring apart from having to empty my craft bag from yesterday and hopefully take a pic of my craft table before I have to tidy up as the piano tuner is coming tomorrow afternoon. That's if he can get to the piano Ohhhhhhhhhhhh.

    The CAFE is OPEN for the day. I'll pop back later to see what's happening. Herman has done a grand job nibbling all the grass Maria.
    Hugs on their way to everyone xxxx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra another simple but very effective card. I will be thinking of you & crossing everything hoping they can ease your pain, sending love &
    Lynda what a performance you both had on Monday & again yesterday, you must feel exhausted, sending you both lots of healing hugs &
    Val I hope you are feeling better & busy getting out &
    Lilian you have been missing for a few days hope all is
    Maria sorry you have let your voice, hope hospital & Dr's is or was ok, sending
    Nice morning enjoyed Petanque yesterday looking forward to playing again this morning.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret
      Yes we are so shattered it's sitting on those hard seats for 6 hours it's more tiering than digging the garden. HaHa.
      Thank you so much for the lovely card it came today so kind of you really appreciate all the hug's too.
      Love Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    I love plain n simple cards. Love the colours on it.

    Love to all xx

  8. Just to update you all GP has arranged for me to go have X-rays on both hips, so they can get an idea of level of deterioration, she will then organise referral and sort out an OT review too. I feel exhausted mentally, but it's done now, thank you all for caring xxx

    1. Margaret Palmer15 March 2017 at 13:19

      Pleased to hear you are having both hips xrayed, you have taken that first step, well

    2. Thank you for letting us know. Pleased that you are going to have a follow up appointment and investigation. Hope and pray you haven't got to wait ages for these appointment. LOL xxx

    3. Sandra thanks for updating us. It's good they are X-raying both hips.
      I hope you don't have to wait long for a appointment.
      Love Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra
    I'm glad the Dr has referred you for an X-ray. Can you just take a letter to Witney Hospital like we do?. That's so easy as you can just sit and wait your turn.
    Sorry Janet seemed to have missed your cards yesterday. As usual they are lovely.
    Love today's card Sandra. The stamp sets from Stampin up are great aren't they.
    We register Ellis's death tomorrow then we can sort out the funeral.
    Apparently we see the Professor re Pete with the Dr on Monday, as we had a letter from the hospital yesterday with regards to his last appointment and the results. Not good reading I must say.

    1. Pat not a nice day for you to tomorrow having to register Ellis's.death.
      Thinking of you all hope all goes well.
      Love Lynda xx

  10. At last! I have had so much trouble getting on to this blog today The others have been fine
    Your card is gorgeous and even more beautiful in real life as I am the proud owner Thank you I need your link again to be able to order StampinUp stuff Couldn't find you on the web site
    I'm glad you got along ok at dr's I was able to take my letter and get x-rayed straightaway
    MInd has gone blank so big hugs to all of those that need them xx

  11. Hi Sandra & ladies
    My comment from earlier seems to have vanished again must be loads of comments floating around in space.
    I have commented on way down.
    Karen how lucky are you owning this gorgeous card of Sandra's xx
    Still feel shattered after the last couple of days Sitting up hospital for hours on end. We have had some lovely sunshine. Shame we couldn't go out for a walk but never mind. Right I'm going to make a start on the CC for a bit.
    Love Lynda xx

  12. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Sorry I've been absent for a long while. No real reason apart from my crafting mojo going totally AWOL for a few months. I'm pleased to say I'm slowly getting back into it and hope to be able to get back to normal fairly soon!
    I do hope everyone has been keeping well, and sending hugs to anyone who is not too well.
    Sandra, I hope you're ok, and you get the X-Ray's done soon. Thinking of you X
    Your card today is lovely. It looks like you are thriving with the Stampin Up business - really pleased for you 🙂
    I like the sound of your challenge for this week - can make no promises, but if I get chance I may try and take part.
    Anyway, will try to pop back in again soon. Thinking of you all and sending hugs xxx

    1. Hi Sonia,
      It is lovely to see you back in cafe, you have been missed. Hope to see some of your cards soon. Take care love & hugs
