
Friday 17 March 2017

Michele's Baby Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Today I am excited to share a selection of Michele's Baby Cards with all of you.
They have been made using Sue Wilson 'Shadow Box' collection
'New Arrival' Die set.
Michele they are absolutely amazing cards, so super cute, each one is crafted to perfection, you have an amazing eye for detail!  I love how you have extended the die by rotating it and cutting again , maybe you could do a pictorial​ Tutorial for them?! Would any of you ladies find that helpful!??
I love the blue one the best (i think) !
Thank you so much Michele for allowing me to share your  cards, they will Be a great source of inspiration for sure.

I have a special treat today, Margaret and Sue are popping over for a couple of hours, which is an added bonus treat this week, i cant wait !! Xx

What have you all Got planned?

Sending hugs to our lovely Lilian​ xxx

Anyone else that can use one.

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-thank you for showing my Baby cards, I had great fun making them. I'd be more than happy to show how I made the Shadow box larger by doing a tutorial.

    I'm very glad it's Friday! As soon as I seem to have sorted out one problem at work, more come along. It's going to be much harder moving back into the Aseptic Unit than it was moving out-so many rules & regulations which we take extremely seriously. I was getting stressed about working in the Pharmacy on Good Friday (all day) when a colleague offered to work for me-how kind was that? I helped another colleague to read through her Hone Buyers report & made a few comments/suggestions for her-she bought me a bottle of wine as a Thank You gift! I'll still be glad when I finish work tonight though.


    1. Lovely cards MICHELE I enjoy playing with these dies too

    2. Gorgeous baby cards Michele, I succumbed and bought this 2 months ago and still haven't used it! This weekend though I must get a move on as my niece's new son will be born shortly. lol xxxx

    3. Michele, love your baby cards , so cute, hope your day goes better.

    4. Lovely cards Michele. I look forward to seeing your tutorial.
      You've really been thrown in at the deep end sorting out problems haven't you. But I assume that's the nature of your job. Take care and have a restful weekend.

    5. Wonderful cards, they are all soooo cute !
      Hope your day not too bad and you have a nice weekend x

  2. Morning Everyone
    It's much colder this morning and raining.

    MICHELE- you are definitely the 'Queen of Shadow Box' making. your works of art are perfection and I really cannot choose a favourite.

    SANDRA- what a treat you're going to have today. Enjoy your visit. Is it a crafting visit or just a coffee and chat?

    LILIAN- where are you? You're very much missed. I hope all is well and it's just busy with work which is keeping you away.

    Well we're at the end of another week which has passed in a blink of an eye. It also means that it's that horrible swear word 'housework' for me today.
    The piano man came and so we are in tune for another year - well the piano is - hehehe.

    The CAFE is open and waiting for you all to pop in. Fresh baked bread and homemade jam is on the counter so please help yourselves.
    HUGE HUGS to you all with extras for those in need.

    1. Hello Janet, I'm ok , a bit up tight as at the moment they are starting to investigate what happened at the time of my accident, the Drs words were " I'm afraid we will have to put you through the wringer " blood tests first, apparently he's "ticked all the boxes. I'm a coward that's my trouble.

    2. Hi Janet
      It's much colder here as well today. At least we have no rain at the moment.

    3. Fresh bread and jam,mmmmmmm! :-)
      Hope you have a nice day indoors, it's freezing down here too x

  3. As I've already said under MICHELE's comment I like playing with these dies and hav used them a couple of times for cards for adults - had to be careful there how I said that - Nothing much planned today Lots of jobs need doing but have I got the energy - no! Enjoy your day SANDRA and hugs are on their way to those that need them xx

    1. Take care with that cough Karen. It is draining isn't it.

    2. Glad you feeling better but do take it easy, speak soon x

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I realised when I came into the Café this morning that I didn't come in at all yesterday! I think I am going to set an alarm each day so that I dont miss a day, my memory is getting worse and it's driving me (further)up the wall as I seem to spend so much time looking for things or trying to remember what I am meant to be doing!I loved seeing some of your craft rooms, I will do my best to take a pic of my dining table, which is my craft space, when I next craft and then I will send it to you. Believe me I make far more mess than Tracy, Janet or Lynda 😊
    Sandra and Mum, I'm looking forward to seeing you both at 11am 😊
    Michele, I love your Baby cards, that are so cute. I wouldn't have thought to put 2 pieces in one box as you have done with the lions on the boys card, another great idea. Yes please, I would love to see a tutorial on how to extend the shadow box die, I don't have one yet but it's on the wish list. Thank you for sharing these lovely cards with us. I hope that work goes better than some days this week, and that you have a good weekend with time to craft x
    Lynda, how are you both doing? Is Terry's leg any better, and has the numbness worn off of your bums after all of the sitting on hard hospital chairs? Love and hugs to you both x
    Pat, if I could stop the world for you I would. Sending you big gentle hugs x
    Brenda, I'm glad that your gyne visit went well. I hope you get the next appointment very soon x
    Maria, you poor thing g you are suffering at the moment aren't you. I hope the conjunctivitis is clearing up and you aren't I too much pain. Big gentle hugs are on the way x
    Karen, it's good to hear you are finally feeling much better. I hope the cough goes very soon x
    Cheryl, I hope you weren't too late meeting back up with Rosie after taking Tiegan to the dentist, who I hope was able to help her x
    Lilian, I hope you are managing to get out and about ok x
    Sonia, it was lovely to see you back in the Café and I hope the craft mojo continues to come back for you x
    I'm sorry if I have missed anyone but I'm sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all of you in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, I was so impressed with our new NHS dentist, she had Tiegan's problem sorted out in less than 3 minutes. Where some of the filling had broken off, all she needed to do was to file off the sharp edge which was causing Tiegan's pain. The tooth is loose though so she has been told to look after it for as long as she can.
      Adreana, my dentist, also dealt with my tight fitting new teeth in under 10 minutes. No pain now wearing them, although eating harder food is still in it's infancy. xxx

  5. Morning everyone,
    I don't know where Stella is at the moment but we have brilliant sunshine with wispy clouds gently sailing by.
    So it has been, gather up the washing, take the Minky's off the beds to wash them first, dry and air them off and then pack away in their bags til autumn.
    Days are getting warmer here in Somerset, so much so the heating has been off most of the day until evening. It always gets turned off the last day of March or BST whichever comes first.

    More squashy comfort blanket hugs for all our poorly ladies and extra love too.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I'm really glad the dentist was able to sort Tegan's teeth out for her. Isn't it great when you have a good dentist. I wonder why false teeth take such a long time to bed in. I always have trouble when I have to get a new set. Hope Stella stays well away from us.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I am looking forward to spending time with you & Sue,I am soo lucky that I live close enough, see you
    Michele your cards are lovely, I would be really struggling to put the small pieces in each box, well done. Hope you can have a relaxing
    Sending hugs to Lilian, Lynda & Maria & not forgetting Pat hope things get better soon. Must get on important visit to make today & the sun is shining so will be a lovely countryside drive to Sandra's.
    Sending hugs to all who need theme love Margaret xxx

  7. Hello All, well we started with lovely sunshine, but it's gone already, still it's dry.

    Sending big hugs to all who are not well, thinking of you all.

    I'm hoping to get out in the garden today, it's a real mess.

    So have a good day all, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Hope the Drs find out what caused your black out. I hope your not to flat after your put through the wringer. Sorry couldn't resist. That care my friend, gentle hugs are on the way.

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Michele ur cards are georgeous. It's one of my favourite sets to use the now. I've never extended the shadow box so I'll look forward to that tutorial.

    Well it's literally raining cats n dogs this morning I've got an engineer coming to fit a new smart meter and to top it off we have discovered after emptying the electric cupboard there must be a leak from our bathroom as the wall is damp and musty. I thought it was just my damp mop! I've popped out to the bathroom guy that fitted it last year but typical he's not in x

    Love to all xx

    1. Hi Tracy
      Hope you manage to track down the plumber and ge can sort your escaping water out for you. One of our friends had a smart meter fitted and he said it was scary watching the wheel going round.

  9. Hi Sandra
    You are having a treat today aren't you. Both Sue and Margaret coming over.
    I love your baby cards. The are gorgeous. I'd love a tutorial showing how you've turned the Die round to make an extra section. I'm not to sure if you can do the same with the Birthday set. Look forward to seeing how this was done.
    Hugs to all who need one today.

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone who stops by for coffee today,

    Michele your cards are lovely, you have illustrated brilliantly that there is no definite top or bottom of the shadowbox dies, they just work which ever way you turn them. Hope you have a good day at work. And a relaxed weekend. xx

    Sandra, Sue and Margaret have a lovely day. Thinking of you all xx

    SONIA, It's lovely to see you again, we have missed you. xx

    MARIA, I hope the conjunctivitis is getting better. Yo I hope the conjunctivitis is getting better, it's horrible you have really been in the wars lately. (((Hugs)))

    KAREN, hope your energy returns soon. Listen to you body, it needs time to repair. My ticket for Ally Pally arrived on Monday. Will soon be counting the sleeps. xx

    LILLIAN, Caring hugs are on there way to you, hope life improves soon. xx

    CHERYL, Please your dentist sorted out Tigan's filling and managed to resolve the problems with your plate. Makes such a difference when we have a lovely dentist. Take care. xx

    PAT and PETE, Thinking of you. xx

    LYNDA and TERRY Caring Hugs on there way to you both. xx

    Have a good day everyone, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone. Michele, I love your cards - they are beautiful. Any proud new parent would cherish your cards 🙂
    I hope you have a lovely day with Sue and Margaret today Sandra. Be good to take your mind off your health worries X
    Thank you everyone for your welcoming back messages. I have missed you all too and being a part of this lovely friendly group 😊 The craft mojo is definitely on its way back.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia
      I'm glad your getting your mojo back.

  12. Wish you all a good bight and sendimg many hugs to onw ans each of tou. Bloominh etesight
    Maeia xxx

  13. Hi Sandra & all
    Hope you had a lovely day with Sue & Margaret. Michele your cards are gorgeous love them. Terry's leg isn't getting any better this afternoon the skin has split in one spot because his skin is very thin after his accident few years back having two lots of skin graphs after getting burnt with caustic on both legs.
    It's still so swollen I'm getting a bit worried now I think he should go back to hospital the new antibiotics aren't doing much. He just says wait till DVT scan Tuesday We have Lisa & Joseph coming tomorrow so will see what she thinks.
    Maria so sorry your still not very well. Conjunctivitis is horrible & so pain hope you feel better very soon sending you some gentle Hug's 🤗🤗 xx
    Pat hope you & Pete are doing ok with everything you got going on. Sending you both some Hug's too 🤗🤗xx
    Thank you all for your well wishes & Hug's your all so kind.
    Love & Hug's to everyone xx
