
Saturday 18 March 2017

Hello, it's Saturday, Yay!

Janet's Birthday Present !!

 Karen's Craft Room 1

Karen's Craft Room 2

Lynda's new Stamps

Lynda's new dies

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

We have a mixed bag of photo's to share today, exciting though, particularly the first one.....

Our Janet got a special treat for her birthday... A lovely Gemini machine !!! Oh Janet you must be absolutely over the moon, what an amazing gift, just look at all the goodies you got to go with it too, some lovely embossing folders,dies too, that label die looks fab, I am so pleased for you Janet, thank you for sharing your gift xxx

Next up we have Karen's Craft desk, it looks like you have been a busy girl! I love your lazy susan craft tool holder, what a fab idea, just spin it round to find what you need, saves space too, the second view shows all of your very organised storage units, in the background you can just get a peek at Karen's Fancy Dress Cupboard, all in all a fantastic craft space Karen, thank you so much for sharing xxx

Last but by no means least we have Lynda's crafty buys, I love that stamp set Lynda, very useful for creating amazing backgrounds, I have started using these style stamps a lot, you are brilliant at creating your own backgrounds so I can't wait to see what you make with these.
Two of Sue's lovely new die sets, the Chrysanthemum looks so delicate and pretty, I also love that Cascading Butterfly die, I think you will get lots of use out of these sets Lynda, I can't wait to see what you create.  Thank you so much for sharing your buys Lynda xxx

I have loved having a sneaky peak into all of your craft areas, its great to see everyone's storage ideas and tips as well as just being generally nosey! Hahaha thank you ladies xxx

How are your challenge cards coming along? I am hoping to recieve some today as they are a bit slower arriving this week, have I put you all off with the Christmas card idea? I hope not.

I think Paul is going to help me move my craft room around today, fingers crossed, its never as easy as it sounds, wish me luck !

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning everyone,

    Oh Janet, you lucky girl, what wonderful birthday presents you received. Have fun playing dear heart.
    Karen's crafting table is a lot tidier than mine and the tall tower stack of drawers a brilliant idea for a smaller space, go higher instead of outwards.
    Lynda: your new dies and stamps are sure to give you many pleasurable crafting hours.

    Well today's the day we have our Panto Party to end the season off. This year we had a small audience competition to find the star of the show. All the characters had been voted for and the winner will be revealed tonight. Our director, a long time friend, this year had suggested to me that an award is made in Pete's name.
    On her suggestion to look online at ones on offer at the Trophy Store where I chose and ordered a beautiful glass one. Jamie has taken a photo of it but I cannot reveal it until it has been presented to the chosen winner.

    Have you ever put something away then never found it again? I am in the process of turning Pete's shirts into quilted pillow cases for our grandchildren and have 'lost' 6 metres of material in light blue and claret, West Ham colours, which has upset me. I have waited along time to do this and now at a standstill until I find them. I knew where they were but now they are not. Humph!
    I think I will have to write down where I put things so I can find them again, perhaps in my commonplace book.
    Slept fantastically last night, up early to have another hunt around.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Oh Cheryl I feel your pain I have made about six preemie cardigans They're in a safe place but where that is I've fogotten

    2. Hi Cheryl
      How lovely that an award is going to be presented in Petes name to the winner. What a lovely thought. You must be so proud. My things I can't find list is getting bigger and bigger. I've lost scissors, a poky tool, dies and my dusting bag. To name but a few. Sometimes I find things and think I've been looking for that. I then put things away safe and promptly forget where that safe place is. I hope you find your material soon.

    3. Hi Cheryl
      I'm the same put things away & never know were I have put them I have lost my two in one tool I always keep it in my pot of tools but it's vanished probably find when looking πŸ‘€For something else.
      Enjoy your yourself at the presentation tonight How lovely the award is going to be in Pete's name I bet your very proud
      Big Hug's xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Janet-fantastic birthday present, Happy Crafting!!!

    Karen-lovely to see where you create your craft projects.

    Lynda-love your craft purchases . Were you inspired by John Lockwood last week as he used those two dies?

    Storm Stella seems to have eased here-last night was awful here. I guess I should check my greenhouse-again!! It's damp & breezy but as I'm only popping into the village for a few bits of food shopping then going to the craft shop inside Lady Green garden centre to watch a demonstration-Crafters Companion it doesn't matter too much. No gardening planned as we had the lawn sacrificed & treated on Thursday.


    1. Cheryl-you did make me giggle with your comment about "losing the material "- you sounded so much like my cluttered house friend...she's lost so many things, never to be seen again.


    2. Michele,
      I had such a chuckle and love your expression of sacrificing the lawn...hmmm, I wonder if you really mean scarified? xxx

    3. That's what happens when you don't check what you've typed!!! Yes-the lawn was Scarified rather than sacrificed....that's funny!!!!


    4. Hi Michele
      I couldn't think of a reason why you would sacrifice a lawn. Doesn't the saying go to sacrifice a fatted calf.

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Café was lovely to see you and Mum yesterday, seeing you twice I. A week is always a lovely bonus 😊 I hope you and Paul manage to make a start in your craft room x
    Janet, what a wonderful array of cues, embossing folders and of course your sparkling new Gemini 😊 I bet you couldn't wait to try it out and I hope you enjoy using it as much as Mum (and I) do hers 😊 x
    Karen, your craft space looks so well organised. Like Sandra I also thought what a great idea your rotating organiser is. Seeing what everyone uses is one of the reasons that I love looking at craft spaces as it gives me ideas for my own crafting. Hank you for sharing your space with us.😊 I hope you are able to relax and craft over the weekend x
    Lynda, your new stamps and dies are lovely, I know you will create beautiful cards etc with them all. I particularly like the Chrysanthemum die, they always remind me of Pop growing rows of them during my childhood 😊 I'm sorry to hear that Terry's leg is worse, it sounds like you will have to at least speak to a doctor today and not wait until Tuesday. Sending love and hugs to you both x
    Pat, I hope you are able to get a bit of time to relax over the weekend dear friend. Gentle hugs are on the way x
    Maria, I'm sorry your eyes are still bad. Have you got something to treat the conjunctivitis? Sending g hugs x
    Cheryl, I'm glad that both Tiegan and yourself are now pain free after efficient dental visits 😊 Have a good weekend x
    Lilian, it sounds like your doctor is as determined as you to get to the bottom of your blackout, fingers firmly crossed for you x
    Well, I must get on as it's the Scout Jumble sale today so a busy one for me. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  4. Morning Everyone
    It's still very windy here so it looks as though yesterday's horrible weather is to continue today.

    CHERYL- Oh I can connect very well with putting something away safely and never finding the article again and I think I've passed that gene on to Christina who this Christmas lost -1 pair of concert tickets and 1 single bed duvet set. She still hasn't found them!!
    Good Hunting Dear Friend and I hope they turn up quickly.

    KAREN- thank you for letting me look at your lovely craft room and storage.
    LYNDA- love the look of your stamps and dies and cannot wait to see your creations.

    My Bday present was a combined effort. I had money given to spend as I wanted and I added to it to buy the Gemini. All that you see came in the one box. It was an offer Crafters Companion had on Hochanda to celebrate their one year anniversary with them. It really was an offer I could not refuse lol.
    For me the biggest bonus comes two fold - first the weight of the plates (they are feather light compared to the ebosser plates) and then it is so quiet. I'm really loving using it.

    Going back to Cheryl and losing things well I did the Mother of all yesterday. I had my first appointment of my annual MOT yesterday afternoon (bloods to be taken). It got to 17.30hrs when I suddenly remembered that I'd not been Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!! A call to the surgery to apologise etc and now have to go on Monday to the hospital so that I can still then keep my second appointment on 28th.

    Off shopping this morning and hoping for a quiet afternoon.
    The CAFE is open for the day. Hugs are on their way. Have a good day whatever you all decide to do. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Petes forgotten that he has appointments for his injections he has. However, his lovely nurse Wendy rings him up and says haven't you forgotten something. Luckily she always fits him in. She always makes sure she gives Pete his injections and changes his catheter.

  5. Ooh JANET It sounds like you're really enjoying your latest birthday present It's good to know what peopl like/dislike re like Ebosser/Gemini
    Your latest stash is lovely too After watching John L demo these I am very tempted
    My room is a mess It's a good thing you can't see what was behind me! I love my Lazy Susan it is soooo handy Mine came from Pampered Chef Sadly I don't think they trade in UK now It has three levels and everything goes in it - glues pens knives scissors rulers all sorts
    I hope you find your fabric soon CHERYL (maybe I'll find my preemie makes too)
    Hope you got my CC I sent them about Tue/Wed

  6. fab photos nice to have a nosey x

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra it was lovely spending time with you & Sue yesterday, thank you. I hope you get your craft room sorted
    Janet you will love using your Gemini, it is soo
    Karen thank you for showing your craft room, we all like to be
    Lynda your dies look very interesting look forward to seeing what you produce. It sounds as if Terry should go back to hospital a.s.a.p, men are so stubborn aren't they. Hugs on way to you
    Lilian & Sonia love?Y to see you both back in
    Cheryl I do feel for you, things disappear regularly in this house, I do feel for you, hope you find it
    Maria sending you gentle hugs hope your eyes feel better
    Brenda hope you don't have to wait too long for appointment, we ladies do have alot to put up
    Pat hope you can relax abit at weekend please take
    Must get on got a card that needs to catch post so sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  8. Morning everyone.
    Wonderful Birthday present Janet, have some lovely crafting hours with it all.
    Nice new stamps and dies Lynda, looking forward to see you cards made with them.
    Like your work space Karen with the tall drawers and all your bits and pieces near at hand.
    Hope you find your missing items ladies, nothing more annoying is it.
    Many hugs to you all xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope your conjunctivitis is getting better. Gentle hugs to you.

  9. Hello All, wet and cold here.

    Janet, lovely present, might have to get one of those myself, glad to know it's as good as it looks on tv.

    Lynda nice stamps and dies, hope Terry's leg improves soon

    Karen great crafting space, very tidy looking compared to mine.

    Maria hope your eyes son ease, have you something to help them.

    Just finished sorting out the garden shed, I'm such a terrible hoarded, keep all sorts of stuff for recycling then never get around to it, so have 4 bags ready for the skip.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      You can't be a big a hoarder than Pete. He has a big shed full of stuff that could be thrown away.

  10. Hi Sandra
    I hope you and Paul manage to turn your craft room around. Having a lazy day today, although I did go to Hobbycraft this afternoon to get some number dies. It's Amy's boyfriends birthday next Sunday so a birthday card needs to be made. He was a nice present for his Mum.
    Love your goodies Janet especially your embossing folders. I nearly bought the Gemini at Farnborough but didn't cuccumn. Might think about it if there at A,my Pally with all the extra goodies there giving with it. Plus £30.00 of signature dies as well.
    Karen your craftroom looks lovely.
    Look forward to seeing what you do with your stamps. I hope you and Terry are feeling better.

  11. Afternoon Ladies

    Pat-I think you're the card winner on Card Making Magic blog. Well done.


  12. Hi Sandra & everyone
    JANET I Love ALL YOUR BIRTHDAY goodies the Gemini looks great with all your extras. I have the Ebosser which I am pleased with but the plates are quite heavy I notice it more since my RA in my hands, but hay ho no pennies.
    Enjoy useing & playing. MARIA sorry your eyes are still painful have you tried Golden eye ointment that's what I used when I had conjunctivitis take care my friend.xx����for you xx SUE hope your scouts jubilee went well. Hope your not suffering now sending you some ���� xx
    Lisa came down today but unfortunately Joseph wasn't with her he wasn't feeling very well & Ian couldn't come as he had some viewings at his dads bungalow. She treated us to dinner at the Hungry Horse for Mother's Day had some flowers too. That is the same place I fell over. Now they have notices up saying be carful as uneven floor & can be the manager must have seen me fall although no body came over to help me. Silly I should have sued them. To late now.
    I have been trying to get Terry to go back up the hospital but said he will wait till Tuesday's appointment even Lisa said he should go back sooner. He had a letter in post this morning it was a discharge letter how can they discharge him if he has a appointment booked. ��
    Sandra hope you & Paul sorted out your craft room out. Are you rearranging everything well I hope you will find everything after ���� hope it hasn't worn you out ����xx
    Love Lynda xx

    I will send a tidy craft room pictures when sorted & tidied it.��

  13. Hello Sandra and all,

    Love today mixed bag. JANET, What a fantastic birthday present. I just know you are going to enjoy using your Gemini.
    KAREN, Your craft room looks very organised, thank you for the sneak pe.
    LYNDA, Some lovely new dies, what a surprise you choose the butterfly dies !!!

    Had a day in my craft room really enjoyed playing with my Dies and stamps, but think tomorrow will have to be a tidy up day.

    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

  14. Evening any late comers
    I hope your eyes are getting better MARIA - you really need to get some antibiotic cream from your doctor
    I hope you're able to persuade TERRY to go to the doctors LYNDA
    Did you find your fabric? I haven't found my preemie cardigans

  15. Congrats Pat winning the card from Christina.
    OH went shopping this morning and bought me some Optrex eye drops, so far my right eye is a little better but so itchy.
    Lynda, drag Terry to doctors on Monday or I will kick his backside next time I see him and not a hug. Big threat here tihi
    Sue, hope you had a fun filled day and now can have a proper rest tomorrow.
    Hope Val is better and enjoying her visit to the UK.
    Many hugs to you all xx

    1. Have just finished clearing up after Herman, he have been into everything tonight the little rascal. wish you all a gonight xx

  16. Janet, enjoy your new toy love my Gemini embossing mat is crap but the machine brilliant. Loving all the cards and crafts need to call in more often
    Elizabeth Bennett
