
Saturday 24 December 2016

Mixed Craft Saturday

Janet's Christmas Wreath

Michele's Christmas Tree

Karen's Clock

The original photo

Cheryl's Bag

Angel's Baubles

Good Morning Ladies,

Happy Christmas Eve !!!
I expect that you will all be busy finalising all of your gift wrapping and food preparation for tomorrow.
My lot like to do baking on Christmas Eve, sausage rolls, mince pies, chocolate brownies etc, I love it, seeing them all busy making a mess in the kitchen, the resulting bakes never last very long, but they enjoy them and that's the whole point.

Paul and I certainly regretted leaving food shopping until yesterday, at 8am people were queuing across Aldi"s car park, there wasn't a parking space to be had, no milk, cream, bread, eggs or butter! We ended up having to visit Aldi, Morrisons and Asda, with half the list still remaining!  Paul will nip out early morning, what we can't get we will live without for the whole 24 hrs that the shops are closed!  I was amazed at the amount people were buying, some had two trollies overflowing, we looked a little sad with our basket! 
I am so pleased to be able to have a Mixed Craft Saturday today, 

Janet's pretty Wreath starts us off today, Janet designed and created this Wreath for her daughter Christina, knowing how incredibly talented Christina is with her hands and all things crafty I know that she will love and appreciate how much work went into this amazing piece, I see that you have used Sue's Filigree Poinsettia dies and Resin Cherubs and Floral hearts to decorate your wreath, it's so lovely seeing how your craft mojo has returned Janet, thank you so much for sharing xxx

Michele's Christmas Tree is next up, it looks beautiful and in this photo we get a quick view of Michele's lovely garden too.  Thank you for photographing your tree Michele, it's lovely to see how differently we all decorate! Xxx

Karen's Venice themed click is next,  the clock is a gift for Karen's Sister in Law, it was made using Indigo Blu's Clock kit a d Phill Martin's 'Sentimentally Yours' dies, the image on the clock was taken from the original photo below the clock, which Karen took into Serif and changed it to look like a painting, Venice is where Karen's SIL went to celebrate her 70th Birthday, do this clock will be an extra special and very thoughtful gift, thank you so much for sharing Karen, we were all dying to see how it turned out, it's amazing! Xxx

Cheryl made this beautiful lace trimmed bag for Tierney for Christmas, she will absolutely love it Cheryl, how special is a handmade gift, I love the lace you have used to trim the pocket, what little girl wouldn't love one of these? ! Thanks for sharing your Christmas crafts with us Cheryl xxx

Angela decided to change the colour scheme of her Christmas tree this year, surprised at the expense of a complete colour changd, Ang decided to buy some basic blue and white baubles and dig into her craft bit box to decorate them all, the results are stunning Ang, could you take a photo of the tree adorned with your hand decorated baubles, I bet it's stunning, these would cost you a fortune to buy! 
Thank you for sharing them with us Angela, I am so pleased you still look in to see what everyone is making xxx

That's all for today ladies, please remember to take a snap of your crafty Christmas gifts, I have a craft buy photo of Val's to share, so I will add mind and any more that you ladies send in to feature next week (if you have time) and I'd Santa brings you any of course.

I will have a quick post up tomorrow, but if you don't have time to pop in, I would like to wish you all the very Happiest Christmas and thank you all from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me and dropping in each day, I truly appreciate your time and effort, I don't know where I would be today without this blog and the very dearest of friends that I have made through it, I count each and everyone of you as my dear family xxxx

Love and the hugest, squishiest hugs,



  1. Hi Ciara. I must start today by making a big apology to you.
    I am so sorry that I have only just realised that I didn't say just how beautiful your poppy card was on Thursday. Poppies are one of my favourite flowers and your one was perfect, from the stamping slightly off the side of the card to the colouring. I hope we see many more of your brilliant cards Ciara, you are a very talented young lady. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. ☺☺ X

  2. Morning ladies

    Quick visit as I have a few things to do before my appointment at the hairdressers at 9.30.

    Lovely photos of mixed crafts today.


  3. Morning everyone.
    Another quick visit on my way to the hospital for my next to last injection. I'm glad to say they're really working.
    Just finished off the bottom of the sherry trifle only the custard to go later.
    Ended up being a new fridge freezer yesterday as it had all packed up by afternoon. Went to our small local electrical shop for Iit. A bit more expensive BT it was delivered and fitted at no extra charge within 30 minutes and they took the old one away.

    Lovely selection of photos today ladies.

    Hope you're all not too busy today and for those travelling have a safe journey.

    See you tomorrow.
    Love Valxx

    1. Hi Val. I was sorry to hear about your freezer breaking down, at least your turkey was ok. What fantastic service from your local electric shop. Shame there aren't some of those over here! You don't mind paying extra when you get such good service, do you.
      It's so good to hear that the injections are helping you ☺ Enjoy your trifle, I picked up mine from Mum yesterday. She makes the best trifle and it is a tradition that I have some for my Boxing morning breakfast!☺
      Have a good day x

    2. WOw! What service Val Ashame yours one packed up But over here we'd have to wait 3-4 weeks for it to be instock

    3. Yes ladies, small family business with excellent service.

      Sue, I just love trifle. Only a once a year thing but we'll worth the wait.

      Love Valxxx

    4. Hi Val
      I'm glad you managed to get a new freezer. Small firms give a much better service you find. You might have to pay a bit more but at least you don't have to wait ages for it to be delivered and fixed.
      Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas.

  4. Merry Christmas Eve, All

    Beautiful mixed crafts, love them all, Cheryl did you have a patt for the bag ? It's lovely.

    Must go as I have to put my pasties in to bake, so they are cool enough to take with us.

    Lastly I would Like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all who sent the lovely hand made cards, they have pride of place on a shelf to themselves.

    Have a good day all, hope those who have been under the weather are feeling better, sending my fondest good wishes for Christmas, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. It's a shame we don't have smellyvision(?) here on the blog as your pasties must smell so good. Wishing you a trouble free journey. Take care x

    2. Would it be nice Lilian if we not only had smelly vision but eativision as well. Mind you we'd all be the size of a house if we could eat everything that was in the cafe and made.
      Merry Christmas Lilian.

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Janet, your wonderful cards yesterday have put a big happy smile on my face just as they will to whoever gets them ☺ what a great idea to use the advent calendar one as a card too (Sandra's comments about her childhood memories rang so true to me too) Christina is going to treasure the beautiful wreath for years to come. You are back and fighting fit - well, craft wise at least, thank goodness x
    Michele, your tree looks beautiful, so bright and cheerful, just how I love them best. I bet you were so pleased and relived once it was finally up and decorated and looking so good after all of the hassle you had getting it ☺ x
    Karen, what a wonderful gift you have made for your Sister in law, and it will be enjoyed and used every day, perfect. I think you hold the crown as our Serif Queen, being able to change photos into oil painting effects is a brilliant idea ☺ x
    Cheryl, wow, your sewing skills are second to none, each seam is perfect, not a wobble in sight on this lovely, and practical bag. The lace is a beautiful finishing touch ☺ x
    Angela, what a great idea turning cheap baubles into little hanging beauties. I would love to see them on your tree, please ☺ x
    Well, we have a few bits and bobs to get today, certainly not the ridiculous amounts that you see people with in the supermarkets, which actually makes me feel very sad ans a bit angry to see, especially when you hear them almost boasting that it is all just for Christmas and Boxing day then they will be back for more! Sorry, rant over, soapbox put back.
    Thank you for all of my gorgeous cards, it is so exciting when they plop through the letterbox, I always open them first (I don't think I will ever grow up in some ways ☺. Thank you gain x
    Lilian, I hope your journey is as quick and trouble free as possible, and that goes for all that are travelling today.
    Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas if you can't pop in tomorrow. Sending love and special seasonal hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  6. Morning Everyone
    Isn't it lovely to see a 'Mixed Craft Saturday' again.

    Your clock KAREN is a wonderful idea; your bag CHERYL is but beautiful and your baubles Angela will look lovely on your tree. MICHELE your tree is beautiful and has just set me up for the day ahead. THANK YOU.

    We had the most awful storm yesterday afternoon with the wind bending the trees nearly in half and the rain was torrential. I'm so pleased that we're on the top of a hill. I hope no or very little damage was caused. This morning the rain has gone but the wind is still here.

    We have to go and get just a couple of things I forgot to ask for yesterday and then it's close all the doors and take the phone off the hook and relax!!!

    To all Dear Friends journeying today please take extra care as I know the traffic will be horrible and the weather not kind at all.

    Now for all SANTA specialists please log on to NORAD (I think you will find it by looking as NASA) today and follow SANTA as he goes around the world! We do it every year and of course we don't see him land in this

    The CAFE is open but will close early today. Have a good Christmas Eve whatever you're all doing. Extra big hugs Dearest Friends xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Wishing you and your family a very Happy Christmas. I'm tracking santa.

  7. Another WOW I am always surprised at Mixed Craft Saturdays at how many different crafts we all do
    I love your wreath JANET Your daughter will adore it
    Your tree looks gorgeous MICHELE and so do your decorated baubles ANGELA
    I'd like to know if you used a pattern for your glorious bag CHERYL It looks like it't a nice big handy size
    Argh! The clock I don't know why I was so nervous about it I'd definitely try this again as I learnt quite a few lessons like using gesso, varnish, forget height of die cuts just stick it on straight next time etc I hope she likes it

    1. HI Karen, the finished size of the bag is W47cmsx H31cms, could be a small shopper, craft or knitting bag or a large hand bag. x

  8. Hello - SANTA is in Aukland New Zealand in 3 minutes time - follow him on the official site of 'NORAD SANTA TRACKER' xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Just waiting for the kitchen floor to dry so tracked Santa. He's almost in Fiji - how fantastic. XXX

  9. Hi All ,just a quickie to wish you all a Merry Christmas !
    One arm in the mince for making the meatballs and the other peeling the spuds so it's all go in the Alder house.
    Karen- the clock is absolutely fantastic and your SIL she will love it!
    Cheryl- pretty,sweet bag ,Janet- lovely wreath and Michele- nice new decorated tree.
    Ang.- fun idea to make your own baubles, they are all nice.
    Have a good day everyone. Love and hugs Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Wishing you and your family a very Happy Christmas.

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    A lovely selection of crafts on this Christmas Eve. All so beautiful :-)
    Have just finished wrapping the last of the presents, after a quick early morning trip to Tesco for a couple of last minute extras. Fortunately got there before the crowds arrived! Was surprised to see that most of their Christmas gifts had disappeared and those that were left had been marked down to half price already! Anyway, am pleased to say all done now so can enjoy the festivities.
    I hope you all have a lovely Christmas Eve whatever you're doing and as I don't think I will get the chance to pop in tomorrow will wish you all a wonderful Christmas Day tomorrow - enjoy! :-)
    Sending love and hugs to you all xxx

  11. Morning ladies,

    A lull before the family descends upon me with the fresh veggies for tomorrow.
    A love Saturday's with all our mixed crafts to share. So pleased to see mine. It is actually for Alexia, sorry Sandra but I don't know a Tierney, and yes it is from a pattern. I copied it from one my friend had ordered online. It's so easy to make although the 100% cotton material I chose was more of a linen type and tended to fray. My overlocker came in very handy to solve that problem as the seam allowance was only a quarter of an inch. I decided to use half inch seams so the bag is a bit smaller than normal size. If anybody would like a copy of the pattern, you only need to ask.
    The lace was from some I purchased earlier this year from scrimpingmommy.

    Well, peace has ended, enjoy the rest of your day whatever you are doing.
    Merry Christmas one and all.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Sorry forgot the bag size, it is 47cms x31cms xxx

    2. I hope you and your family have a very Happy Christmas.

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Late again but think I am up together at long last I don't know where time goes.
    Sandra thank you for showing us the lovely crafts, we certainly have some very talented ladies, well done to you
    Sandra thank you for all the time you put into the blog where would we be without you, minus some lovely friends, so a very thank you to you.xxxx
    I hope you all have a lovely Christmas Day with your respective families, sending lots of love & hugs Margaret xxx

