
Friday 23 December 2016

Janet's Christmas cards

Good Morning Ladies,
Here we are ladies two days before Christmas, are you all prepared?  Needless say we aren't, we have to go food shopping today and I still need to find Paul a decent pair of slippers to finish his Christmas list.
Sophie and Lucy have been the hardest to buy for this year as they just didn't ask for anything other than a few clothes and some games.
The part I'm looking forward to the most is having all of my children here together, plus their other halves of course, I do love a full house.
Are you all cooking Christmas lunch or going to family to have it, we decided when the children were tiny, after trying to fit into other people's Christmas routines, that we would always have Christmas day at home, anyone is welcome to join us, the more the merrier, there is always a spare place at our table, it does get pretty rowdy after lunch when the games start though!

Now how cute are these, the last of Janet's Christmas cards for this year, I absolutely love the almost Vintage image Santa and Snowman cards, they remind me of the Christmas cards of Childhood, the Advent Calendars used to have pictures like this too, we were always so excited to take turns to open the door to see what image lay behind, they were always images that reminded you of the true meaning of Christmas.
The other two cards are equally as cute, the Snowman Santas with the Train and Santa and Rudolph outside number 24, the biggest and most exciting day on the Advent Calendar to open, more often than not I remember it was the Image of Jesus in the Manger!
Janet thank you for sharing your lovely cards with us and for inspiring my trip down Memory Lane xxx

Have a lovely Christmas eve eve ladies, don't be rushing around too much!
Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies're back with a bang. Stunning cards-I love them all but especially the train card.

    Yesterday wasn't too crazy busy at work but when I finally got to was bedlam! I paid for 30 minutes in the car park -dashed in, found everything on my short list and quickly made my way to the tills.

    Hubby is going to Tesco very soon for vegetables plus a few things we forgot-no doubt more chocolate is he's left in charge! He's working ftom home today and it will probably be very quiet.


    1. Hi Michele
      Chocolate will probably be on my list as well. Petes a real Ba Humbug so we agree to disagree when shopping. Or not agree as the case may be. I'm glad your not to busy at work.

    2. Hi Michele thank you for my lovely card. Hope you can relax

  2. Good Morning All, very dark here and wet.
    Thought I'd get in early today, as we are off to town early.
    Janet your cards are delightful, love the train one.
    Managed to wrap most of the presents last night, not sure I like some of the things I've bought !!!! Always have last minute doubts that I've not got things that the family will all love, still too late now as we are leaving in good time tomorrow and are taking my freshly baked pasties with us for lunch.

    Well try and have a good day everyone, hugs Lilian

    1. Freshly baked pasties for lunch. Yummy. I haven't started wrapping yet. Keep mentioning that it needs doing to Oete as he's a better wrapper that me. Not to sure how long I'll have to wait till I start doing it myself.

  3. Morning Everyone
    I cannot believe that we've got to Friday so quickly this week. I'm sure the time clocks have been on double quick time lol.

    I was surprised to see my cards which I made for the children this year. The Train and the Advent House are from 'Craft-u-Print' and I've had these designs from when I first started papercrafting. The House one is really an Advent Calendar but I've always used it as a card. The other two are from a CD called 'Christmas Presence' with the artwork of a lady called 'Peggy Abrams and again it's one I've had for years. All the artwork on this CD is beautiful.

    Well it's a day of housework and more housework for me. Sorry to use that nasty word but needs must. Nicky came and collected all the bags for their side of Rotherham and Christina is coming today to collect theirs so I'm hoping I've got everything done before she arrives. Jim is off to do some fresh veg shopping so I should be able to get on in peace and quiet lol.

    The lights are on in the CAFE and shining brightly inviting all to pop in. Hugs should be reaching you all by now so have a good day. xxxx

    1. Janet what lovely cards, I love the train one I know a little chap who would love that. Hope you are all

  4. Good Morning Sandra and everyone,

    JANET, what a fabulous display of cards you have made, you are certainly back on form (thank goodness) each card is absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for sharing them with us.

    Good luck with the shopping Sandra. We are abut to go and collect the turkey ready to take with us to Essex, we already have a Gammon joint. It's our tradition wherever we spend Christmas we take the meats with us (plus a few other bits that takes my fancy) I still have a few presents to wrap. Then I can clear all the mess from all the gift wrapping.

    Take care everyone, don't work to hard.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  5. Good morning Sandra & everyone
    Sorry didn't get in yesterday internet went down Brenda your card yesterday with the angry birds is brilliant I have them & dies not used them yet
    Ciara' Caria's card was also lovely. Janet I love all your cards for the children they will all love them. Just waiting for Terry we are going Tesco only for few bits as we are going to Lisa's tomorrow till Boxing Day so hopefully he will be ready soon. Then Margaret's coming round for lunch.
    Sue thank you for you lovely card it came yesterday I have so many lovely hand mad cards on show thank you all. T is just coming down now so we are off
    Love Lynda xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all.Just a quick dash in like everyone else still lots to do before the big day. Hasn't helped that I realised taking the turkey out of the freezer this morning that the freezer has gone off. All my lovely Häagen Dass ice cream a treat for Christmas and two Iceland gateaux all tnrown away. Everything else is in bags in Lynn's freezers in work. I've been ringing around everywhere trying to get someone out but impossible at this time of year.Its a large American fridge freezer and fortunately the fridge part seems ok. Anyway enough of my problems.

    Love all you cards Janet. All really cute.

    Have a good day everyone. Hope you can al have a rest this evening.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Crikey I hope you manage to get your freezer fixed soon. My favourite ice cream is Mint chocolate chip.

    2. Oh Val what a time for freezer to go on the blink, at least turkey is alright. Hope injections are

  7. Lovely cards JANET These really suit cards for children
    Last day at work today for the Christmas period Husband doing the last bit of shopping Home alone tonight so I am cutting out personalised labels - SW to the rescue for the already wrapped gifts Just the last little bit of cooking tomorrow

  8. Hi Sandra
    I hope you manage to get everything finished in time. We had a fantastic lunch on Wed a lovely roaring fire greeted us at the pub.
    Janet how gorgeous are your Christmas cards. Anne sent me a few of her Mr and Mrs Snowmen last year, I've coloured them in, and friends have told me how cute they were. Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and a Happy 2017.

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe'.
    Love the cards Janet, they are all such lovely characters and they make you smile and remember Christmas you used to have when you were young.
    Also the cards yesterday were great. First try on making the pop up card Brenda, a fab. work ! and the card Ciara made is lovely. Sorry to hear your friends husband passed, it hurts even if it was coming.
    Val- I really hope you managed to get hold of a repair man of some kind. All that nice ice cream gone in bin :-(
    Hope you all have your shopping done and wrapped all the presents by now.
    Lilian- have a good trip and hopefully the traffic will not be too bad and have a lovely time with family.
    Sandra- hope your journey wasn't to bad visiting your mum and sister, hope you had a nice day. We managed to get to Colchester Wednesday and had a nice time with step-son but going to Golder's Green yesterday was a bit tricky and going back to my sister-in-law after was terrible.Got home late and so tired so went to bed and slept pretty good for once. Started this morning prepping for our Christmas lunch tomorrow and tried making a Cabbage and Cheese pie, not sure if it look right and it took forever to cook in the oven so we will see if BIL can eat it at all. We are invited to my SIL daughter on Christmas day, there be 14 of us and they will cook a traditional English Christmas so therefore after our fishy etc. starter I will just make meatballs and mashed potatoes with trimmings otherwise I can see us being pretty tired of ham and turkey plus the dreaded Brussel Sprouts hihi Son and OH have gone out to get our dinner so they will soon be back. I wish you all a nice evening. Love and hugs to you all Maria Xoxxo
    ps, thank you all for the wonderful Christmas cards I received xx

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you have managed to finish your shopping. We always had Christmas at home until a few years ago, it doesn't seem like Christmas Day if you don't smell the turkey cooking. There is just Mark our son with us this year. Had a lovely visit this afternoon from Sue, Chris, Gem, RJ, Gemma & little Chris, he is a little darling chatters all the time. He will enjoy every minute this
    Hope everyone is recovering from their coughs & colds sending hugs to all love
